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I don't feel entirely satisfied with the current direction of FE


I don't feel entirely satisfied with the current direction of FE  

120 members have voted

  1. 1. How satisfied are you with the current state of fire emblem?

    • It's near perfect
    • Good but flawed in some ways
    • It's ok
    • Bad but has some positives
    • Downright terrible FE IS DEAD

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Hello again. Instead of making yet again another poll asking your guys' opinions on various things related to fire emblem I thought I'd give you my opinions on the series. Now before we begin I just want to say that these are my opinions and I'm not claiming my tastes are objectively better than anyone else's or even right at all. Also, while I've seen a lot of fates, I haven't actually played it yet (though I'm going to very soon) so I might not be aware of everything in the game. I have played over 300 hours of awakening though. With all that said let's begin...

This isn't a massive issue but I dislike a lot of the designs for the characters this time as they've made to be fan service-y rather than cool or intimidating which is how I liked them (so things like having generals arses being exposed annoys me somewhat as it's wasted potential imo). As far as I know you can't cover up characters in any way but you can change their clothes and strip them to their underwear. Other small things like corrin's thighs being exposed while the male version is almost completely covered except for his head and feat annoy me as well. OK, maybe I'm just being too "prudish" but it'd be nice at least to have the option to have non-skimpy armor designs for the characters of both genders. Again, this is nothing game breaking and I'm not even sure why it bothers me in the first place. It just does and it'd be kind of cool to at least have the option to choose my character's outfits for battles. Who knows? Maybe this could be expanded to include lots of really cool designs for classes that would've otherwise gone unused?

Another thing to do with options is grinding. In conquest, correct me if I'm wrong, there's some forms of grinding disabled. This is to simulate the experiences of older fire emblem games where you couldn't grind at all...yet they also let you play the pay-to-win DLC that can negate pretty much any challenge the game throws at you...provided you grind long enough. This begs the question of why they even prevented some forms of grinding in the first place if they still let you do it in the end.
What I think would've been better is to make the decision every new save file to allow access to the world map and DLC. This would allow those who want a more classic experience have their needs met without compromising others who want to experience the DLC on their chosen path. Again, this isn't a massive issue but it'd be cool to see.

Another thing that bothers me is the characters. While it's impossible to state for sure whether I love/hate them as I haven't even played the game yet, I've seen a lot of supports and based on my experiences with the characters of awakening, I predict most of them will follow the "My personality is essentially a one-trick-pony with a tragic backstory thrown it to justify it all" since this was how it was for characters like Kellam or Gaius in awakening. Sorry, but it doesn't matter if you had a terrible past or whatever. Annoying as hell is annoying as hell and IT'Z TIEM 2 STAHP! While I highly doubt all the characters in fates will be annoying just like they weren't in awakening, just like in awakening, I highly doubt I'm going to see massive character development like with Jill or Elincia from the tellius series. This http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=67125 goes over what I liked about SOME (because only some of them where good) of the characters in the sub series. While the characters in those two games overall are far from perfect, the good ones stand out to me more than anyone in awakening ever did. I just hope I've proven wrong with fates.

The only other thing I didn't like was the fact that they split the game up into multiple versions. While it's not so bad this time it's going to get annoying if they keep doing this over and over again.

So yeah, kudos to anyone who read the entire thing! It needs to be said, I don't dislike the current direction...I just don't think it's 100% perfect in every way. But hey, I'll wait until I actually play fates until I make an absolute judgement on the series' direction. I was only intending to give my current impressions and personal tastes of it based on what I've seen.

Hopefully fates impresses me and I turn out wrong!

Edited by Dinar87
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What's the point of that poll anyway? I mean, I may love Conquest for example, he may be gameplay-wise the closest to what a real FE experience could be, I'm not entirely 100% satisfied either. And not because it has some flaws, but because nothing can be perfect, and Tellius games weren't perfect either (because, obviously you love them). I mean, the world isn't just black and white, it's a myriad of shades. The world would be extremely boring otherwise. And staying on pre/misconceptions and Nostalgia is... silly, and sad IMHO. Because if you already think you won't like something, you won't like it because you'll just see his flaws and be blind to his good aspects.

I'm tired so I don't want to post a reply to everything. I just think it's funny to criticize Fates' characters and consider Tellius characters better and well developed when most of them did not have a single support conversation or any character development in Radiant Dawn. Do you really think Radiant Dawn's Mia, Meg, Nephenee, Ilyana, Brom, etc have better development than Fates' character ? Obviously not. Because Radiant Dawn focused more on primary characters (Soren, Ike, Micaiah, etc.) and completely forgot his secondary characters. Because it was easier due to their bigger role in the story and scripted Info conversations to give an impression of character development through the story. On the other hand, secondary characters were totally transparent. I don't remember if some of them got a single line in the entire game aside from the generic 2-lines talk (that are still used in FE 13 and 14 by the way). So yeah, Fates characters still have some gimmicks (but less than Awakening's), that allows IS to make more conversations and give them more display time. It would be the same for Tellius characters if they had to have supports convos with everyone. The new support system has its flaws, it basically erases any development a character could get after their convo, but I'd would not be human to link Supports convos. And some characters (Beruka, Peri, Niles, etc) kept some backstories so I'm fine with it.

Edited by Brand_Of_The_Exalt
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I don't think I ever was or ever will be 100% satisfied with the course Fire Emblem has been on, but I would say that I am content with the new games.

Basically me, because despite how much I love the new FEs, I WILL not be blinded to it's flaws. The older games have things that are better than the newer games and vice versa, and to be blunt here, both have similar issues with storytelling imo.

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I don't think I ever was or ever will be 100% satisfied with the course Fire Emblem has been on, but I would say that I am content with the new games.

This is most likely the opinion you will run into as this is mine as well.

Conquest DLC is there because you don't want to shut out the newcomers from experiencing that route if they want to, regardless of skill level.

From what I noticed in your posts, you tend to compare Fates to the Tellius series a lot. Character development in that series is just as varied as Fates depending on what you're comparing it to.

For example, Elincia in Part 2 of RD. Nothing in Fates will top that. But your statements seem to be just another rant like everyone has seen here before.

We love and hate things about each game. It's just a bit of "oh not this crap again" feeling when we see another thread like this.

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"What's the point of that poll anyway? I mean, I may love Conquest for example, he may be gameplay-wise the closest to what a real FE experience could be, I'm not entirely 100% satisfied either. And not because it has some flaws, but because nothing can be perfect"

I don't understand your problem. I thought that the question was obvious and the point was the see how many people genuinely thought that fates and stuff are 100% perfect. While not everything in life is perfect I'd argue that you can still be near perfect which is more than enough to say you're "100% satisfied with fates". I mean, I could've put 99.9% instead but I just don't see the point really. While sure nothing's prefect that statement could also be used to defend and deflect criticisms of anything by pointing out "hey nothings perfect" which uses the logic of "well everyone else is doing it". I think that, instead of just accepting that "nothing's prefect" we try to push ourselves to our limits and I feel that the fates team could be doing more or doing things differently that's please more people.

"and Tellius games weren't perfect either (because, obviously you love them)"

I thought I acknowledged this when I talked about how some of the characters weren't that great in those games. And I have no idea what "(because, obviously you love them)" is supposed to imply in relation to the rest of the sentence.

"And staying on pre/misconceptions and Nostalgia is... silly, and sad IMHO. Because if you already think you won't like something, you won't like it because you'll just see his flaws and be blind to his good aspects."

Why exactly is it sad then? What objectively makes wanting things to be like the past inherently bad? Not all change is good you know. I didn't say all this because I wanted to give my definitive opinion on fates and modern fire emblem...I said this because I wanted to express my current opinions based on what I'd seen so far. I even mention several times how my opinion is likely to change when I play fates. And that whole "with the wrong mindset you can't enjoy anything" I've found doesn't apply to me. I heard terrible things about Mario Kart 8's battle mode and I went into it thinking it was going to suck. Yet actually I really enjoyed it! I'm hoping the same will happen with fates.

"I just think it's funny to criticize Fates' characters and consider Tellius characters better and well developed when most of them did not have a single support conversation or any character development in Radiant Dawn."

I already said that, despite the tellius series having a lot of bad characters, that because the good ones were so good, that I preferred those good ones to any character I've seen in the more modern games. I didn't say that the entire cast was objectively better than the modern casts because that's not true imo.

" Because Radiant Dawn focused more on primary characters (Soren, Ike, Micaiah, etc.) and completely forgot his secondary characters. Because it was easier due to their bigger role in the story and scripted Info conversations to give an impression of character development through the story"

And I found that those developed characters were more interesting than any modern fire emblem character we've gotten since. Do you have a problem with that? And by developed characters I'm mainly talking about PoR which actually had those supports in the game.

In conclusion, I'm not trying to start a fight but I'm curious as to why you said things like "and Tellius games weren't perfect either (because, obviously you love them)".

EDIT: I apologize if I sounded defensive in this post as I didn't be as careful with my words as I did last time. In short I let my emotions get to me.

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This is most likely the opinion you will run into.

Conquest DLC is there because you don't want to shut out the newcomers from experiencing that route if they want to, regardless of skill level.

And most DLC classes and skills in Conquest are not broken either. And nothing forces the player to use them anyway. It's also funny that people complaining about something being broken are often the first to use them...

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This is most likely the opinion you will run into as this is mine as well.

Conquest DLC is there because you don't want to shut out the newcomers from experiencing that route if they want to, regardless of skill level.

From what I noticed in your posts, you tend to compare Fates to the Tellius series a lot. Character development in that series is just as varied as Fates depending on what you're comparing it to.

For example, Elincia in Part 2 of RD. Nothing in Fates will top that. But your statements seem to be just another rant like everyone has seen here before.

We love and hate things about each game. It's just a bit of "oh not this crap again" feeling when we see another thread like this.

I wasn't intending to annoy anyone though. I legitimately thought it would be ok just to express my opinions on the current direction of fire emblem and I wasn't aware so many people had done the same. I'll even list some positives right now that I like about fates.

Firstly, I like the sheer amount of new classes in the game. That's going to be fun to play around with.

Secondly, while I've complained about marriage and children in the past, I don't entirely hate it. Marrying different characters and getting all kinds of crazy child combinations is pretty fun I guess.

Thirdly, the graphics, while I dislike the fan service and prefer some art styles over others, is still amazing.

I could go on but I just don't want people to think that I'm some big bad modern fire emblem hater BUT it's true I have my gripes with the current direction. However, I also have my gripes with the oh so precious tellius series as well (such as characters like heather being one-note...maybe even more so than awakening).

Basically what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry if I've annoyed anyone but I didn't know it'd be such a huge issue to vent like this. If I'd known people where going to get annoyed at another post complaining about fates I wouldn't of bothered. The fact is, is that I didn't know complaining about fates was so common. I thought I was in the minority.

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It's fine. You seem kind and considerate enough.

My apologies if I sounded like an old man complaining.

"These darn Tellius whippersnappers need to get off My Castle Lawn!"

Just for the record, I do agree with your opinion about the series' current direction.

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The majority of the new villains are definitely subpar, even compared to the antagonists of the NES games, ingame alone.

Also I'm not super fond of every character being datable by the Avatar, it decreases the variety of character designs, and personalities you can have within the game.

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Voted no because it's technically true, but the people coming into this thread who care enough to vote are gonna disproportionately vote no. Awakening and Fates have been incredibly successful and pretty much saved the series.

Still, each console change (usually) sees a shakeup. I'm excited to see what a theoretical FE for the Switch would look like, and it's definitely good that they've raked in cash for it.

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As far as I know, there's already a thread discussing the direction FE's taking, in the "Is Fire Emblem really screwed" thread.

On topic, I voted no because, personally, I don't like some elements of the 3DS era. As a result, everything reduces itself to personal tastes, and there won't be a general concensus about the direction the series should take, because everyone will defend their flags to death.

Personally, I love some elements of each FE game but all of them have a thing that makes them not stellar. The best I can think of are standard level FEs like FE7 and FE11 that aren't awesome nor terrible, but rather they're pretty decent and the experience is really cool. Other ambitious games like FE4 and FE10 have some good points but have others really bad that evens them out, but I tend to appreciate these ones more. What I do like about the 3DS is the theme they tried to immerse the player in, I loved the idea of the factions in Fates, but it ended so bad that it brings me more frustation and anger than the love I had to it, not to mention the lame support conversations we get (in general, with minor exceptions), or the Avatar, or the marriage and children system; all of that sums up a negative value I attribute to the 3DS games. People can say all they want about they saved the series, or the awesome gameplay it has (which is imo overreactions and overstatements), etc., but those are my two cents. In contrast to my favorite game, I value their ambition to bring 4 parts, make the player experience different perspectives, a nice plot, etc., but it has some big flaws like support conversations, the way they handled the plot during the Blood Pact, among other minor things, but as a result I really enjoyed it and have a positive view about it.

So, it's just up to each one.

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Storywise FE is already dead since FE13 at the latest... but I don't play FE because of the story, so Idc about it. The improved part of fanservice can be annoying sometimes, but it's pretty much standard in RPG nowadays.

Gameplaywise FE14 did things better FE13 didn't (pair-up) and also brought back mechanics from older FE parts.

As long the gamedesign quality of Conquest will be kept in the future, I'm not worried about this seires.

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"What's the point of that poll anyway? I mean, I may love Conquest for example, he may be gameplay-wise the closest to what a real FE experience could be, I'm not entirely 100% satisfied either. And not because it has some flaws, but because nothing can be perfect"

I don't understand your problem. I thought that the question was obvious and the point was the see how many people genuinely thought that fates and stuff are 100% perfect. While not everything in life is perfect I'd argue that you can still be near perfect which is more than enough to say you're "100% satisfied with fates". I mean, I could've put 99.9% instead but I just don't see the point really. While sure nothing's prefect that statement could also be used to defend and deflect criticisms of anything by pointing out "hey nothings perfect" which uses the logic of "well everyone else is doing it". I think that, instead of just accepting that "nothing's prefect" we try to push ourselves to our limits and I feel that the fates team could be doing more or doing things differently that's please more people.

"and Tellius games weren't perfect either (because, obviously you love them)"

I thought I acknowledged this when I talked about how some of the characters weren't that great in those games. And I have no idea what "(because, obviously you love them)" is supposed to imply in relation to the rest of the sentence.

"And staying on pre/misconceptions and Nostalgia is... silly, and sad IMHO. Because if you already think you won't like something, you won't like it because you'll just see his flaws and be blind to his good aspects."

Why exactly is it sad then? What objectively makes wanting things to be like the past inherently bad? Not all change is good you know. I didn't say all this because I wanted to give my definitive opinion on fates and modern fire emblem...I said this because I wanted to express my current opinions based on what I'd seen so far. I even mention several times how my opinion is likely to change when I play fates. And that whole "with the wrong mindset you can't enjoy anything" I've found doesn't apply to me. I heard terrible things about Mario Kart 8's battle mode and I went into it thinking it was going to suck. Yet actually I really enjoyed it! I'm hoping the same will happen with fates.

"I just think it's funny to criticize Fates' characters and consider Tellius characters better and well developed when most of them did not have a single support conversation or any character development in Radiant Dawn."

I already said that, despite the tellius series having a lot of bad characters, that because the good ones were so good, that I preferred those good ones to any character I've seen in the more modern games. I didn't say that the entire cast was objectively better than the modern casts because that's not true imo.

" Because Radiant Dawn focused more on primary characters (Soren, Ike, Micaiah, etc.) and completely forgot his secondary characters. Because it was easier due to their bigger role in the story and scripted Info conversations to give an impression of character development through the story"

And I found that those developed characters were more interesting than any modern fire emblem character we've gotten since. Do you have a problem with that? And by developed characters I'm mainly talking about PoR which actually had those supports in the game.

In conclusion, I'm not trying to start a fight but I'm curious as to why you said things like "and Tellius games weren't perfect either (because, obviously you love them)".

EDIT: I apologize if I sounded defensive in this post as I didn't be as careful with my words as I did last time. In short I let my emotions get to me.

I think you misunderstood some of my points. No problem, we're here to discuss, and you seem more considerate that I thought in your reply to shadowofchaos. I'm just a bit tired of some "hardcore" fans' attitude about modern Fire Emblem (and Nintendo in general), especially Fates, because that doesn't make sense sometimes. Some people, and that's human, criticize something because it's just... different from the first time they tried it. I mean, of course, some time passed, we get older so we don't feel the same, we need more to be impressed, but that doesn't make it bad. And the points of these people are a bit funny, because they criticize every bad aspect they find, are sometimes so convinced that it's bad that they put themselves in a mindset where they totally miss what has been improved, but totally forget the flaws of their favourite games/films/books. In short, they're not neutral and open-minded when they launch the game, and they'd not like their favourite stuff as they love it if they had have this mindset too. That doesn't mean they won't like it all, but they'll ask more to love it. And sometimes their critics are very virulent, but they didn't even try. To put Awakening and Fates in the same category is a funny mistake IMO that reveals it. It would be exactly like comparing Dark Dragon and Thracia. I hope that makes sense...

What I tried to imply about your poll is that it's too much absolute, it doesn't give any real information about people's opinion, because it's just a "yes" and "no" question, or a "0%" and "100%" question if you prefer. I mean, I'm highly satisfied of Conquest, even with the story in some ways, but I still see its flaws. Of course it can't be perfect. And even you recognize that you're not 100% satisfied of your favourite series, so why would you want people to be 100% satisfied with the modern games? What I meant with the perfection is a bit different. As a famous Belgian or French author stated, 'to chose is to give up' (don't know the exact translation but you know what I mean). And because of that, even if we give all we have on something, we're always forced to make choices. That doesn't mean we don't need to push ourselves to our limits, but sometimes (often) to make something in a way that we like and seems great, we're forced to give up on sthing that may have boons, but has its own flaws. That's the case with the new supports system. It makes secondary characters less transparent, but erases their development after each support. But I still think that's a good thing because it was something that missed in classical FE games. And I'm convinced IS put all their efforts and hearts in the last games, including Awakening. They could have made more or differently, but this is a limitless circle. This is why series exist, otherwise a single game would be enough. And I'm satisfied with the huge content they gave us with Fates. Gameplay-wise it is the best game IMHO, I played most of the FE games, and I dont remember I have ever been more satisfied with any gameplay, but it can still be improved. Now that I got really used to Fates mechanics, some older gameplay features seem strange (like Dodge-tanking, classical units that were too bulky overall, etc.), and some "obscurantists" (from my POV) topics make me laugh when I see them.

I didn't imply that each change is good, but the "approach" of change is important. We can't just use the same stuff over and over. We need to evolve. So yeah, sometimes a change isn't operational immediately, like Pair-Up that have been really balanced and are now a very interesting feature strategy-wise if we don't abuse of it as I explained in another of your topics. Fire Emblem really re-invented itself recently, and it's great thing if you ask me, because it's now one of the very few Nintendo series that are able to do that. It found a new breath, a new inspiration that saved it. I recognize that being more popular isn't necessarily a proof of quality, I get sometimes a bit angry when I see people Pairing everybody and this kind of stuff, but people can play as they want as long I can play as I want. Same for Casual and Phoenix modes, I don't really care 'cause I can play in Classical mode. And that's true for any "broken" stuff.

I'll stop there because it gets long but I think you see my point better. Sorry if my first post seemed a bit aggressive, but I thought it was just another of these whining "Nothing better than ol'times" stuff.

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I think you misunderstood some of my points. No problem, we're here to discuss, and you seem more considerate that I thought in your reply to shadowofchaos. I'm just a bit tired of some "hardcore" fans' attitude about modern Fire Emblem (and Nintendo in general), especially Fates, because that doesn't make sense sometimes. Some people, and that's human, criticize something because it's just... different from the first time they tried it. I mean, of course, some time passed, we get older so we don't feel the same, we need more to be impressed, but that doesn't make it bad. And the points of these people are a bit funny, because they criticize every bad aspect they find, are sometimes so convinced that it's bad that they put themselves in a mindset where they totally miss what has been improved, but totally forget the flaws of their favourite games/films/books. And sometimes their critics are very virulent, but they didn't even try. To put Awakening and Fates in the same category is a funny mistake IMO that reveals it. It would be exactly like comparing Dark Dragon and Thracia. I hope that makes sense...

What I tried to imply about your poll is that it's too much absolute, it doesn't give any real information about people's opinion, because it's just a "yes" and "no" question. I mean, I'm highly satisfied of Conquest, even with the story in some ways, but I still see its flaws. Of course it can't be perfect. And even you recognize that you're not 100% satisfied of your favourite series, so why would you want people to be 100% satisfied with the modern games? What I meant with the perfection is a bit different. As a famous Belgian or French author stated, 'to chose is to give up' (don't know the exact translation but you know what I mean). And because of that, even if we give all we have on something, we're always forced to make choices. That doesn't mean we don't need to push ourselves to our limits, but sometimes (often) to make something in a way that we like and seems great, we're forced to give up on sthing that may have boons, but has its own flaws. That's the case with the new supports system. It makes secondary characters less transparent, but erases their development after each support. But I still think that's a good thing because it was something that missed in classical FE games. And I'm convinced IS put all their efforts and hearts in the last games, including Awakening. They could have made more or differently, but this is a limitless circle. This is why series exist, otherwise a single game would be enough. And I'm satisfied with the huge content they gave us with Fates. Gameplay-wise it is the best game IMHO, I played most of the FE games, and I dont remember I have ever been more satisfied with any gameplay, but it can still be improved. Now that I got really used to Fates mechanics, some older gameplay features seem strange (like Dodge-tanking, classical units that were too bulky overall, etc.), and some "obscurantists" (from my POV) topics make me laugh when I see them.

I didn't imply that each change is good, but the "approach" of change is important. We can't just use the same stuff over and over. We need to evolve. So yeah, sometimes a change isn't operational immediately, like Pair-Up that have been really balanced and are now a very interesting feature strategy-wise if we don't abuse of it as I explained in another of your topics. Fire Emblem really re-invented itself recently, and it's great thing if you ask me, because it's now one of the very few Nintendo series that are able to do that. It found a new breath, a new inspiration that saved it. I recognize that being more popular isn't necessarily a proof of quality, I get sometimes a bit angry when I see people Pairing everybody and this kind of stuff, but people can play as they want as long I can play as I want. Same for Casual and Phoenix modes, I don't really care 'cause I can play in Classical mode. And that's true for any "broken" stuff.

I'll stop there because it gets long but I think you see my point better. Sorry if my first post seemed a bit aggressive, but I thought it was just another of these whining "Nothing better than ol'times" stuff.

Maybe then it was a mistake of mine to put awakening and fates into the same category since they seem to of taken a lot of risks with fates that make it more than just an awakening 2.0. I think I'll stick with my original plan and wait until I actually play it before I judge it fully. Would any of you be interested to hear what someone like me would think of playing them? Who knows? i might actually prefer them to the tellius series!

I see...so correct me if I'm wrong but your main point is that if we constantly stay stuck in the past and don't evolve we'll never find anything better? I agree as without taking any risks you can't open up opportunities to experience new and potentially better things. While I do love the old games now that I think about it while a remake would be awesome, if they kept remaking it over and over again even they would get pretty boring quite quickly as nothing's perfect. So I'm glad IS is taking risks and trying new things rather than just making a complete rehash and still selling loads. It's good that they're still taking risks. I was just hoping that I could nudge them in a direction that I think would be beneficial to some people.

In fact, here's some constructive criticism I think would help IS get more fans and support from existing fans!

1)Keep taking risks in all areas so that the series doesn't stagnate. But mainly take risks involving giving the players more options.

2)Make all fan service entirely optional with loads of cool outfits to choose from. It doesn't matter if they can marry, have sex, dress skimpy as long as you can have alternatives but still use the same characters.

3)Have an even wider variety of characters to appeal to as many different people as possible. From deep (imo of course) characters like Jill or Elincia who have character development that goes along with the main story, to more humorous characters like Odin or Arthur, to even older characters like Ike or Marth. All characters, even ones like Ike, would be able to support with each other and the main avatar. This would attempt to please everyone.

4)Bring back third tiers again as people seemed to like them.

I acknowledge that IS doesn't need to do any of these but it'd be nice to see from them and I think a lot of people would be happy with these changes though I could be wrong.

In conclusion, while I'd love to see remakes or whatever of my favorite sub series I wouldn't want that to overthrow the potential of any new games. If it can be done alongside whatever IS are cooking up then great! If not, oh well. I don't even want a full remake of those games...I just wish IS and Nintendo could allow more players to try them for themselves.

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I'm definitely not completely satisfied. I don't like Awakening much anymore, and while I like Fates, it still has serious issues, like the fanservice.

Would you accept the fan service if 100% of it was completely optional? For example, you could dress the avatar in really skimpy or really armored suits?

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Would you accept the fan service if 100% of it was completely optional? For example, you could dress the avatar in really skimpy or really armored suits?

Yeah, I suppose. I mean, it would be much better than having boobs, crotch, and ass shoved in your face in a cutscene like we currently get in Birthright.

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I'm in the majority it seems. Good, but flawed.

1. They need to get a better art director. I don't have a problem with Kozaki's designs, but for the love of god, get an art director that isn't obsessed with panty armor (or female knights and cavaliers showing off their butt for that matter).

2. Get a writer that doesn't rely on anime contrivances. No more "You'll come back to life because your bonds are strong" or stupid crap like that.

3. Improve the world building.

Honestly, if they just fix these, I will have little problems going forward.

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I think regardless of some flaws one might catch in any FE game, I'll completely support it to death, because I know its value and all the awesome things it offers as a turn based strategy game. It saddens me that some people gave up on TMS#FE, because past the surface (the pop idol culture in Japan and other minor stuff), it's a really good game with a well-founded gameplay and beautiful visuals that grants an enjoyable experience. I encourage people to give this game a try if you have the chance to.

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I think regardless of some flaws one might catch in any FE game, I'll completely support it to death, because I know its value and all the awesome things it offers as a turn based strategy game. It saddens me that some people gave up on TMS#FE, because past the surface (the pop idol culture in Japan and other minor stuff), it's a really good game with a well-founded gameplay and beautiful visuals that grants an enjoyable experience. I encourage people to give this game a try if you have the chance to.

If they had just taken the time to dub it in English (and leave the songs in Japanese like Stella Glow did), I would have bought it.

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