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I regret foddering Raven, Caeda for feathers and Felicia for Glacies. Thankfully I already have a Hinoka with decent IVs (+def -res isn't so bad)

Edited by silveraura25
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This upcoming update has hyped me a lot! Smelling camilla's axe already in future updates. Personally, this update favors me a lot because I've invested quite little on these heroes.

Caeda got Armorsmasher+

Raven is +spd -def but is 4☆. The 5☆ version gave Brave Axe+ to Cherche.

Hinoka has Lancebreaker 3 ^^'

Felicia is in the way of being 4☆+10, but depending on the update, I might consider augmenting her.

Excited to see the Falchion upgrades but Brave falchion for Alm will make people flip tables.

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Another thing I found funny is the fact Raven gets Basilikos. I thought that would be the weapon Linus would get should he be added to the game (as if Brendan had any chance lol). Guess he’ll have to settle for a generic weapon... or pull a Michalis. 

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I was going to say maybe it's a good thing I didn't fodder off the 2 Caedas sitting in my barracks.. but one's +hp -res and the other +hp -spd.. Looks like prf or no prf they're going to keep rotting.

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3 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

I was going to say maybe it's a good thing I didn't fodder off the 2 Caedas sitting in my barracks.. but one's +hp -res and the other +hp -spd.. Looks like prf or no prf they're going to keep rotting.

There's always the possibility of 4*+10ing them. But first you have to upgrade one of the Caeda's to 5*, have her learn Wing Sword then merge her with a 4*Caeda with ideal IVs.

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I wonder if they'll give Jagen and Gunter personal weapons at some point, to help them be appealing despite their lower stats. Gunter in particular would be nice since he's one of the few green cavalry. And I guess that'd make him the first axe cav with a personal weapon.

Edited by Othin
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Excited to see the Falchion upgrades but Brave falchion for Alm will make people flip tables.

I think that Alm will get some sort of Scendscale Falchion instead of Brave Falchion. Double Lion is a skill on the Royal Sword, not Falchion.

Edited by Xenomata
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1 hour ago, Othin said:

I wonder if they'll give Jagen and Gunter personal weapons at some point, to help them be appealing despite their lower stats. Gunter in particular would be nice since he's one of the few green cavalry. And I guess that'd make him the first axe cav with a personal weapon.

Then give Frederick, Titania, and Seth one too, they're also Jagens.

I can't believe the Askr trio's been ignored yet again. They really need something more than anyone since they can't get merges or IVs or anything!

Edited by Anacybele
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Interesting and unexpected...

They select 4 forgotten units; one of each color...  This give me hope in many funny things.

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This update will be an absolute megaton for me.  At least one (or two?) of Wing Sword's effects should be pretty self-explanatory, and even that will be enough.  She'll be able to duel Red Cavalry and Armors in a pinch, and might stand to one-round Reinhardt up-close without requiring insane buffs + Wo Dao special proc.  Losing +5 Hp and +4 Def will hurt, but I'm hoping it will be worth it.

Hinoka's weapon is more up in the air, but I like the idea of it being a Brave Lance upgrade similar to Amiti.  It works so well for her, but I'd be open to something totally different, too.    

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Then give Frederick, Titania, and Seth one too, they're also Jagens.

Frederick, Titania, and Seth have normal unit stats. Jagen and Gunter have decreased stats for their unit type, a distinction that's completely unique to them.

I certainly wouldn't complain about those units getting special weapons as well, but my reason for making that suggestion does not have anything to do with them.

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2 minutes ago, Othin said:

Jagen and Gunter have decreased stats for their unit type, a distinction that's completely unique to them.

Jagen and Gunter aren’t meant to be used for long in their games or Heroes. Giving them personal weapons goes against it.

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Jagen and Gunter aren’t meant to be used for long in their games or Heroes. Giving them personal weapons goes against it.

So...  They are just characters to use in the first Days of the game and then being glorified fodder?

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10 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Then give Frederick, Titania, and Seth one too, they're also Jagens.

I can't believe the Askr trio's been ignored yet again. They really need something more than anyone since they can't get merges or IVs or anything!

I'm guessing the Askr trio will receive a upgrade of some kind at the end of book 2. You get a power-up when you fight the final boss AKA Surtr. Basic RPG/anime logic.


1 minute ago, Troykv said:

So...  They are just characters to use in the first Days of the game and then being glorified fodder?

Pretty much

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13 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Then give Frederick, Titania, and Seth one too, they're also Jagens.

"Jagens" are units in the early game that have high starting stats, but terrible growths and will eventually be overtaken by other units. Jagen, Gunter, and Mystery of the Emblem's Arran share this.

Those three are "Oifeys", units with only slightly higher starting stats than the units they start the game alongside, but normalized growth rates, allowing them to keep up with the army around them if given the chance. Seth, Frederick, Titania, and Oifey himself.

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7 minutes ago, Troykv said:

So...  They are just characters to use in the first Days of the game and then being glorified fodder?


5 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

I'm guessing the Askr trio will receive a upgrade of some kind at the end of book 2. You get a power-up when you fight the final boss AKA Surtr. Basic RPG/anime logic.

I want them to get upgrades for the anniversary :’(

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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Jagen and Gunter aren’t meant to be used for long in their games or Heroes. Giving them personal weapons goes against it.

In their base games, they're earlygame units that stop being effective later. In Heroes, a lot of units change their function, and it turns out that particular function doesn't actually translate well in a game where you quickly train your units to max level and then spend most of your time using them at max level.


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8 minutes ago, Troykv said:

So...  They are just characters to use in the first Days of the game and then being glorified fodder?

Victims of a mindless dogma, sadly. The veteran/trainee system makes sense in mainline games where most of the game is spent levelling, but it was transferred over to FEH without anyone applying critical thought.

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Yes! Hinoka is getting an upgrade!  In the words of Odin "So Excited!"  Hinoka is the only unit on my flyer team that I need to give a bit better weapon, so her getting a new weapon is great.   I will also finally promote my 4*Marth and Chrom since they are getting upgrades as well.  I also now have a reason to upgrade and finish building Raven.  

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I can see why they made Gunter and Jagen the way they are because that particular archtype made a bit more sense in the very early days of Heroes.  Remember that leveling was not nearly as easy as it is now, with lower EXP gain overall, 50 stamina cap, lack of shard/crystal abundance, and the stamina requirements for the Training Tower were intended to be twice what they are.  Not to mention the harder map selection and enemies having Wings of Mercy and other surprise skills at the higher strata...

Nowadays, they're just a vestige of what was a very different, less player-friendly game, and I wouldn't mind if they got some kind of upgrade.

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Gunter wasn't a true Jeigan, because Jeigans are supposed to be good in the early game.  When you get him in Chapter 7, he's already worse than everybody else in your party.

I went Marcus in game with his FE6 old man stat penalty.

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My five star Gunter is just super stoked he gets to use his Hone Cavalry. Or he's stoked that he's one of the five Gunters I've pulled since the game launch. I've certainly been treating him like a celebrity.

6 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I went Marcus in game with his FE6 old man stat penalty.

Finally somebody with their head on straight. But just making Marcus an axe cav is all I can ask for.

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My five star Gunter is just super stoked he gets to use his Hone Cavalry. Or he's stoked that he's one of the five Gunters I've pulled since the game launch. I've certainly been treating him like a celebrity.

6 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I went Marcus in game with his FE6 old man stat penalty.

Finally somebody with their head on straight. But just making Marcus an axe cav is all I can ask for.

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I'm liking the refining things. Personalizing the Falchions is a very cool move, just what they plan to do with each is the question. I wouldn't mind if Lucina actually got her own, although I understand why hers is the same as Chrom's. And I'd want an Illusory Falchion for a certain somebody else whose chances are but a mirage.

Giving non MC characters new customs is great as well, can't let a handful of super plot important characters hog all the upgrades. Caeda I'd prefer with the actual Wing Spear, but retrofitting the dual effective bonus on a sword will have to suffice. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Blue and Red Armors and Cavs a bigger threat than Green in the current metagame? A Wing Spear would therefore significantly outdo a Wing Sword? 


3 hours ago, SilvertheShadow said:

Another thing I found funny is the fact Raven gets Basilikos. I thought that would be the weapon Linus would get should he be added to the game (as if Brendan had any chance lol). Guess he’ll have to settle for a generic weapon... or pull a Michalis. 

Well Linus had a Silver Blade and Hand Axe in FFO, a Light Brand (Runesword in Japan) in CoD, and his Light replica had a Brave Sword and Tomahawk. The CoD version also had a crit negating Iron Rune.


8 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Double Attack while keeping Windsweep's effect maybe?

He's not exactly the fastest so that probably won't be too broken?

Since Combat Arts cost HP in SoV, maybe give it a significant HP cost for every round of combat initiated like Fury (but bigger)?


9 hours ago, mcsilas said:

It's called Hinoka's spear in Fates.

because Spear Fighter is a class

it's Lance that's nohrian

also maybe eventually but the next skills banner is Movement Skills

The class is called Spear Fighter, but the weapons Hoshido uses are called Naginatas, so why isn't it Naginata Fighter?

Honestly, IS screwed up naming Lances Lances and not Spears long ago. Lance I believe refers specifically to the Medieval jousting weapon, which is far from being what all Spears historically have looked like. Berwick Saga actually corrected this and called Lances Spears, while making real Lances a subtype of Spears usable by three characters while mounted.


1 hour ago, silveraura25 said:

I'm guessing the Askr trio will receive a upgrade of some kind at the end of book 2. You get a power-up when you fight the final boss AKA Surtr. Basic RPG/anime logic.

For the end of Book 2, the current weapons of Folkvangr, Fensalir, and Noatun will be upgrade once, gaining adjectives in Norse attached to them. However, after Surtr is dead and the new villain, who it turns out Surtr was just the manipulated pawn of all along, emerges in Book 3, the weapons will narratively be shattered (don't worry, they'll still be usable ingame). A new PC will then go around and help the heroes obtain new, even stronger weapons necessary for this new villain.

Let me think on SRW for a moment for how much you can upgrade a single character's gear, well OG, that being the only subset of SRW I know.

"Bullet" Brooklyn Luckfield: Starts OG1 with a Gespenst Mk. II TT- a mass production unit modified for one with psychic powers. About a third of the way in, gets it replaced by new Huckebein Mk. II, which he uses for the rest of OG1 and about half of OG2. The Huckbein Mk. II is replaced by a Grungust Type III copiloted by Kushua for one minute in Original Generations 2, and then Bullet gets the Koryuoh. According to the Alpha series where Bullet originally came from the Koryuoh is due for a power up eventually.

Ibis: Five minutes Calion, one game in Astelion, slight upgrade for one full game in Astelion DX, upgrade to Altairlion with merge into Hyperion coming later in said game.

Sanger: Grungust Type 0 for all of OG1, five minutes in Grungust Type 3 with liquid crystal Colossal Blade in OG2, upgrade to Dynamic General Guardian Unit 1 in the same game and has stuck with it since (except now with customizability between DGG1's base moveset and the retrofitted Type 3 Colossal Blade one).

Of course SRW has no metagame or stat limitations to worry about.


1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

Gunter wasn't a true Jeigan, because Jeigans are supposed to be good in the early game.  When you get him in Chapter 7, he's already worse than everybody else in your party.

Gunter was bad, they just tried to nerf the record of overpowered Jagens far far too much with him. Although I have heard some point to his Felicia-Jakob skill learning style and his ability to get 5 class lines: Cavalier, Mercenary, Wyvern Rider, Troubadour from A+ Jakob, and whatever you want from S Forrin. As proof that with investment and so many skills, many good, available to him, that Gunter can overcome his statistical weakness via them and become rather good. But it is a heavy investment.

And on CQ more than Rev, his Personal Skill and access to some nice classes can make him a great DS bot for Corrin.


Just now, Glennstavos said:

Finally somebody with their head on straight. But just making Marcus an axe cav is all I can ask for.

I'd rather get Kieran for a new Axe Cav. Or they could take advantage of the GBA Pallies using all three WT weapon types and toss any of them anything. Kent with an Axe would be more unexpected, and perhaps better? Than Lowen getting stuck with it and Kent the Sword.

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