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The Anarchist of Music Thread: Still hungers for new submissions!

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i suck, why did i link the mv instead of the actual lyrics

anyways catching up

fuccboi - it's rlly good, the vocals are eyes emoji

parrhesia - not my speed but it's so peppy

dijon mustard - i like it! it's v upbeat and i think i hear percussion, which sounds nice (but i'm shit tired so idk for sure)

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congrats to disinnocence for breaking my record with 10 (ten) comments in one post, i could not want to end my life more

look on the bright side. now you don't hold the record for being the most late.

Miss Chatlaine: not 100% sure what the genre's called, but a very nice song with some decent strings thrown in. i dig it.

Blue Fear: reminds me quite a bit of one of the songs from four tet's 'pink' but i don't remember which one. i'll vibe with it though. it's pretty good.

muse'ic (?): very good. i liked the eclectic instrumentation. the vocals were some pretty cool stuff too.

Irish Rover: cool song, but it really wasn't my favorite tbh. i'd say it's decent.

Don't Change For Me: oh hell yeah that percussion was fantastic, but some of the vocals in this kinda ruined my vibe. i'll still enjoy it anyway.

Q&A: the tragic waste of popcorn triggered me. it was a decent song, but i wouldn't say it stood out from any of the other k-pop i've listened to.

Papi: i appreciate this song.

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Don't Change For Me: I found I could focus really well with this on so it gets points for helping me finish my lab report

Q&A: I like her voice; overall it's nothing outstanding but it's still enjoyable

Papi(the 2nd): I liked it more when less was going on

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I think the song is hella rad, but yea, seizure warning.

Anyway, the first time I heard this song (and saw the clip) was when I was playing some stepmania. Imagine having that clip on screen and A) keeping a straight face B) reading the arrows.

It didn't go well.

Also, I posted this because that kpop shit needs to move over for the original bad boy Papi.

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back to your regularly scheduled disinnocence

'yeah i kinda forgot gybe had this song and i figured that this was an acceptable length so i'm doing it. you can't stop me. ... well, yes you can but still i'm still submitting it. '

We didn't stop you. You are unstoppable

Edited by Parrhesia
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... and esme's latest song is on it! "It's those tiny little sparks in daily life that make us forget our sulky hearts," he says, and, hell, why not? I love this song.

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this is correct; Ambling Falchion's comment being 'A friend shared this album with me back in 2012 and while the rest of the album isn't much to speak of(and admittedly this might not be either) this track in particular has stuck with me. I'm 99% sure it's the piano. '


actually esme

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bad enough that i showed up late / i had to leave before they even cut the cake / etc.


lotta cute muffins here [waggles fingers] don't mind if i do [helps self to entire pan]

the first 39 seconds had me blissed out on that dirty pop, felt like they tried to work too many ideas into the song and i gradually became blissed-less. this has gotta be a problem with particularly large k-pop groups: the fans demand their fav cute muffin get prominent vocals in every track, every cute muffin is someone's fav, melodic chaos ensues (so that fan chaos does not). but "too many ideas" isn't so bad, really. it's a good side to err on. i had fun watching this. bonus observation: holy shit that like-to-dislike ratio is like 250-to-1, they really know how to serve the base


this feels like a spoof of "junktronica," an unspoofable thing. or they're just trying to get me horned up on naughty 8-bits


GY!BE or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Crescendo. it's great that they try so damned hard, always.

bonus observation: the yt user who posted this has a songs about fucking avi, so they get a free, sultry kiss from me, dijon mustard

actually ambling flachion

never heard of this group. the part that stuck with me is the [throws dart at adjective dartboard] skronky electronic sounds

actually esme

i remember this group. they did an ep with robyn! i love robyn! (editor's note: everyone loves robyn) it's likely i meant to listen to this album and totally forgot having meant to. the song reminds me of something... goldfrapp? more songs should remind me of goldfrapp

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unnecessary personal anecdote time, buckos. so my dad has this cd in his truck. as some sort of cosmic joke, the eject button on the cd player stopped working. months pass. after i had come to know all the choruses forever, the cd player broke completely, sealing the cursed cd's power within. (a tragic villain will unseal it in the sequel. the progeny will have to deal.)

me (irl): dad, why did you buy this album anyway
dad (irl): they said on the rock station that she sings all her songs naked. i dunno, i thought that was pretty hot
me: what the heck she definitely doesn't do that, there's no way they said she... can you not hear right
dad: i dunno, i still think that's pretty hot *laughs*
me (finally prepared to cry to "my immortal"): ...
dad: maybe she doesn't. i dunno, i still think she has a nice singin' voice

^he actually said these things. bonding moment tbh

oh, right, my thoughts: ehhvanescence

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