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10 hours ago, Mackc2 said:

Goddammit why must I be so boastful when I play Civ V against my friends, I got half the players in the game to declare war on me because I finished the Manhattan project, I mean I wan't going to use the nukes. At least submarines are broken, 20 battleships mean nothing against 2 submarines 

I know just enough about Civ to laugh about this, nice!

10 hours ago, DodgeDusk said:

Obligatory post to keep @Arcanite speaking to me on Discord.


I don't know why you'd be this desperate to talk to Arc, but I'm not complaining!

6 hours ago, Claudius I said:

Add Mairon#9109 while you're at it too, mah boi. I know this post is like a day old, but pretend you're still at it.



4 hours ago, Natalie said:

Am I like the only person on here who doesn't have you guys as Discord friends? That's kind of sad. But you know, if anyone feels like adding me it's Natalie#9461.


I'll just be a nice guy for once and add you guys.

32 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Who needs Discord when you have a forum?


I agree with this! Now let me add all of you on Discord so I can stop coming to this thread.


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2 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

I don't know why you'd be this desperate to talk to Arc, but I'm not complaining!


I haven't spoken to that robot for almost 12 hours as of this post and I'm starting to get cranky.


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Just now, Mackc2 said:

I knew you were the mole. 
Or did I?

Nah, I was just remembering back when she kept trying to get everyone here to play Mafia. And then we did, and three people from this thread made up the entire Mafia team. Fun times all around!

I almost tagged her in my post to be honest, but I thought that might be taking it too far.


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Just now, DefaultBeep said:

Nah, I was just remembering back when she kept trying to get everyone here to play Mafia. And then we did, and three people from this thread made up the entire Mafia team. Fun times all around!

I almost tagged her in my post to be honest, but I thought that might be taking it too far.


I would tag her right now, but I would probably get banned again... 

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1 minute ago, Mackc2 said:

I would tag her right now, but I would probably get banned again... 

I think that was more if you spammed her with a bunch of notifications, not necessarily just one. But it's an understandable concern regardless.


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5 hours ago, Bartozio said:

I don't know why you'd be this desperate to talk to Arc, but I'm not complaining!

@integrity would you mind renaming the thread "Arcanite Shade Fest 2018"?

5 hours ago, DodgeDusk said:

I haven't spoken to that robot for almost 12 hours as of this post and I'm starting to get cranky.



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