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FE10 Tierlist 2017

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5/10 for Kieran. Not unlike Geoffrey, he's pretty powerful, but is too slow to double much of anything after 2-3.

3.5/10 for Astrid. Starts off pretty horrible, though unlike certain other bad units *cough Meg cough Lyre hack*, she can actually get out of her rut thanks to innate Paragon, especially with Blossom.

5/10 for Makalov. He has his moments in the CRK chapters, but as usual, availability problems rear their ugly head.

4/10 for Danved. He's more balanced relative to Aran or Nephenee... But that works out against him, unfortunately.

6.5/10 for Calill. Her availability hurts her, but she has some endgame potential, with being able to use Rexflame without losing speed from it, unlike a certain empress.

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6/10 for Astrid. Though it's generally not a popular opinion I've gotten nothing but solid use out of her. However, due to having lower caps than a marksman, I tend to swap in Leonardo or Shinon for endgame. Her movement is useful in the final 2 endgame chapters though if she's got high enough strength and/or SS in bows to ORK the spirits.

5/10 for Makalov. Being the only sword paladin in the game makes his inclusion in the game unique, but he's nothing too special as are most paladins even with good rng. There's just not enough motivation to use a horseback character that primarily uses swords when you can just use Mia or Edward (and with boots if you want them to mimic the movement Gold/Silver Knights have).

7/10 for Calill. It feels like she's meant to be the fire sage that you'd rather use over Sanaki, But you have to bring Sanaki to endgame anyway so she's sort of a redundant character. Other than pretty run-of-the-mill caps as an archsage, she does have solid stats and unlike Tormod, she has decent availability as a fire sage which is fine by me. All in all, you may as well focus on a rexbolt or rexcalibur user for more diversity.

can we contribute to previous characters whose votes have already been decided?

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can we contribute to previous characters whose votes have already been decided?


It's mentioned in the topic post.

Also you didn't vote in the poll.

I only accept votes from the poll and not from your comments.

I clearified it in my topic post once more.

Edited by Eleanor Hume
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can we contribute to previous characters whose votes have already been decided?

You should probably still fill out the poll for the current quintett. I don't think the OP wants to go through all the names in the poll and compare them to the written posts. (I don't either - I just saw that Calill didn't have a 7/10 vote yet)

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I voted last night, but didn't comment cause it was too late and I needed sleep. But anyway.

Kieran: KIERAN <3 Man, I wish he was as good as the amount of love I have for him. He's so funny and entertaining and so brave and loyal. x3 (and hot too!) But while he's great and arguably the best Paladin in PoR, I wouldn't quite say this for RD. He's still good and the best Crimean Royal Knight you get, but Paladins kinda got nerfed in this game for some reason, and it feels like Kieran's speed is even worse than it was before. He has great strength and def though, making him a tank with movement. I give him a 7/10

Astrid: She's pretty bad. I wanted to use her because I didn't want Shinon to be the only guy I had with bows and a high bow rank, but I saw that she just sucked. She comes in too low-level and needs babying, kinda like in PoR. Except in PoR, she has a little more time to grow. 3/10

Makalov: Sadly he's not much better, though he has potential. His bases and level are just bad. 4/10

Danved: Okay when you get him, but once you get Aran or even Nephenee back, he's...useless. He's probably the worst of his class in the game, though he's not really terrible. 4/10

Callil: Same as Danved, really. Alright when you get her, but is later outclassed by other magic users. It also doesn't help that like other mages, she's really squishy. 3/10

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Sanaki averages 29.7 speed and 9.6 strength at 20/20, never mind that 20/20 is a higher level than I'd expect Sanaki to hit without blatant favouritism. (And at no point is it practical to BExp her for those stats, they're two of her lowest growths.)

Meanwhile Calill hits 32 speed at 20/10, and always has enough strength.

Dude, I got her to like lvl.10 in a HM LTC by having her erase half the map, and only at the cost of Resolve+Daunt and a lighter-weight tome. She's severely underrated, and so are a ton of characters that people choose to handwave because ''they don't need them'', or whatever.

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Dude, I got her to like lvl.10 in a HM LTC by having her erase half the map, and only at the cost of Resolve+Daunt and a lighter-weight tome. She's severely underrated, and so are a ton of characters that people choose to handwave because ''they don't need them'', or whatever.

To be honest Sanaki is fine the way she is, only she does fine with her own personal tome and doesn't necessarily need Rexflame. So you can invest in Calill and you can do some interesting siege tome trading chains to clear a path from safety. I think "because Sanaki takes a slot I don't need any other sage" is also kinda BS, because even if the other sages are not godlike like the laguz royals, they still serve an important function of taking out enemies on cover panels and actually do very well vs the dragons other than Deghinsea (but there are very, very few characters who stand up to Deghinsea anyway). Yeah it blows that the final two chapters have very high res bosses, but then there's so many units capable of killing bosses. I'm actually more frustrated that genuinely bad endgame units like Sothe are forced and taking up slots from more valuable units.

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lol the mages are worse than way more units than just the laguz royals. their movement limits alone make them mostly useless. micaiah and elincia also make their staff usage irrelevant.

unlike calil sanaki isn't competing with the top 10 units in the game for a deployment slot, let alone rexflame.

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Really, Sanaki is pretty much the most troublesome sage in the game. Her start isn't the best, you need to give her a Seraph Robe, an Energy Drop and a Dracoshield to make her work a bit, not even BEXP because she'll mostly get mag, lck and res. While Resolve+Miracle/Daunt is a good way to exploit her potential, it is still quite risky because she won't have that good avoid to to survive the waves of enemies in Silver Route. Laura, Ilyana, Calill and Rhys are better in that regard since by that time they already are OP units.

= EDIT =

Heck, even Pelleas is far easier to use than Sanaki.

Edited by Quintessence
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Really, Sanaki is pretty much the most troublesome sage in the game. Her start isn't the best, you need to give her a Seraph Robe, an Energy Drop and a Dracoshield to make her work a bit, not even BEXP because she'll mostly get mag, lck and res. While Resolve+Miracle/Daunt is a good way to exploit her potential, it is still quite risky because she won't have that good avoid to to survive the waves of enemies in Silver Route. Laura, Ilyana, Calill and Rhys are better in that regard since by that time they already are OP units.

= EDIT =

Heck, even Pelleas is far easier to use than Sanaki.

You mean the same Pelleas who is stuck with the most inaccurate magic types? That Pelleas? That's a laugh and a half. Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Didn't add Rhayader's vote from his comment because he didn't vote in the poll.

Also Sanaki is way easier to train than Pelleas.

  1. She uses more accurate tomes.
  2. You can give her paragon in the first map of part 4 unlike Pelleas who joins after the first turn.
  3. 4-P has more friendly terrain than 4-2.


Growthrates (%)

HP: 65

Strength: 55

Magic: 10

Skill: 60

Speed: 35

Luck: 30

Defense: 40

Resistance: 15

Skill: -

Affinity: earth

Ike is a bit nerfed growthwise, but he’s still fantastic in FE10 mainly because he starts at high level.

With boost in strength and speed he can oneround everything which is not a general or a swordmaster.

His two main weaknesses are his low speed and resistance growth. Latter won’t matter later on, because Ike has earth-affinity and will dodge pretty much everything. However his speed can be a serious problem, if he has to survive BK in 3-7. He needs 27 speed at least, what is rather unlikely to get, if he doesn’t have boost in speed. Bexp. might fix this issue.

Unlike in FE9 he can use Ragnell for quite a lot of chapters. It makes him pretty much invulnerable against physical weapons. Mages won’t have a chance either, if he has a support in earth.

The only reason why he's slightly worse than in FE9 is he's not as balanced as he was in the prequel anymore. Especailly when he doesn't have supports he's very weak against mages.

9 / 10


Growthrates (%):

HP: 40

Strength: 25

Magic: 45

Skill: 55

Speed: 50

Luck: 70

Defense: 25

Resistance: 40

Skill: miracle

Affinity: water

Mist has serious problems in the beginning. She joins with low bases. With her 15 base speed she’ll get doubled by everyone except for generals and mages.

However with her decent speed growth it shouldn’t be a problem for her later on.

Also her other stats and growths are rather mediocre. She’s awful in combat since magic weapons were removed and she requires Rhys’s mend stave to heal efficiently.

She needs tons of babying to become useful later on, what she is when she becomes a troubadour. A mobile healer is very appreciated and sol makes her a lot better in combat.

Mist is serious endgame material since she can use a SS sword and her speed cap allows her to double the auras in the final map.

She has potential, but most players don’t have the patience with her due to her low base level and stats, and the fact that Elincia exists.

5 / 10


Growthrates (%)

HP: 60

Strength: 60

Magic: 15

Skill: 55

Speed: 50

Luck: 40

Defense: 20

Resistance: 30

Skill: counter

Affinity: light

Titania is the unit with the highest base level. Accordingly her bases are great. Same goes for her growths. Furthermore she’s mounted.

She works pretty much as a „Jeigan“. She’s excellent to weak the enemies so lower leveled units can claim the kills.

With her 21 base speed she can only oneround some sages, and it won’t change later on because of her low experience gain.

She’s still great in part 4 but not the best choiche as your axe user for the engame, because Jill and Haar have better caps than Gold Knights.

8.5 / 10


Growthrates (%)

HP: 40

Strength: 25

Magic: 80

Skill: 60

Speed: 35

Luck: 35

Defense: 25

Resistance: 70

Affinity: darkness

Skill: adept

Soren will be your mage, not because he’s the best in terms of growths or caps, but simply because he’s the easiest one to train.

He joins with good bases and has excellent avaialibility. His magic and resistance are really high at cost of his speed. With transfer boosts in magic, speed and resistance you can cap his speed in second tier without much effort and promote him early (what I usually do). Then you have a better stave user than Rhys and early Mist.

Free adept is nice, but since it’s based on speed in FE10, other units can make better use of it.

No single mage in this game is great because everyone has an issue somewhere, but Soren is the only one you can work with through the entire game without many problems.

6 / 10


Growthrates (%)

HP: 40

Strength: 25

Magic: 65

Skill: 35

Speed: 35

Luck: 60

Defense: 20

Resistance: 75

Skill: -

Affinity: fire

Rhys is the worst of GM’s.

He’s the better healer in the beginning because of his much higher magic. But he shares the same problem with Mist for being very slow. And unlike Mist, Rhys has a low speed growth. He’ll get doubled by everyone, even by generals (!!!).

He’s a walking target like Micaiah and Laura in the entire game. Mist will outclass him due to her better speed growth, and Soren anyways if he’s an arch sage. At the latest in 3-4 there’s no room for him anymore.

5 / 10

Edited by Eleanor Hume
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Ike - good unit for the most part, the only problem I have with him is his shaky speed. He can have a bit of problems doubling people, and Wind Edges aren't as cool as Hand Axes or Javelins. He also doesn't have the move that other units have and a silly weakness to makes. A stray critical from a mage will probably kill him. That said, considering what he's up against most of the time? He can rend face through most anything. 9 / 10

Mist - Thanks for having 6 move and not getting OHKOed because you have enough base speed to live. Terrible in combat and can only heal. I'd rather just promote Soren early and not use her. She stinks. Her Prf weapon is amazing but her strength is so poor that you'll probably not notice how good it is. 4.5 /10

Titania - Same as Ike except trade "weak to mages" to "weak to nothing really." Good. Really good. Not Haar good, but considering that she's being compared to him? Come on. 9.5 /10.

Soren - Pretty bad tbh. He's not fast, and his might isn't high enough for me to care in most cases on attacks. I want to like him, but the game doesn't want me to like him. I'll pass. He can promote early, but then he's desperately missing the stats he needs to not be bad later on... Of which case, he's just decidedly mediocre. At least Mist is just kinda lame but low maintenance.

Rhys - He's like Mist but with 1 less move (why?), and he gets massacred by practically everything. Oh, and no PRF weapon and lame attack. 3.5 /10

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Ike - 7.5/10. Powerful, but has issues with mages, especially thunder mages, and his speed can be worrisome. Also, has to rely on wind edges until he gets Ragnell, which... aren't great, to say the least.

Mist - 6/10. Staffbot that eventually gets a horse. She is also a good Mage killer.

Titania - 8.5/10. Powerful, mobile and likely to be among the first third tier units.

Soren - 5/10. Has the typical Mage issues, and worse yet, is locked to the part 4 route that's shit for mages.

Rhys - 5/10. He's a staffbot through and through. Enough said.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Ike: He's just so damn strong and can tear through just about anyone. He's a bit hurting for speed to start but since he caps everything else so fast you won't have troubles fixing his weaknesses. He also gets Ragnell for a good number of chapters. Hilariously, since Ike gets axes and Nihil on promotion he can deal with the Black Knight in a single round, a far cry from the amount of RNG you needed to even survive the BK in PoR.

Mist: Since the devs left magic weapons out of this game, despite what the Florete's description says, it is not based on her magic. Mistake or not, it also means Mist has zero offense, but she's also a less fragile, more mobile healer than Rhys. Since neither of them want to be anywhere near the enemy, I consider Mist to be the better healer but compared to PoR she isn't ridiculously better than the other healers this time. And yes, Mist can use SS swords. No, her offense is still terrible even with them, due to a disgustingly bad strength cap of 25. One she may not even hit.

Titania: Also has ridiculous bases, Titania requires virtually no effort to use, though you may considering using a speedwing on either her or Haar. Despite being yet another mobile axe user, she doesn't really need to worry about being overshadowed because it just means you can tackle multiple objectives in an even faster manner. Despite being a "Jeigan", there is almost never a point where Titania is not good except that she doesn't reach 34 speed. Big deal, she can use hammers AND wyrmslayers and you can have other characters deal with things that Titania is not.

Soren: A very focused mage, with amazing magic and good weapon ranks means he can somewhat mitigate his terrible speed by opting for Blizzard, Bolting and Meteor. Wind got a pretty big power buff in this game and his caps are probably the most optimal of the Archsages. His only downfall in the end is that Rexcalibur is the worst of the SS tomes. But since the GMs could really use another healer who isn't "doubled by everything" Rhys or "can't actually hurt anything" Mist, Soren actually does an extremely good job as a replacement healer even capped out at B staves. Too bad he can't go the desert where he could kick the "mages have bad movement" stigma, but he can still continue to heal for the GMs.

Rhys: Healing is nice, but Rhys is my least favourite dedicated healer. Despite crazy high magic, Rhys is somewhat problematic to position throughout the GMs maps, especially in fog of war. All mages are fragile, sure, but Rhys is really pushing it...

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You mean the same Pelleas who is stuck with the most inaccurate magic types? That Pelleas? That's a laugh and a half.

While he might have skill issues, he's under Tibarn/Elincia's (?) command with 4/3 authority stars that give him +20/15 hit (dunno who exactly but still, a bonus is a bonus). Once 4-5 hits, he has a chance to auto promote with bexp, crown and watch him wreck laguz next chapter with Resolve and Flare.

He's also several turns too late and on the wrong map route for his magic type.

The best he can do in 4-2 is deal with the warrior reinforcements up north, which iirc he can double in NM, else, he can still chip or take a kill from them in HM.

Also Sanaki is way easier to train than Pelleas.

  • She uses more accurate tomes.
  • You can give her paragon in the first map of part 4 unlike Pelleas who joins after the first turn.
  • 4-P has more friendly terrain than 4-2.
1. True, but Sanaki gets no bonuses while Pelleas does, so that sort of compensates the gap.

2. Giving Paragon to Sanaki is not a good idea to make her get levels, because giving her Paragon over Resolve means she will face little enemy phase due to her sucky avoid and low AS, which means she'll beat 1 enemy on PP or 2 if you have Leanne vigor her, and then face at most 1 or 2 enemies at EP with a questionable durability. On the other hand, if you give her the above mentioned resources and Resolve she'll be basically a monster and can handle the northern army at 4-P. With Resolve she'll kill more enemies, be able to double, be able to dodge tank thanks to spd bonus +miracle/daunt, and be ready for desert chapter. While with Paragon she'll gain like 2 or 3 lvs max unless you turtle and baby sit her.

2.A. Meanwhile Pelleas will do basically nothing on 4-2 but will receive a lot of BEXP, a crown, Resolve and Daunt and be already doubling laguz with Resolve on next chapter. Hit issues won't matter because at resolve range he'll have almost guaranteed hit and is far more durable and less headachey than Sanaki. For Sanaki you have to fix her hp, str, spd and def while Pelleas will be more easy to care. With BEXP lvs he'll most likely cap mag, skl and sp, and probably res if you want to push it. Promotion gains increase his def really well, making him more solid than Sanaki and versatile as a combat unit.

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Ike - almost a flawless unit. his bases are amazing to where his speed growth is fine, leaving his only real flaw as res, but mages are a joke in this game. will 2hko anything that's not a general. the main two things that keep him down from being 10/10 is that he's not as useful as haar or titania who are mounted, and he's sword-locked until part 4 (come to think of it, he should have gotten axes early on imo). if you low man part 3, he'll make good use of blossom so that he doesn't become an exp sponge and then his growths are even better. 9.5/10

mist - ugh. i think if her florette sword was based on magic, like the sonic sword in path of radiance and the levin swords in the 3ds games, she would be fantastic. but unfortunately her combat and durability are realllly bad. bases are bad, and while her growths can help make her dodge more and not get ohko'd, she'll never get enough strength to not be useless at combat. i do like her as a healer though. has better movement and dodging than rhys. and mounted makes her pretty solid for the oliver mansion chapter. she would also work as a healer in endgame, but way outclassed by elincia, and maybe micaiah. 5/10

titania - obviously an amazing unit. basically haar but on a mount that doesn't fly. speed is the main thing holding her back, though she definitely makes the best use of a speedwing, between her and haar. oscar is guaranteed earth affinity that's not going to be used elsewhere. axes rule in this game. what more can i say. 9.5/10

soren - never got the fuss about soren, he's really not that good. his innate adept goes to waste with his mediocre stats. he's not doubling anything, he's not surviving much, and he's not moving very far either. it's a shame, because his arcsage design is fantastic, and his character is pretty good, though i have mixed feelings on that. 4/10

rhys - more fragile and less mobile than mist. nice to have in the first two greil merc chapters, as well as the defend chapter, but definitely bench material after that. 3.5/10

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I've always preferred Rhys to Mist, personally. Mist's (slightly) increased durability isn't super important in my opinion because healers aren't meant to be taking hits anyway, but Rhys' existent chip damage is something I can actually use. The Physic staff that transfers over in 3-2 makes their movement and durability even less relevant, especially considering Rhys has much more Magic to use it with.

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Ike: 7/10

Ike is good but he isn't flawless. Besides mobility I find that him being swordlocked is a drawback, and wind edges are not that good. I can't just funnel bexp into him (normal/easy) and watch him dominate like I can with other ground units like Boyd. On hard mode it's more apparent to me that he's not keeping up with the 9/10's (Haar/Titania/etc). He doesn't really shine until part 4.

Mist: 4.5/10

I find her kind of redundant, unlike Laura whom I appreciate having a second healer I find that the GM's function well with just one and Rhys is a much better healer than her. On the bright side I like that she gets her own promotion item but I still consider the less helpful healer.

Titania: 9.5/10

Titania is a goddess, she's basically Haar with a horse.

Soren: 4.5/10

He's ok if I dedicate myself into raising him I guess but he's much too weak and I find him rather pointless to raise because he doesn't have the option to go into whatever team I want.

Rhys: 7/10

He doesn't need a horse and doesn't need to face the enemy when his base magic is good enough to heal from afar. He can just do his healing well enough on his own without resources effort.

Edited by Sweet_Basil
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There's really not much to say about Ike other than that he's one of the best units in the game. Period.



Eh...she's okay. Not great, but okay. You really gotta train her, and her weapon would be pretty awesome if not for her low strength. She's good for healing, but in the longrun Elincia is better.



She's great! Mounted and powerful, with good bases. If you bring any combat horseback units into the final Endgame, she's a very good candidate.



He's probably the best mage in the game just because he's the easiest to use, and he may actually find a spot on the Endgame team! Ilyana ain't great, Calill is basically not around ever, and Pelleas is...Pelleas. Micaiah and Sanaki are forced, but...even then, Soren's more than up to par with them.



Eh, he's kind of overshadowed by Mist. She'll get a horse and instantly be more useful because of it. But, I suppose it is always nice to have some extra healing help.


Also, I thought about some of my earlier rankings and, if at all possible, I'd like to change a few.

Lower Edward down from a 7 to 6

Laura down from a 5.5 to 5

Ilyana down from a 4.5 to 4

and lastly Zihark down from a 7.5 to a 7.

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^ Alright, will change.

While he might have skill issues, he's under Tibarn/Elincia's (?) command with 4/3 authority stars that give him +20/15 hit (dunno who exactly but still, a bonus is a bonus). Once 4-5 hits, he has a chance to auto promote with bexp, crown and watch him wreck laguz next chapter with Resolve and Flare.

The best he can do in 4-2 is deal with the warrior reinforcements up north, which iirc he can double in NM, else, he can still chip or take a kill from them in HM.

1. True, but Sanaki gets no bonuses while Pelleas does, so that sort of compensates the gap.
2. Giving Paragon to Sanaki is not a good idea to make her get levels, because giving her Paragon over Resolve means she will face little enemy phase due to her sucky avoid and low AS, which means she'll beat 1 enemy on PP or 2 if you have Leanne vigor her, and then face at most 1 or 2 enemies at EP with a questionable durability. On the other hand, if you give her the above mentioned resources and Resolve she'll be basically a monster and can handle the northern army at 4-P. With Resolve she'll kill more enemies, be able to double, be able to dodge tank thanks to spd bonus +miracle/daunt, and be ready for desert chapter. While with Paragon she'll gain like 2 or 3 lvs max unless you turtle and baby sit her.
2.A. Meanwhile Pelleas will do basically nothing on 4-2 but will receive a lot of BEXP, a crown, Resolve and Daunt and be already doubling laguz with Resolve on next chapter. Hit issues won't matter because at resolve range he'll have almost guaranteed hit and is far more durable and less headachey than Sanaki. For Sanaki you have to fix her hp, str, spd and def while Pelleas will be more easy to care. With BEXP lvs he'll most likely cap mag, skl and sp, and probably res if you want to push it. Promotion gains increase his def really well, making him more solid than Sanaki and versatile as a combat unit.

Sanaki doesn't need any stat boosters.
With her base speed she won't be able to double anything in 4-P in hard mode. She only needs the strength for the final map to double the auras, and she doesn't need any energydrops for that. Gareth a / o Ena will give it to her. (if you still worried about her strength, then give her ellight)
And I'm pretty sure she'll survive a hit by everyone in 4-P except for the boss and generals.
If you give paragon to her, she'll have enough HP to survive a shot in 4-3, enough strength to use Cymbeline without speed penalty and enough speed not to get doubled by anyone in 4-3 except for the swordmasters.

Also Pelleas no real endgame material except for Fenrir-spamming in E-3 + E-4 because Belberith is totally inaccurate unless the other SS tomes (for a reason I don't fucking know).
Sure, he's the only dark mage in the game, but this game is totally mage-unfriendly.
You already stuck with Micaiah and Sanaki, two mages who need tons of babying through the entire game, so there's no real reason to waste more endgame slots with a rather mediocre class.
Even Soren isn't really appreciated for me (only bring him to endgame to have a Rexcalibur user).
Other units like Soren, Nephenee, Jill... need the master crown way more than Pelleas.

Edited by Eleanor Hume
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While he might have skill issues, he's under Tibarn/Elincia's (?) command with 4/3 authority stars that give him +20/15 hit (dunno who exactly but still, a bonus is a bonus). Once 4-5 hits, he has a chance to auto promote with bexp, crown and watch him wreck laguz next chapter with Resolve and Flare.

The best he can do in 4-2 is deal with the warrior reinforcements up north, which iirc he can double in NM, else, he can still chip or take a kill from them in HM.

1. True, but Sanaki gets no bonuses while Pelleas does, so that sort of compensates the gap.

2. Giving Paragon to Sanaki is not a good idea to make her get levels, because giving her Paragon over Resolve means she will face little enemy phase due to her sucky avoid and low AS, which means she'll beat 1 enemy on PP or 2 if you have Leanne vigor her, and then face at most 1 or 2 enemies at EP with a questionable durability. On the other hand, if you give her the above mentioned resources and Resolve she'll be basically a monster and can handle the northern army at 4-P. With Resolve she'll kill more enemies, be able to double, be able to dodge tank thanks to spd bonus +miracle/daunt, and be ready for desert chapter. While with Paragon she'll gain like 2 or 3 lvs max unless you turtle and baby sit her.

2.A. Meanwhile Pelleas will do basically nothing on 4-2 but will receive a lot of BEXP, a crown, Resolve and Daunt and be already doubling laguz with Resolve on next chapter. Hit issues won't matter because at resolve range he'll have almost guaranteed hit and is far more durable and less headachey than Sanaki. For Sanaki you have to fix her hp, str, spd and def while Pelleas will be more easy to care. With BEXP lvs he'll most likely cap mag, skl and sp, and probably res if you want to push it. Promotion gains increase his def really well, making him more solid than Sanaki and versatile as a combat unit.

It ain't just about skill issues - he's stuck with thunder and dark magic, neither of which are known for their accuracy. Also, Resolve strats are Russian Roulette strats that require you to luck out continuously, and that's no bueno, especially since Sanaki (or Pelleas) will be one (un)lucky hit away from death.

Soren: A very focused mage, with amazing magic and good weapon ranks means he can somewhat mitigate his terrible speed by opting for Blizzard, Bolting and Meteor. Wind got a pretty big power buff in this game and his caps are probably the most optimal of the Archsages. His only downfall in the end is that Rexcalibur is the worst of the SS tomes. But since the GMs could really use another healer who isn't "doubled by everything" Rhys or "can't actually hurt anything" Mist, Soren actually does an extremely good job as a replacement healer even capped out at B staves. Too bad he can't go the desert where he could kick the "mages have bad movement" stigma, but he can still continue to heal for the GMs.

Bold: You misspelled "Balberith".

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Hey, I missed people!

Kieran - Axes are good. Horses are good. Too bad that goes out the window because flying axes are better. He'll do alright, but "alright" is mediocre by axe standards. 5/10

Astrid - She can, uh, try to chip. She'll do great if Paragon + Blossom kicks in. If they kick in. 2/10

Makalov - Yet Another Horse Unit, which Crimea has no shortage of. He's hilarious if he can take advantage of his growths. Keyword is "if". Otherwise, he just takes up space. 4.5/10

Danved - The compromise between Aran and Nepheenee. Given my dislike of Neph, he's pretty welcome. He might as well be in FE4, though, since he's the foot unit in the midst of a bunch of horses. 5/10

Calill - She can use siege magic to pretty good effect. I wouldn't do much else with her, though. 4/10

And for today's batch:

Ike - He gets axes on promotion, which is already bonkers, given his bases/growths/Ragnell. Once he starts capping things, he can gobble BEXP to help him with his shaky Speed. HOWEVER, he's still on foot, and that kind-of hurts. 8.5/10, with a bit of negative bias because I'm not a fan of his new look.

Mist - A healer on wheels with the wrong secondary weapon type. She'll hit back harder than most staffbots, but that's not saying much. At least she gets her own personal sword, which is better than nothing. In other words, she's literally a staff on a horse. 4.5/10

Titania - Still a great pick, though she's not quite as insane as her PoR incarnation. Her bases are a little wonky, given her tier 2 caps, but what can you do about that? 8/10

Soren - His caps and growths scream "give me BEXP!" But if you do, he should cap the three offensive stats he cares about (Magic/Skill/Speed). In other words, if you don't mind the BEXP investment, the results are hilarious. The issue, of course, is that a lot of other units want BEXP, too (Ike/Haar come to mind). 7/10, with a bit of positive bias for reminding me just how funny he is with a BEXP investment

Rhys - If a physical unit looks at him the wrong way, he dies. Unlike Mist, he can either use a staff or inflict some serious hurt with magic. While you do have better options for mages (like Soren), he's able to do SOMETHING besides use a staff. 5/10

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It ain't just about skill issues - he's stuck with thunder and dark magic, neither of which are known for their accuracy. Also, Resolve strats are Russian Roulette strats that require you to luck out continuously, and that's no bueno, especially since Sanaki (or Pelleas) will be one (un)lucky hit away from death.

Bold: You misspelled "Balberith".

To be honest I forget Balberith exists sometimes, since you can't even use it on a fresh playthrough. Same with Rexaura. Despite the bad hit, it does still have 2 MT on Rexcalibur though, and the only time you really have hit issues is vs Ashera due to authority stars/maybe Daunt/the right support. To be honest the only SS tome that I find extremely good is Rexflame, since Rexbolt is only really good for 4-E-3. I find the best mage weapons are siege tomes, especially if you steal the Bolting and bless it, you can absolutely wreck swaths of 4-E-3 with any mages you want.

Personally, I like Pelleas for his exclusive 10 uses of Fenrir. Despite the shaky hit, it's going to put a large dent when it lands and Pelleas doesn't need to be anywhere near the enemy to make use of it. I don't think I've ever taken him into the tower, but free sieges is a nice perk and with your army split up, it's likely you aren't optimally filling every deployment spot anyway.

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To be honest I forget Balberith exists sometimes, since you can't even use it on a fresh playthrough. Same with Rexaura. Despite the bad hit, it does still have 2 MT on Rexcalibur though, and the only time you really have hit issues is vs Ashera due to authority stars/maybe Daunt/the right support. To be honest the only SS tome that I find extremely good is Rexflame, since Rexbolt is only really good for 4-E-3. I find the best mage weapons are siege tomes, especially if you steal the Bolting and bless it, you can absolutely wreck swaths of 4-E-3 with any mages you want.

Personally, I like Pelleas for his exclusive 10 uses of Fenrir. Despite the shaky hit, it's going to put a large dent when it lands and Pelleas doesn't need to be anywhere near the enemy to make use of it. I don't think I've ever taken him into the tower, but free sieges is a nice perk and with your army split up, it's likely you aren't optimally filling every deployment spot anyway.

Personally, I find blessing long range magic to be a novelty at best. Also, how the heck do you plan on stealing a Bolting??? With only two options to get one, both of which are a severe pain in the ass, I don't think it's worth it. Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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