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The Anarchist of Music Thread: Still hungers for new submissions!

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"So is classical music (or romantic, to be pedantic) allowed? If so, here's one of my favourite choral pieces, by Liechtenstein composer Rheinberger. If nothing else, it will at least add some diversity to the playlist. ;)"

Variety is the spice of life, ping.
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Really Doe: didn't like the chorus much but some of the guest verses were really good

Cortex: the percussion was great and everything else was groovy, man

Abendlied: very pleasant; I need to listen to more choral stuff

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while we're fucked either way, i'd prefer the meme over the warmonger.

Sleeper Hold: usually when a band features both male and female vocals in their music, it annoys me because the male vocals are usually more prominent than the female vocals, which triggers me because i, more likely than not, prefer the female voice. rant aside, i really liked their pairing and it compliments each other well, so this one gets a pass for me. as for origins vs. current, i usually fall on the side of the alt-rock style most of the time, but that's just me. keep up that good shit.

Eyes: goddammit. cool synth aesthetic.

Huit Octobre: fuck this shit's right up my alley. i'm guessing i should check out more.

Abendlied: choral shit, as you probably already know, is something i'm very fond of. just not usually by itself. still, i dig this because i love ethereal vibes, plus music that sounds like this is very calming, which is something a lot of people could do with having.

i don't exactly remember where i discovered danny brown (probably that busdriver song in the previous thread thx fuccboi). regardless, i have only fully listened to this record, but please check it out, it's pretty whack. also, as much as i love this song, ab-soul's verse feels kind of weird during the latter half (probably intentional, i bet).

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clio - the word snazzy came to mind. or maybe jazzy. either way it had a funky beat, which was nice

really doe - mmm the first guy's voice kinda grated me, but then it got better. the background music was nice

huit octubre - i thought of deer, and i like deer, which means i like this song. it was good

abendlied - actually v pleasant, i was surprised by how much i liked this, thumbs up emoji

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where is ja

It's just you and smee now

"surfing through youtube" is honestly the best way to experience italo-disco. this song is so, so good, thanks for finding it just for me


go listen to the handsomely aforeposted XXX, it's by far my favourite thing danny's done. this new one is quality mood-food, dunno what to say about it or this song beyond that... hmmm... earl should go outside more?


yo fucc don't wanna spoil your song for you but the whole thing is mad good. definitely gonna check out the whole album at some point and get my french jazz-funk knowledge up i been slippin


no idea how to talk about choral music (even tho i was in a choir lmao what kind of clerical error was responsible for that) but i genuinely felt this/ascended to a higher spiritual plane and all that

Knight Falchion

used to have this song as my alarm no lie. love these goofy-ass cavemen. (memory's shaky but leviathan was probably the first album i got with my own money. loved the album cover and bought it sound unheard, didn't even like metal yet)

oh shit i liked 5 songs in a row dunno if that's happened before #positivland #fdt

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Cortex is the entry that I liked the best out of those since my last comment. Just puts a smile on my face.

Everybody knows is once again not available in my country. :/ And I was so happy that the whole GEMA issue was resolved for now! Oh well, I know that song anyway, so I can say that I really like Cohen's basso. Way to few of those in pop music, if you ask me.

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Dijon Mustard has "never played the cello, so i'm no expert, but i suspect arthur russell played the cello better than i ever have" and is probably right about that.

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50 Disinnocent: "it's that band who did the soundtrack for no man's sky (rip in rest my dude u had so much potential), expect this band isn't a failure. but yeah, these guys like to mix electronic danceable shit along with post rock tendencies and stuff. also, while the cover may look like this is from the soundtrack for some movie, i don't think it is so stop thinking that. "

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Shadowess: 'i wish this one got a music video because she can dance amazingly, but it didn't so here's the audio'

Edited by Parrhesia
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Ping: "This song because the Pixies are an amazing band and Where is my Mind isn't the only piece they created. This particular live recording because it is approximately 2.1379x more awesome than the studio version."

Also we're down to a buffer of One again.

Edited by Parrhesia
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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Balcerzak, November 22, 2016 - No reason given
Hidden by Balcerzak, November 22, 2016 - No reason given

Read the OP, dude. Submit music to the thread via the Google doc form. Besides, there's already a thread for sharing VGM in General Gaming.

Edited by Knight Falchion
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hello everyone, it's me again, disinnocence, your resident music lover, and i'm here to share my thoughts on all of your lovely songs.

The Wolf Is Loose: i remember blood and thunder being (one of) my favorite songs off of nfs most wanted back in the day. still, i dig these guys still but i haven't checked out a full album by them yet. don't worry i'll promise to do it and then put it off for another few months.

Everybody Knows: while i won't pretend i've really ever listened to him, i appreciate what he's accomplished. anyway, as it should be fairly obvious, the vocal performance is fantastic, but i don't really think the instrumental was too great. good song, but i imagine he has better.

Wild Combination: "very pretty song, and i like the atmosphere, but it's kind of boring; to me at least," says the person who listens to arguably more boring music. it's alright, my dudes. i did dig the end of the song though.

Brave Enough: i've never really been a fan of her works, but i suppose this one was alright. as an appreciator of string inclusion in music, i liked the build up section with... well, the strings in it. yet again, i just don't vibe with the instrumentals sections in this type of music.

Gouge Away: considering the pixies influence a large amount of the bands i listen to, i've always dug their stuff based on that fact. not to devalue the actual music itself to just an influence for bands to later use, it's just that they do influence a fair few bands. good live performance too.

Color Of Blood: i wonder if she wore fake vampire teeth during this song to get that sort of... lisp on this one? anyway, this album is fucking sick, and while my personal favorite would have to be maw, there's not really a bad song off of abyss. the slightly oppressive atmosphere on this song is pretty cool, and it's builds pretty nicely. quality song.

check out the rest of we were exploding anyway if you liked the song. you can dance to it, you can think about things to it, and it's got a guest feature by robert smith, if that tickles your fancy. early albums are a bit more math/post-rock flavored, and later ones delve into a similar style to this. take your pick. i don't remember all of them, but i imagine they all have something special to them. their music for no man's sky was pretty good too, so don't let the reputation of the game stop you from listening to that either. the game wasn't that bad.

Edited by Disinnocence
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shoulda turned left at albuquerque

the mainstream guy of the thread

only familiar with 2 cohen albums, but from what i've heard he could make any lyric sound cool. it's cool that he's mainstream

Dijon Mustard

ppl's opinions of arthur russell tend to be either "pleasant but boring" or "THE GENIUS OF THE 1980'S." his world of echo is a fantastic album (kanye sampled it on "30 hours" and was accused of critic-baiting lmao) but the patented YouTube Surf method is the best intro

50 Disinnocent

what up gangsta to your point if mbv can make shoegaze danceable why not dance to post-rock too (isn't that m83's whole thing these days?). this song sounds like when you google "similar artists to [fav band]" and you listen and it's like hmm, interesting


damn wasn't expecting violin all of a sudden *googles lindsey stirling* ah

well i support 2 straight songs going full everything-is-danceable


this is a quality fucki*g band. to my ears there just isn't much rock on a sound level that can top surfer rosa hail albini ig

Knight Falchion

this is so moody i was waiting for Future to start rapping about actavis

argentina, where it is getting very hot

northern hemisphere, where i am wrapped in a basketball-themed imitation snuggie: psa mirrored is one of the best rock albums from that whole decade psa2 matias aguayo is alright. couldn't follow what was going on in this song but it made me happy?

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