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27 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

When people datamined the game for artwork, they found an unused Santa Robin with a tree, and unfinished Christmas Tharja art. People say Heroes was probably ready for release last year in the fall, but it was delayed for the sake of Super Mario Run.

Ah, that makes sense. I suppose releasing this alongside Run wouldn't been the best call.

Though, do you think those'll be reused in December? Like, maybe as a Holiday Hero Battle? With Christmas!Robin and Christmas!Tharja, and one set of Christmas Cavaliers (Cain/Abel or Stahl/Sully or maybe Oscar/Titania-or-Kieran or Sain/Kent if those two sets get added in by the end of the year...)?
Still, now I'm picturing a double focus banner in December with two sets of Christmas Cavaliers (the red/green cavaliers, I listed some examples above) on one banner and Christmas!Robin/Christmas!Tharja/two-more-holiday-lord-variants (maybe another Ike? please no, we're already getting two, give other heroes a chance to shine. Like Hector, maybe. Or perhaps the Switch FE lords (assuming multiple lords here) to promote their game if it's coming out in early 2018?) on the other. D'you think they might do that?

27 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

A moment of silence for our beloved Axe Lord:

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Poor Hector.

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15 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Ah, that makes sense. I suppose releasing this alongside Run wouldn't been the best call.

Though, do you think those'll be reused in December? Like, maybe as a Holiday Hero Battle? With Christmas!Robin and Christmas!Tharja, and one set of Christmas Cavaliers (Cain/Abel or Stahl/Sully or maybe Oscar/Titania-or-Kieran or Sain/Kent if those two sets get added in by the end of the year...)?
Still, now I'm picturing a double focus banner in December with two sets of Christmas Cavaliers (the red/green cavaliers, I listed some examples above) on one banner and Christmas!Robin/Christmas!Tharja/two-more-holiday-lord-variants (maybe another Ike? please no, we're already getting two, give other heroes a chance to shine. Like Hector, maybe. Or perhaps the Switch FE lords (assuming multiple lords here) to promote their game if it's coming out in early 2018?) on the other. D'you think they might do that?

No, it was delayed so that it could be released closer to Super Mario Run, so that there's more interest for Run or something.

I'm supposing yeah, they will reuse those assets. Made em already, might as well. As for additional Christmas shenanigans, I honestly have no ideas lol. Christmas Cavaliers sound neat, though.

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Didn't check old posts but check this out in case nobody said anything about it yet, or anybody missed it:


Fem Robin confirmed 

Edited by Arcanite
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1 hour ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Yup, and our bodies are ready, mostly.

Speak for yourself.  I have to re-level Raigh because my original had a really bad bane.  Current one has meh boon/bane, but I'll take what's essentially neutral over -Spd.

In other words, I hope this map isn't as horribly gimmicky as Narican's was!

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looks like there is one bottleneck and it is guarded by a mage of each colour (including Robin who is anti cavalry) and an axe unit oh boy finding someone to tank that and get the enemy into range for the rest of the team to tackle them should be fun 

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Regarding F!Robin:

Gronnwolf means that Raigh no longer has a lock on horse-killing, but that's irrelevant (he doesn't do well against spears, anyway).  What IS relevant is that her other skills are Ignis (good for amping damage), Defiant Res (tanking, I guess), and B Tomebreaker.  It's like they want her to be some sort of mixed tank with a special hatred for Linde, but that's all I can figure out.  If Ursula comes out in the same way as Robin. . .hoo boy.

Level 25 should be cake for anyone with a half-competent Arena team.  Need to think about how to approach the level 35 one.  My best guess is a super-buffed Tiki, Sakura with Physic, and a really pissed Camilla.

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Compared to Narshen's map, Robin is rather easy if you have a strong RedSword Lord/Ruby Sword Palla. Time to tackle those Lvl 35 beasties. 5* Luci ( Lvl 40), Roy ( Lvl 35 ), Marth ( Lvl 36 ) and 4* Lissa  with Rehabilitate shouldn't have too much trouble here.

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Just finished both maps.

Young Tiki completely dominates this map.  Her supporting cast was Olivia, Maria, and Virion.  Maria was for the initial Fortify Res and later Physic, Olivia was for 26 HP heals, and Virion needed to bait Robin and double-attack the spear guy.

Do NOT go against the spear guy, because he has Draw Back!

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I was about to yell OBJECTION! thinking the main site had an error regarding the previous focus' availability, but either it was ninja edited or I just read it wrong and jumped to conclusions. (In short, Erika, Ephraim, Jula, and Seliph are still available until the 27th. || Oddly enough, the "Battling Robin" focus [Hawkeye, Fir, Adult!Tiki, and Maria] also just lasts until the 27th. I wonder if there will be something new on the 28th.) I just got 20 Orbs, so here we go again hoping for a good Erika or 5* unit...

As for how I beat Robin's map (25 & 35)...

I completed it with a 5* +SPD -ATT Ryoma with Lissa for the Rehabilitate staff and Caeda for the Fortify RES II (+3 to RES, I didn't have the 3rd rank unlocked). I also fielded Felicia, but I really didn't use her save for the cleanup.

Start: Position Ryoma so he can move one space north of the outside entrance. Buff him up with Fortify RES.
Action 1: Move Ryoma one space north of the outside entrance. Move Lissa to a healing position.
Enemy 1: Green Fighter and Red Mage die to Ryoma. Blue Mage is heavily damage, F!Robin and Blue Spearman move.
Action 2 & Cleanup: Heal Ryoma to full with Rehabitate, finish off the Blue Mage. The remainder (F!Robin and Blue Spear) will fall shortly thereafter.

Honestly, I see it as "buff city." Buff up a unit who can attack from melee and ranged (or pick one, but I prefer ranged to get rid of those pesty Mages), send that unit in, and watch F!Robin's masterful plan fall to pieces due to your juggernaut hero wrecking everything.

Take caution with the Blue Spear as he has Draw Back, while the top Blue Mage and Green Fighter have Seal DEF and Seal RES respectively. 

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Beat both maps as well..


Honestly, it wasn't that hard for me.  My Kagero single-handedly beat all of the units due to her Poison Dagger+ and high Res.  I had her move into position to beat the Axe Fighter, all of the mages except Robin got beat by Kagero during Enemy turn.  Kagero beat the Spear Fighter next turn, then Robin attacked and got beat by Kagero.  Just watch out for positioning your units and the Spear Fighter with Draw Back if you fight it up close.


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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

@eclipse Can it be said that F!Robin is also meant to be a counter to M!Robin with that Blue Tomebreaker of hers?

Sort of?  They fill two different niches, with Robin's being superior at the moment.

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3 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Sort of?  They fill two different niches, with Robin's being superior at the moment.

Assuming she gets the first strike, a 3* FRobin should be able to double a 5* MRobin for about 15x2 dmg (a 4* could see close to 19-20x2) She'll hit Lindes for less and thrives on getting that first hit.

Overall I'd say she's a niche counter (She counters a Counter). Dat Ignis is nice looking though

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3 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Sort of?  They fill two different niches, with Robin's being superior at the moment.

I need someone to deal with him anyway, and Merric seems suspicious with that hilariously low Res of his.

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Just now, Elieson said:

Assuming she gets the first strike, a 3* FRobin should be able to double a 5* MRobin for about 15x2 dmg (a 4* could see close to 19-20x2) She'll hit Lindes for less and thrives on getting that first hit.

Overall I'd say she's a niche counter (She counters a Counter). Dat Ignis is nice looking though

Remember what Ursula was in the Direct?  Assuming nothing changes, F!Robin's gonna stomp that map flat if/when it's released.

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Beat both maps. 

Normal mode was a joke. Put Ryoma in square, win. Hard wasn't too bad either---did a test run to see how much Ryoma can take, then went back and pulled in some support.

Team was Wrys, Ryoma, Cecilia, and Anna(4*). Basically boosted Ryoma by 7 Res through Rally Resistance and Spur Res, giving him a hefty 41/28 defense line against magic and he lived the onslaught of all 3 mages and the axe guy with 17 hp left. I fed lance guy to Anna. 

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I need someone to deal with him anyway, and Merric seems suspicious with that hilariously low Res of his.

Merric makes a fantastic physical tank though! Nothing like letting him soak up a hit or two for that AoE Wind!

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3 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Remember what Ursula was in the Direct?  Assuming nothing changes, F!Robin's gonna stomp that map flat if/when it's released.

Robin's announcement also mentions that she is rumoured to be very helpful against the next grand hero battle. Ursula confirmed for next event?

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