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1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

That was the entire reason I decided to spend my Brave Heroes freebie on Lucina...and then I got Future Witness Lucina from a free pull just days before. I still went with Brave Lucina anyways since I was in my "want nothing to do with you" attitude towards Brave Lyn at that point.

I wish I'd done the same. I don't even care about Lyn as a character, but I picked her for being the unique new unit type and figured I'd just pull for Lucina normally.(I needed to pull blue for Cordelias back then anyway) Big mistake, especially when I got a second Lyn off the first legendary banner anyway. I don't think I'll ever get any versions of her at this rate.

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I took Ike because it was either him or Lyn... and I promptly summoned Lyn soon after...

...and then I promptly summoned a Brave Ike with a nature soon after taking the free Ike... I probably should have taken Lucina, cause it took me months to get Brave Lucina...

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10 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

I wish I'd done the same. I don't even care about Lyn as a character, but I picked her for being the unique new unit type and figured I'd just pull for Lucina normally.(I needed to pull blue for Cordelias back then anyway) Big mistake, especially when I got a second Lyn off the first legendary banner anyway. I don't think I'll ever get any versions of her at this rate.

And on the other end, I should’ve picked Lyn since she ended up taking the longest of the four to show up (got her from the Hero Fest earlier this year while I pulled Roy and Ike from the original Brave Heroes banner). On top of that, I’ve ended up pulling Brave Lucina off-focus twice.

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I went for Lyn because Bow Cav was a new class and colorless was a terrible place to summon at. I got lucky and obtained Lucina and Ike shortly after, although I've never summoned a B!Roy to this day, probably never will I have Siegbert who is better tho.

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14 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

On top of that, I’ve ended up pulling Brave Lucina off-focus twice.

You say these things just to hurt me.

The only brave hero I summoned on the original banner was a -def +res Ike on my very last summon session when no blue orbs showed up. I've still haven't seen a Brave Roy yet either. Hopefully we get a free pick again on CYL2, or else I might not end up with any of the new ones with my luck.

4 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

I went for Lyn because Bow Cav was a new class and colorless was a terrible place to summon at.

I forgot about this being part of the reason as well. That was back when colorless was still at its worst and I didn't want to touch that if I could help it.

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I like Lucina better, but I went with Lyn because bow cavalier plus I liked her art. I got lucky and pulled Lucy on the banner anyway...and have gotten pity broken by her 3 more times since then, making her my most pulled 5* (and it took until the 4th one to get one that wasn't -atk or spd).

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So we're asking what we picked as our first CYL?

B!Lyn. The new elements she added to the game with her weapon, skills and physical ranged damage on a horse convinced me, I might have picked Ike if that wasn't the case. It doesn't hurt I've pulled the other three CYL units since (two of them twice) but not a single B!Lyn. Got Ike first too, so no regrets.

Also the bonus units for arena are out, I'm definitely using Canas and Linus now. Almost thought they wouldn't get in at all.

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Speaking of colourless once being awful, how many of you still think the colourless pool is currently bad because of those memories? At this point, I actually like it best- red is filled with terrible and good units alike, green is empty of units and hard to find, and blue is just kinda... blandy.

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2 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

Speaking of colourless once being awful, how many of you still think the colourless pool is currently bad because of those memories?

It is still bad. The healers are still there, you know. Azama never went anywhere.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

It is still bad. The healers are still there, you know. Azama never went anywhere.

Azama is a great "I can throw you out now" unit. Seth and Stahl are going to remain in my barracks for the next three months while I can't muster up the ability to care enough to find someone to pawn their Swaps off onto.


...Should probably go Send Home Raigh.

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

It is still bad. The healers are still there, you know. Azama never went anywhere.

Azama isn’t that bad. At least, he can give pain to other healers. It could be worse, such as Clarine or Lachesis xd

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I'm a pragmatist so there was absolutely no question that I was going to pick Lyn, unless of course I managed to summon her manually. I was almost completely out of orbs at that point having spent all of them to get Summer Corrin (no regrets) so I could only do one full circle on the banner. That gave me Roy, so I went ahead and picked Lyn. Good thing I did too, she hasn't turned up since, while Roy has turned up again, Lucina twice, and Ike once.

Lyn of course is a mainstay in any horse team or any challenging content I do. Roy is a pretty handy unit that's good to have around. Ike I use now and then in AA. Lucina I have no role for, save to keep Alfonse company on the bench.

For what it's worth I like all four as characters just fine, perhaps Roy behind the others because I'm biased against youth. I've played Lyn's and Lucina's games but not Roy's and Ike's (Smash aside). But how much I like a character takes a back seat to their performance as a unit, it's basically only a tiebreaker when I'm trying to decide between very similar units. It'll be the same for CYL2, I will pick the most effective unit no matter who it is. If it's Veronica, who I do not like at all, then so be it. I completely forgot who came first on the female side, and had to look it up - I don't like Celica either but will absolutely take her if she's clearly the best unit.

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I picked Brave Roy as my CYL choice because I did not want to fight the red hell to get him.

Considering that I pulled two Brave Ikes, one Brave Lucina, and one Brave Lyn, compared to 0 Brave Roys, I made the right decision.

Should mention, though, I can't remember if I picked Brave Roy after I pulled the first Brave Ike.

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I still find colorless to be a pretty bad pulling experience, though overall it's definitely way better than a year ago thanks to new fodder in it. Unfortunately you still have to wade through the crappy healers and daggers to find them. Klein, Sothe, Legault and Kagero are the only 4 units I want out of the entire color, which is a pretty small target.

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I went Lyn just to avoid colorless like the rest. I still haven't received a Roy, although having pulled a nice Seigbert, I'm not sure I have place for him; and I got 2 Lucinas with - Atk after the banner. Ike got enough orbs to get a good nature.


Hector will likely be my free this time, while Veronica will get my chuck of saved orbs for a good nature. Although I might change my mind depending on skills.

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3 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

You know when you have a bad idea, you usually throw it away and move on right? Well...


It was either going to be this, or Noire being hounded by three different versions of her mother but ultimately it had to be the Awakening OTP team. Regardless, I wanted to do something stupid with my defense team this time for no real reason and will just roll with this regardless of how well it works. No defense wins for two weeks, here I come!

I'm still unsure if to go double vanilla Cordelia or S!Chrom (no vanilla Chrom/M!Robin at 5*). 

1 hour ago, Alexmender said:

although I've never summoned a B!Roy to this day, probably never will I have Siegbert who is better tho.

What are stats to people with the perfect hairstyle? 

Edited by mampfoid
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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

It looks like the update 2.6.1 which is supposed to fix the broken Infantry Rush is coming on the 28th and will bring 5 orbs along.

Actually the update is already available for both Android and iOS. The orbs won't come until the 28th.

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

It looks like the update 2.6.1 which is supposed to fix the broken Infantry Rush is coming on the 28th and will bring 5 orbs along.

Nice, in time for another Bartre from the legendary banner. 

Seriously, I like that IS is bugfixing fast. No comparison to Square, where was waiting for a year to run FF7 on a Android version > 6. 

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17 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

Actually the update is already available for both Android and iOS. The orbs won't come until the 28th.

Ah, that’s even better. I didn’t even bother translating the tweet and just assumed because I saw the words “skill”, “orbs”, and “2.6.1”.

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We still sharing our free pulls from Brave Heroes? I chose Lyn, like a lot of people, but I already had Roy and Lucina by then (Roy was my free pull, in fact). I'm very glad I chose as I did, because I went and pulled Brave Ike literally ten minutes after the banner ended. XD

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