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Hey guys, any ideas of who could be in the next legendary banner? Although not having Brave Heroes in the last one was good for me (since I didn't had enough orbs for snipping green for B!Ike), I'm a bit worried that he could be excluded from this one too. After CYL2 is released, I think CYL1 Heroes will be much less focused, so I'm afraid that I won't be able to finish my 5*+10 B!Ike while also getting a copy for fodder in a long, long time u.u (Though having 200 orbs isn't that much for a Legendary banner needing at least 2 copies)


Also, how possible is that the demoted unit from the genealogy banner is Lene (or how the dancer is called)? I want to play with her weapon after realising that it's inheritable, but I can't go for her as a 5* exclusive right now.

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7 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

Hey guys, any ideas of who could be in the next legendary banner? Although not having Brave Heroes in the last one was good for me (since I didn't had enough orbs for snipping green for B!Ike), I'm a bit worried that he could be excluded from this one too. After CYL2 is released, I think CYL1 Heroes will be much less focused, so I'm afraid that I won't be able to finish my 5*+10 B!Ike while also getting a copy for fodder in a long, long time u.u (Though having 200 orbs isn't that much for a Legendary banner needing at least 2 copies)


Also, how possible is that the demoted unit from the genealogy banner is Lene (or how the dancer is called)? I want to play with her weapon after realising that it's inheritable, but I can't go for her as a 5* exclusive right now.

Hmm i'm guessing they're going to move on to Christmas and possibly new years units with the legendary banner.

Lene is the most likely to me. Ishtar has no chance in hell of being demoted and I don't see them demoting Ares.

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@Javi Blizz

Sometimes they randomly throw in CYL units out of sequence, but otherwise we can infer:

1) New Red legendary hero, Fjorm, Gunnthra, F Grima.

2) Some or all Winter units, which they may or may not mix in with New Year's units.

3) The next few 5-star exclusive units in order of introduction.


Some guesses:

Red - New Legendary, Winter Tharja, Horse Chrom. Possibility of NY Camilla instead of Tharja. Outside chance of Leif or Sword Reinhardt.

Blue - Fjorm, Winter Robin, Hardin. Possibility of F Morgan instead of either of the latter two.

Green - Gunnthra, Winter Chrom and/or Lissa, Rhajat/Myrrh. I'm thinking Rhajat might get skipped because she's not that desirable. Outside chance of Airzura or M Grima.

Grey - F Grima, NY Takumi, Bow Hinoka. Notable in that grey has kind of reset though, since they went back to Genny last month, could be a re-run of Innes or Elise.

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Here's to hoping the new legendary and both red units are units I want. Honestly, there's only one unit I really don't want to see on the banner. Helpful Chrom would be nice, though, but I'm more waiting to see if there's going to be a banner without him sharing a colour. 

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So legendary banners so far have had the full first six seasonal banners, plus:


  • Ryoma
  • Sanaki
  • Ike
  • Celica
  • Brave Roy
  • Sigurd
  • Ayra
  • Mia
  • Siegbert
  • Zelgius
  • Anamnesis Eirika
  • Fallen Celica


  • Brave Lucina (x2)
  • Lute
  • Shiro
  • Micaiah


  • Amelia
  • Brave Ike
  • Deirdre
  • Dorcas


  • Takumi
  • Elise
  • Jaffar
  • Faye
  • Genny (x2)
  • Innes
  • Brave Lyn (x2)

That in mind, I'd say some big candidates from recent New Heroes banners are Myrrh, Hardin, Grima, Chrom, and Morgan. They could include some characters from the FE5 banner, but I don't think they'll go for that just yet.

Another colorless repeat seems necessary. I'm guessing they'll include New Year's Takumi to keep it at just one, rather than two. So something along the lines of:

  • {new legend}, Christmas Tharja, New Year's Camilla
  • Fjorm, Hardin, Female Morgan
  • Gunnthra, Christmas Chrom, Myrrh
  • Legendary Robin, New Year's Takumi, Faye
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2 hours ago, Othin said:

That in mind, I'd say some big candidates from recent New Heroes banners are Myrrh, Hardin, Grima, Chrom, and Morgan. They could include some characters from the FE5 banner, but I don't think they'll go for that just yet.

Another colorless repeat seems necessary. I'm guessing they'll include New Year's Takumi to keep it at just one, rather than two. So something along the lines of:

  • {new legend}, Christmas Tharja, New Year's Camilla
  • Fjorm, Hardin, Female Morgan
  • Gunnthra, Christmas Chrom, Myrrh
  • Legendary Robin, New Year's Takumi, Faye

Boy I'd love this banner. I could avoid colorless since I got them all, while everybody else would be new to my collection besides Fjorm and Gunnthra. The only way it could get better is if they replaced Fjorm with Ephraim and Gunnthra with Lyn. But they gotta alternate.

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I don't think that most of the NYs units will appear in this legendary banner. Maybe Takumi, but no one else. 

Red: new face, Tharja, Leif

Blue: C!Robin, Fjorm, Morgan

Green: Chrom, Gunnthra, Olwen

Colorless: NY!Takumi, F!Grima, Elise

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Looking forward at future legendary banners:

Legendary banners rerun 4 seasonal units per month. At the time they started, we were getting about 4 new seasonal units per month, so it matched up perfectly: each seasonal unit would get one legendary rerun. But now, the number of seasonal units per month has dropped to like 2.5. They could back off on seasonal reruns on legendary banners, but I think it'd make more sense to have additional reruns for previous seasonal banners as we circle back around to them. There are still plenty of people who would be interested in more reruns.

The question is, how many? If they reran all the seasonals from the previous year, the schedule would really start slipping. If each year, they introduce like 30 seasonals and want to rerun those alongside the 30 from the previous year, that's 15 legendary banners' worth, with only 12 in a year. IS might not mind the schedule slipping, but it'd be a bit awkward if the legendary banner reruns end up at around the same time as full banner reruns like with the spring Voting Gauntlet. They could fix that by adding more legendary banners (even ones without new legendary heroes) or by increasing the number of seasonal units per legendary banner, but if they don't make that kind of change and don't want the schedule to slip, they'd want to re-rerun about 18 seasonals per year. So about 2 per season.

This could look something like:

May: Christmas Tharja, Christmas Chrom, NY Camilla, NY Takumi

June: Christmas Robin, Christmas Lissa, NY Azura, Valentine's Roy

July: Valentine's Lilina, Valentine's Hector, Spring Lucina, Spring Kagero

August: Valentine's Lyn, Spring Camilla, Spring Catria, Spring Alfonse

September: Spring Sharena, Bride Cordelia, Bride Tharja, Bride Ninian

It'd be pretty fast of a rerun of the new brides, just ~4 months after introduction. But I don't think it's unreasonable, and the summer pack of seasonals would likely push it back later in the year.


An interesting consequence of the new skills being B skills is that they can be run alongside related C skills. Sanaki, for example, can run Hone Fliers to give an ally +6 to every stat. And as more skills become available in the future, it should eventually open up the possibility of Link + double Tactic.

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I'm in a bit of a bind lol.  I haven't been able to update my friends list in months because I'm using this guy's +10 merged Myrrh with +Def IV and Iote's Shield; she more or less obliterates all enemies aside from Falchion users.  At the moment he has a +10 Winter Tharja as his lead, who is amazing but not quite on the same level as Myrrh.  Until they switch back to Myrrh I'm stuck with my friend roster from 2 months ago.

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34 minutes ago, Othin said:


July: Valentine's Lilina, Valentine's Hector, Spring Lucina, Spring Kagero

They had better not rerun V!Lilina and Vector on the same banner again because I don't want V!Lilina to pity break me anymore when I try for Vector on the legendary banner.  5 V!Lilinas and not one Vector on their debut banner, I don't want to go through that again.

Edited by EricaofRenais
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I forgot about Vector... dang it I'm not ready to pull for him again. Especially if I could get pity broken by Gunnthra of all things.. bring him back in July so I can pull for him and L!Lyn at the same time. Otherwise it's LA!Lilina all over again.

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11 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I haven't used the double SP weekends in a while, so I decided to crack down on building some characters...since I have a ton of stamina potions at this point... Finally got around to building Tobin, Saber, Ayra, Karel, Soleil, Zelgius, and Siegbert with the help of some dancers and Gray. And even after all of that, I still have plenty of swords that need builds... Maybe I'll finish them off next week.

Wow, that's a lot! I get bored by SP grinding really fast, spent 40,00 feathers and some change to make a brave axe build for Cherche since I finally got her with +atk but then didn't feel like getting enough SP this weekend... Backlog of units I want to build just keeps growing lol.


@Lewyn Sorry I'm late with this, but if you still need that adult Tiki, I've got one as my lead all the time

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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

I forgot about Vector... dang it I'm not ready to pull for him again. Especially if I could get pity broken by Gunnthra of all things.. bring him back in July so I can pull for him and L!Lyn at the same time. Otherwise it's LA!Lilina all over again.

I am hoping for that as well.  My ideal would be Vector, G!Lyn (I call her that because of my sister) and Myrrh on the legendary banner in July as a late birthday present.  I just don't want V!Lilina to pity break me anymore since I am still annoyed about not getting Vector on his debut banner.  Vector is the only seasonal I want that I don't have and I want a clean shot at him and if I have to be pity broken I would rather it be by someone else I want.

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2 hours ago, Sylphid said:

Wow, that's a lot! I get bored by SP grinding really fast, spent 40,00 feathers and some change to make a brave axe build for Cherche since I finally got her with +atk but then didn't feel like getting enough SP this weekend... Backlog of units I want to build just keeps growing lol.


@Lewyn Sorry I'm late with this, but if you still need that adult Tiki, I've got one as my lead all the time

Thanks!  I updated my friend list and someone had adult tiki+8 so I used that in rival domains.  

The legendary hero is going to be either a red bow user or a red dragon.  We just got a green bow user, so a red bow user like Alm would make sense (he gets it on promotion).  We also don't have any red dragons still besides the Y and A tiki.  Maybe we will get legendary Tiki, or better yet Naga or something.  


Edited by Lewyn
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Part of me is wondering if it could be the brother, but I'm really hoping we don't get just another sword, unless he happens to be a flying sword, and then I'm all for it. 

If not, I think Alm has a good chance with bows, but again, he'll be more likely with a sword, which is a hard pass from me if so. I'm getting sick of infantry swords, and I have plenty of cavalry swords, while Zelgius remains the only armour sword I need...

...Of course, amazing art could change my mind... 

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I think the most likely candidates for the coming legendary seem like Roy, Marth or F Corrin (with Yato). My gut leans towards them picking Roy, though. I dunno what they could do with him other than being yet another sword user, but I guess that didn't stop them from making Legendary Ike so similar to regular Ike.

I wish we'd get a new OC instead, though. I don't like that they turned Legendary banners into another excuse for more alts. I'm cool with getting alts, but we already get plenty from both seasonal and now regular banners too. Legendary banners let us get something different than usual, but now that idea's been dropped unless they still plan to stick some more OCs in down the line. I'd prefer Laegjarn as a red legendary over yet another Roy or something.

Edited by Alkaid
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14 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

Oh boy. I did  lot of SP grinding. I gave Fae a lot of premium skills and gathering SP for all of them took 2 stamina potions despite getting 12 SP per kill on the training maps

I haven't used the training maps in ages. But the one with mostly armors (to train mages I think) was great for Tobin. Now he's all set. I think I ended up abusing a few blessings to make training a little less tedious...because I kind of have more than I know what to do with.

4 hours ago, Sylphid said:

Wow, that's a lot! I get bored by SP grinding really fast, spent 40,00 feathers and some change to make a brave axe build for Cherche since I finally got her with +atk but then didn't feel like getting enough SP this weekend... Backlog of units I want to build just keeps growing lol.

At least you've got Brave Axe Cherche! She's pretty amazing! For some reason, I haven't used mine much... I still need to give her Reposition I think... Maybe once I finish building my swords. XD Oddly enough, I think all of my mages are built... 

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15 minutes ago, r_n said:

It'd be kind of funny if they blindsided us with Bruno using a red tome. Wasnt he looking for one of those in a paralogue?  Ereshkigal?

Loki and Veronica were looking for Lyon's Naglfar, but not only has Lyon not shown up in any story or paralogue maps, I don't remember off hand if it was ever mentioned again. And gameplay-wise, Naglfar's not that amazing of a tome for many since it's just a legendary -raven tome compared to pretty much any of the other legendary/personal tomes and some of the generic ones. It would be hilarious if its refined effect and assuming they do this, possessed Lyon's version of Naglfar are both lackluster, but in-universe it's still treated as the reason why Surtr and Loki were able to do everything. Or it's actually nothing special too and Loki just wanted to test Veronica by having her troll Lyon, the world of Magvel, and the Order of Heroes.

Here's the map it was mentioned in: https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/The_Silver_Knight.

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2 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Loki and Veronica were looking for Lyon's Naglfar, but not only has Lyon not shown up in any story or paralogue maps, I don't remember off hand if it was ever mentioned again. And gameplay-wise, Naglfar's not that amazing of a tome for many since it's just a legendary -raven tome compared to pretty much any of the other legendary/personal tomes and some of the generic ones. It would be hilarious if its refined effect and assuming they do this, possessed Lyon's version of Naglfar are both lackluster, but in-universe it's still treated as the reason why Surtr and Loki were able to do everything. Or it's actually nothing special too and Loki just wanted to test Veronica by having her troll Lyon, the world of Magvel, and the Order of Heroes.

Here's the map it was mentioned in: https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/The_Silver_Knight.

I was actually thinking of the blazing blade paralogue, where it opened with Bruno finding some information in the FE7 world, and then mixing it up with Veronica/Loki looking for Naflgar

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Maybe we'll get Legendary Lyon with super special awesome Naglfar.

I think Marth, Roy, and Alm are my top picks for the next legendary. But Chrom and Lucina probably have a good chance too. It would be neat to get a legendary Sigurd or Seliph however. I think the next Nifl sibling will be red, but he's only been named giving him only slightly less presence than his older sister. He might not appear until the next cycle at the earliest if he gets the chance to at least pop up in a vision or something.

But given that I'm not good at predicting these things, it will probably be none of those characters. Watch it be Celica or Eirika again.

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Anything but an infantry sword please.  They have options for red hero promoted that is not that, so please use it.  The first red was infantry sword in V!Ike, let's not make the second that as well.  

If it is Laegjarn that would be beyond awesome.  

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54 minutes ago, r_n said:

I was actually thinking of the blazing blade paralogue, where it opened with Bruno finding some information in the FE7 world, and then mixing it up with Veronica/Loki looking for Naflgar

Oh, that was a while ago. I had to look it up and Bruno was talking about Bramimond's tome, Apocalypse. I'm not sure if he took the tome or read from it to learn more about Embla's curse and Elibe's Dragon Gate. Also, apparently Fates has a Dragon Gate too? From this chapter in Heroes: https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Vengeful_Mercenary.

Problem is that Bruno hasn't shown up in any of the Book 2 chapters. Even sections where they're showing what he's doing meanwhile the Order of Heroes fights Muspell would be nice to see what's he's been up too. I swear if the real explanation for his absence is that he's already gone mad and locked up in one Muspell's dungeons.

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1 minute ago, Kaden said:

Oh, that was a while ago. I had to look it up and Bruno was talking about Bramimond's tome, Apocalypse. I'm not sure if he took the tome or read from it to learn more about Embla's curse and Elibe's Dragon Gate. Also, apparently Fates has a Dragon Gate too? From this chapter in Heroes: https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Vengeful_Mercenary.

Problem is that Bruno hasn't shown up in any of the Book 2 chapters. Even sections where they're showing what he's doing meanwhile the Order of Heroes fights Muspell would be nice to see what's he's been up too. I swear if the real explanation for his absence is that he's already gone mad and locked up in one Muspell's dungeons.

Yeah my suggestion was mostly a joke poking fun at Bruno being awol for months only to suddenly come out of nowhere as a legendary hero and not even using his actual signature tome.


And yeah Fates has a Dragon Gate. It takes the place of the Outrealm Portal/Gate that Awakening had.

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