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Your unpopular opinions for general games/media (besides Fire Emblem)?


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If I give you two nearly identical breakfast sandwiches, you can't love one and hate the other. The world simply doesn't work like that.

This analogy fails because the circumstances and expectations are different.

People weren't given both games, they waited for a sequel that came 2 years after. I really hope you can see the difference here but just in case you don't, a lot of people don't like when a sequel is too similar to the original and doesn't do enough to innovate. This is significant because video games are much more expensive than sandwiches, and require much more time to finish.

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On the contrary, I think my sandwich analogy does work because both Galaxy games cost the same and take the same time to finish, like a sandwich. The differences are so small that even if I were to give them different ratings (out of 10), Galaxy 2 would be at most 1 point lower than Galaxy 1.

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On the contrary, I think my sandwich analogy does work because both Galaxy games cost the same and take the same time to finish, like a sandwich. The differences are so small that even if I were to give them different ratings (out of 10), Galaxy 2 would be at most 1 point lower than Galaxy 1.

Missed the point, it's not that both games cost the same and take about the same time to finish. Let's take a look at each scenario:

Your sandwich analogy: "Someone just gave me two sandwiches for free, awesome!" *proceeds to eat sandwiches*

The galaxy games: After spending $60 and several hours of gameplay- "This game is amazing." Sequel is announced- "I'm so excited for this." After waiting for the game to come out, spending $60, and taking several hours of gameplay- "I'm disappointed, it feels like a lot was blatantly reused, like I just played some more of the game I bought two years ago for an another $60. I don't feel that this product was worth my investment. It feels like an overpriced expansion(while you may see this as a positive, it's an important and legitimate criticism because it wasn't advertised as such, it was advertised as a brand-new game)."

Even if you change the analogy to make it so you buy the sandwiches, that would still miss the point that video games are more expensive. I can buy two sandwiches with a $10 bill no sweat, I might be more hesitant to pay $120 for two nearly identical games when I can get one for $60, and one of them came first.

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If I give you two nearly identical breakfast sandwiches, you can't love one and hate the other. The world simply doesn't work like that.

A drop of mustard is a very small change to one sandwich. It's also one that will have disastrous results if given to me.

So yes, those "small changes" do matter, even if the rest of the analogy falls flat on its face due to reasons that others have pointed out. Even if YOU can't see it, it doesn't mean that everyone else doesn't, which is partially the point of this thread.

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To add an argument against the Sandwich Theory of Video Gaming: Sandwiches are consumed and afterwards, you have to buy/make another one if you want to experience the flavour of sandwiches.

Videogames have varying replay value, but they don't just disappear when you've beaten the final boss. If you crave that particular game, you can just pick it up again. So you can't compare a nearly identical sequel to a new sandwich - it's more like a drop of mustard on an existing one. However, the waiter will still charge you for a second sandwich, even though the additional value for you is miniscule at best.

(I haven't played the games in question myself, so I can't say anything about them in particular. But the analogy doesn't work anyways.)

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But Galaxy 2 is a level pack for Galaxy 1, which is exactly what I wanted! I don't get it - !

I had fun with one of them, i didn't have with the other.

I found the level design in one good, i didn't find it good in the other. It's simple.

Maybe my taste changed over the years, maybe smg2 just did stuff i did not like (i belive it's the later), the fact is that i liked one and did not like the other. Preference is not necessarily 100% rational and one might like something that is a lot like another thing that they like.

There's nothing for you "to get" in my preferences.

All in all, IMO the first galaxy had fun, cool stages and the second one had boring ones

Edited by Nooooooooooooooooooooobody
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Person goes to a Gamestop/diner, and buys a game/sandwich he never played/tasted before. Let's call it "Super Sandwich Galaxy". He loves it!

A year/week later, he buys another game/sandwich. Let's call this one "Super Sandwich Galaxy 2" This time he doesn't like it at all.

Person does not specify what was different, so either his taste in games/sandwiches drastically changed or his opinion makes no logical sense.

That was the problem. The significant differences between games and sandwiches are irrelevant as it's just an analogy.

I prefer Galaxy 1 because A. Rosalina's storybook, B. Bigger levels, and C. Stronger "outer space" atmosphere. But unlike some people, I don't need a game/sandwich to play/taste exactly the same, or very different either. In my eyes, a good game/sandwich is just that. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you're going to post an unpopular opinion in any topic, be courteous and make it a sensible unpopular opinion.

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Person A goes to a game store, buys Game B. He loves it.

A year later, Person A thinks to himself, 'Man, Game B was amazing' and a quick google search tells him that Game B2 has been published. So he buys it because he loved the predecessor so much.

Back home, he realizes that Game B2 has basically the same gameplay, just with slightly improved graphics and a different storyline. So A is sorely disappointed, because instead of wasting 60 bucks, he just could have replayed Game B.

Sure, you can go ahead and argue that B2 is objectively better than B1, thanks to its superior graphics. But for most people who have bought B1, the sequel is still a bitter disappointment, simply because the added value just isn't worth the buying price.

Good luck re-eating the same sandwich (not a comparable one) after you already devoured it one year ago.

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I prefer Galaxy 1 because A. Rosalina's storybook, B. Bigger levels, and C. Stronger "outer space" atmosphere. But unlike some people, I don't need a game/sandwich to play/taste exactly the same, or very different either. In my eyes, a good game/sandwich is just that. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you're going to post an unpopular opinion in any topic, be courteous and make it a sensible unpopular opinion.

I mean... I thought the point of the thread was to post unpopular opinions.

No-ones attacking anyone so far, only the games :/

It's all opinions, doesn't make'em true.

Some people here called Wind Waker "horseshit". I heavily disagree, but you don't see me posting about it asking for fake courtesy.

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-Pokemon GO is overrated and a waste of money and resources (Could have made a third game in the Orre region)

-GTA, CoD, and FIFA are franchises that need to die

-IGN is full of crap

-Forza can't compare to Gran Turismo

-I like FF13

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So taste can't evolve in a year? Because I used to hate olives as a kid, and I wound up liking them when I was older. Likewise, I thought Yggdra Union was okay, then really explored the game and it became one of my all-time favorites (along with several character usefulness opinion tweaks). Experiences can change a person, and I'd worry greatly if my tastes in anything were purely static.

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Yeah Zera you're basically the only person in this entire thread that's been making posts that could be taken as directly baiting a possessor of an unpopular opinion...

Like, I've seen opinions in this thread I highly disagree with and I'm sure quite a few people disagree with some of the opinions I myself posted, such as EoSD being boring as a blank sheet of paper to play. But I've yet to see anyone else single me or anyone else over one of em.

Also, while I do like DQVII, I will say part of the reason I like it less than VI is I felt that while it did do things to improve on DQVI's formula, it also had some things that felt like they were added for the sake of it, namely most of the monster classes which especially in the Playstation version were largely pointless and time wasting.

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Person goes to a Gamestop/diner, and buys a game/sandwich he never played/tasted before. Let's call it "Super Sandwich Galaxy". He loves it!

A year/week later, he buys another game/sandwich. Let's call this one "Super Sandwich Galaxy 2" This time he doesn't like it at all.

Person does not specify what was different, so either his taste in games/sandwiches drastically changed or his opinion makes no logical sense.

1. People have given reasons as to why they prefer Galaxy 1 over 2, like that guy whose post is right above yours

2. It could also mean neither of those things, maybe they can't figure out what exactly it is, maybe it's preference, maybe they don't feel like going in depth into why they have an unpopular opinion, and just want to share what that opinion is, that being the point of this thread

That was the problem. The significant differences between games and sandwiches are irrelevant as it's just an analogy.

So here are official definitions of "analogy"

-a comparison between two things, typically on the basis of their structure and for the purpose of explanation or clarification

-a thing that is comparable to something else in significant respects

The significant differences cause problems with comparing them, you can't just brush the holes in your argument under the rug.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you're going to post an unpopular opinion in any topic, be courteous and make it a sensible unpopular opinion.

You don't need to insult people who are disagreeing with you, it certainly doesn't help your case.

It does not matter if you understand why someone has a certain opinion, and the fact that you don't understand why doesn't make it invalid or poor.

I don't get how anyone can enjoy Final Fantasy III over VI or V or most others, I literally cannot grasp the reasoning. That doesn't matter though, I know there's nothing actually wrong with that opinion, because that's how opinions work. Someone played some games and has preferences that are different than mine, and that is perfectly sensible.

Edited by SecondWorld
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So here are official definitions of "analogy"

-a comparison between two things, typically on the basis of their structure and for the purpose of explanation or clarification

-a thing that is comparable to something else in significant respects

The significant differences cause problems with comparing them, you can't just brush the holes in your argument under the rug.

The purpose of an analogy is to compare things with significant similarities, so the differences are irrelevant, as without them you'd be comparing a thing to itself, which is pointless.

Video games and sandwiches are similar in that -

- you pay money for one.

- you (hopefully) enjoy it.

- you eventually stop enjoying it. (Games last much longer, but no game is truly infinite. The perfect game does not yet exist, nor does the perfect sandwich. Which is why you buy another.)

- if you enjoy it, you will probably enjoy a similar one. (However, video game sequels tend to have more variation than identical-recipe sandwiches, and this is a point of contention as to what makes a good sequel.)

I just really like sandwich analogies, okay?

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I dunno, I think my dad's pepperoni sandwiches are pretty perfect...

Of course, I have a very high opinion of his sandwich making skills in general.

That said, the analogy just didn't make any sense from the start. The scale is far too different and you aren't listening to people trying to tell you that.

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I can only think of one right now. The original Phoenix Wright is the worst in the series by far, and the only one I haven't bothered to finish (except for the new one, but that's just because I got it recently).

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Few wird opinions about Smash Bros:

  • Super Smash Bros Brawl was the best part of this series because of Subspace Emissary.
  • Super Smash Bros Brawl had the best character cast. Snake wasn't replacable by anyone and Wolf was an awesome villian. Falco should be dropped instead of him. The only newcomers in 4 I found interesting were Shulk, Robin and Ryu.
  • The balance of the represented series in 4 was bad. So much I like FE, but five characters were too much. (even more than Zelda) Lucina was just unnecessary.
  • I ignored like a third of the entire roster in 4. (didn't have Mewtwo, Bayonetta, Corrin and Cloud though)
  • I don't care for Tierlists. In 4 I was good with low ranked characters like Ganondorf while I couldn't play with Sheik and Rosalina at all. Rosalina was like my worst character of all I used.
  • I liked Melee's fast speed even if it was hard to play for me.
  • Tabuu was one of the best final bosses in videogames... and one of the hardest in highest difficulty.
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Super Smash Bros Brawl was the best part of this series because of Subspace Emissary.

Sorta unpopular? A lot of people missed a SSE type story mode when 4 removed it.

Super Smash Bros Brawl had the best character cast. Snake wasn't replacable by anyone and Wolf was an awesome villian. Falco should be dropped instead of him. The only newcomers in 4 I found interesting were Shulk, Robin and Ryu.

Both characters are missed by a lot of people so.

The balance of the represented series in 4 was bad. So much I like FE, but five characters were too much. (even more than Zelda) Lucina was just unnecessary.

Not unpopular

I ignored like a third of the entire roster in 4. (didn't have Mewtwo, Bayonetta, Corrin and Cloud though)

Don't think this is unpopular.

I don't care for Tierlists. In 4 I was good with low ranked characters like Ganondorf while I couldn't play with Sheik and Rosalina at all. Rosalina was like my worst character of all I used.

Tiers only apply to very high level play. Most people don't play that high level.

]I liked Melee's fast speed even if it was hard to play for me.

Not unpopular

Tabuu was one of the best final bosses in videogames... and one of the hardest in highest difficulty.

Not sure if unpopular
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