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The Golden Age. Act 1: Discoveries.


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Kaya crossed her arms and called out to the woman, "And here I thought you wanted to know about my tattoos. You can't keep running you know. Eventually people like her are going to catch you. Why not stick with a group that actually wants you here? So really, don't do something stupid. Now come on. I've got a lot to tell the group." She stretched, tattoos gleaming in the sun as she waited for Telmara to respond.

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Telmara froze, her curiosity biting at her. She did want to know. That was such an underhanded way to get her to stick around, but... But Kaya was right. She wanted to know what that magic had been. She wanted to be around people that were going to tolerate her existence, not try to kill her, know that she could sleep soundly. She paused, glancing back at Kaya-- Ugh, stretching now...? That... Made it difficult to say no, shaking her head and finally getting a good look at the-- "Dragons..." That made some more sense then... Why Kaya had been talking about them, before.

"You know that... You know that your new group here is going to get into more trouble just for having me around, right? This... Th-This stupid tail isn't something I can just hide, like ears, or claws. Are you really... Okay with that?" Of course she wouldn't be okay, she probably has some ulterior motive, some reason to want to keep you around, but you're so stupid that you can't just say no to the promising invitation. Gotta have friends gotta have people that care about you... Even if the world doesn't.

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They were finished. Aaron himself had led the final charge, felling the enemy mage with a single blow, and the others had followed him in. He was pleased to learn that despite the fact that they'd only known each other for a short time, they were able to coordinate with each other fairly well.

When Jovianna started to panic about the river's arrival, he shook his head and spoke up. "There's nothing to fear." He wiped the Lionheart clean on some nearby grass as he continued. "If assailants come after us, they'll meet the same fate." He nodded towards the fallen bodies of Hayley's team, unshaken by the mage's warnings. Everything was falling into place - he was confident, and there was no use worrying anyway.

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Kaya's face lit up into a smile as Telmara started talking as if she was going to stay. The concerns she presented were probably valid but that was hardly important. What mastered was she seemed willing to stay. "Well it seems likely that we would run into people that wanted to fight us regardless of you being there or not. And given your demonstrated fighting ability, I hardly see how having you around would be more of a problem. Besides, it's not like you're the only one with secrets that might come to haunt us."

She glanced down at the shimmering tattoos on her arms with a small frown. Her secrets were the first thing that came to mind there. The second... She glanced over at Jovi and shook her head. "Though there is one thing I need to set straight for you right now. You're part of my group too for as long as you want it. It's our group. I may be the leader but that doesn't make it any less any of your group. Ok? Come on, lets head back to the others. We've all got some sharing to do I suspect." She held her hand out to Telmy with a smile.

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"Sweet talker..." she said with a scoff. Kaya knew how to make it sound all fine. She was probably trying to overdo it to make sure that Telmara stayed, and it didn't hurt to hear. Not the only one with secrets, huh? You're not trying to hide it at all with those glances Kaya. Don't think I trust any of you except Naylen just because you're being nice. It's been a day. Still...

Her longing for acceptance made her follow over to Kaya, nearly taking her hand before swatting it away with a blush. "I-I'm twenty one..." no matter what that Regus said, "You don't have to hold my hand. I, I'll go back. Let's go talk to them. Someone's... I'm sure you noticed the, uh... Terrain." she paused next to Kaya.

"It's the greatforger... Judging from your tattoos, miss secrets," she paused with a small scoff, "you already know that. I didn't catch who, though. Wouldn't be awful to share, if you did." shivering slightly as a breeze swept past her, Telmara slid back towards the group, unintentionally scowling the whole way.

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Kaya did her best to cover her smirk with a her hand, faking a cough as she did. Looked like the demihuman woman wasn't used to people being nice to get which could be interesting for sure. Her expression quickly turned sober as the Greatforger was mentioned and she looked down at her feet. "Mmm so you have more knowledge than it seemed at first."

Looking back up at Telmara, Kaya nodded. "Indeed, I did recognize that as the work of the Greatforger. It was not my work though. My skills are... Well I would say less subtle but that's not quite the case. Less grandiose perhaps. If I was aware of who did it though, it would not be my secret to tell." She trusted Telmara, but Jovi had a right to secrecy if she didn't want to share about her Gift.

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It had been an odd dance at the end, a repeated back and forth between themselves and the remainder of Haley's entourage, the last of them growing wise to the fate of their comrades, both sides advancing and retreating slowly, in an ebb and flow much like the river that had been summoned, seemingly from nowhere. With the battle concluded, it seems many things were to come to light, Telmara appearing to attempt to leave the scene entirely before being called back by Kaya, the both of them coming back to where most of the others had gathered... well, gathered was perhaps not the best word, where they stand after the conflict had ended, most having not yet moved overly far.

On top of all that, it seemed that Mikhaila's grandfather was a special man for more than his dedication and work ethic, his spiritual talismans had caught the attention of the mages within the group. This was a good thing, though. Those who had put trust in her grandfather put trust in her own work, after they had seen that she, unlike her father, had not become an ungrateful slob. She simply need show throughout more of the world the legitimacy of the Abraham family. Speaking of, as Mikhaila checked her person, she noticed that she had drained the last of her talismans in that fight... she would need to make some more. The exorcist cringed slightly, though it would have only been visible if one was paying attention. So much as she had gotten used to the process, it was still... unpleasant.

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"I was a professor in Jotun... A long time ago." That was probably too much to mention. Dammit. Too late. She didn't go further into that, but did add-- "I know a lot about the lore of the world because of it... And I suppose it is their secret. Though, unlike you, I am not one to shy away from prying." Telmara walked up to their group, keeping her arms folded, before clearing her throat. "Wh-Which ever one of you has the Greatforger, s-speak up! If we're going to work together... I-It would be better to not have secrets." Like you're one to talk... Just get it over with. "I'll a-answer any questions about myself, though, I... Probably haven't done anything amazing to warrant them. But all that moving the land around... There's only one thing that could do that."

With that said and done, she didn't wait for anyone to speak up, instead wandering over to the masked woman. "And you... T-Tell me how your talismans work. Your mask is another thing, but I... I want to know about those, first." Why do all of these women have to be so fit? Even Naylen wasn't lacking... Distractions.

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The ambush had worked! No water was going to stop that light magic, Raz grinned for a moment, before realizing the axe Haley had thrown hadn't bounced off her breastplate. It had hit her just below, and the wound was bleeding. Ow, ow. I'm feeling that.

Bracing herself until Aria came in to patch the wound, Raz couldn't do much but observe the others at a distance, sitting down on the floor to rest. "Thanks, Aria." She nodded to the healer. "Axes are always a hassle, huh?" Sighing, Raz looked towards some commotion --Telmara and Kaya appeared to have some sort of discussion, or disagreement, and then the demihuman turned to the group to speak out.

The Greatforger... so they know too. Raz observed the snake lady, whom now had turned her attention to Mikhaila, But it wasn't Kaya? It seemed like it should be related... Puffing her cheeks before exhaling, Raz pulled out a notebook and a writing quill, still hurting a bit to stand up.

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The Greatforger? Like... the same Greatforger told of in legends, one of the gifts? Someone had it, here? Well, that would explain the landscape's sudden outbreak of unexplained river out of fucking nowhere syndrome... seriously, a bit conspicuous there, don't you think? At any rate, if someone did step forward and claim the act, she'd need to speak to them... after all, the chance that a gift might be able to lift her curse was the whole reason she had come all this way in the first place!

But for now, more localized and smaller matters. Telmara was once again showing interest in her talismans, and once again seemed to have a problem with calling her by her proper name, as opposed to you, or mask-girl.

"I will need to make more talismans before I can show you, I used the last of my supply. I can show you then, but on one condition. Say my name." Mikhaila replied, her expression stern, though not quite reaching openly aggravated territory... at least not yet.

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"Make more, huh... So it's not your own magic, but something you create? Interesting..." That was something to note, though that it meant that it probably couldn't be learned conventionally. Damn. Maybe she could teach her more, but there was a gate to pass first. "Your name? Mikhaila. I just... Sorry." She folded her arms further and looked away. "I'm not good with people... You can't blame me. Anyway... That's your name, right? If I got it wrong, then..." She was sure that was it, and her memory was pretty good... Normally.

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"Grandfather taught me that spiritual energy is innate in all people, though some more than others. It cannot be summoned without a catalyst... that is what my talismans are... I fill them with the energy lying dormant within me, and then use them to invoke that energy. The talismans I was using are no longer usable, so I mist make more." Mikhaila replied, after Telmara had given her what she was looking for.

"And yes, it is Mikhaila. Thank you, Telmara. Try to remember to use it... I am sure you would object if I referred to you as snake girl or just hey you."

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"Some more than others... And you said grandfather, so... This stuff has been around for a while. I've never heard of it. Small group? Or something like that..." This is an incredibly potent and powerful type of magic, and Jotun had no information on it? How secluded must it have been? This is frustrating... Mikhaila left her with a moment of how to address her, but Telmara scoffed. "Snake girl or just 'you' is a lot better than normal. I'll call you Mikhaila because you want me to, but as long as you don't throw out what that wretch Haley was, you can call me whatever you want."

"That's all, then... Thanks for telling me. I'll try to use your talismans once you have new ones... I-If I can. If you don't mind. Whatever." She huffed, and sat down on her tail, on the spot. "Guess we wait for Kaya, then... Or make camp, or something. I could use a nice blanket and a fire... I hate this cold."

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"It was a technique passed down through my family... though my father declined to learn, so only my grandfather and I have made use of it. As far as I am aware, the technique to create them was created by my grandfather himself. He had no apprentice, so had I not shown interest, it would have died with him..." Mikhaila began, shaking her head after a few moments.

"Then I shall call you Telmara, unless you would prefer otherwise. As for the talismans... unless we happened to be twins of spirit, you would be unable to invoke anything from one of my talismans. You would have to create your own. Here, it is useless for combat, but it still has a small amount of energy left." Mikhaila explained, as she pulled a slip of paper from her shirt, the scroll itself yellowed from what looked like age, odd characters written in red ink upon it. Handing it to Telmara, she was free to try what she wished with it.

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Kaya knew Jovi was going to be hesitant about sharing about the Greatforger. Considering her options, she decided to give a chance to think things through a bit more and took a few steps forward. This was it. She knew that she had to tell them about who she was, her past, all of that. After all, they were trusting her enough to let her lead. She would have to trust them too. Plus they'd already seen her tattoos and the magic she could do. It hardly seemed like there was much harm in holding back at this point. Especially if it helped convince Telmara that this group wasn't going to abandon her or anything like that.

Holding up a hand, she glanced up at the tattoo displayed on it, before calling out, "I think that the question of the Greatforger can be left for right now. It's clearly an item of great power, and while I believe that everyone in this group should trust each other, I understand if it takes a few minutes to decide that. Or if the opposite is decided for now. So to give whoever has it a chance to think, I feel as if I should share some about myself." This was it. A general overview seemed best, with perhaps more in depth being given if the questions were asked.

"I've introduced myself as Kaya to all of you. My full name is Kaya Bereen, and I am the estranged daughter of the Duke of Fernait. I am convinced that the reason I am estranged is because I discovered that he had my mother killed to allow himself to remarry. He would claim slightly differently. Regardless, in the end it is simply this. I have, for as long as I can remember, once a year had a dream that feels different from any other dream. It is a dream that I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be true. To be a prediction of the future. I know this must sound crazy, but it is true."

That part was taken care of. The next part would be easier. It sounded less insane if nothing else. "Upon my father discovering that not only did I have prophetic dreams but that one of said dreams was a dream in which my father was responsible for my mother leaving forever, he sent me away. There is a group that is simply known as the Order, or the Order of the Dragons depending on who you talk to. They had heard of my powers and knew me for what I am. A Dreamer. Prophetess. They were eager to take me into the fold and taught me about the Dragons and their Gifts. How to use them, how to recognize them, what they represent, and what they mean for the world. All of this. After I was considered fully versed in a Dragon and their Gift, I was given a tattoo. Most members of the Order will only have one or two of these. As the Prophet of the Dragon, I was granted all seven, six of which you can see, with the last one being on my leg. An additional gift I was given as the Prophet was two abilities that I can use through my tattoos, which some of you saw earlier. An offensive ability and a defensive one that use magic that will passively be stored in my tattoos."

She took a deep breath. The final bit was the most important as it brought all of these details into relevance for the rest of the group. "I had a dream about a month ago. The Fire Emblem floated in front of me. Darkness was racing to consume it. I reached out and touched it. And then I woke up. I am here to not seek out any treasure or Gift but the Emblem. Anything we find along the way is only part of the journey. This quest will be connected to the Emblem, I know that with certainty. I cannot promise that is what we will find at the end of this leg of the journey, but as long as you all travel with me, that is the end goal. So. That is who I am. I'm assuming you all have questions?" She smirked slightly here, knowing the magnitude of information she had just dropped on them.

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Now you've done it, Joviana. Its so obvious that you're holding one of the Gifts, and everyone's going to figure that out once you reverse the effects. Can you really...trust these people? You should have expected this...after all, you did join this group to look for the other gifts too.

More people made comments about the Gift, like Kaya and Telmara. Joviana avoided making eye contact with anyone when the Gifts were mentioned, trying to not rat herself out. Then she listened to Kaya's speech...and stood there in awe. She had visions, just like a prophet! It was by sheer luck that Joviana had met her, but now, she knew that she had to stick around...at all costs.

"So you're a prophetess, huh? Kaya, its a good thing that I joined your little group. Our goals are aligned with each other, and I don't have anywhere else to go now. But...do you understand what this means? I can count at least three people in our group, whom people would love to silence for anything. I guess, as we continue on in our journey, we'll have to learn to be on the run."

Joviana winced again as the pain in her arm got worse. Her vision started to blur a little. I can't hold on like this for long.

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"Greatforger. . ." Kolmar grumbled under his breath. "What the hell have I gotten myself mixed up in?" Several replicas were on sale in the less-savory markets, including the Greatforger. His mentor had warned against peddling the stronger magical artifacts, especially since Kolmar had barely any magical talent. One wrong twist or turn was enough to end a business - or worse. Still, there was no denying that SOMETHING caused a river to shoot up in the middle of the battle. Either there was an especially strong mage in the group, or the Greatforger was somewhere in the vicinity. Regardless, this group was unlike anything he'd ever dealt with in the past. Should be worth it to stick around, just to see what other secrets pop up.

"So, you saw darkness around this 'Fire Emblem'? Sounds like more opportunities to bust heads. I'm game," he addressed Kaya. "Do you always strip like that when you fight? Not that it's a bad thing, of course. Just gotta be mentally prepared, if that's your schtick."

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Aria shrunk into her robes further at Joviana's words. "But... how's it bragging at all if it's just amongst us?" she interjected. "I'm just glad that everyone has such powers to help. Nobody would hear me talking to just us." Still, she started to treat Joviana's wounds too.

She watched Kaya with barely restrained awe. "Wooow... even more amazing. I feel so lucky to be around you all..." She clapped her hands quietly.

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"The last one too, is it... Guess you'll need to find someone to teach your craft to, before it becomes a dead art. Thanks for the talisman, but... I prefer more conventional magic. If I can't do what you were doing through a tome, I probably won't be very good at it. It was still interesting... So I'll watch you do it some more." Telmara took her tome out, placing the yellowed slip of paper inside. It wouldn't hurt to mess around with it, but it wouldn't be her standard practice from now on. I need to get back my old skills, anyway. Just, one fireball... Even that much would be such a boon to my confidence. I'll need to find the tome first, but they aren't uncommon. Soon... "Telmara is fine. Thank you." She blushed, quickly realizing she'd spouted out a thank you, before grumbling it away.

She'd be doing a lot more grumbling in a moment.

Kaya-- Kaya Bereen, had introduced herself far beyond anything Telmara, and probably anyone else there could've expected. A prophet? Seeing the future? Telmara would have scoffed at just that, if she hadn't further gone on about her cult-- calling it an order would've been a sham, and then explaining her connection to the dragons. The same dragons that had created the continent, and were the reason Telmara was a freak right now, a disgusting, writhing freak--

She'd been losing her temper as Kaya spoke, regretting staying near instantly. "You can see the future?" Telmara prodded with a snide scoff, very uninterested in being around right now. "So we're going to follow around some dragon cult's guinea pig, who claims she can see the future, because daddy fucked his mistress and got rid of mom." Telmara was seething; this was stupid. "You dreamt up some unknown terror facing the fire emblem and we're to believe you? Because you got painted purple, red and silver fucking dragons on you!? You're crazy! You humans are all crazy! Maybe I should be glad to have been turned into this disgusting creature-- I just, wow!" She slapped a hand to her head and laughed, pulling her tome out.

"Alright! Wonderful! Show me your crazy dragon powers, Kaya!" Without wasting a beat, a powerful blast of wind was sent at Kaya, both in fear, mixed with curiosity, but most of all-- ire; finally, a target for her repressed anger. All her emotions regarding the creators of this world, their wonderful little prophet! I've had it with these dragons! It's always dragons, dragons, DRAGONS! I'll bet that's why you wanted me around you sick woman, because I remind you of your precious worship-- but not anymore! Show me whatever power you have, I'm done with this!

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Raz had a tiny smirk that turned into a grin as she watched the scenes develop around her. It was nice having an observer's point of view. She continued scribbling down on her notes while listening to Kaya's second introduction, the contents of her pages only known to the girl. This is a really nice find. Smiling genuinely, she stood on her two feet --the pain was now only an afterthought. I thought she was the one holding the Greatforger too, that must mean there's yet another exceptional person here.

Before she could react further, Telmara had an outburst, nonconforming and offended. The snake-like demihuman let out a blast of wind at the priestess, Raz flinched. She didn't want to interject now, but she wanted to be a bit closer, in case some intervention was called for.

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Kaya nodded at Jovi. "I know. We'll do what we must. Of course I understand if anyone does not want to risk traveling with the group. It's not going to be easy." And then Kolmar commented on her stripping off her jacket. She winked at him. "Well now, that was more because what my spells did to my jacket than anything, but good to hear you enjoyed it." She had been about to respond to Aria, when Telmara spoke up.

And speak up she did. The anger and vitriol being spouted at her caused the smile to fall off her face and be replaced with confusion and fear. She started backing away from Telmara, having not expected any sort of reaction like this. "I... No it's not like that. It's really..." She flinched as the tome came out, but not for the reason most would have expected. She knew that her spell was still up and active having not released it after the battle. "No Telmara, DON'T!"

And then the attack came. She flung her arms in an X in front of her face and braced herself. A flash of gold light. She saw it as if in slow motion. The familiar gold scales settled around her, and she willed them to stay up for longer than normal this time, not knowing how the demihuman would react. The wind slicing into her. The pain she'd been expecting. And then she felt the familiar fire creeping up her arms. Two dragons burst out of the X, twirling around each other, red and purple fire, as they raced towards Telmara. They slammed into her. Everything suddenly sped back up to normal speed. She stumbled backwards into a tree, panting. She had multiple cuts on her face and shoulders from the spell, though her protective spell was still holding for the moment. She pushed herself up, shimmering gold scaled armor covering her body with the tattoos shining through.

She took a few steps towards Telmara, pain and sorrow in her eyes. "I'm not a slave. I'm not part of a cult. I know what I dream and I know when it's true. Every year I have these dreams. There is a grave danger threatening this world. Though I don't know what it is, I do know that. I understand if you cannot follow me. And I will hold no ill will towards you if you leave."

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Was it the truth? Was everything she'd been taught a lie? Telmara was young, for a professor in Jotun, but she'd read... She'd read all she could about magic! And yet, today, two things she didn't know, some how, had cropped up into existence. One even around when she was still... Normal.

The dragons collided with her, knocking her back some, straight onto her back, tail splayed out in a mess in front of her. With a groan, she tried to pick herself back up. Her tail started to coil instinctively, and she could feel it, just another reminder in her anger of why she was so upset. But she didn't have it in her to lash out at Kaya again. Part of her wanted to, that part that despised the dragons, that hated their existence, their presence, all their worship and followers.

But she was still human, or she hoped. And Kaya responding to her vicious assault with nothing but patience and pity left her drained, unwilling to speak back or move away. She rose up and curled on the spot, clutching her tome and staring at the ground. Don't talk to me. Don't pity me. Make this easier for me, stop being nice, stop caring, stop it!

Another lashing out wasn't on the cards. She bit her lip, clinging to her magic as it was the only thing she had left of her old life. Kaya's claims had been proven, at least somewhat. She'd missed this exposition of magic during the battle, but now, the golden dragon scales appearing on her arms to protect her and redirect the attack, that was enough to substantiate some of it. There was no bluffing magic, especially magic she'd felt.

"So stupid..."

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Well, that had happened.

It was like a clash of wizards, thought whatever magic Kaya was using was very outside the norm. Dragons. It's not only her motif, it's like they're part of her. She wondered, for a moment, what the priestess' life was like.

But there was no time to laze around!

"...Are you two okay?" Raz was the first to speak up. Whether due to a fascination over everything that just happened or by some need to stay centered, her tone wasn't agitated. "Let's take a break from this talk." She walked over to Telmara first, though kept a watchful eye over Kaya. "Remember where we're going, we shouldn't expend ourselves." Calm had shifted into serious, though her face made no mention of being upset. "Aria, could you check up on Kaya's wounds for me?" After a passing glance to the girl, Raz's attention returned to the snake-like demihuman.

"What about you, are you feeling okay?" She crouched near Telmara, "Have no idea if these 'dragons' had a lasting effect, so you should tell me." She shook her head, "Sorry, just... we shouldn't be fighting among ourselves, if there's anything you still need to let out, words are fine."

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Sure, I wouldn't mind seeing those two duke it out in their underwear or something. But not like this. With a heavy sigh, Kolmar approached the fight scene.

"Look ladies, I'd love it if you'd fight over who gets to warm my bed tonight, but I got a feeling that wasn't what this was about. I'm usually the one that's spoilin' for a fight, but all I want right now are explanations for. . .well, everything." He turned to Telmara first. "You already had to deal with some loudmouthed bitch who couldn't keep her dumbass opinions to herself. She's dead. I ain't interested in making the same mistake as her, and I don't think the rest of us would've stuck around and fought if we agreed with the shit that came out of her mouth." He then turned to Kaya. "Heh, you got a hell of a sense of humor and an even more interesting way of makin' those tattoos shine. Your past is your past, an' all the power in the world ain't gonna change that. . .nor do I really care about who your parents are and all that. What matters is that you're smart enough not to bust open unnecessary heads, and strong enough to keep your own head intact." Lastly, he turned to Raz. "You're probably better at talkin' to ladies like a friend than I am, an' definitely less scary-lookin'. I'll leave that to you."

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It was a lot of information to take in, as Kaya started to speak, telling tales of her prophetic dreams, of the gifts, of the Fire Emblem... honestly, how much of it was true was yet to be seen... Kaya didn't seem the type to deceive but there was still a possibility she herself was incorrect or mislead. It didn't make much of a difference to Mikhaila, if any of the gifts were to help her, it would be the Emblem itself, and if Kaya was wrong, then they were just as blind as they were to begin with... they didn't lose anything from it, they would simply fail to take hold of a potential boon.

There were more pressing matters though, as Telmara continued to show her temperament, crying out against Kaya's words, before launching a volley of wind blades at the odd priestess. Well, it seemed that at least some of her claim held true, as she reflected the spell back at Telmara in the form of a strange pair of dragons, taking the woman down. She didn't seem overly injured, just winded, but it seemed to be enough of a display to pacify the demi-human, simply shirking back and mumbling in irritation instead of lashing out again. It was a small solace, but one nonetheless.

"Can we all simply... step back for now. As interesting as the Greatforger, Kaya's prophetic powers and all that are, we are all tired, sore, some of us still injured. All of this can wait until we've set up camp, rested, and had a serviceable meal, don't you think? It does not matter what we know or uncover in the moment if our pursuit becomes too zealous and finds us dead."

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