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Hopped over to gamefaqs to see if people over there had started complaining about relay defense yet. I'm not seeing a lot of topics yet, but apparently a handful of people got stuck at map 6. That's the one I can't beat. Where are the rest of you?

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This will cut my Divine Dew income inhalf. First 3 levels wre fine, and I had to build a custom brigade for the 4th map, which worked, but still looks weak for the job. I am talking a out some of my best units here. Should I go offense or defense I wonder.

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I beat map 7 by luck. I cannot beat map 8 yet.

I hate this piece of shit mode even more than Grand Conquest. So fucking frustrated with bull shit stats. The stupid thing is that you cannot move off the damn fucking camps and fortress or else you will be swarmed and slaughtered since the enemies spawned so fucking close. Player Phase units are unviable, and the only fucking strategy is to send in armor units and pray.

At least in Grand Conquest, players can still somewhat manage to get to Tier 25 by grinding on Lunatic without maxed out allies. Maps 6+ on Relay Defense is just fucking obnoxious and rewards are locked behind them. I have fucking 5*+10 units on every slot on my team and the only reason I beat map 7 was that I was lucky and I think most of my units died and the enemies did not have enough manpower left to attack and finish off the buildings.

Edited by XRay
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45 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Where are the rest of you?

I beat map 1 and that’s the extent of how far I’m willing to take this bullshit.

28 minutes ago, Alkaid said:


This about sums up the new mode.

Reddit does what reddit does best.

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Well, something really stupid just happened in relay defense map 6 for me. Enemy Lissa put herself in a chokepoint with 1-range units on all sides of her so that I could sit two units right by her on the right side of the map and not take a hit. Unfortunately, I do not know how this happened, but at least I cleared map 6. 

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I enjoyed the new mode... for three maps. After that, it becomes ridiculous. I don't focus on merging units - I focus on collecting, so I'm relying on all my amazing friend's units. They're doing the best they can, but I already hate reinforcement modes, and this is that on treble.

They should have at least spread it more so there are more lower difficulty maps and then a few that bump it up to insane.

I didn't even like Rival Domains that much, but it at least gave me a consistent orb and a bit of divine dew every week. This one, I can at least get the orb, but not sure if I can even manage the divine dew, which is already ridiculously limited >.<

Oh well. Two weeks to try at it a bit longer. I gave up the orb in Grand Conquest for a while, pretty much willingly, because it wasn't worth it. Feeling like this will be the same.

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Found this on youtube. Some lucky asian guy tanked on the final map at the left, and was able to choke them on the right with their mages upfront.

Nope, I do not like.

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Yeah, I’m giving this mode a thumbs down as well. There was absolutely no reason to include an abyssal difficulty. This is even worse than Rival Domain’s inception. 

By the way, are we supposed to get a new event map at some point?

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I seriously have to ask myself wtf they were smoking when shipping this. I don't have enough super whale friends with EP units to survive past map 6, apparently, which doesn't really matter with those rewards.... I knew this would be trash once I saw the pathetic shards for map 5, but my god, no thought whatsoever was put into this at all, right? This worries me quite a bit concerning future content if that's what they think constitutes new/interesting additions.Maybe super whales like this, I don't know, but I definitely don't. I think I'll pay/ignore the 1 orb to just avoid the pain altogether.

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I think IS misunderstood the complaint of "give us more difficult content". Not the scaling of difficulty, but the frequency of challenges. Make daily hero battles where they give you combat manuals as well as a challenge. Doesn't have to be units like Hector. Something like Oscar where they reenact certain maps like chapter 1 of PoR in the style of a BHB with the other Grail Mercenaries.  We could get daily summoning as well just to make this idea better. And the banner focuses don't have to be desitable 5 star exclusive units. For example, Oscar's can be Oscar+Titania+Mist. There, nothing desirable. Just a free summon and that's it. Another example that happened for real was the Awakening TT with Donnel, Olivia and Cherche

Hard and Lunatic would be the only ones to give a manual. Infernal just for 500 shards and a sense of achievement. That way if you don't clear Infernal you're not missing out much. Very beginner/casual friendly

Edited by silveraura25
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12 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Infernal just for 500 shards and a sense of achievement. That way if you don't clear Infernal you're not missing out much. Very beginner/casual friendly

See, this is why I didn’t mind Abyssal LHBs that much. Its reward is pure bragging rights and an ugly accessory. Those who like this kind of challenge do it for the challenge. Those who don’t, aren’t forced to do it.

RD Mk II locks an orb and ten dew which we could have got from RD Mk I. But an orb and ten dew per week was too generous, amirite?

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Oooh... I'm not the only one who has a low opinion of Heroes's new mode. 

Got tired by this unbalanced as unfair nonsense in third map.


Also I think for GHB's on abyss difficulty it would be a fair deal to give a decent reward which does not have to be orbs. I think like 5000 feathers or 100 refine dews would be good bait for players to face this challenge without screwing the players too much who don't have ressources / strategy to beat them.

Edited by Hecatia Lapislazuli
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Up to the 7th so far, I don't have time to try it right now though. I'm getting through them ok by just adhering to the same tactics that enemies use to slow me down in GC, primarily abusing choke points to minimize risk. Means more to stay alive than to get kills in there, so I'm leaning more on defensive units.

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I'm relishing in seeing the water of joy evaporate from thy beings, leaving behind but cakes of the other component of the sea's brine.

Another RD to bash, this time I'll try not to momentarily on a gut instinct mistake it sometimes as Radiant Dawn criticisms (not that the game is above criticism- it certainly isn't).


And I'll be checking in again later tonight, for despite the old having reached its end, the calendar new has yet to arrive. What Seasonal despair and New Heroes hopes should mark it, we shall see, we shall predict, and then we shall whenst their days come, despair and hope once more.

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8 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Hopped over to gamefaqs to see if people over there had started complaining about relay defense yet. I'm not seeing a lot of topics yet, but apparently a handful of people got stuck at map 6. That's the one I can't beat. Where are the rest of you?

I'm stuck on 6 as well.  It does not matter what team I use I get smashed to bits.

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Apparently they really didn't like HM farming on Rival Domains (and even changed the enemies on one of the maps a day or so after its release). However, they worked extra hard to make sure that wouldn't happen in Relay Defense. (I don't feather farm anyway, so the changes don't affect me.)

The new maps lower the frequency of Rival Domains, require 8 turns, are very hard to autobattle, cost stamina, and don't have a restart option. In case that wasn't clear enough, they don't give HM anymore. I don't know why, but I find that overkill response humorous. All they really had to do was remove the HM gain. I understand that some of the new changes are just a result of the new mode being defense based, but it is an odd coincidence that they all affect HM farming.


3 hours ago, Vaximillian said:
3 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

Infernal just for 500 shards and a sense of achievement. That way if you don't clear Infernal you're not missing out much. Very beginner/casual friendly

See, this is why I didn’t mind Abyssal LHBs that much. Its reward is pure bragging rights and an ugly accessory. Those who like this kind of challenge do it for the challenge. Those who don’t, aren’t forced to do it.

I think it's OK (although not my preference) to have an extra orb at the top. I didn't have a problem with the single orb added to tier 21, because that was an addition, and casual players were not really affected. However, this is removing an orb that casual players were used to getting. (The first level orb of the weekly Rival Domains was very accessible to most players.)


3 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

RD Mk II locks an orb and ten dew which we could have got from RD Mk I. But an orb and ten dew per week was too generous, amirite?

Yeah, I agree. I've completed the first four which gives similar rewards to one week of Rival Domains, but requires a lot more effort. Because this is a two week mode, the rewards for the "second" week of Rival Domains is locked behind very hard difficulties. The new Blessed Grounds maps are more effort for the same rewards too, which is yet another reward that will be taken from casual players.


5 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

I enjoyed the new mode... for three maps. After that, it becomes ridiculous. I don't focus on merging units - I focus on collecting, so I'm relying on all my amazing friend's units. They're doing the best they can, but I already hate reinforcement modes, and this is that on treble.

They should have at least spread it more so there are more lower difficulty maps and then a few that bump it up to insane.

I'm not sure what they were thinking when they determined the difficulty for Relay Defense. It's fine if they want an impressive abyssal difficulty at the top, but I imagine that most of their players will struggle to even get halfway through. I think they should have had some easier difficulties like level 20 and 25 to give more players the opportunity to participate.

I'm OK with more difficult content, but it seems that they either just inflate the stats or require the player to make some really illogical choices (Tactics Drills). Some of the Tactics Drills are fun though. I'm still hoping that they will introduce new game modes that are designed primarily to be fun content, not just something to play for rewards.

An example would be classic campaigns and scenarios. The story maps come the closest, but the way they randomly incorporate new characters (from the current banner), and then immediately discard them by the next chapter, detracts from any character development. At least they include some new map designs.

It would be fun to play significant events in the main games like major battles, or even events that were discussed, but occurred offscreen. Considering this is supposed to be an alternate world, they could allow scenarios with new outcomes where a major character doesn't die, etc. They don't seem to care too much about spoilers, so I don't think that would hold them back. When they introduced the large maps, I was hoping to see more of this, but it's just been one Rival Domain map after another. (Grand Conquest is the same thing.)

Another idea I saw in a gameplay mechanics thread, suggested adding chests and doors that only dagger users could unlock. Getting the dagger user to the location could create a fun challenge.

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4 minutes ago, Tree said:

I think it's OK (although not my preference) to have an extra orb at the top.

But it’s not an extra orb. It’s the orb that could have been rewarded by the second week of RD Mk I.

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