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Obstruct is actually pretty good now, with defense tiles. Keeps your squishies completely safe behind your hard ass wall with 40/40 def/res that's also standing on a fort.


It's the little things like this that gives me the impression Nintendo knows exactly how the game is supposed to work. Forts basically single-handedly made a lot of niche skills worth running, and also made defensive units a lot more viable in arena (since, previously, they paid way too much hp to kill things unless it's a 4x armor team with 4 ward armors).

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1 minute ago, JSND said:

Add me broski: 8367715649

So you can witness my dogshit Julia


Thanks but no thanks :P

Also, all the people I deleted because they were too low tier are probably gonna be mad salty since the tiers are gonna change now lol


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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

The only thing I see is your HP + 3 Lukas who still has obstruct for some reason :P

It was a joke but I do have 5* Reinhardt. He just needs to be trained. Obstruct is going to get replaced at some point when I can get Quick Riposte 3. But it's serving its purpose rather nicely at the moment.

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15 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

It's a term of endearment when I say it

You don't need to lie

I know, I was just making a joke :D


Don't call me a noob though

10 minutes ago, Falcom said:

It was a joke but I do have 5* Reinhardt. He just needs to be trained. Obstruct is going to get replaced at some point when I can get Quick Riposte 3. But it's serving its purpose rather nicely at the moment.

Well you need to hurry up and get up your Reinfart then

Puts in mad work against tons of people.

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Just now, Arcanite said:

You don't need to lie

I know, I was just making a joke :D

rude, calling me a liar >:(


I used my shards and got Xander to level 38... so close to 40! I'll be able to do that 4* unit clearing Ursula's map sooner or later. I still have no idea how I beat Lunatic with my other units earlier LOL

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Of all the cancer in this game, it's Reinhardt that I both despise and desire the most, ever more than that desired Hector.

That man has ruined many a deathless arena run with his bullshit that I am unable to take advantage of, lol.

But at least now I have my Julia to eat him alive, and my Nino too so it's not so bad anymore.

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1 minute ago, Extrasolar said:

Of all the cancer in this game, it's Reinhardt that I both despise and desire the most, ever more than that desired Hector.

That man has ruined many a deathless arena run with his bullshit that I am unable to take advantage of, lol.

But at least now I have my Julia to eat him alive, and my Nino too so it's not so bad anymore.




Julia and Nino are the chemo that I need. I need to pull them soon!

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1 minute ago, Extrasolar said:

Of all the cancer in this game, it's Reinhardt that I both despise and desire the most, ever more than that desired Hector.

That man has ruined many a deathless arena run with his bullshit that I am unable to take advantage of, lol.

You love him and then you hate him eh?


This is why I have Nino





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3 minutes ago, Extrasolar said:

Of all the cancer in this game, it's Reinhardt that I both despise and desire the most, ever more than that desired Hector.

That man has ruined many a deathless arena run with his bullshit that I am unable to take advantage of, lol.

But at least now I have my Julia to eat him alive, and my Nino too so it's not so bad anymore.

Ngl I feel dirty every time I use Reinhardt to sweep an enemy team.

Reinhardt + 3 dancers makes short work of every Lunatic GHB too. Xander's and Zephiel's Lunatic GHB took about two turns, without Rein soloing everyone :P

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2 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:


You should probably get that checked out

Just now, GuiltyLove said:


I'm serious about either sending him home or using him as fodder if I ever get him


I'm giving his cavalry skill away

Right after I suicide him on green units on purpose

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1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:




Julia and Nino are the chemo that I need. I need to pull them soon!

Godspeed, my friend. I'm hoping personally that you get them, so you can enjoy tearing Reinhardts to shreds with them just as much as I do.

1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

You love him and then you hate him eh?

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This is why I have Nino

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YESSSS it's the unhealthiest relationship. I'm a hair's breadth away from mass summoning blues to try to get him...and Linde, but come to me Rein bb ;-;

3 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Ngl I feel dirty every time I use Reinhardt to sweep an enemy team.

As you should! stahp using godly characters I don't have yet you jerk ;-;

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1 minute ago, Othin said:

If you can't beat them, join them.

7,618 feathers left until I have enough for my 5* Reinhardt.

Filthy turncoat

You got that Death Blow 3 fodder?

1 minute ago, Extrasolar said:

YESSSS it's the unhealthiest relationship. I'm a hair's breadth away from mass summoning blues to try to get him...and Linde, but come to me Rein bb ;-;

Lol if you do that and you get him, that'll be something to see. In before you spend all your orbs and all you get is trash

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6 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Filthy turncoat

You got that Death Blow 3 fodder?

Sadly, no. I don't expect any for a long time, since I'm not about to spend another 20k feathers on that and if I got a Klein or a 5* with DB3, I'd want to keep the first one for collection purposes, so it'd take two copies. Which is especially unlikely since I'm currently avoiding pulling colorless unless there's a focus I want.

My plan was to go with Defiant Atk 3 in the meantime so he'd still have a top-level skill, although the arena changes are looking like they might be lenient enough for the points difference over DB2 not to matter.

I do plan on getting him 1-2 Goad Cavalry support units when Camus is released (depending on whether 4* Camus gets it to pass to Xander), so that'll help with reaching his full power, although that's still a ways off.

Edited by Othin
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Just now, Cute Chao said:


My Gaius hit 4* today ^.^ He's got pretty much none of his skills yet, though xD Whoops! I'll get on that... ^.^''


#LadiesAndGentlemenTheUltimateGaiusIsHere #CandyToTheFace

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