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43 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Heh, yeah, I guess that's another bright side; no need to save feathers for Ayra anymore. Now, to decide between Arden, Arvis, or one of the dozens of other units I want to promote...

I'm in the same boat here. Shame that one of my favorite characters ended up like this. If the new skill banner doesn't end up being an -owl tome banner, then I'll be going back to Deirdre as well. If there is an -owl banner though, then I would be ashamed of myself if I didn't try for Katarina.

Yeah, I guess it's better to try and see the bright side instead of feeling like Sigurd at the end of chapter 5 IS YOU BASTARD!  

I wonder, if the next skill banner is an Owl tome I'd give a shot at Katarina but I'd rather have something with Celica in it after I got screwed by Gray in the TT banner, either way having the chance to get one of them would be great.

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1 minute ago, Alexmender said:

Yeah, I guess it's better to try and see the bright side instead of feeling like Sigurd at the end of chapter 5 IS YOU BASTARD!  

I wonder, if the next skill banner is an Owl tome I'd give a shot at Katarina but I'd rather have something with Celica in it after I got screwed by Gray in the TT banner, either way having the chance to get one of them would be great.

I'd love Celica too, but she seems unlikely for the Skill banners right now. All she has that is shared with at least two other units is Spur Def. Not impossible to include for sure, since they seem to be going through all the skills at the moment, but I feel like an -owl tome banner would be more likely to happen sooner.

That TT banner was another one that I was too scared to pull on. Also because Julia was on another banner at right around the same time, and I wanted her more anyway, but missing Celica again was heartbreaking regardless. At least I got two Julia's out of it right at the very end, so she got to be a 5-star +1.

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4 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

I'd love Celica too, but she seems unlikely for the Skill banners right now. All she has that is shared with at least two other units is Spur Def. Not impossible to include for sure, since they seem to be going through all the skills at the moment, but I feel like an -owl tome banner would be more likely to happen sooner.

That TT banner was another one that I was too scared to pull on. Also because Julia was on another banner at right around the same time, and I wanted her more anyway, but missing Celica again was heartbreaking regardless. At least I got two Julia's out of it right at the very end, so she got to be a 5-star +1.

I guess they'll wait for a time when Distant Defense becomes more common but that seems pretty unlikely now that we have the DD3 seal. A Spur Def banner would be nice with her, Priscilla and M!Robin as focus but I agree that having Boey, Mae and Katarina would be nice to have sooner rather than later.

I went into that one on a whim after missing Celica's debut banner due to a lack of orbs (I think there was a drought during that banner). The Hero Fest 2 banner was pretty hellish, I broke f2p and ended with a Genny and a -Atk +Def Julia to show which is why I really hope to get her mother with a better nature hopefully.

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1 hour ago, DefaultBeep said:

I wonder if IS can tell what banner we use our purchased orbs on. I haven't bought any for either of the Genealogy banners, but I'm almost tempted to buy and spend on the Holy War banner, to hopefully send the message of "I would rather spend money on a banner like this than try for Ayra." I'm going for Deirdre first anyway, since... well, I'd rather have her, I guess.

It's interesting to see the exact opposite experiences we've had in that regard. Like I said before, my odds of getting units I want seems to have increased greatly since I started sniping. Although it helps that there's normally only one or two units that I really want in a banner, so I can stop safely once I get them. Although, funny you mention Katarina's banner; I was so scared of getting Luke and Athena, I avoided pulling on that banner hardly at all. Now I just hope that we'll eventually get an -owl tome banner, so I can safely snipe for her.

...Oh no. What if they make that -owl banner be the next skill banner? Just to add insult to injury with this whole Ayra situation. Maybe I won't pull at all for a while, just in case Katarina does show up...

Agreed on Linde, Tana, and Celica 100%, they could break my pity rate any day without complaint. I do have Amelia, but she would be nice to get again too; the one I have is +HP/-Def, and I can think of quite a few units that would like that Slaying Axe+ and Armor March.

I'd assume they can? I've already seen a thread on reddit of people stating they will snub the TT banner and even a thread where some whales, several who spent several thousands dollar, sent feedback to IS stating that how they handled Ayra convinced them to stop spending on the game, and they would not spend again until IS gives some assurance that they'll never do something like this again.

 I'm still considering whether I should save my orbs for a potential RD banner, use them on the PA banner or use them on the WoHW banner.

Nah they're about to release Hero Fest 3 on Monday, THEN the owl banner right after it on Tuesday.

I got Amelia from the PA banner and she has a decent +Spd/-Def nature, but I would be glad to have more of her for more merge or more Armor March.

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52 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

I'd love Celica too, but she seems unlikely for the Skill banners right now. All she has that is shared with at least two other units is Spur Def. Not impossible to include for sure, since they seem to be going through all the skills at the moment, but I feel like an -owl tome banner would be more likely to happen sooner.

That TT banner was another one that I was too scared to pull on. Also because Julia was on another banner at right around the same time, and I wanted her more anyway, but missing Celica again was heartbreaking regardless. At least I got two Julia's out of it right at the very end, so she got to be a 5-star +1.

well they dont need to allways go with a skill theme, they could also go with a "Unique Red Tome Mages" boosting Celica Sanaki and Leo (albiet it would be a disaster to pull from them)

or they could boast a Legendary Tome weapon Banner "Valentia" Edition with Sonya Delthea and Celica, 3 different color, 1 game one theme "ranged magical units"

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On 10/17/2017 at 12:14 AM, DehNutCase said:

You can use her that way, of course, Ayra's powercreeped to the point where she outclasses Selena in basically every possible build, thanks to higher hp compensating the minor loss in def and res. The main difference, of course, is that Selena likes using her bulk to do a lot of nothing on EP, that is, tanking random people without dying, in order to build special charge and to set up enemy positioning for the player phase, whereas Ayra's sword means that it makes no difference to her whether she farms up special charge on EP or just starts fighting immediately. (This is an advantage, because Selena needs her enemy phase special charge farming to have good player phase offenses, whereas Ayra can do the same enemy phase setup while always having her excellent player phase.)

She basically has Selena's bulk and Lucina's offenses.

If she doesn't end up with with trainee stats, she'll basically be Lucina---very nicely min-maxed character with first rate offenses while keeping as much bulk as possible. Mind, Lucina herself could run a tanky, grindy build without problems, it's just that the reason I run a grindy build on Selena is because she can't run anything else, whereas Arya, Lucina, etc. can run said grindy bulk on top of more offensive builds.


On the topic of the Fury 3 Renewal build:

I like Fury 3 a lot, Swift Sparrow is basically the budget option for any unit I run, because, usually, one of L&D, DB, or Fury 3 would be better. If you want offenses and bulk, Fury 3 tends to end up better because of enemy phase. If you want sheer offenses, L&D strictly outclasses, and DB occasionally outclasses depending on the weapon choice. (2 Atk for 4 Spd is a good trade very often, due to how damn good Atk is as a stat.)

Renewal gives her longevity, obviously, which not only helps for when she's trying to carry a team,* but also for general use like TT, CC, or, I don't know, Warriors map farming or something.

In all honesty, that two skill combo is probably the most useful for general purpose use for a melee unit.


*One weakness of not running horse emblem is that you have to get your unit-turns somewhere else, often by counter-killing or destroying a team over multiple turns, meaning you need 'carrying', where one unit does a significant portion of the work, more often than horse teams---horse teams can do the same thing, of course, counter-killing and slowly hit & running a team to death, the reason they're overpowered is because they can do everything everyone else could, and a lot of things everyone else can't.

I was going to respond to this earlier before the RIP this dream of having Mad Moxxi Ayra, but I wanted to do a tank build with Ayra because she could do it pretty well while packing good player phase and damage output.

Anyway, on the topic of Ayra being summonable, I really am questioning what they were thinking and whenever that question comes up, it's usually bad. Granted, a couple of studios have been hit with stuff like this: Middle-Earth: Shadow of War's lootbox system to get the true ending of the game and something about Activision using social engineering to push players to spend on microtransactions in the upcoming CoD game, so questionable decisions aren't anything new. Also, not limited to games, but other stuff as well like HP is making a super tablet which is weird since if you want that kind of power, you could invest in a laptop or a PC or the whole no headphones thing on phones. Anyway, I digress.

Back to Ayra, I cannot think of a good answer or a reason for "What were they thinking?" Taking into consideration that Sigurd, Ayra, and Arden ranked in the top 100 despite being should be obscure characters since they're from games never released overseas and perhaps the developers making them like Jugdral CYL units, Ayra having a personal weapon, unique special, and boosted stats is fine in my opinion. What is a problem is that the Holy War banner did not feature her as a summonable unit as she appeared in the end as a teaser like Clarisse, Clive, and Legion did and all those characters were freely available. Why feature her if Arden's the one that is free and why wasn't she on the Holy War banner in the first place? Four units on a banner and two of them having boosted BST and unique skills isn't anything new. That's what the BH banner was. This would create a problem where the TT banner could only have two units or they could have not had a TT banner and made two of the Askr trios 20% units. In that case, the Holy War banner would be the TT banner and there's nothing wrong about that. Yes, it would suck for people who couldn't get a 40% bonus unit, but it's not like now there's two banners and one of them one new unit, but two or more old units instead of having one banner be new units and the other be old units.

To me, this is like Kieran not being on the Dauntless Crimean banner, but if he showed up as a summonable unit in another banner with Ike, Mist, Soren, and/or Titania a couple days after it and if he had boosted stats for whatever reason. In Kieran's case, it would be much worse in my opinion since the only axe cavalier we've gotten was Titania, a mage tank, leaving jack of all trades and offensive axe cavaliers as things we don't have. Kieran showing up as Cain or Luke on crack would just make it worse. Something like 42 HP, 34 Atk, 32 Spd, 34 Def, and 17 Res would be just as good as it would be bad.

There is an argument that handing her out isn't right because she's powerful and she's not a BH unit who was more of a unique, event thing. I agree with the latter part, but not the former. Arden, Arvis, the Black Knight, Camus, Legion, masked Marth, Michalis, Ursula, Valter, Xander, Zephiel, and not a GHB or TT unit, but Donnel, Est, and Hana are all good units. None of them have boosted BST other than Donnel and for that matter, Tobin, being villager units, but they're all good nevertheless. In some cases, giving them more stat points might not do much other than making them bulkier like Camus and Xander which would be good, but doesn't change them from being not so great or average units to good units; they're good regardless. Ayra is at their level or above them. In other words, players have been given powerful units since the beginning, so what makes Ayra any different from any of them? If anything, Ayra being summonable makes her even stronger, so why not artificially cap her strengths? Seriously, other than the obvious +Atk and +Spd Ayra, -Atk or -HP with +Spd, +Def, or if you want it, +Res would be even tankier than Selena despite already being as tanky. +Atk, -Spd Ayra is essentially Lucina with more defense because Ayra's Blade evens out her speed so she'd have 36/37 offenses instead of 36/34 offenses to Lucina's 34/36 offenses.

At this point, they can't fix it and by it, I'm referring to Ayra's situation. How could they? The banner's up and she's summonable. Making her a GHB unit in the future or giving a 1* or 2* Ayra to everyone wouldn't do much. All it would do is let everyone have her rather than can have her. Refunds wouldn't make sense since people who want her would be trying to get her however they can.

Edited by Kaden
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So on another note when do you think will Loki the last Emblian Empire Character be revlealed as a Red Tome user?

I mean its obvious the Askr Trio uses Axe Sword Lance, likewise all the Emblian main Chars used a Green Tome Blue Tome and the Red Tome is missing.

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33 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

I guess they'll wait for a time when Distant Defense becomes more common but that seems pretty unlikely now that we have the DD3 seal. A Spur Def banner would be nice with her, Priscilla and M!Robin as focus but I agree that having Boey, Mae and Katarina would be nice to have sooner rather than later.

I went into that one on a whim after missing Celica's debut banner due to a lack of orbs (I think there was a drought during that banner). The Hero Fest 2 banner was pretty hellish, I broke f2p and ended with a Genny and a -Atk +Def Julia to show which is why I really hope to get her mother with a better nature hopefully.

Yeah, I think Celica is the only unit so far with Distant Defense that isn't a seasonal unit. Although if/when it becomes more common, she could be on both a Distant Defense and Spur Defense banner, which would be nice.

Hero Fest 2 was the banner that taught me not to expect much. I went into it hoping to get Julia, Ninian, and a few Genny's for Wrathful Staff. I didn't get a single 5-star until the last day, although I did get three at that point: two Julias and a Clair, which was... less exciting than the Julias. The first Julia was +HP/-Atk, so I felt super lucky to also get the second one, who had Atk/-Res. Shame about the Res, but Atk seemed more helpful. I'm hoping to get a Deirdre that's +Res, just so they can both play to their own strengths.

13 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

I'd assume they can? I've already seen a thread on reddit of people stating they will snub the TT banner and even a thread where some whales, several who spent several thousands dollar, sent feedback to IS stating that how they handled Ayra convinced them to stop spending on the game, and they would not spend again until IS gives some assurance that they'll never do something like this again.

 I'm still considering whether I should save my orbs for a potential RD banner, use them on the PA banner or use them on the WoHW banner.

Nah they're about to release Hero Fest 3 on Monday, THEN the owl banner right after it on Tuesday.

I got Amelia from the PA banner and she has a decent +Spd/-Def nature, but I would be glad to have more of her for more merge or more Armor March.

I'm just not sure what exactly they get out of the information; I know they can see what banners people spend on, I know they can see when people purchase orbs, but I'm not sure if they can know which banner those purchased orbs are spent on. I probably won't spend on these banners regardless, except maybe the Skill banner if it does end up being an -owl banner. I'll still wait to buy any until after Ayra's banner ends, though.

I spent a ton of orbs on the PA banner, but finally getting one dancer was enough for me (and thank heavens she was neutral). If you really want a dancer, then I'd say focus on that banner since it's limited; if you like any of the Genealogy characters and want them as units too, then might as well go for them. But I'm assuming you care more for the cast of Radiant Dawn, so if you don't have a huge attachment to the WoHW characters and you don't need them as units, then saving for a banner you would like seems like the best plan.

If they decided to release a Hero Fest 3 and the -owl banner after all of this, I'm pretty sure people would burn down IS's office and everything related to them.

7 minutes ago, Hilda said:

well they dont need to allways go with a skill theme, they could also go with a "Unique Red Tome Mages" boosting Celica Sanaki and Leo (albiet it would be a disaster to pull from them)

or they could boast a Legendary Tome weapon Banner "Valentia" Edition with Sonya Delthea and Celica, 3 different color, 1 game one theme "ranged magical units"

True, they could always add new categories for their banners. It's certainly not unprecedented, since the Skill banners were added a while after launch. If they had a banner with Celica, Katarina, and Leo, I'd honestly be pretty happy, since I've been wanting all three of them for a while. Of course, pulling would probably be a nightmare after I got one of them, but at least getting that first one would be fun.

If they had a banner with those three, I might forego color sniping, since any of them would be great to have for me. I could actually see them doing that one, since like you said, they're all from the same game and have personal tomes. I'm still only going to expect the -owl banner to happen since there's a strong precedent for it to happen, but I'd certainly be happy with one of these other options.

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It's pretty lousy what they did with Ayra, but there's nothing original I can add. Although if this is going to be a trend with Odo's descendants, we should all be on the lookout for Chulainn with his Heavy Blade 3 and Reigning Luna.

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After pulling Sigurd, I decided the way I was going to prepare for Monday was to make more cavaliers ready. So I promoted Titania and Ursula, because 1: I don't have Rein (The only Rein I pulled was 4* -Att, not worth raising I thought) and 2: Because as of pulling Sigurd, I have 4 horse swords at 5*, and no 5* horse mages. I kind of need variety right now in that department, and these two fit the bill.

Of course I also plan on promoting Arvis because a Triple Ploy threat is so worth it and he'd be good for a backup team for TT. This is despite my ending up with so many red 5* units lately. I kind of need to stop pulling red after getting Sigurd and Brave Roy in quick succession.

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4 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Agreed. At least he remained untainted. He'll be a +1 5-star unit for me, without question.

Someone once bring up that Arden wont cause a fiasco at all if he were the tt banner


Which is kinda funny considering how much of a monster he is

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1 minute ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Someone once bring up that Arden wont cause a fiasco at all if he were the tt banner


Which is kinda funny considering how much of a monster he is

I think the difference with Arden is, while he's certainly powerful, he lacks some of the things that Ayra has. Including a personal weapon and special, two movement, and art that people actually like. Those people are wrong, of course, but they are unfortunately entitled to their own opinion.

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6 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

I think the difference with Arden is, while he's certainly powerful, he lacks some of the things that Ayra has. Including a personal weapon and special, two movement, and art that people actually like. Those people are wrong, of course, but they are unfortunately entitled to their own opinion.

I think you’re missing two other, very big reasons.

In other news, water is wet.

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6 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

I think you’re missing two other, very big reasons.

In other news, water is wet.

I wasn't gonna be the one to say it, but that pretty much falls under the artwork point.

I also forgot to mention that we just got Black Knight as a TT unit as well, who is more popular (at least outside of Japan), has a Distant Counter personal weapon, an exclusive Special, and very balanced and solid stats for an armor unit. Most people will probably just ignore Arden altogether, ignoring that he and Black Knight fill two different niches, and can both be incredibly powerful in their own right.

Black Knight's gonna be benched as soon as I get Arden, though.

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8 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

I wasn't gonna be the one to say it, but that pretty much falls under the artwork point.

I also forgot to mention that we just got Black Knight as a TT unit as well, who is more popular (at least outside of Japan), has a Distant Counter personal weapon, an exclusive Special, and very balanced and solid stats for an armor unit. Most people will probably just ignore Arden altogether, ignoring that he and Black Knight fill two different niches, and can both be incredibly powerful in their own right.

Black Knight's gonna be benched as soon as I get Arden, though.

Honestly what i kinda wondered i why Ayra also got pseudo Killer effect on her special


Black Luna is pretty much Killer Ignis. Astra isnt much different its pretty much killer Bonfire. 

Xander Bonfire - 18

Ayra Astra with buff - 17.6

Hector Bonfire 17


Almost made me wonder if Slayer Edge Ayra is the true goat build

Edited by JSND Alter Dragon Boner
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4 hours ago, DehNutCase said:

The biggest irony is that the current situation, 2 banners of 3 units each, is far better from a statistical perspective than any other option---barring the rare case you wanted Sigurd and Ayra but not Eldigan at all.

...Just how rare is that exactly? Especially if you consider the three days people had to go 'oh, we don't need to summon Ayra, lets go for Sigurd'?

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So just looked up the stats of my 5*'s. 

The Eldigan I desperately pulled for...


Thanks, RNG >.<

Oh well, now I have him. And cavalry can always be buffed :) 

Edited by Cute Chao
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4 hours ago, DehNutCase said:

The biggest irony is that the current situation, 2 banners of 3 units each, is far better from a statistical perspective than any other option---barring the rare case you wanted Sigurd and Ayra but not Eldigan at all.

...Just how rare is that exactly? Especially if you consider the three days people had to go 'oh, we don't need to summon Ayra, lets go for Sigurd'?

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Looking through my current roster, aside from Julia, none of the units I have were directly powercrept. Most of my roster consists of either already outclassed units I rolled for because I liked them (Alm, Gray, Mathilda, Lyn) or units that are still considered the best at what they do (Ephraim, Celica, Delthea, Hector, dancers). Note: only listed units I spent orbs on, promotions and pitybreakers don't count.

As such, I haven't really been burned too hard but I do feel bad for those who were using units now outclassed because of powercreep 

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1 hour ago, DefaultBeep said:

Agreed. At least he remained untainted. He'll be a +1 5-star unit for me, without question.

He has the Pursuit Ring, that indicates he might be a virgin. You can't get it if he marries beforehand. Whether he lost it afterwards, we don't know. If only we could see his Skill stat- that might indicate whether he forsook his metaphorical maidenhead or not.


And on that topic, a little Genealogy thought I had. I call it "How crazy within canon-ish boundaries can you make Jugdral’s ruling elite?". Here:


Gen 1 Variable Pairings:

    • AdeanxJamke
    • AyraxLex
    • LachesisxFinn (Someone has to get a non-holy blooded noble- not enough 1st Gen Gentry men, and Lachesis is already one. Finn should be a noble by the end of FE4 at least)
    • SilviaxClaud
    • ErinysxLewyn (Erinys is the problem here- she’s a commoner woman, the pairing is canonical to T776 and the easiest to make in FE4 too)
    • TailtiuxAzelle
    • Briggidxwhoever (again, shortage of bachelor noblemen/royals, Chulainn wouldn’t be bad, but his origins are never explained and like Marita and Galzus, if he doesn’t know, his descendants might not either and not seek political power)

Gen 2 Pairings:

    • SeliphxLana (Final convo, are childhood friends, parents were also friends and Adean raised both of them, makes sense)
    • ShannanxPatty (Final convo, high love base, convo that gives the Balmung in C7)
    • LeifxNanna (T776 duh!)
    • AresxLene (Another duh!)
    • Iuchar/IucharbaxLarcei (Duh! and Shannan is taken.)
    • ArionxAltenna (Okay, the former isn’t playable and the latter can’t marry- probably b/c her feelings for Arion.)
    • JuliaxUlster (Why? Well Julia can be paired, even if she gets no love convos or have starting LP with anyone but Seliph. Ulster seems like an imaginable choice. Lester or Arthur could work too I can imagine.)
    • FeexOifey (They have a Final convo.)
    • Lastly TinexCed (They have a Final convo.)

The End Result:

    • Seliph, King of Grannvale, and probably has some personal lands in Chalphy. Married to Lana, Princess of Verdane, sister of the King of Verdane himself, possibly a Countess (or something else less than Duchess) in Jungby.
    • Shannan, King of Issach. Married to Patty, noble of the highest rank in Jungby, and sister of the Duke of Jungby himself.
    • Leif, King of the New Kingdom of Thracia, with rights if he were to seek it (and inheritance laws permit it), to possess lands in Chalphy by his mother’s blood. Married to Lady Nanna of Nordion, who being the 1 1/2 cousin to Ares should also count as lesser Agustrian royalty.
    • Ares, King of Agustria. Married to Lene, noblewoman of Edda with the Brand of Bragi. Should Coirpre die unmarried or without issue or appointed heir, she and her children have a strong right to inherit the throne.
    • Iuchar/ba, Duke of Dozel. Married to his coequal (I’d expect) Duchess Ayra, who is also lesser royalty in Issach.
    • Altenna, Princess of the Kingdom of New Thracia, raised a princess in the old Kingdom of Thracia, and possessing the full measure of Nova’s blood which her little brother King does not. Married to Arion, Prince of the former Kingdom of Thracia, with the Brand of Dain. Though not so powerful now, the children would have a strong case for demanding the right to rule.
    • Ulster, lesser royal of Issach. Married to Julia, Princess of Grannvale, with claims to nobility in Velthomer, and having the Brand of Heim/Naga, has a strong case for the throne of Grannvale itself.
    • Oifey, Duke of Chalphy, with blood ties to the Kings of Grannvale and New Thracia and the Princess of the latter. Married to Fee, Princess of Silesse and sister to the King of Silesse himself.
    • Ced, King of Silesse. Married to Tine, Duchess of Freege? If she isn’t Duchess, then she is still a high noble in both Freege and Velthomer, with her brother the Duke of Freege and the Duke of Velthomer (assuming Saias wouldn't want the throne).
    • Don’t forget that in this scenario, we don’t know who Arthur, Duke of Velthomer and Freege,  Lester, King of Verdane, Diarmuid, King of Nordion, Febail, Duke of Jungby, Coirpre, Duke of Edda (possibly with a Thracian estate as well left by daddy Hannibal), and Saias, of the Brand of Fjalar, will marry if they marry at all.

Conclusion on a Country by Country Basis:

    • In this not impossible scenario, in each country the following ties can be found:
      • Verdane: The King of Verdane has the King of Grannvale as his brother-in-law, his male 1st cousin as Duke of Jungby, and his female 1st cousin as Queen Consort of Issach.
      • Agustria: The King of Agustria has the Duke of Edda as his brother-in-law, and his 1 1/2 female cousin as Queen Consort of New Thracia. His rule within Agustria is strengthened by his 1 1/2 male cousin as the King of Nordion.
      • Silesse: The King of Silesse has the Duke of Velthomer and Freege (or his wife is the Duchess of Freege) as his brother-in-law. His other brother-in-law is Duke of Chalphy.
      • Issach: The King of Issach has the Duke of Jungby as his brother-in-law. His 1 1/2 female cousin is Duchess of Dozel. His 1 1/2 male cousin is married to a Grannvalian Princess who is also a Velthomer noble.
      • Kingdom of New Thracia: The King of New Thracia has as his brother-in-law the King of Nordion, who is himself related to the King of Agustria. The King of New Thracia’s 1st cousin is the King of Grannvale. His sister is married to the former King of Thracia. His sister also has some minor personal ties of friendship to the Duke of Edda- but who cares about those?
      • Grannvale: The Dukedoms aren’t interrelated outside of Velthomer & Freege, however most of them bear some connection to Granvalian royalty in this particular scenario. Duke Chalphy is cousin to King Grannvale, Duke Velthomer-Freege has Princess Julia as his cousin, Duke Jungby is brother-in-law to King Grannvale. If Julia is wed to Ulster, then Duchess Dozel is sister to the Princess. The most tenuous, and certainly very weak connection is in Edda, where the Duke of Edda is sister to the King of Agustria, who is 1 1/2 cousin to the Queen Consort of New Thracia, who is married to the King of New Thracia who is 1st cousin to King Grannvale. And this highlights some of the numerous international connections among the Grannvalian Kingdom and its Duchies. 
      • Miletos District: Has absolutely nothing unfortunately! But don’t fret, the 3rd Generation is going to use you in its power plays once it matures. And then, the young 4th Generation, alongside the aging 3rd is going to make a bloodbath out of you. But is that really something special? All of Jugdral’s rivers will be flowing crimson by then. 
      • Interested in learning more about the bloodbath? Watch Game of Holy Bloodlines on FEO, Season 2 will begin on————- The 83 year old Coirpre gets smothered with a pillow and stabbed to death! 
      • Stupid hackers! Ruining the next season like that!



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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

He has the Pursuit Ring, that indicates he might be a virgin. You can't get it if he marries beforehand. Whether he lost it afterwards, we don't know. If only we could see his Skill stat- that might indicate whether he forsook his metaphorical maidenhead or not.


And on that topic, a little Genealogy thought I had. I call it "How crazy within canon-ish boundaries can you make Jugdral’s ruling elite?". Here:


Whatever his current relationship may be when I get him, he's getting an S Support right away. I only make Supports that match my lore, and my current lore is that Arden survived the ending of Gen 1, and before Deirdre could be killed by Julius, he swooped in and saved her (it only took him that long because of his movement stat, of course). Deirdre, still unaware of her prior marriage to Sigurd but now aware of the danger that her husband and son have become, accepts Arden's confession of love, and they live out the rest of their lives in loving bliss. Probably on an island or something, at least until the end of Gen 2.

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10 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Whatever his current relationship may be when I get him, he's getting an S Support right away. I only make Supports that match my lore, and my current lore is that Arden survived the ending of Gen 1, and before Deirdre could be killed by Julius, he swooped in and saved her (it only took him that long because of his movement stat, of course). Deirdre, still unaware of her prior marriage to Sigurd but now aware of the danger that her husband and son have become, accepts Arden's confession of love, and they live out the rest of their lives in loving bliss. Probably on an island or something, at least until the end of Gen 2.

You can do much better than Deidre





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