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2 minutes ago, Birdy said:

Knock Back actually can't be inherited by Leo, so that one is probably only a red sword/melee skill. Too bad, with his movement limitating weapon he would have been untouchable 1v1 ._.

Looks to me like it's more "Physical Units" or "1-range" stuff. Donny's Drag Back won't pass down to Reinhardt, for instance.

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21 hours ago, Birdy said:

Seal Speed is a pretty good C-skill, I believe so aswell. Speed is probably the most important stat in the game, until Wary Fighter/X_Breaker skills decide to drop in, so reducing Speed is definitly useful. I'll probably put some Hone_X Skills, since they are group wide and can be taken into effect even on the first battle, higher on the worth list though.

When you say 'assuming that he attacks again in the same turn', do you mean that he will attack an enemy > Olivia will dance > Virion will attack again? If so, to make Olivia glued to Virion for that purpose is a HUGE investment. Dancer + pretty much every unit is a potent combo most of the time.

Your plan when Skill Inherit comes out (tomorrow?) is not bad, though I believe that with the right skills, all the archers could be good. You could even give seal speed to all the archers that outclass him. Then again, you could also give things like daggerbreaker and Assassin's bow to Virion from Setsuna, though she has much more innate speed which I value a lot. Also, you're assuming your +SPD and +3SPD inherited Virion into account and taking neutral stats from all other characters, I'm not sure how fair that is xD.

I won't really deduct points from getting beat by Hector or (+ATK)Linde, they do that to a loooot of characters unfortunuatly ;_;.  


It's not so much that I find Virion unusable, I think that every unit has their own strong points and useful effects. Seal speed is definiatly useful, but if you need two characters, of which one a buffing dancer, to down one enemy, I generally don't think that's a good thing since I feel that's the minimum you should be getting to mostly win battles without deaths. And once Inherit Skills come out, he loses that which sets him apart from other bow users. If you need more damage then there's Klein / Jeorge / Takumi (with Close Counter probably not inheritable) who are faster and have more ATK, Niles is better against Magic, Gordin tanks physical attacks better. You can put in the time to make him a good unit, but you can do the same with the other archers, which to me end up better in a lot of cases.

You're assuming I have burst damage.  The closest I have is a 4* neutral Lilina - after that, I don't hit ORKO thresholds, barring flyers and Hector (who insta-dies to Tiki).

Totally fair.  It's worth noting that Virion is VERY reliant on his Speed - he's much harder to use if he has a Speed bane, and his neutral Speed is nothing to write home about.  +Spd allows him to hit a lot of relevant benchmarks, and piling Spd +3 on top of it is ridiculous.  His partner in crime is a +Spd/-Atk Tiki, which is why I concentrate so hard on sniping Speed - the more often she doubles, the faster I get Rising Flame, and -Atk means that she's not going to ORKO non-armored/Brave Axe greens by herself.  I dance whoever's necessary - sometimes it's Virion to ensure a clean KO with Tiki, othertimes it's Tiki because she can tank certain things.

Ideally, you'd burst everyone down.  Realistically, your team comp will probably have issues against some character or other.  This is when debuffing shines.

19 hours ago, Arcanite said:

Are you seriously going to 5 star a Virion? Serioisly? Say "5 star virion" out loud and then ask yourself if thats what you really want do. You don't at least have a Gordin or something? If you do, 5 star him and give gordin Virion's Astra! Now you have the same thing with shove, vantage, and +3 Atk. In fact if you have another Virion you can give him seal speed too. (Sp will be an issue but Gordin gets sp easy. Mine has 900 at 4 stars from using him to do everything). But of course, you can do what you want. Some people do 5 star characters for other reasons besides logic . . . . . . . .

Also it says arena is going to be changed with regards to matchmaking. It will go by stars and levels now! I find this ironic because Anacybele was saying this same exact thing XD Either she is a Nintendo spy or she's a psychic >•>


Gordin fulfills a different niche - the player phase delete button that dies if I leave him in range of any mage. I don't like the idea of that kind of 1-for-1 trade, even if I have the perfect boon/bane combo for him (at 3*).

16 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I've been purposely keeping all of my Shannas since skill inheritance was announced. This is part of the reason my barracks is entirely full.


I still think Vantage is overrated. Skill builds are going to revolve around getting one-round kills now that it'll be easier than ever to do so, meaning Vantage is simply never going to activate. (And even if it does, Robin laughs at the pittance that Takumi deals to him.)

I'm more concerned about enemies with Death Blow making it riskier to bait and deal damage on enemy phase (for example, I found out last night that I don't have a particularly good answer for Merric due to his respectable Spd and Def and green typing), Quick Riposte making it riskier to deal non-lethal damage on player phase, and Moonbow making it imperative to land quick kills and reducing the viability of tanking.

Also repositioning skills because the AI loves to abuse those to no end.


On a neutral Roy, Dragon Fang is a flat +23 damage (+25 with Hone Atk), and Glacies is a flat +22 damage (+25 with Hone Res) with the same cooldown. You can add that to your options if you can't get Dragon Fang.

And I'm MUCH more concerned about Darting Blow.  Tharja is a serious problem for my team, because she outspeeds everyone.

50 minutes ago, Rapha666br said:

Got a Karel 5 stars +ATK -DEF, he looks godly as a Sword master sould be. Also got a ranom Tharja 5 stars +RES -ATK ( an atack bane for a tome user again....ugh...), Is she worth it?

You need to build a team around her (three buffers, to be exact), but she can be quite the threat.

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2 minutes ago, Elieson said:

Looks to me like it's more "Physical Units" or "1-range" stuff. Donny's Drag Back won't pass down to Reinhardt, for instance.

Yeah, that's what I meant with 'melee skill' xD. It makes sense, though.

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1 minute ago, Birdy said:

Yeah, that's what I meant with 'melee skill' xD. It makes sense, though.

I wondered how this might work on Tacomeat, but since it's PP only, no beans. Oh well!

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I didn't realize deciding on skills would be such a headache. Do I give Sharena an offensive special like Moonbow or a defensive one like Pavise? Should I give Julia Bowbreaker for Takumi or something else? So many decisions @.@ 

EDIT: Also, I haven't quite yet figured out what the limitations of skill inheritance are, but I can confirm that Sharena, a lance user, cannot inherit axebreaker.

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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Are we discussing Inherit Skill here or in it's topic? I did a small write up of random findings over there.

Is it confirmed that Close Counter and Distant Counter are transferable? If they are, then that opens up some options I thought were restricted...

Edit: Found my answer on the Serenes Forests news. Apparently they are transferable! Battle Cleric Lissa and Melee Thief Matthew are a go!

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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Reinhardt can't learn Green Tomebreaker huh? Oh well.

Yep, You can't pass #-Breakers to units that are normally at a disadvantage to that particular color it seems. Axe/Sword/Lance breakers can't go on Reg/Blue/Green units (respectively). Weapontype doesn't matter, you can teach Anna B Tomebreaker if you want.

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On 3/13/2017 at 8:37 PM, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I think someone mentioned that the Counter skills are likely to be locked to the specific units?

But what if IS is dumb, and thinks the way to balance the Counter skills is to let everyone get them...

The one time I don't want to be right.

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

Mammia mia, them orbs!

Those tenth stratum quests though. Ouch.

It will be a pain indeed, particularly for the Armored since the choices are very limited. :unsure:

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1 hour ago, Sire said:

Are we discussing Inherit Skill here or in it's topic? I did a small write up of random findings over there.

Is it confirmed that Close Counter and Distant Counter are transferable? If they are, then that opens up some options I thought were restricted...

Edit: Found my answer on the Serenes Forests news. Apparently they are transferable! Battle Cleric Lissa and Melee Thief Matthew are a go!

Yes, those are transferrable. Atleast Close Counter, since I saw that one myself. I'm a bit dissapointed actually, I think Inherit Skill is cool but... I would have liked some more limitations ._.

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Gonna log a dissenting opinion here about the new skill inheritance.

Don't get me wrong, teaching skills to new units is a pretty exciting concept that will--for a time--promote team diversity.

It's what will happen afterwards that worries me.

My biggest gripe with the new system, and something I at least hoped wouldn't be possible, is the ability to inherit weapons. While weapon inheritance is somewhat limited (No Falchion on Draug lololol), stuff like Killers and Braves are fair game to top tier units who can afford forgoing their Prf weapon, like Takumi. What eventually happens in this scenario is that the best units only become better while everybody else is floundering around, because in a world with weapon inheritance, stat caps are truly king.


Also Vantage + Distant Counter. But that has been discussed previously.


That doesn't mean I won't be making use of it though. I had my -Atk Camilla give her Brave Axe to Narcian for my first inheritance huehuehue. That sounds very suboptimal but I suppose it goes to show that a lot of us care more about playing the game with our favorite units than tryharding for 4500+ in Arena.

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1 hour ago, Birdy said:

I'm a bit dissapointed actually, I think Inherit Skill is cool but... I would have liked some more limitations ._.

This, pretty much. I was excited for all the cool combinations I could do and was a bit annoyed about all the negativity about it, but now I'm just terrified of the incoming chaos in the arena (at least until the April change). Nigh-unlimited options are really scary, and the need to upgrade your characters' rarity to get certain skills is honestly just hostile to those who can't spend much, because feathers were scarce enough already (again April updates might help here, but we'll see). Personally I think stricter limitations and no need to unlock 5* rarity for 5* skills would help shorten the distance between big spenders and the non-spenders, at least somewhat.


On a more positive note because that rant is more than I intended to type, I'm excited about eventually giving my 4* Kagero Hana's Life and Death and Moonbow from Odin. If anyone has good suggestions for B and especially C passives that would be nice (I'm not in a hurry to replace Dagger Breaker since it has its niche). I'm trying to maximize her infantry one shot chances.

Aside from that I'm still looking at my options, the amount of customization is really making things hard for me lol (My other plan to give young Tiki adult Tiki's weapon was thwarted by lack of 20000 feathers lol).

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24 minutes ago, Birdy said:

Step 1 of Arena team, complete.

  Reveal hidden contents


I'm sure this is something really cool, but it's not displaying.

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22 minutes ago, eclipse said:

I'm sure this is something really cool, but it's not displaying.

Ah, really? It shows for me. Is there a better way of posting pics than from Imgur? I can't post it directly from my phone, since it says the image is too heavy.


First battle in the Arena. It has begun ._.


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Welp, Skill In Heritance, as it is, is totally a big 'screw you' to free players and a god send to whales. The fact that the sacrifice needs to actually be able to learn the skill for it to be transferable means you need to have 5* to spare for you to get some of the best skills.

I'd need to waste 20000 feathers on Henry to get him to 5* to actually get the possibility of giving Sanaki Raudhrraven+. And even though I have 4 spare Gordins, they're all useless since they can only give Vantage1 unless I spend 2000 feathers on each and then it's only for Vantage2.

Add that dumb skills only present on 5* like Distant Counter and Close Counter are inheritable and yeah...

I had started to warm up to the idea of Skill Inheritance, but seeing it in action, it's pretty much my worst fears realized.

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17 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

Welp, Skill In Heritance, as it is, is totally a big 'screw you' to free players and a god send to whales. The fact that the sacrifice needs to actually be able to learn the skill for it to be transferable means you need to have 5* to spare for you to get some of the best skills.

I'd need to waste 20000 feathers on Henry to get him to 5* to actually get the possibility of giving Sanaki Raudhrraven+. And even though I have 4 spare Gordins, they're all useless since they can only give Vantage1 unless I spend 2000 feathers on each and then it's only for Vantage2.

Add that dumb skills only present on 5* like Distant Counter and Close Counter are inheritable and yeah...

I had started to warm up to the idea of Skill Inheritance, but seeing it in action, it's pretty much my worst fears realized.

Yes indeed, unfortunately, just as I and many others had predicted.  Oh well at least I got my 4k rating this time, but arena is officially broken until April.  It might even remain broken after the April update if they don't weigh skills correctly.  Some, like Close/Distant Counter, need to be valued very highly by the new matching algorithm.

I also strongly dislike this because not only does it break an already unbalanced game in half, but it removes the uniqueness of the characters.

Disappointing to say the least but alas not unexpected.

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I wake up to see raining orbs?
Is RNG goddess going to bless me today?
Am I going to summon a 5 star now?



But on a serious note, glad that the developers are generous again with the orbs.

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6 minutes ago, Eselred said:

Disappointing to say the least but alas not unexpected.

They must reward the whales somehow.

Also, should I give Anna reposition or swap? I already gave her +3 attack so I just want to make sure I'm doing the best thing here.

Escape route > Vantage on Lyn?

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13 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Also, should I give Anna reposition or swap? I already gave her +3 attack so I just want to make sure I'm doing the best thing here.

Escape route > Vantage on Lyn?

Reposition is strictly a worse Draw Back. Swap is questionable but between the two it's better since it doesn't require three tiles of movement.

I like Vantage on Lyn more than Escape Route, if only because it synergizes better with her kit. If ranged units are a concern Escape Route might be ok too.

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