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8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

...This is similar to how I'm going to write Ike's son in one of my fics. I mean, Ike is pretty damn famous and did some crazy shit in Tellius, and though his son doesn't want to be some big hero or general that defeats a king or goddess or anything, he still wants to be as great a mercenary as Ike was. Much of his insecurity comes from people telling him he could aim to be a general or something like Ike had done, and it makes him feel like if he did any less, he'd not live up to his father's legacy or anything. I'd probably feel insecure and scared too. But now I wonder if this character would feel different from others in the series in any way. I mean, I didn't think I could make him as unique as Ike or anything, but...

Back on topic, I feel like some characters were plucked from the middle of their games while I feel others are post-game versions.

Oh, I'd definitely feel insecure if I was Ike's kid. I think a lot of the pressure, living up to the example I mean, the guy took down the creation goddess of the world! That's...quite something, to say the least. Same goes for the kid of any of the main lords, really...except for Roy and Lilina, I guess, because posthumous writing means that Eliwood and Hector's exploits in Blazing Blade weren't really referenced in Binding Blade.

And yeah, while I definitely think Seliph is mid-game, I definitely feel Eliwood is post-game. Not only does he have his horse, but he mentions how proud he is of his son Roy...Though he should be older Eliwood, because he mentions that Roy eclipses him as a warrior, which wouldn't have happened if he was roughly 30ish year old Eliwood that he is in Blazing Blade's epilogue. All the age shenanigans.

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7 minutes ago, Extrasolar said:

Oh, I'd definitely feel insecure if I was Ike's kid. I think a lot of the pressure, living up to the example I mean, the guy took down the creation goddess of the world! That's...quite something, to say the least. Same goes for the kid of any of the main lords, really...except for Roy and Lilina, I guess, because posthumous writing means that Eliwood and Hector's exploits in Blazing Blade weren't really referenced in Binding Blade.

And yeah, while I definitely think Seliph is mid-game, I definitely feel Eliwood is post-game. Not only does he have his horse, but he mentions how proud he is of his son Roy...Though he should be older Eliwood, because he mentions that Roy eclipses him as a warrior, which wouldn't have happened if he was roughly 30ish year old Eliwood that he is in Blazing Blade's prologue. All the age shenanigans.

Yeah, but Ike's kid or kids have to be the most insecure, I'd say! I mean like you said, Ike took down a goddess! Even though it was with another goddess's help. :P

And yeah, Eliwood should look older if he's already "proud of his son" and Roy surpassed him and stuff.

I actually don't plan for Ike's son to surpass him. I think it's too cliche these days to write that. Instead, he'll just be his dad's equal, more or less, or maybe not quite as strong. But there will be someone that DOES surpass him in some ways... His daughter. I'm writing her to have actually come up with combat and sword skills that not even Ike or his son would've ever thought to use. She actually will take her father's style and her mother's style and combine them into her own unique thing. She becomes trouble for all enemies, and can almost always beat her brother at some point. It's also ironic, because at first, her brother was over-protective and rather doting on her. Much more doting than Ike ever was with Mist or anything. Also, one more shocker: the daughter never uses Aether. Not just because her class line is Myrmidon either. She always wanted to be different from Ike, and so she decides to find her own unique skill rather than reuse his.

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11 minutes ago, Brand_Of_The_Exalt said:

Come on. Are they serious ? I don't know, I'd rather go for Lucina instead. Not that I prefer her, but someone with blue hair, Anri's blood and wielding the Falchion has to win. Sorry incestuous twins

W̶e̶l̶l̶,̶ ̶s̶c̶r̶e̶w̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶

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A Youtube user with the profile name of Sinjin Dollarhide has uploaded a video containing the complete collection of voice clips for all of the unique characters that have already appeared in the game, including unreleased ones. In fact, as of this post, said Youtube user has done so less than twenty four hours ago. Just discovered it and thought I'd bring it up in this topic for the sake of those who haven't discovered said video yet. Granted, I'm not sure if this is fine due to it containing information about unreleased characters, but I figure that this is such voice clips so it isn't too big of a deal, right?...Right?

Having said that, a few things stood out to me. First, we now have an official pronunciation of Michalis' name, as provided by Maria for when she uses a Special Skill. Second, given what Marth's lines for when he uses a Special Skills are, I think it is obvious what Ike's lines are going to be when he gets added at some point in the future.

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@Anacybele ur writing a tellius fanfic? If so is it uploaded somewhere? It sounds really interesting

P.S. Ike's wife is Mia? Just guessing because you said that the daughter is a myrmidon who combined both her parents style

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21 minutes ago, RedEyedDrake said:

A Youtube user with the profile name of Sinjin Dollarhide has uploaded a video containing the complete collection of voice clips for all of the unique characters that have already appeared in the game, including unreleased ones. In fact, as of this post, said Youtube user has done so less than twenty four hours ago. Just discovered it and thought I'd bring it up in this topic for the sake of those who haven't discovered said video yet. Granted, I'm not sure if this is fine due to it containing information about unreleased characters, but I figure that this is such voice clips so it isn't too big of a deal, right?...Right?

Having said that, a few things stood out to me. First, we now have an official pronunciation of Michalis' name, as provided by Maria for when she uses a Special Skill. Second, given what Marth's lines for when he uses a Special Skills are, I think it is obvious what Ike's lines are going to be when he gets added at some point in the future.

Really?! Finally! I was waiting for someone to do this. Nice!

I always thought it was "Meesh-uh-liss." How accurate am I, before I get a chance to pull up the video?

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The first 'i' is barely heard, if it supposed to be heard at all, and that 'u' of yours is supposed to be an 'ay' (ayylmao) sort of sound. Also, that 'sh' is actually a 'k'. So it is actually "M'-'kay-lis' with emphasis on the 'ay'. So "M'-'KAY-lis". In other words, you pretty much went down a path that is at a 180 degree angle in relation to the correct path.

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2 minutes ago, RedEyedDrake said:

The first 'i' is barely heard if at all and that 'u' of your is supposed to be an 'ay' (ayylmao) sort of sound. Also, that 'sh' is actually a 'k'. So it is actually "M'-'kay-lis' with emphasis on the 'ay'. In other words, you pretty much went down a path that is at a 180 degree angle in relation to the correct path.

Damn. I was going off of his Japanese name (Misheil)'s pronunciation, but yeah, that changed it up quite a bit. I mean, at least with Caeda, it's pronounced nearly the same as Shiida while being easier on the eyes. But I'm not gonna start ranting on weird name changes or pronunciations here. (Gwendolyn from Wendy is...strange...and how the hell do they pronounce the first 'i' in "Titania" with a short vowel rather than a long vowel, it just doesn't sound right)

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23 minutes ago, immatx said:

@Anacybele ur writing a tellius fanfic? If so is it uploaded somewhere? It sounds really interesting

P.S. Ike's wife is Mia? Just guessing because you said that the daughter is a myrmidon who combined both her parents style

Yeah, it's on fanfiction.net as well as my Deviantart. Though the kids aren't in this one, they'll be in the sequel.

Dude, look at my sig. :P I thought his wife was obvious. lol (also, Elincia reclasses to Swordmaster in my fic, though she doesn't change her sword style or anything. It's a bit of a long story on why this happens. I took a few little AU liberties with this)

...I always thought Michalis was "Mick-CAHL-ihss"...

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On the subject of Titania, I suggest watching or listening to any production or work where the name of Shakespeare's Fairy Queen comes up. Disney's "Gargoyles" cartoon comes to mind.

Also, 'Gwendolyn' is just the full and proper name for 'Wendy' so it is nothing outlandish. Personally, I think that characters should always be identified by their full first names (or maybe not the first ones but those are rare) in the name tag above the textbox but other characters referring to them by a nickname during dialogue is perfectly fine. For example, Effie being called 'Effie' by Elise is fine but I would have preferred it if her name tag identified her as 'Euphemia', since that is the name that the nickname 'Effie' is derived from. Then there is the matter of people pronouncing Tharja's name as if the 'j' makes a 'j' sound rather than a 'y' sound, as I think it is supposed to sound, with the 'y' sound being the correct one.

What I'm saying here is that the subject is a mess and, if an official source isn't provided, it would be best to go with what can be provided by some real life source or other, even if it is really obscure, or to stick with what makes the most sense while taking the Japanese pronunciation into account. You know, establish some order amidst chaos and what not.

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5 minutes ago, RedEyedDrake said:

Also, 'Gwendolyn' is just the full and proper name for 'Wendy'.

What? I thought Gwendolyn was only the full name for Gwen, not Wendy.  I mean, this is the case for the Ben 10 character named Gwen anyway...

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Just now, Anacybele said:

What? I thought Gwendolyn was the full name for Gwen, not Wendy.  I mean, this is the case for the Ben Ten character named Gwen anyway...

A name can be shortened in many different several ways... not all names have just one short form. And also some short names can be shortened from many different ones that may not even share a root.

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"In Britain, Wendy appeared as a name for both females and males in the 1881 census of England, and was occasionally used as a diminutive for the Welsh Gwendolyn".

Quoting the Wikipedia there. Also, Welsh. Because Arthurian themes in FE6.

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Just now, Vier Mill said:

A name can be shortened in many different several ways... not all names have just one short form. And also some short names can be shortened from many different ones that may not even share a root.

Yeah, that's true. It's just that I've never ever heard Wendy being short for Gwendolyn. Just Gwen.

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12 minutes ago, RedEyedDrake said:


On the subject of Titania, I suggest watching or listening to any production or work where the name of Shakespeare's Fairy Queen comes up. Disney's "Gargoyles" cartoon comes to mind.

Also, 'Gwendolyn' is just the full and proper name for 'Wendy' so it is nothing outlandish. Personally, I think that characters should always be identified by their full first names (or maybe not the first ones but those are rare) in the name tag above the textbox but other characters referring to them by a nickname during dialogue is perfectly fine. For example, Effie being called 'Effie' by Elise is fine but I would have preferred it if her name tag identified her as 'Euphemia', since that is the name that the nickname 'Effie' is derived from. Then there is the matter of people pronouncing Tharja's name as if the 'j' makes a 'j' sound rather than a 'y' sound, as I think it is supposed to sound, with the 'y' sound being the correct one.

What I'm saying here is that the subject is a mess and, if an official source isn't provided, it would be best to go with what can be provided by some real life source or other, even if it is really obscure, or to stick with what makes the most sense while taking the Japanese pronunciation into account.

I mean, just personally, I dislike having it a short 'i' rather than a long 'i'. I much prefer "Tie-tane-ee-uh" to "Ti-ton-ya." The former sounds more powerful to me, fitting of the character, whereas latter just sounds a bit wonky to me, whether or not it's the official pronunciation. It's just a matter of preference.

I was always of the opinion that "Effie" is her full name, rather than a nickname. But then again, Radiant Dawn had a case of reversing this, with "Eddie" being renamed "Edward." Maybe it's because Edward is a far more common name than Euphemia. I don't know.

For Gwendolyn, I mean, I'm not saying they changed it for no reason, or that the change doesn't make sense, I just don't like the sound of flow of the name. It stands out as a bit awkward to me...in a bad way, compared to Roy, Wolt, Clarine, and Klein, for example. Not that that problem in particular is unique to them. FE4's name localizations made sense, considering they're pretty much all Norse mythology references, but I can't help but prefer "Johan" and "Johalva" to "Iuchar" and "Iucharba."

I use the localized names regardless just for fidelity, but sometimes I prefer the originals.

And then there are the names which should definitely have been changed. Like Asseray to Artur. Good on them for that one.

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20 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, it's on fanfiction.net as well as my Deviantart. Though the kids aren't in this one, they'll be in the sequel.

Dude, look at my sig. :P I thought his wife was obvious. lol (also, Elincia reclasses to Swordmaster in my fic, though she doesn't change her sword style or anything. It's a bit of a long story on why this happens. I took a few little AU liberties with this)

...I always thought Michalis was "Mick-CAHL-ihss"...

Ahhh! I didn't even think of the connection there, although it makes more sense cause your always making the case for an Ike/Elincia focus. I'll check it out when I get home :)

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4 minutes ago, immatx said:

Ahhh! I didn't even think of the connection there, although it makes more sense cause your always making the case for an Ike/Elincia focus. I'll check it out when I get home :)

Yuppers. :) And awesome! I will warn you though, the chapters get pretty wordy at times, and they've also gradually gotten longer. Blame my co-author's wordy style and my not minding some wordiness for that. :P

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Finished listening to all the voice overs. Eldigan sounds scary as hell. I always imagined him with a softer, but still intense voice. He sounds like he's about to tear someone apart whenever he screams. Chill out, guy. Lol.

And Narcian's art is hilarious. The guy looks like he's about to pop a blood vessel in each one.

It's pretty sweet that Ephraim and Eirika's death cries are each others' names. Sweet...or suspicious? I'm on to you two, especially after Ephraim's rant earlier... ;): Kidding, kidding. Lol.

Though is it just me, or did Eirika pronounce his name with an "a" sound rather than an "e" sound, like "Ay-frum" rather than "Ee-frum." Is that canon? Because...I kind of dig it.

And Ephraim, calm the hell down, you crazy person. You sound like you're...getting something else out of this battle thing. :blink:

And Donnel's death quote is him apologizing to his mother. That's so sad. :(:

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4 minutes ago, Extrasolar said:

It's pretty sweet that Ephraim and Eirika's death cries are each others' names. Sweet...or suspicious? I'm on to you two, especially after Ephraim's rant earlier... ;): Kidding, kidding. Lol.

Sacred stones is my favorite game but, that's pretty funny. I also like Narcian too. "What glorious hair I have!"

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10 minutes ago, Extrasolar said:

Donnel's death quote is him apologizing to his mother. That's so sad. :(:

Aw, Donny. :(

This now makes me wonder if Ike's is going to be something about his dad. He actually did have this in Codename Steam too. He said "I've failed you...Father..."

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16 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Aw, Donny. :(

This now makes me wonder if Ike's is going to be something about his dad. He actually did have this in Codename Steam too. He said "I've failed you...Father..."

That would be so sad! Considering we all know what happened to Greil at the beginning of Path of Radiance... :(:


21 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Sacred stones is my favorite game but, that's pretty funny. I also like Narcian too. "What glorious hair I have!"

Right. I almost feel like the localizers are self-aware, and give people little pseudo-hints and clues to their *cough* "real" *cough* relationship. I feel like they're having just as much fun as the rest of us sometimes, especially with Ephraim's rant. XD

Narcian is pretty funny. I don't have him yet, but he's just hilariously foppish. Definitely makes him stand out among the rest of Binding Blade's cast.

By the way, here's the video for people who don't want to have to pull up a new tab and search it up.


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Forgot to mention this in my initial post about this subject but in addition to the pronunciation of Michalis' name we now also know the pronunciation of Eldigan's name. Funnily enough, his name is pronounced more or less how I thought it would be. The only difference is that the 'gan' part of his name is supposed to pronounced as 'gen' (like 'Gen', the Japanese name) rather than something similar to 'gun'.

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3 hours ago, Extrasolar said:

I don't think the Seliph in Heroes is post-game Seliph, considering he talks about how scared he is of living up to other peoples' expectations of him, and how much he still wants to be like his father. I think Kiran plucked Seliph right out from the middle of the game...which is a scary thought. Who's left leading those armies?

I think It's actually Post-game Seliph. I mean, he mention that he once had a tactician of his own(Lewyn - said line is this: "I know how valuable you must be to Prince Alfonse as his tactician. I once had one of my own.") and in his LV.40 dialogue he says that he doesn't feel like that he is legendary hero that saved the world from the darkness like people thinks he is. And FE4 never truly makes clear if Seliph surpassed his inferiority complex towards his father anyway.


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9 minutes ago, RedEyedDrake said:

Forgot to mention this in my initial post about this subject but in addition to the pronunciation of Michalis' name we now also know the pronunciation of Eldigan's name. Funnily enough, his name is pronounced more or less how I thought it would be. The only difference is that the 'gan' part of his name is supposed to pronounced as 'gen' rather than something similar to 'gun'.

One thing I'm glad that they did with Eldigan is change his title to "Lionheart," which I thought they would.  I don't want to be thinking of Mufasa and Simba every time I bring him up in conversation.

9 minutes ago, The Malign Knight said:

I think It's actually Post-game Seliph. I mean, he mention that he once had a tactician of his own(Lewyn - said line is this: "I know how valuable you must be to Prince Alfonse as his tactician. I once had one of my own.") and in his LV.40 dialogue he says that he doesn't feel like that he is legendary hero that saved the world from the darkness like people thinks he is. And FE4 never truly makes clear if Seliph surpassed his inferiority complex towards his father anyway.


Ah, point taken then. But in that case, Seliph, get the hell over it. You accomplished your huge, lofty goal and now you're basically ruling the continent. Shut the hell up about your inferiority complex, guy. Your father didn't do anything comparable to slaying a dark god and essentially destroying an evil cult.

Partially joking, partially serious. :P

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Well, all these voice clips are available since the release (a few days later maybe), with all the artworks, voices (idle too), etc. You can download it, it's a pretty big file (1,3 Go), plus updates. Everything can be founf in Fire Emblem Heroes Asset Collection on reddit. 

Pretty great puns in there.


Camus: "I lived as a knight, and I intend to die as one".


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