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... so... what's your most anticipated games of 2017?


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What seems to be part of my yearly transitional ritual now is posting a thread about the most anticipated games in the coming year. Thanks for being here.

I know it's a meme to say that 2016 was a pretty shitty year, and yeah, it was in some regards, but this year was another pretty great year for games in my opinion. A new Fire Emblem, Nintendo Switch announced, two legendary status games came out (The Last Guardian and FFVX), Battlefield 1 was pretty stable at launch and it seems they finally came together with something extremely fun, Red Dead Redemption 2 was announced, a lot of VR stuff came out, and generally a lot of other cool things too I imagine.

Regardless how this year was for gaming, I hope everyone here had at least a decent 2016. It was a hard year, but we made it through as (hopefully) better people. Here's to a better 2017.

So, what are you looking forward to in 2017?

[spoiler=My list for the stuff I'm excited for, in no particular order]Valkyria Revolution - Loved the first one, really excited to see what this one brings.

Resident Evil 7 - I'm really hoping this reinvigorates the series again. I've never really played too many of them, but I'd like to this game succeed.

Horizon: Zero Dawn - I was curious mostly because it's a FPS developer making something outside of what they've done before. The art direction in this looks gorgeous and I hope that game itself is just as good.

Ghost Recon: Wildlands - I'm more so curious about this game rather than excited. Watch Dogs 2 was pretty good, but it's still Ubisoft.

Persona 5 - While I've yet to finish 4 (yes, roast me all you want), it seems this game will contain the same extremely stylish aesthetic of 4 that made it one of my favorite RPGs of all time.

Breath of the Wild - A more open-world Zelda? Hell yeah.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Granted they actually release it this year.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Since the first game is a modern classic and a masterpiece in gaming, there's no way I'm missing out on this one.

Elite: Dangerous - While I'm not 100% sure it's coming out in 2017, this looks like what No Man's Sky should have been. Hopefully they don't fall prey to the same issues that they did. I doubt it, but you can never be too careful.

Prey - Never played the others, but this one looks cool.

Others that I didn't want to write about:

Days Gone


Shadow Warrior 2


For Honor

Gravity Rush 2

Doesn't seem like too many Nintendo games, but I imagine they'll be more to be excited about soon.

I'm sure I'm missing games here. Please enlighten me on the ones I'm missing.

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Even if it's quite unlikely or would take me quite some time to actually play it, I look forward for SRW V.

Just the idea of seeing a non-OG SRW game getting an official English translation (even if it won't have a non East Asia release) is so... bizaare... but so exciting at the same time, I still can't believe it's finally happening!

And then there's the game itself. It has a very interesting cast line-up, quite some BGM's are making a (re)appearance, and other stuff as well!

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Persona 5. Probably some other stuff that I can't remember the name of, but definitely Persona 5. Initially, I wasn't particularly excited for it as I had a completely different idea of what the theme would be - of what I wanted it to be - but I've heard it's a pretty good game. I've also heard it has an overall somewhat short game length, but what is included in the game more than makes up for that. I'm tentatively looking forward to it releasing.

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Persona 5. Probably some other stuff that I can't remember the name of, but definitely Persona 5. Initially, I wasn't particularly excited for it as I had a completely different idea of what the theme would be - of what I wanted it to be - but I've heard it's a pretty good game. I've also heard it has an overall somewhat short game length, but what is included in the game more than makes up for that. I'm tentatively looking forward to it releasing.

Huh, those are pretty much my exact thoughts on the game. I do think it'll be a great game, but the theme bothers me a bit, not to mention they're bloody high schoolers again.

I'm also looking forward to Breath of the Wild. I'm always skeptical of big open world games, but they seem to really be doing a great job with the game overall. The music (and when suitable, lack thereof) in the overworld, the fantastic designs, the mysterious atmosphere...it all seems to be coming together very nicely, so I can only hope it plays well and actually has an interesting story. If memory serves, it'll be up to you to figure out what happened 100 years ago, but if you want, you can charge down to Ganon as soon as you've got the glider and finish the game, in theory.

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I know it's a meme to say that 2016 was a pretty shitty year, and yeah, it was in some regards, but this year was another pretty great year for games in my opinion. A new Fire Emblem, Nintendo Switch announced, two legendary status games came out (The Last Guardian and FFVX), Battlefield 1 was pretty stable at launch and it seems they finally came together with something extremely fun, Red Dead Redemption 2 was announced, a lot of VR stuff came out, and generally a lot of other cool things too I imagine.

It's not just a meme, but the fact that FFXV came out (I was in middle school when its development started! I am halfway through my third year of a PhD program now) and Pokemon Sun has impressed me in ways I never thought a Pokemon game would are silver linings. The fact that they pulled the trigger on FFXV and The Last Guardian's release is wonderful.

Anyway, Nier Automata, and there's a lot of buzz about FFVII Remake Part 1. And Breath of the Wild. FFVII Remake Part 1, if FFXV is of any indication, will be one of the best games of all time. This doesn't mean I'm saying FFXV was one of the best of all time, but they did so many things right in FFXV that I'm confident that FFVII Remake will be even better.

EDIT: forgot about Red Dead Redemption 2. I have to beat Valkyria Chronicles 1&2 before I get Valkyria Revolution though.

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also probably dawn of war 3, i don't know if it's confirmed for 2017 but there's no way they hype it for more than a year right?

other stuff, sure, probably, but i reserve my hype for close to release most of the time since i'm bad at hype

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Probably a toss up between Horizon and DQ11. I'd say the former if only because the concept is so cool + they signed on great writers, whereas I know what I'm getting with a DQ game. 2017 can't top finally getting to play TLG though :'(.

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TitS 3, which is kind of sad considering it's a super old game at this point...

Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom (please don't suck!)

Is that the Monster World spiritual sequel?

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1. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: I am a big Legend of Zelda fan and I have been looking forward to this game since it was first announced back in 2013.

2. For Honor: It is certainly the first Ubisoft game I have ever looked forward too (partly because I usually prefer Nintendo games and don't play a lot of rated M games; partly because of, well... Ubisoft), and I hope it doesn't disappoint.

3. Kingdom Come: Deliverance: I'm still not sure if I will actually get it when it comes out, but I am truly fascinated by the level of detail and historical authenticity, meaning that the most accurate and authentic historic fiction I have ever seen/played/read, is a video game (though that's not saying much as most 'historical' fiction is riddled with holes and errors). As someone for whom ancient & medieval history, particularly arms and armour, is an area of interest, it is very cool to see a game like this.

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Yooka-Laylee and A Hat in Time. Followed by Road Redemption finally leaving early access !

Also the Star Control game has been vaguely hinted for Q3, but we don't know enough about it for a game with that much work already done on it, so I think it's release will be pushed back to 2018.

Maybe Descent Underground? Well I can't quite compare my enthusiasm it to the above 4 games or even certain 2018 releases.

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Zelda: Breath of the Wild, of course! And that 3D Mario they showed in the Switch trailer!

I just hope Breath of the Wild doesn't end up being like Link's Awakening or the Oracles where you're basically just thrown in an overworld and told have at it. I was completely lost in those games and needed guides to enjoy them. I'm fine with looking at a guide every now and then for some help, and I'm not saying I want my hand held the whole way or anything (looking at you, Fi in Skyward Sword. I love you as a dancer and singer, but...yeah), but I'd still like SOME hints of what I'm supposed to do and where I'm supposed to go. I feel BotW should be closer to ALttP in this sense. There was still a sense of exploration and discovering things on your own there without feeling completely lost about what to do.

I'm fine with open world games, but they tend to be hit and miss for me because it feels like some of them give you enough hints without completely babying you and holding your hand while others leave you entirely lost.

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Trails in the Sky the 3rd

Not annoced yet but I'm expecting Ys VIII too

Also looking forward to Nier Automata and some Steam ports like Atelier Sophie, Ultra Despair Girls and MvC3

That's for stuff that I'll actually have some way to play, of course

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My absolute most anticipated is Zelda BOTW absolutely no question...

Also looking forward too

Ni No Kuni 2

Gravity Rush 2

Horizon Zero Dawn

New 3D Mario

Whatever the heck Retro is working on ( they are in incapable of making bad games so I don't care what it is I'll buy it)

Yooka Laylee

For Honor

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