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I wonder, what Hardin's class would be in this game? I'd assume he'd be a cavalier to avoid spoilers but at the same time, I loved his design in FE12 and also would love to see him wield the Gradivus. Either way, it'd be interesting to have him and Camus on the same team (whenever Camus is released anyways).

Edited by Falcom
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5 minutes ago, Falcom said:

I wonder, what Hardin's class would be in this game? I'd assume he'd be a cavalier to avoid spoilers but at the same time, I loved his design in FE12 and also would love to see him wield the Gradivus. Either way, it'd be interesting to have him and Camus on the same team (whenever Camus is released anyways).

Depends on which FE Hardin gets pulled from. If it's FE11, then yeah, he's gonna be cavalry, maybe with a Silver Sword/Lance.


But if he's from FE12 (which I'm betting he will be, or at least a Great Hero Battle version will be), then he'll probably be an Armor with Gradivus.

And on that last point, when are they gonna release Camus anyway? I mean, the Great Hero Battle schedule I saw (I forget where, sorry, think it was on this forum in a datamine thread tho) had a bunch of future HBs listed through I believe May,


including Lloyd from FE7 as the last mentioned one, and I don't think he's even in the game yet,

but there was no mention of Camus.

1 minute ago, Quintessence said:

Probably lance knight.

Also I would totally laugh so hard if Miccy follows Lucius and Lachesis trend.

I doubt it. Micaiah's a Lord-alike, no way she ends up stuck with a staff.
Plus if she gets a staff, she can't use Ardent Sacrifice, and Ardent Sacrifice was practically made for Micaiah to use.

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29 minutes ago, Falcom said:

I wonder, what Hardin's class would be in this game? I'd assume he'd be a cavalier to avoid spoilers but at the same time, I loved his design in FE12 and also would love to see him wield the Gradivus. Either way, it'd be interesting to have him and Camus on the same team (whenever Camus is released anyways).

Why can't we have both?

19 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Probably lance knight.

Also I would totally laugh so hard if Miccy follows Lucius and Lachesis trend.

I'm going to flip every table in existence if that happens. Twice.

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6 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

they can make her a special healer equipping Ashera Staff that restores all allies on the map

No, no, that's what Lehran's gonna be. We'll get him as a Great Hero Battle in, I dunno, September or something.

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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7 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

they can make her a special healer equipping Ashera Staff that restores all allies on the map

actually, now that I think about it, it'd actually be pretty cool if they could implement the ashera staff somehow

maybe if they ever add lehran he can have it as a skill that takes 5 turns to activate

he heals someone and bam everyone's back to full health

or at least they gain like, 30 hp

he'd be the only good healer in the game

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49 minutes ago, Falcom said:

I wonder, what Hardin's class would be in this game? I'd assume he'd be a cavalier to avoid spoilers but at the same time, I loved his design in FE12 and also would love to see him wield the Gradivus. Either way, it'd be interesting to have him and Camus on the same team (whenever Camus is released anyways).

Awakening had him as a General and appearing on the villain team in the DLC maps, although that was a smaller part of the game. Still, they don't seem too concerned about spoilers.

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25 minutes ago, unique said:

actually, now that I think about it, it'd actually be pretty cool if they could implement the ashera staff somehow

maybe if they ever add lehran he can have it as a skill that takes 5 turns to activate

he heals someone and bam everyone's back to full health

or at least they gain like, 30 hp

he'd be the only good healer in the game

Well, actually, there's an ability like that right now, except it's less powerful, has a much lower cooldown, and is called Heavenly Light. Wrys has it, and any other healer can too via Inherit Skill.

Speaking of skills we'd like to see implemented in Heroes, I still want Bolting to be in this game. And anti-cavalry sword/lance/axes. Also, a Hone-type skill that decreases ally Special Skill cooldowns at the beginning of each turn, or at least a Rally-type skill that decreased the Special Skill cooldown by one for a single unit.

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I'd almost want Staff Micaiah to happen just to see people's reactions, almost. 

Though thinking about it staves could actually be the more canonical choice for Lucius and Micaiah. (And other mono light plus staff users) They at least use staves once promoted in their games but they can't use anima or dark magic and the staves can still can be used offensively to represent their attacking Yeah I know canon isn't completely followed and this type of thing is pretty much completely ignored by the manaketes all having fire breath but I can't really think of any tome users breaking it so far, (Leo maybe does but that's somewhat tricky) just pointing it out. I do think I lean for tome use for her, I think it fits better and ardent sacrifice seems pretty much made for her. 

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Just now, ILikeKirbys said:

Well, actually, there's an ability like that right now, except it's less powerful, has a much lower cooldown, and is called Heavenly Light. Wrys has it, and any other healer can too via Inherit Skill.

i'm aware but that's more likely based on fortify than ashera

that's why i mentioned that it should heal fully or 30 hp and have a long cooldown or something like that

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1 minute ago, unique said:

i'm aware but that's more likely based on fortify than ashera

that's why i mentioned that it should heal fully or 30 hp and have a long cooldown or something like that

Ah, I see. Hadn't made the Fortify connection, since I don't think I've ever used a Fortify staff (Mend and Recover usually work well enough for me). Your suggestion makes sense for the Ashera staff, though I would assume that a skill like that would be locked to whoever gets it (I'm betting Lehran), but it probably would only heal like 30 HP or something like that (a full-team full-heal would end up either being broken or having a cooldown so long that it would never see use), and have a 5-turn cooldown like Miracle or Galeforce or something like that to compensate for how good a 30 HP full-team heal could be.

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I wonder how they'll implement Altenna, if they ever get around to doing so. She's a wyvern rider yet uses a lance. And it's not just any lance either. 

But then again, they gave Caeda a sword in spite of her using the Wing Spear.

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I'm not sure about that, There's nothing that I know stopping them, while so far sticking to axes makes sense her keeping lance access for her sig weapon (and we need sig lances) also makes alot of sense.

I don't really see that much correlation with the wing spear/Caeda thing myself though. Yes she got a rapier spear in the remakes, but the remakes didn't have pegasus knights with sword access per the current status quo so I don't really see it as that compelling. For me I just need some connection and she did use/have swords (from starting items I'd say inconclusive, swords in 1 but 3 gave her a lance as well as her iron sword in book 1 and a killer lance in book 2)  when she was able to.( I actually see a bigger issue with the older two white wings on the orginal pegasus knights starting item front, Palla and Catria seem to have swaped weapons)

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Palla vs Catria case is funny since its so meta. Both FE3 and FE12 Palla does use Sword at the end of the game, even though Catria is the only sword flier in that game


Anyway Narcian wrecked Michalis map and Roy is a boss like ussual  Turns out Corrin is enough to handle the Sword Cavalier


Time to celebrate! 5 pull on Narcian GHB gates hype!

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1 minute ago, DehNutCase said:

That feeling when you see Selena in a banner and aren't even slightly tempted to pull.


She's not in the banner because she wants to be useful to you or something!

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

She's not in the banner because she wants to be useful to you or something!

Karel is a better focus to pull for when you actually want to use Selena. D:

Wo Dao+ is just so damn ridiculous as a sword. If you can trigger it in half your attacks, the thing has an effective 18 MT.

(Honestly speaking, I AM tempted to just roll for a bunch of 5* Selenas and combine, but I want to wait for at least the next banner to get datamined first, just in case I want something.)

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10 minutes ago, JSND said:

Palla vs Catria case is funny since its so meta. Both FE3 and FE12 Palla does use Sword at the end of the game, even though Catria is the only sword flier in that game

Anything of note to elaborate on?  I was just going off game data (FEs 1 to 3 are probably the furthest from my wheelhouse to boot)  and tried to limit it to just a starting weapon sort of thing. So a more through viewpoint would be appreciated. 

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16 minutes ago, goodperson707 said:

Anything of note to elaborate on?  I was just going off game data (FEs 1 to 3 are probably the furthest from my wheelhouse to boot)  and tried to limit it to just a starting weapon sort of thing. So a more through viewpoint would be appreciated. 

FE3 dismount forced Palla to wield Sword in basically every important points of the game, including the final chapter


FE12 Palla isnt forced to dismount, but FE12 enemies grows enough that at a point Palla will be forced to switch from her standard Paladin Draco combo into SM

Catria had a longer timespan for Lance simply because in a standard run shes pretty much the only Falconknight in the game. Palla usually promote in chapter 6 to save your sanity. Although ionically Sword Flier is one of the selling point of Falconknight lol

Caeda is actually simmilar to Palla since her weapon of choice late game in all of her incarnation is Swords. FE1 Caeda prefers Sword all game if she could, FE3 Caeda dismounts, FE11 Caeda reclass into SM after she hunted down Armors and Horses to extinction, and FE12 Caeda mirrors Palla's class progression

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On 22.3.2017 at 7:59 PM, MaskedAmpharos said:

I mean, it's balanced out by giving cavalry units such horribly low BST that no one sees them in higher tier arena despite their effectiveness. That said, I've always thought that balancing units' use in Arena via arbitrarily distributed base stat totals was silly, but it is what it is.

Also I really hope we get ranged fliers soon (Aversa where). It seems a bit unfair that people are out here building full teams of cavalry mages while fliers can only do so much with their hone/goad buffs because they lack a ranged option. 

I know they are balanced that way, I just found it interesting how much they have to work with in comparison to fliers and armors.

Speaking of ranged fliers, how many could we even have? There's Aversa you mentioned, and Reina from Fates. Then if we go the Lucius route, Sumia and Cynthia could get tomes while... Shigure? Could get bows. That's not exactly giving me hope.

I guess for max silliness Mozu could be flying archer because Archer Mozu is popular Lucius proved your Heroes incarnate can be based on the new weapon type you get after promoting.

8 hours ago, Quintessence said:

Also I would totally laugh so hard if Miccy follows Lucius and Lachesis trend.

Sacrifice is a healing skill, it totally makes sense

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Reina though- would be good to have that Kinshi Knight class, being the anti-flier flier.

I feel like Shigure would just be a normal lance-wielder. Although it would be cool if he gets the Sing ability (to even out the number of Dancers to Singers!), which would give him a really nice niche.

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30 minutes ago, Sylphid said:

Speaking of ranged fliers, how many could we even have? There's Aversa you mentioned, and Reina from Fates. Then if we go the Lucius route, Sumia and Cynthia could get tomes while... Shigure? Could get bows. That's not exactly giving me hope.

I guess for max silliness Mozu could be flying archer because Archer Mozu is popular Lucius proved your Heroes incarnate can be based on the new weapon type you get after promoting.

We don't need a large number of ranged fliers for Flier Emblem to be viable though. After all, Horse Emblem is ridiculous right now, and all you really need are one or two horses with blade tomes. I really do hope they give Sumia a tome though, as the main thing setting her apart from Cordelia was how magically oriented she was (inb4 flying healer). 

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Could someone explain to me what the negative/neutral/positive stats are for my Leo? I've read the rules but his stats doesn't match the given. I will attach images for a better idea.



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2 minutes ago, ktvninja said:

Could someone explain to me what the negative/neutral/positive stats are for my Leo?

Your Leo is +Spd, −HP.
His medium Atk is 29, which added to Brynhildr's 14 Mt gives 43 Atk.

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