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10 hours ago, Elieson said:

Just spotted it myself. Didn't get my last vote for Canas in. Curses!


Oh hai Ike. <3 I hope you're hinting at a certain something here. <3

18 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:


Japan's definitely getting it 7:00 am their time.

we are not, and will get it at a yet to be announced time on the 2nd.

It doesn't specifically say the 2nd here. Does this mean it might actually even be a later day? That would suck...

Also, if there are only 100 characters in the game at launch and we've seen most of them already, this must mean there are no characters outside of Archanea, Ylisse, Fates, and Elibe. What a huge disappointment. I'm probably going to barely play it until my preferred characters are added. It also won't get any higher than maybe a 2/5 rating from me due to imo poor launch choices. We should be seeing a few characters from every game at launch imo, not three or four. Then the rest of these casts could be added later.

Edited by Anacybele
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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Oh hai Ike. <3 I hope you're hinting at a certain something here. <3

It doesn't specifically say the 2nd here. Does this mean it might actually even be a later day? That would suck...

Well, the time it releases in Japan is actually on the first here after conversions (they're 14 hours ahead of the US East coast).  They've been consistent on the 2nd til now, so.

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1 minute ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Well, the time it releases in Japan is actually on the first here after conversions (they're 14 hours ahead of the US East coast).  They've been consistent on the 2nd til now, so.

I know that, as I've been waiting to see if we get it today. But I wasn't really getting my hopes up too high for that anyway.

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27 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:


Japan's definitely getting it 7:00 am their time.

we are not, and will get it at a yet to be announced time on the 2nd.

I don't think that's an official account or a reliable source. NintendoAmerica, NintendoEurope, and FE_Heroes_Japan are definitely legitimate, so everything official will be on one of those accounts.

Edited by Lightchao42
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4 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Also, if there are only 100 characters in the game at launch and we've seen most of them already, this must mean there are no characters outside of Archanea, Ylisse, Fates, and Elibe. What a huge disappointment. I'm probably going to barely play it until my preferred characters are added. It also won't get any higher than maybe a 2/5 rating from me due to imo poor launch choices. We should be seeing a few characters from every game at launch imo, not three or four. Then the rest of these casts could be added later.

That's not how gacha games work. Period.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper, at launch, lacked the majority of the games and only had a unique 5* weapon for Cloud at the beginning (via a much less kind gacha than the game has now). Other characters like Kain Highwind, Rydia and Wakka were there too. It's a different type of game (Since that has a weapon/armor gacha rather than character).

And Brave Exvius, meanwhile, is to this day still missing entire games from the representation. To put into perspective: Cloud isn't going to be added to the Japanese game until this month (February 6th) and Final Fantasy VIII still has no representation even now.

 At launch though?

There were no representatives from Final Fantasy III, VII, VIII, X, XIII or XIV (XV wasn't out yet, so moot point).

My point is: This is a very silly reason to give a low rating. If Heroes has no Jugdral representation out of the gate? So what? I don't honestly care.

Stuff will get added in time, and if it works like how those other two games I mentioned do, expect new units almost weekly.

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1 minute ago, NoNameAtAll said:

That's not how gacha games work. Period.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper, at launch, lacked the majority of the games and only had a unique 5* weapon for Cloud at the beginning (via a much less kind gacha than the game has now). Other characters like Kain Highwind, Rydia and Wakka were there too. It's a different type of game (Since that has a weapon/armor gacha rather than character).

And Brave Exvius, meanwhile, is to this day still missing entire games from the representation. To put into perspective: Cloud isn't going to be added to the Japanese game until this month (February 6th) and Final Fantasy VIII still has no representation even now.

 At launch though?

There were no representatives from Final Fantasy III, VII, VIII, X, XIII or XIV (XV wasn't out yet, so moot point).

My point is: This is a very silly reason to give a low rating. If Heroes has no Jugdral representation out of the gate? So what? I don't honestly care.

Stuff will get added in time, and if it works like how those other two games I mentioned do, expect new units almost weekly.

Um, I don't care how other games work? This is my opinion and you have no right to insult it. So please stop. I don't care if you don't care that there are no Jugdral characters, you don't speak for me.

Edited by Anacybele
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>Insulting your opinion...

Right then, never mind. I wasn't really insulting you, so much as trying to assauge your worries about no Tellius at the moment.

Sorry for trying to be nice...


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33 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Um, I don't care how other games work? This is my opinion and you have no right to insult it. So please stop. I don't care if you don't care that there are no Jugdral characters, you don't speak for me.

While I normally agree with that, I don't think it's very fair to give the game a 2/5 (at most) just because it doesn't have some of your favorite characters. They can't put in ~800 characters at the beginning, that's just too harsh of a investment seeing they need have voiceactors, artists, etcetera working on those. Even if they had your favorite characters, there would always be people who wouldn't have their favorites in with a base line-up of a hundred characters. Would I be a bit dissapointed to not see any Jugdral characters (at the very launch) in the game? Sure, but to deduct three out of five points for that... 

Edited by Birdy
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5 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I'm probably going to barely play it until my preferred characters are added.

That's exactly the wrong attitude to take. Play the heck out of it so you can accumulate reserves of the currency needed to do pulls, without having to buy it using in-app purchases. Then when you characters /are/ added, they're usually added with pomp, fanfare, and increased chances to roll, and you'll have plenty of free rolls already banked to boost your chances of getting your desired heroes.

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Just now, Thane said:

...Think you can trade characters like dem pokemans? 

I don't think so, or at least don't expect it. I do expect renting commoners/friends' profile unit like how it is used in the majority of gacha games.

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Just now, Thane said:

...Think you can trade characters like dem pokemans? 

I very, very highly doubt it. It would give new players who have friends that have been playing for a while a huge advantage over other starting people. That, and it's just not a good move for Nintendo to make, financially speaking. New players will spend less cash if you give the option to trade, I'm sure.

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Just now, NoNameAtAll said:

No way in hell will that happen. That kind of thing would undermine the whole gacha system, unfortunately.

There goes my idea of catching waifus, training them up and trading them away for rarer, older characters people are less likely to know about.

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4 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

I don't think so, or at least don't expect it. I do expect renting commoners/friends' profile unit like how it is used in the majority of gacha games.

Come to think of, I didn't see renting in the trailers... unless it was there and I completely missed it, but yeah, I somewhat expect renting as well. Get them strong whale friends to do the heavy lifting, if necessary.

Though, what I want, is to know the rates for each rank, most of all.
I mean, it's not possible to get worse than Brave Exvius, but still

Edited by Soledai
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I just actually really am hoping for Roy and Gordin!

Has the G-man been shown yet? Also, do we have a list of confirmed characters going somewhere?

Aw heck, I'm just excited! I'm one of those novel people, who you know, likes Fire Emblem, not just one or two specific games, and will find characters to love from any era. The wait is starting to kill me, the closer we get.

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1 minute ago, Soledai said:

Come to think of, I didn't see renting in the trailers... unless it was there and I completely missed it, but yeah, I somewhat expect renting as well. Get them strong whale friends to do the heavy lifting, if necessary.

Though, I want to know the rates for each rank most of all.
I mean, it's not possible to get worse than Brave Exvius, but still

I think it was reported in another thread. It's 3% for 5 star heroes (as far as we know from the site that reported it). When you get to the summon page in the game, it has a button called 'appearance rate'. It's likely you can see the pull percentages there.

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4 minutes ago, ChibiToastExplosion said:

I just actually really am hoping for Roy and Gordin!

Has the G-man been shown yet? Also, do we have a list of confirmed characters going somewhere?

Aw heck, I'm just excited! I'm one of those novel people, who you know, likes Fire Emblem, not just one or two specific games, and will find characters to love from any era. The wait is starting to kill me, the closer we get.

This is me basically. While I have my preferences, I'm very much interested in learning about the wider series (hence why I'm very much hyped for Echoes) and, if we get character bios and friend events with a little depth, I'm very much looking forward to learning the back stories of characters I never knew existed.

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