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Does Anybody still like Awakening more than Fates.

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Did you seriously talk shit about the game being too easy and too difficult in the same post?

I had to make sure I read it right, but it does certainly look that way. Bit of a weird contradiction if I do say so myself. I mean, I found Birthright fairly standard/low difficulty but it can still pull some fast ones on you, and Conquest while challenging, gives you more than enough to deal with its various challenges, but at the end of the day they both have a very important similar factor. They are a blast to play.

Honestly going off into my own thing here, personally I find Fates to be an improvement over Awakening (Well except Revelations, but then again I think I personally rank Revelations the weakest in all my time playing FE, and that's playing all of them mind you), but Awakening laid the groundwork for it, while being a very fun filled love letter to the franchise. Both games have tons of good stuff going for them.

So I can certainly see why people would like Awakening, just as I'd see why people would really adore Fates. I like em both enough, but tend to prefer other games (I'm a doofus who really likes Elibe, Tellius, and Jugdral a lot) although I'll still boot Awakening and Fates up certainly, they are really fun, but I love this franchise as a whole honestly, every little cog has something unique to bring to the table and thats part of why I like it so much.

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Again Lilith's death was meaningless and Susukaze's was no better, with Flora's being actually understandable but ultimately useless. And the Avatar was a dark flier so why the hell couldn't she have called her pegasus to save them both why the hell did Susukaze's death have to be scripted like that?

You do realize that Kaze's death was avoidable, right? It wasn't that difficult to get an A-rank with him. Hell, he has one of the fastest supports other than the royal siblings and retainers (hence why Kaze's considered the Avatar's retainer).

And to add insult to injury it added one of my most hated characters in all of the Fire Emblem games that I have ever played (FE13 and FE14)...the Tharja clone Rhajat. I know now that I didn't have to get her and that I don't have to actually marry her father off to anyone, but I foolishly did so and she was the result. Tharja I tolerated because she is Noire's mother and if I want Noire I have to have Tharja marry some poor bastard, Rhajat...no...just no I want to use classic mode just to be rid of her.

At least Rhajat didn't do awful experiments on her child, if she's married to male Corrin. Rhajat's actually better in terms of characteristics than Tharja.

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Because I paid for the top notch Fire Emblem Fates pre order I had Revelation before it was released as DLC. Now Revelation did fix some of my issues with Conquest (allowing me to train my units and actually getting certain supports like Kana and Xander as well as Siebert and a mother Avatar) but it added more issues. In the tune of the WORST boss I have ever encountered in Anakos who has to be the most meaningless bad guy I have seen that just won't quit. And that's in comparision to the pathetic thing that is Grima. I thought Grima was my least favourite boss. Nope move over Grima you're actually not that pathetic, Anakos is and that's not what I expected at all.

Sure pair ups are broken as fuck in Awakening but that's what made the game so much more fun for me to playthrough. I know when I went up against Grima (twice in one day...follwoing the exact same moves as I posted in my LP) and I got a surprise dual strike the first time, and the second time Chrom landed a critical dual strike that I did not honestly see coming and I expected my avatar to have to kill Grima all by herself with Waste hitting 4 times. And it was AMAZING! I couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear because it was so awesome and so unexpected.

Aren't you contradicting yourself here?

You complain about Anankos being too easy, and yet you love the fact that you can oneshot Grima?

And the Avatar was a dark flier so why the hell couldn't she have called her pegasus to save them both why the hell did Susukaze's death have to be scripted like that?

Because not everyone has their Avatar as Dark Flier?

And even them Kaze's death is avoidable.

I had nothing to do with my castle and practically auto battled the way through the entire game. That is the extent of how bad it is, even if I gave it chance.

If you never gave the game a chance, how can you judge it fairly?

You can't call a game bad if you nevet gave it a chance.

The PvP system has made getting skills onto certain children pointless as you can just buy them if you're able to beat the other team that has the skills that you want.

In Awakening you had to think about who married who to a much greater degree beacuse of what skill you wanted the children to have (Galeforce for the boys for example because they couldn't get it anywhere else except their mother) or what stats you wanted them to make the most of (like Lon'qu!Severa for speed, Ricken!Laurent for magic or Robin!All-child-units for class freedom and skills as well as stats).

Are you complaing that they made getting skills more simple?

That they made things more convenient?

Of course on the flip side pair ups in Awakening can be equally annoying. For example a unit that is allergic to archers gets killed because his/her partner doesn't dual guard even though they're S-Ranked, or the dual stike that misses four or five times in a row, or the unit that does no damage in the back who won't get the exp that they might need. Or the unit in the front is being trained and dies before they get meaningful EXP to pick up the skill that they need. It was for me the most worrying part of any playthrough. Would my units dual strike or dual guard or both? It was fun.

You complained about RGN screwing you, and yet praise the fact that Dual Guard can screw you?

Sorry, I'm not picking on you, but you keep contradicting yourself. I have to point these things out.

Edited by Water Mage
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Apologies for getting distracted and going off point. I'm not against liking PvP by any means and discussion about the reclass system for it.

I'm just very passionate against taking it more seriously than a "casual" standpoint from the people way back during Awakening's release simply wanting to show off their Pokémon Eugenics skills.

I was on mobile so it took a while editing typos.

I know I sounded like a PvP elitist with my tangent and I'm sorry about that. I can relate to what you say and I would personally agree with you. I wasn't too much into Pokémon PvP, if at all. In fact, the competitive shenanigans ultimately drove me away from the franchise entirely, or rather, the elitist fans did, next to Mega Evolutions and stupid, nonsense stories (Delta Episode), but I digress.

My point basically was that they made changes where they weren't exactly necessary (statues, EXP system etc.) and it felt like innovation for innovation's sake, a concept which I absolutely loathe. I wanted to express that, but I think I worded it wrong. Sorry, if I caused a misunderstanding.

Honestly going off into my own thing here, personally I find Fates to be an improvement over Awakening (Well except Revelations, but then again I think I personally rank Revelations the weakest in all my time playing FE, and that's playing all of them mind you), but Awakening laid the groundwork for it, while being a very fun filled love letter to the franchise. Both games have tons of good stuff going for them.

So I can certainly see why people would like Awakening, just as I'd see why people would really adore Fates. I like em both enough, but tend to prefer other games (I'm a doofus who really likes Elibe, Tellius, and Jugdral a lot) although I'll still boot Awakening and Fates up certainly, they are really fun, but I love this franchise as a whole honestly, every little cog has something unique to bring to the table and thats part of why I like it so much.

I also think Fates is fun to play and I can see why people would prefer Fates over Awakening. And I can really relate to what you say. I love Fates, I honestly do, which is why the small things wrong with it bug me more than they should (unlikable main characters (Azura, Takumi, Xander), stupid plot points and holes (especially on Revelations), overcomplicated grinding system etc.). Maybe I'm just too critical for my own good.

And why do you think you're a doofus for liking Elibe, Tellius and Jugdral?

I haven't played the Jugdral games, but from what I've heard, they're pretty good. Tellius (or rather, Path of Radiance) was my introduction to the franchise and I love both of these games to death to this very day. And I think the Elibe games are the strongest Fire Emblem titles story-wise.

Damn, why do I always sound so condescending when I'm trying to agree and add to other's points? Sorry if I came off that way. I really didn't mean to.

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Are you complaing that they made getting skills more simple?

That they made things more convenient?

I actually agree with the idea that the ability to buy skills is a bad thing. Not because it is too easy, but rather that it let any character use any skill. Now it doesn't matter what classes a character has, you can legitimately get practically any skill. It makes characters feel less unique and ruins the otherwise cool addition of the buddy and marriage seals. I like the idea of having to make decision on character builds based on S and A+ supports, to try different builds in different playthroughs due to them having access to different classes.

I still did just that, but the fact that I had the ability to screw all that and give everyone the same broken skills ruined it a bit. It made what I was doing feel more pointless.

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In the context of the no-grind session when they think about inheritance, probably wouldn't use online features anyway.

Let's face it, most people who want skills in Awakening grinded to all hell wanted all the possible skills. This streamlined it for the majority.

This argument is debatable at best, grasping for straws at worst.

The only people affected by this change at all are people who wanted to theorycraft and min max using all the resources of the game.

This time around you did it for the fun of it instead of posting on a forum to say "This is the most optimal setup, gaze in awe upon its glory."

Fates is more skill oriented in that you had to think about all of them together. What synergy. Instead of only thinking about Galeforce, Galeforce, and more Galeforce.

The fact that the best setup is more abiguous with so many threads here being started asking for "optimal" setups or partners is a testament to the system being better off in general and for newcomers who don't have to freakishly grind for 40 hours on the Genealogy map.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I also think Fates is fun to play [...] the small things wrong with it bug me more than they should [...] Maybe I'm just too critical for my own good.

I'd like to take this statement back. I just now got around to finishing Heirs of Fate IV's story (I did all of them once to get the skills without viewing the story itself) and it absolutely ruined it for me. More specifically, the last scene in the episode. I will put the rest in spoiler tags in case anyone didn't play it until now.

In said last episode, all the Hoshidan and Nohrian children finally found out that their battles up until now where orchestrated by Anankos himself. Shigure tells them that they are indeed from different worlds, the Nohrian children from the 'Conquest' world, the Hoshidan children from the 'Birthright' world. So far, so good. Cue the kids introducing themselves to each other and a big fight breaks out, because they discuss how Lobster Lord Ryoma, Xander the Wimpy, Elise and Taku-douche got murdered in their respective worlds. Cue the Royals screwing up priorities and intending to fight each other. That's were I lost it. The children were the only saving grace Hoshido's and Nohr's Royal families had up until that point and they went and butchered that, too.

I mean, there is a dimension-destroying dragon that may or may not have killed all their parents and must be killed in order for them to survive at all. Then, there's the possibilty that Siegbert himself killed Ryoma using Siegfried in some arbitrary world that might already be destroyed. Which of the two is more important? Clearly getting revenge on Siegbert for something he may or may not have done at all is WAY more important than... I don't know... SAVING THE ENTIRE F***IN' MULTIVERSE FROM AN INSANE DRAGON!!!

Way to go, dear writers. Way to make it seem like the only real power the Hoshidan and Nohrian Royals have is the power of Infinite Stupidity. I was already off the Forrest-train when he attacked Kana with FREAKIN' BRYNHILDR just to make him stop crying but this was the straw that broke the camel's back. If it was the intention of the storywriters to make the Royals of both kingdoms, both fathers and children, seem like total imbeciles, they succeeded.

Worse yet, the other children did NOTHING to stop them! In any good story, the others would have punched these four idiots (Shiro, Siegbert, Forrest and Kiragi) in the face for such a stupid decision, but no, the Great Royals in their total perfection ALWAYS do the right thing! There's no way they are wrong! And because they aren't, we have to follow their every order! Screw you, writing staff. Screw you.

This will hopefully conclude any further comment about Fire Emblem Fates I make on this forum.

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And why do you think you're a doofus for liking Elibe, Tellius and Jugdral?

I haven't played the Jugdral games, but from what I've heard, they're pretty good. Tellius (or rather, Path of Radiance) was my introduction to the franchise and I love both of these games to death to this very day. And I think the Elibe games are the strongest Fire Emblem titles story-wise.

Damn, why do I always sound so condescending when I'm trying to agree and add to other's points? Sorry if I came off that way. I really didn't mean to.

I just call myself a doofus by default is all, and I'm used to getting condescending comments for being a veteran of this series.

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Oh WOW you guys like to talk about this.

In my opinion, I find it hard to pick betweem them.

As a passive gamer, I don't really notice certain aspects such as map design and even sometimes plotholes, hell it took me 2 years to notice Lucina's like 12, but even then I really love both of these games.

Awakening: Awakening was amazing for me. I started the series on Shadow Dragon and not knowing about sites like these limited things. And though even then I played gba Fe games before Awakening, it provided that nice contrast in gameplay style from what I had been playing the whole time. I loved the freedom for you character, being able to essentially design him freely as you want- with almost no limits, and being able to almost put yourself in the game as you play- even now I have a hard time not making my character like me. Hell Awakening showed me how much I liked Tiki, who before I always replaced in Shadow Dragon for Nagi. Now I have a hard time trying to complete my self challenge of getting all supports for the avatar because of me always wanting to marry Tiki.

My only problems with awakening have to do with story more than gameplay. Don't get me wrong, I actually love the story. But I don't like how belittled all the children characters are. For as important as Lucina is, none of the other characters have any real story relevance. The only other problem is with Fates out, I find it harder and harder to go back to awakening- but thats probably becuase I'm limited to pkaying it on a 2ds, while fates gets the Special Designed new 3ds.

Now Fates:

I love fates a lot. It's story is really interesting, it's concept is really interesting, so most of my problems come from gameplay (ironically for me). While I know everyone is all big on playing the hardest difficulty possible, I find it rather annoying to ay even hard mode (this part kinda goes for awakening to, but not so much). The reason is, since I'm a passive gammer, most of my enjoyment is coming from the story. While I know half the point is retying retrying until you get it right, I personally just start to- honestly- get bored of it. With no really progression to show for what I've done, I end up quitting Hard mode and up playthroughs simply because it took all the fun away from me. This is mainly a problem in Fates because of Conquest. Conquest pulls out this feeling more. I mean, I beat many older games no problems- but I find myself needing a crutch so often on this one because of difficult, and consequently boring, it gets. Revelations is worse because all the grinding you have to do. Even on Normal mode all units you get are sooo weak you have to grind endlessly to get them built up to a competent level.

Now that last comment is also a benefit. Because of this, I often get to build up all the supports I want since I'm grinding anyways.

And for all the people who find Anankos empty? He's no different from many bosses in the past. Medeus in the end of 13 was just as insane if not worse, and more of them didn't have to do as much planning as Anankos did. He was plotting to have the two kingdoms tear at eachother, and first got rid of the (supposed) only 3 remaining people who knew of his kingdom. Anankos is by far the most thought out villain. And for Corrin? You guys really have a problem with the main character being customizable? Never play any mmo game or various rpg games. Cause the main character is more than likely customizable (I know many of you weren't smhating on this, but it still needed to be addressed)

So ultimately, it's hard for me to decide which I like more. Especially considering dispite all the gameplay flaws, I end up playing Fates more than Awakening.

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If you're going to talk shit about the difficulty in one route for not having grinding and being mind-numbingly hard....

And too easy in the other simply because you grinded...

You could, you know... not grind.

Like how the maps were designed in mind?

Did you seriously talk shit about the game being too easy and too difficult in the same post?

You clearly have no concept of difficulty scaling and you blame it all on the game.

Here's the thing though I didn't grind at all in Birthright or use the DLC and I still found it too easy, so easy in fact that auto battle worked through just about the entire game. Of course I did some picking and choosing here and there with some strategy but not as much as I did on Conquest (the game that I wouldn't dare use auto battle on). Now that could be because I was all burnt out playing Awakening for nearly 280+ hours but I doubt that was the case because those hours were drastically spaced out (mostly on waiting to get to appoinments rather than sitting down and "actively" playing those hours).

Maybe I don't have a concept of difficulty scaling but I am stating entirely personal feelings on all of this so do actually keep that in mind please. Also I wasn't actually judging Birthright until I played it and I didn't like it after playing it. Also Birthright was not used to fully judge Fates over all. I wasn't "shit talking" Fates at all dear, I was airing out the issues I had with the games I had played.

Aren't you contradicting yourself here?

You complain about Anankos being too easy, and yet you love the fact that you can oneshot Grima?

Because not everyone has their Avatar as Dark Flier?

And even them Kaze's death is avoidable.

If you never gave the game a chance, how can you judge it fairly?

You can't call a game bad if you nevet gave it a chance.

Are you complaing that they made getting skills more simple?

That they made things more convenient?

You complained about RGN screwing you, and yet praise the fact that Dual Guard can screw you?

Sorry, I'm not picking on you, but you keep contradicting yourself. I have to point these things out.

Of course not everyone has their avatar as a dark flier I know. I just felt that the avatar's class should be taken into account for that part of the game if they were a flying unit in general. But given that I didn't actually allow anyone to support with my avatar I am to blame a little for what happened, but then that is what happens when you go into a game completely blind and un-spoiled about what happens in said game. In fact I didn't let my avatar get so much as a C rank with anyone in Birthright because I wanted to make it harder on myself a bit more (to the point where my avatar was stat capped as a dark flier by the end of the game because the enemies kept going for her). I cut out all My Castle (from Birthright) use save for buying staves and weapons. I basically had my avatar be a lone wolf the entire game save for the end game where I had Felicia give her a magic boost so she could take out Garron, but that's it.

Also I wasn't complaining about Anankos (I hope I spelled it right this time) being too easy, if you read that you are sorely mistaken because I have complained about him before and if you saw what I said earlier I am actually annoyed at how the bastard wouldn't just die already when you beat him the first time (and even then I had to use phoenix mode just to beat him otherwise I'd have gotten a game over more times than I could count because characters would keep missing their attacks and get hit hard despite the grinding I did). It was the same reason that I hated Grima for at first because it just couldn't accept that it lost. Although Grima is no where near as hard as Anankos to actually beat.

I will repeat what I said earlier, I saved all judgements on Birthright until I played it and I still didn't like it.

On the subject of Tharja I believe I said I "tolerated her". I meant it. I hate what she does to Noire with a passion. That's a major part of the reason why I hate Tharja so much. That and she's a damn stalker that stalks your Awakening avatar to no end. That is what I hate more than what she does to Noire and the fact that Rhajat does bascially the same thing is a stike out for me :(: I hate stalkers most of all. The experiments on Noire was the final straw for me when it came to Tharja. Like I said before if I want Noire I have to marry Tharja to some poor bastard.

I wasn't praising that dual guard can screw you. In fact I said that when dual guard screwed you over it was the worst part of Awakening. Sorry my bad for not clarifying the point ^^'. The fun for me is when the dual guard/dual strike happens because I treat it like a not going to happen at all.

Edited by TheSilentChloey
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Awakening was my first FE game, so I've got more than a couple nostalgic reasons to want to stay loyal FE13, but like everyone's said, the gameplay just seemed to be lacking. Conquest definitely was superior there, but everything else was a solid meh. I personally liked the characters and music better in awakening too, and the fact that the children had an (although slightly clumsy) excuse to be there.

Plus you actually get something out of countless hours of prep in the form of Apotheosis, and lunatic+ wasn't bad either.

Okay I now realize I made zero new points, sorry

Edited by Niremei
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Here's the thing though I didn't grind at all in Birthright or use the DLC and I still found it too easy, so easy in fact that auto battle worked through just about the entire game.

I'm going to call BS on this claim and evaluation because of one thing: You said you used hard mode.

Auto battle would not have gotten you anywhere without going on casual and literally go suicide mode as you claim was the only way you could beat Conquest via Phoenix Mode on the silver weapon berserkers and generals if you really didn't grind.

Your evaluation would be as ridiculous as faulting the game if you grinded.

Awakening can be Casual Auto-battled too. Where's your criticism for that?

Look, there is no logic in you saying it's "mind-numbingly easy" when you're playing on... you know a mode to make it easier on you. Play Hard Classic if your going to mock how easy Birthright is, otherwise you have no credibility.

You really have a condescending tone with this game for pretty petty reasons.

I am stating entirely personal feelings on all of this so do actually keep that in mind please.

And this is a forum.

We're not here to coddle your opinions.

When you post them here, you're exposing yourself to criticism of contradictory statements.

If you want to post your opinions about judging Fates as bad without people nitpicking at the reasons for your personal opinions, make a blog.

And before you say "accept other people's opinions".

We do.

Fates is crap in certain aspects.

We accept that... when you're not trying to bash a game for ridiculous reasons.

I'm a very opinionated person when it comes to FE things, but if you have a reasonable cause to dislike something, I concede. A lot. In this forum.

You really need to separate what is the game's actual design flaw and things that are your own fault. Saying "I don't like Birthright because it's too easy on Hard/Casual" in the same post as "I had to use Phoenix Mode" makes you look like nothing will ever satisfy you.

"I don't like Birthright" is different from "I don't like birthright because it was too easy on a mode that makes it easy."

Judgments in regards to difficulty on that front form no logical progression.

Of course not everyone has their avatar as a dark flier I know. I just felt that the avatar's class should be taken into account for that part of the game if they were a flying unit in general.

This is starting to sound like something from http://clientsfromhell.net/

"To hell with implementation and feasibility, just make it happen!"

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I'm not so proud that I've done normal/classic auto battle only with me pairing units on turn 1. I've also done normal/casual auto battle only without touching units.

Excluding chapter 3, where Chrom isn't smart enough to talk to Kellam but decides to hug next to him, they could make it to end game (although neither team could beat it).

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I used Auto Battle in Awakening once. It cost me my Avatar at the time and I just decided: "Right. I'm not letting the game decide on its own again."

I used Auto-Battle once to see how many units would die. I had 3. I then decided to see how many units I could kill in one turn with a setup for Auto-Battle. My record was 5. It was kind of fun.

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I don't know whether I'm just weird or not, but I have more fun playing Awakening and Birthright than I do Conquest. It's just more... enjoyable.

That said, I've been having more fun with FE3 and 9 than I have been with Fates or Awakening, but that's because they're my favorite and a new experience respectively.

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To be honest... I like Awakening more than Fates. Awakening seems more down to Earth and on focus compared to Fates, and the relationships feel more natural in Awakening as well. Also, while I love Fates' character roster more (I only wish they included Zola in there), I also loved Awakening's roster and unlike Fates' roster, I probably wouldn't change it any other way.

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-Better HP caps.

-Can double with any weapon cheating the system with 50 luck Armsthrift upon which the weapons are nerfed to make up for the same thing in Fates.

-Un-nerfed items.

-More Avoiding/Accurate skills that are active in both phases.

-Galeforce for the w1n. Un-Nerfed!


-Lethality is harder to activate. Only Chrom, Lucina, Morgan, DLC Celica and King Marth can get the 10% activation skill upon which anyone from the second gen can get in the Fates game!

-Aether is alot more rare which only Chrom, Lucina, Ike and Morgan can get.


Oh, and more hacking done!

Edited by PuffPuff
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Here are my thoughts:

Story/Gameplay - Awakening I found does have the better story (though Fates would've been better if the producers didn't fall flat on their face while making the game), however, Fates triumphed in the gameplay. It fixed a majority of "problems" (as some may call it) Awakening's gameplay had (COUGH-galeforce-COUGH). Weapons never break (albeit staves), in turn either the units or the weapons themselves have been nerfed to not be OP (though their dumb forging system can change that).

Forging - Awakening wins, hands down. I preferred being able to choose where my foraging points go (even if fates did even it out). The other reason Awakening wins is because you don't have to buy multiples of the same weapon. In fates, you use 128 Iron swords (for example) to make ONE Iron Sword +7, how big is that +7 iron sword? (i know that there'd be scrap metal... but there shouldn't be THAT MUCH). I do like how the different gems are used for different weapons though, that was cool.

Music - Awakening. Why? It fit the theme of the entire game, and music was paired nicely with the scenes throughout the game (nothing really felt out of place). Fates had really good music too, don't get me wrong, but the horrible execution of the story (chapter 5) kind of already wrecked the atmosphere. Though what really stands out to me is that a majority of the music in Awakening can be considered "masterpieces" on their own, specifically the ID-(insert emotion here) pieces (lol this person like to fall asleep to it). In comparison, a lot of the Fates music felt like they needed the game to be good.

Characters(personality)/Character Design - This is entirely subjective. No more need be said.


-Can double with any weapon cheating the system with 50 luck Armsthrift upon which the weapons are nerfed to make up for the same thing in Fates.

Lol! That's what I did with Owain!











- Forged Killing Edge, 10mt, 100hit and 45crit

- Forged Missiletainn, 10mt, 90hit and 25crit

I was proud when I came up with it. Owain, you may flex that sword hand however you please XD

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Honestly I have been thinking about this alot and I think yes I do like awakening more than at least revelations and birthright. The map quality of birthright and awakening seems the same to me and revelations is honestly more boring. It really comes down to characters and although I like a few fates characters (most of which are conquest characters) I like most of awakenings characters. The biggest thing is the main characters though, I either dislike or am impartial to every royal except leon and takumi wheras in awakening I absolutely love robin as a character and I like the bond him and chrom have. Final note is the world the awakening world feels more like an actual world with actual nations that do actual things besides fight eachother.

Conquest is still probably my favourite though just because the maps are brutal and I do like most of the conquest characters.

Edited by Mackc2
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Giving it a think, I think I do slightly like Awakening more when it comes to the story and characters. However I can still say that Fates basically mops the floor with Awakening gameplay wise. It's kinda hard for me to go back to Awakening sometimes because of it. Heh...

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This is the thing with Fates: The characters are just really unique in this game. While i like more characters in Awakening, the ones in Fates i like, i really fucking like ya know?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Music - Awakening. Why? It fit the theme of the entire game, and music was paired nicely with the scenes throughout the game (nothing really felt out of place). Fates had really good music too, don't get me wrong, but the horrible execution of the story (chapter 5) kind of already wrecked the atmosphere. Though what really stands out to me is that a majority of the music in Awakening can be considered "masterpieces" on their own, specifically the ID-(insert emotion here) pieces (lol this person like to fall asleep to it). In comparison, a lot of the Fates music felt like they needed the game to be good.

Serenity and Sorrow are probably the most relaxing pieces to me. A tranquillity of which I struggle to fall asleep without.

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