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QOTD ♚♛ 1522 - Movies you don't see the appeal of?


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31 minutes ago, Fleece said:

i couldnt get into kh but i like that one member in it because he has neat pink hair and a scythe

Marluxia, yes, he is also my favourite

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I'm not quite sure why I like him, but Luxord is my favorite.  I have always had a fascination of time manipulation and powers that involve time, so many that's it.  He does look pretty cool too and uses cards to fight which I always thought was awesome ('cause the Yu-Gi-Oh! fan in me enjoys that stuff).

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Oh yeah, that one time I tried 358/2 and didn't get into the series.

Axel gave some ice cream, he's neat.

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i have no idea what this question is referencing


apparently kingdom hearts?




dont know dont care

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2 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

All the music in this game, Organization XIII included, is awesome, but I'm afraid I've never actually played Kingdom Hearts...

Play it now 



My favorite is Demyx, because DANCE WATER DANCE. He's the funniest of them all, and his control over water isn't even that intimidating XD 

Honorable mentions: Xehanort for basically having light sabers coming out of his hands at the end of KHII. Xigbar for those epic gun things. Saix for having a pretty awesome sounding name. Xaldin for being an extremely annoying boss to fight lol

Got it memorized?



@MrSmokestack probably has something to say about this question

And @Motendra

Edited by Oboro!
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16 minutes ago, unique said:

kingdom hearts is boring

No u


Ugh I hate him

Best Org. XIII is Axel because "BURN, BABY!" has endless meme potential, that and the 13th Struggle is one of the better tracks the game has to offer

Xemnas is edgy darth vader

Xigbar is a COD kid who died with his controller still clutched in his cold dead hands

Vexen is the guy who's one bad experiment away from being a mad scientist


Rex what are you waiting for


play it nao

I'd steer clear of BBS if you want to get into KH though because it's super spoilery and assumes you've played the first two. The combat is also pretty mediocre when you play on Crit. There's a lot of other issues but this post would become a wall of text if I listed them all

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6 minutes ago, NinjaMonkey said:

I've never played it so...

Also, I hate loaded questions.


Well, you could always try it...

Me too, don't you impose your opinion on me playa!

Edited by James Bond
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12 hours ago, Oboro! said:

Play it now 



My favorite is Demyx, because DANCE WATER DANCE. He's the funniest of them all, and his control over water isn't even that intimidating XD 

Honorable mentions: Xehanort for basically having light sabers coming out of his hands at the end of KHII. Xigbar for those epic gun things. Saix for having a pretty awesome sounding name. Xaldin for being an extremely annoying boss to fight lol

Got it memorized?



@MrSmokestack probably has something to say about this question

And @Motendra

RIght you are

In terms of pure intimidation, its a tie between both Xemnas & Marluxia. As a boss, Xaldin (tho its less for the fight itself, and more of what can occur during it). Otherwise, Xigbar.

Axel? As if! (no disrepect to him of course. The fact he uses Chakrams as a weapon issa no for me)

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8 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

I've never played it so...



6 minutes ago, Motendra said:

RIght you are

In terms of pure intimidation, its a tie between both Xemnas & Marluxia. As a boss, Xaldin (tho its less for the fight itself, and more of what can occur during it). Otherwise, Xigbar.

Axel? As if! (no disrepect to him of course. The fact he uses Chakrams as a weapon issa no for me)

I feel like I'm the only one who likes Demyx

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1 minute ago, Oboro! said:



I feel like I'm the only one who likes Demyx

I mean, I don't HATE Demyx. Much of this is probably due to his boss battle being annoying to go through, even if he, himself, is a nice contrast to the rest of the group

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i dont eat the bread a gyro goes on but hypothetically everything? its like tomato, onion, and tzatziki sauce normally right?

but i guess its usually donair sauce where i live


even then: the answer is "no"

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