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What do you want to see in Zelda U/NX?


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So far I'm loving what I see but I would like a small concern adressed.

The world seems pretty lively with enemy camps but I would like to see actual people and towns. The post apocalyptic vibe this game is going for and the title do make it possible that there won't be any towns.

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So far I'm loving what I see but I would like a small concern adressed.

The world seems pretty lively with enemy camps but I would like to see actual people and towns. The post apocalyptic vibe this game is going for and the title do make it possible that there won't be any towns.

Didn't they say they were only going to show the plateau? If so I can understand the lack of people.

Maybe there won't be any big towns, but rather some small villages here and there.

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Just finished E3 and maaaaaaaaaaaan!

The way this game is is so not was I was expecting, but that's a good thing... I think? Tons of exploration and things to do, which is awesome and this new Zelda: Breath of the Wild looks like it plays great! I'm not going to go into too much detail, as it seems people already here have, but here's my thoughts on the game:

The world is vast and has tons of things to do, the Sheikah Slate looks very cool, you can use multiple weapons, weather tunics (which I totally called!), and of course, WOLF LINK!!!! The art-style for this game is great as well!

But the game honestly doesn't feel like Zelda to me. It has too many aspects of Xenoblade and Monster Hunter, making it feel more like a tradition RPG to me than a "Zelda-themed" one. I'm not saying this is bad, but, well... Metroid Prime: Federation Force feels more like a Metroid title than Breath of the Wild feels like a Zelda one. I also don't get why Link is right-handed in this game. No need for that if we're using buttons, but whatever.

As for timeline placement, I personally think it could take place directly before the Great Flood in the Wind Waker. The world is too vast for it to be otherwise and the story for the Wind Waker states that Ganondorf cam back and Hyrule was in a state of decline, which it is seen here. However, the Koroks kinda throw off the idea...

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As for timeline placement, I personally think it could take place directly before the Great Flood in the Wind Waker. The world is too vast for it to be otherwise and the story for the Wind Waker states that Ganondorf cam back and Hyrule was in a state of decline, which it is seen here. However, the Koroks kinda throw off the idea...

Maybe the Koroks are just the form of the beings that the new Deku Tree spawns, while the Kokiri were the old tree's? Either that, or someone drained the ocean which isn't too odd because magic.

I personally think post Zelda II, though. Kingdom was pretty broken in that era, people lived in caves a lot...

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Maybe the Koroks are just the form of the beings that the new Deku Tree spawns, while the Kokiri were the old tree's? Either that, or someone drained the ocean which isn't too odd because magic.

I personally think post Zelda II, though. Kingdom was pretty broken in that era, people lived in caves a lot...

Post-Zelda II could work as well. The Koroks would throw that off, though. But perhaps we can just write those guys off as "Easter Eggs." They don't seem to do much, anyway.

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Post-Zelda II could work as well. The Koroks would throw that off, though. But perhaps we can just write those guys off as "Easter Eggs." They don't seem to do much, anyway.

Hm, maaaaaaaaaybe this is ST Hyrule... nah, that doesn't make sense with the Temple of Time. Scratch that line of thought.

Yeah, I'm just going to stick with end of the Decline line. Koroks might have evolved for some reason other than coming to the sea in that line.

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I stated that I hoped Ganondorf would return, and every reply to that that I saw was that they should move on from Ganondorf. Well, the Sheikah things in the shrines state something about granting Link the power he needs if he hopes to beat Ganon! Ganon's back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, after seeing the E3, I'm just hoping Link can be either left-handed or right-handed (since I prefer when Link's left-handed, but all the footage they showed had a right-handed Link).

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I stated that I hoped Ganondorf would return, and every reply to that that I saw was that they should move on from Ganondorf. Well, the Sheikah things in the shrines state something about granting Link the power he needs if he hopes to beat Ganon! Ganon's back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, after seeing the E3, I'm just hoping Link can be either left-handed or right-handed (since I prefer when Link's left-handed, but all the footage they showed had a right-handed Link).

Apparently, the righty Link was explained.

The explanation was really stupid, but...

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That is a stupid reason for Link to be right-handed.

Eh, there's more stupid things in the series, but it is really stupid.

The explanation basically amounts to "because he is in this game" really.

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Apparently, the righty Link was explained.

The explanation was really stupid, but...

...What? You ALWAYS activate attacks with your right hand, that's what side of the controller the buttons are on! Ever since the original Zelda, the button have been on the right but Link attacks with the left. The only reason why Link was right-handed in TP/SS was motion control.

However, I can see a different reason. In the original illustrations for the first game, Link was right-handed. He was made to be left-handed because that was the orientation of the B Button (Sword-button) in the game. Perhaps they could be trying to rectify this, seeing as this appears to be a reboot of the original?

Stupid reason, though...

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I love how the Master Sword is all cracked and dirty/rusted in the title.

I'm looking forward to wearing heavy armor and getting struck by lightning.

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I want a post-ALBW Decline Timeline story. But if we arent getting that, pre-Unified Hyrule story (like pre-OoT) would be hella cool. Theres no telling though. Or a pre-original LoZ Decline Timeline story.

Either way, this game looks neato and im gonna plan on probably getting it when it drops. Link running around in skivvs and doing cool shit is an awesome prospect. Plus huge overworld. Sock me dem dungeons!

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Screw shirtless Link, I'm going pantsless, just like the original!

Unrelated, but I'm a little surprised at the lack of Metroid info. Was kinda looking forward to that.

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Eh, you could fly around faster on the giant bird, hot-air balloon, magic carpet, flying train, etc. It'd make traversing the world easier and faster, but would probably be a near- to after-endgame thing.

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My. Goodness. There is so many things to gush over I dunno where to start.

This game seem to have everythings I like about ALBW (the freedom mostly), pushed it to the limits, and make it into 3D.

Love how they said, 'Yup, you can directly go to the final boss from the get go', reminds me of FF6 with everything it entails plot-wise.

RIP Master Sword, you'll be missed, unlike Fi. Good news is, there's a lot of new tools to have ! Heck, I don't miss the green tunic, I'm now used to this blue shirt.


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I rather miss the green outfit. It doesn't feel as much like Link anymore without it. Though that's probably because I've gotten so used to him wearing a green tunic...

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I think the green tunic's going to wind up being a plot point. Just another link to the past that Hyrule's current state of decline lacks, and Link restores over the course of the game.

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Maybe the green tunic will be like the Hylian Shield in Skyward Sword.

A special item with special effects.

Since Link's clothes have special effects in the game, maybe the green tunic will have the best effects of all clothes.

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I rather miss the green outfit. It doesn't feel as much like Link anymore without it. Though that's probably because I've gotten so used to him wearing a green tunic...

At first I was the same as you, but I thought about it and realized that not having the green outfit doesn't bother me that much, I always went on my way to have a different colored tunic, to the point where, if by the end of the game, I couldn't change it in any way, I was... not annoyed, but close enough.

In Ocarna of time, were I had the Zora tunic, Mirror Shield, and Biggoron sword equiped, even though only the Biggoron sword has an usefulness. (And what usefulness it was !)

Needless to say, I was more than happy that in the 3DS version boots were items and not a piece of equipment.

And this cloak and blue tunic... it kinda grown on me.

Plus this Zelda is open world, it means adventure ! Stuffs ! Big swords ! Armors !

Oh gosh, it would be so badass it you could have the Darknut stuff !

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