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1 minute ago, Alkaid said:

It does seem a bit odd how they're implementing like this, but I mean overall I can't complain. It's still totally worth it to fix some of my crappy IV units, that's for sure. Plus merged neutral freebie units get a little stat boost too, which is sweet. Merging up units like Aversa is just made even more worthwhile now. And making a TT unit +1 with the initial copies doesn't feel like as much of a waste this way either. (I wouldn't have bothered to +1 our upcoming NY TT unit, but now that she'll get even more extra stats I think I will)

i'm thinking about the units that truly impact me. 
L!Tiki is now Neutral in Atk. 
i'm working on a Soliel - she'll be Neutral on Spd. (Unless I get a better IV for her period). 
my Myrrh will be neutral in spd (both of them). ... i mean it doesn't "hurt" them i guess...


it will be interesting.

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I think as mampfoid was saying it will actually be a negative for units that want -HP for easy desperation range or -spd cause they want to be doubled to trigger their specials.  However overall it is going to hugely benefit many units.  It will also be easier to get ideal nature for merge project, like low rarity unit that has the perfect boon but a bad bane, well that now is awesome.  

Though they say merges done before the update will get the boost, maybe I'm paranoid but a bit nervous about merging extra copies I recently pulled and would rather wait til that update.  

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21 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

I think as mampfoid was saying it will actually be a negative for units that want -HP for easy desperation range or -spd cause they want to be doubled to trigger their specials.  However overall it is going to hugely benefit many units.  It will also be easier to get ideal nature for merge project, like low rarity unit that has the perfect boon but a bad bane, well that now is awesome.  

Though they say merges done before the update will get the boost, maybe I'm paranoid but a bit nervous about merging extra copies I recently pulled and would rather wait til that update.  

Dont worry they will fix it with fury 4 and a new B-Slot skill that works like Lewyns weapon

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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Strangely, the ancient poll they used for initially determining a lot of the FE6 and 7 characters who got into FEH, placed her at 27th place among the BB crew. She ranked lower than every other flier but Juno! Even Gale ranked higher than her! (Nergal and Sonia got near dead last oddly too BTW.)

Looks like they burned up their young, hot, and shows skin girl quota for FE6. Well, Igrene would be a fine MILF. Now I get why it doesn't have a new banner yet. 

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I previously vowed to greatly dial back spending, partly as I have a reason to skip banners, but partly because the risk of pulling multiple -Atk / -Spd copies was just too much for me to bear.

Now with "Merges Neutralize Flaws", I'm going back in. I only need to pull two copies of a focus unit that I like, then merge into the better asset (or quit if the flaw is acceptable). I've given up on pulling for Legendary Azura (defeating her Abyssal was cathartic) and will be skipping plenty of banners (in general, Tellius/Fateswakening). In fact, I went back to Gifts of Winter to patch away the Atk flaw on my +Def Eirika. It was partly to thank IS for fixing or flat-out improving quite a few of my units.

Main units that are off the bench:

  • Gray (+Atk -Spd)
  • Amelia (+Res -Spd)
  • Valentine's Roy (+Atk -Res)
  • Summer Noire (+Spd -Def) - I can switch her back to CC/Vantage instead of L&D

And a few more that go from good to great:

  • Spring Xander (+Def -Res) - now I can switch his seal from Fortress Def to Fortress Res.
  • Valentine's Lyn (+Atk -Def) - Def flaw wasn't the best for CC/Owl build
  • Myrrh (+Def -HP) - couldn't pull the ideal +Def -Spd in eleven copies


  • Shigure (+Spd -Def) - now all I need is merges
  • Nina (+Res -Spd) - now her speed isn't damaged, and she's off the bench

While Celica is a little worried about the extra HP keeping her out of Desperation if she gets another merge, some of my other HP-flaw heroes like F!Grima and B!Tharja will appreciate that extra bulk possibly leading to surviving a baiting/counter they wouldn't have before.

The first banner I'll apply my new pulling logic to is the New Year's banner. I'm in love with NY!Gunnthra. Won't mind NY!Hrid, Lene could use his Chill Atk sword, and Hone Atk 4 is good too. The worst that can happen is that it's a repeat of A Sketchy Summer where I +10'd Linde trying for a decent Takumi, but for Gunnthra I'm willing to take that chance.

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Woah, I’m actually pretty hyped for that merges update. All those -atk Camillas crying tears of happiness. Also glad I never sacked my Nephenee for wrath (too indecisive to ever actually do it) because no matter what, next Nephenee gets rid of her awful -atk but she’ll still get to keep her +spd. Only shame is I got rid of all my +atk -res/-spd Niles and I’m still stuck with neutral.

7 minutes ago, SuperTroll Maxim Lapierre said:

Looks like they burned up their young, hot, and shows skin girl quota for FE6. Well, Igrene would be a fine MILF. Now I get why it doesn't have a new banner yet. 

The only valid MILF is Niime.

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6 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Yeah, I threw away a +SPD/-ATK Delthea and NY!Camilla... also some other units where a merge could have helped my base copy. 

Also I could switch to +SPD/-ATK Laevatein now, even if I came to like her current +DEF boon. 

I sent feedback about it, and I'm hoping that if enough people do, they'll do at least something about it. I'd be hugely surprised if they actually had book-keeping for all the units people merged or booked, so an actual ability to essentially rollback the merges and let you pick seems off the table short of taking a case-by-case basis (which seems too good to be true), but some sort of thing to make it up would be nice.

It'll probably end up just being an oh well type of deal, like 4* L&D3 though, which isn't the worst thing in the world I suppose.

Libra seems like a prime candidate to benefit. He's got pretty decent stats all around and could use basically all of his stats and had 3 super banes so basically any semi-optimal bane seemed kind of painful. But yeah, a lot of min-maxed units will either suffer for reasons already mentioned (no more ardent sacrifice vantage/desp) or be largely unaffected. Looking at you, 'Bert.

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15 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Only one new male having became the new norm does make it increasingly unlikely that someone's favorite male is getting in. Fans of Neasalla probably need to worry because Tibarn already filled the sole slot reserved for males. If Sigurd gets an alt then Azelle is immediately disqualified, Pent can be blocked by any male and so on. One male ensures that whoever they pick at least someone will end up snubbed to make extra room for another female character.

It's a bit baffling, since there's so many more popular guys yet to get in, yet they double and triple up on the alts, especially for females.  Non seasonal alts seem to be almost exclusively limited to females as well, there's Reinhardt, but I can't think of any other guys with "just because" alts.  Not even Marth or Roy have gotten that treatment yet.

15 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

We used to at least have TTs to make up for it, but they seem to have missed that the backlash about male characters being on TTs was because it forced popular guys like Canas to have mediocre stats whereas less popular girls like Karla were banner units with amazing stats >.<

They just took it to mean we want more freebie girls and that's it -.-

It makes me dread the upcoming banners for RD and BB because I have so many characters I really, really want to see >.<

Was Karla that popular?  I don't know where she placed on the CYL, but I've never really seen a hardcore Karla fan.  She seems to have gotten in because on two main reasons.

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People wouldn't know this from Heroes but males actually vastly outnumber females in the main series.  However females can be drawn and dressed sexily and the money rolls in like no one's business.  I guess that is gacha standard.  

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5 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

does everything have to be chalked to a chest size innuendo though? i mean.. 
I like Karla, I like Camilla, and I like Kagero, and i give zero poops about the size of their chest.

Well if we assume the majority of whales are heterosexual males or at least primarily attracted to females it seems what we are getting is what appeals most to these folk.  Usually very busty, attractive, highly suggestive facial expressions and clothes exploding, legs that go forever, the butt/boob spine twist pose, and of course many times very suggestive dialogue pandering to Kiran...ie the player.  

I like those three characters too.  However even for people who don't know or care for those characters, their looks could draw them in.  This is the big difference between male and female characters and why even an obscure character from an old game Karla can be in and make bank.  Like you put a male character, fans of the character who played the games they were in and enjoyed them will want to pull.  However what of those who are unfamiliar with them?  They will likely pass without a second thought.  

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38 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

It's a bit baffling, since there's so many more popular guys yet to get in, yet they double and triple up on the alts, especially for females.  Non seasonal alts seem to be almost exclusively limited to females as well, there's Reinhardt, but I can't think of any other guys with "just because" alts.  Not even Marth or Roy have gotten that treatment yet.

Well, there's Chrom.

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43 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Was Karla that popular?  I don't know where she placed on the CYL, but I've never really seen a hardcore Karla fan.  She seems to have gotten in because on two main reasons.

In CYL2 she placed on rank 262, just on the average side. Fir placed 178. 


Canas placed rank 86. Which is pretty good, that surprises me. Ok CYL is taken with a grain of salt (Rinkah is 83 and still not in the game! hngrngrngr). But there it still is the best thing to see which characters have attention. 

I like her through her interaction with Bartre, or the fact that she beats Bartre who was the most conservative about gender roles in FE7? xD
They remind me a bit that I also like it then the devs decide the pairings. My problem with coupling emblem if I have any is that it is at the cost of writing. Even if Bartre and Karla may not be the best example to proof that it is always better written...

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6 minutes ago, Stroud said:

I like her through her interaction with Bartre, or the fact that she beats Bartre who was the most conservative about gender roles in FE7? xD
They remind me a bit that I also like it then the devs decide the pairings. My problem with coupling emblem if I have any is that it is at the cost of writing. Even if Bartre and Karla may not be the best example to proof that it is always better written...

I'm not sure I'd call Bartre "conservative" about gender roles in FE7? FE6, sure, but in FE7 he outright says that he forgot Karla was a woman because after she beat him he only saw the greatest warrior he'd met. That doesn't sound like someone who's conservative about gender roles.

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7 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I'm not sure I'd call Bartre "conservative" about gender roles in FE7? FE6, sure, but in FE7 he outright says that he forgot Karla was a woman because after she beat him he only saw the greatest warrior he'd met. That doesn't sound like someone who's conservative about gender roles.

Now that you say it. If he would be conservative he wouldn't try to fight her and dismissing her. Ok, I take it back. It is still one of the better examples of how I meet your mother in FE.
Had to rewatch their support now, next time I should do it before posting if I am uncertain. xD

In FE6 he is just more like a doting dad I think, Fir is just all he has. Sometimes I just forget a bit D=. 

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20 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

People wouldn't know this from Heroes but males actually vastly outnumber females in the main series.  However females can be drawn and dressed sexily and the money rolls in like no one's business.  I guess that is gacha standard.  

To a degree it actually is, yes. Gachas in general almost always have some kind of fanservice and for male-dominated fanbases like FE it's kind of to be expected for it to lean the way it does. There's plenty of female fanservice-focused games out there too, though. (like that one Ryo is the artist for about school boy husbandos) I really assume the 1/4 or 1/3 male/female ratios we see on seasonals and stuff must be due to whatever data IS has collected on what performs best. We did have pretty even gender splits in the first year, after all. Maybe they decided the guys didn't seem to pull sales as well. Despite community complaints I've seen from people like Cute Chao about the increase in female-dominated banners, it's only gotten worse, not better.

I checked my barracks out of curiosity and of my unique 5*s I have 101 females and 56 males. That was actually a higher male ratio than I was expecting. There's more female FE characters I like than male ones (both character-wise and design-wise) so I guess I benefit, but I can understand those feeling the opposite being frustrated.

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The increase to my Love Abounds Lyn's resistance is gonna do wonders, since that was her "Flaw" stat. Now she'll be able to tank more magical attacks! Thank you, IS, for making my beastly +10 unit even beastlier. And in other Lyn news, I was put on Lyn's team for the second round of Grand Conquest, so so far that's going exactly how I want it to.

Going back to the merging fixing flaw stats, that's gonna be so helpful for me personally. I've summoned a TON of units that have the boons I want, but have really bad banes that I DON'T want; now I don't have to worry about it and can just start training them up!

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7 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

I'd like to see Sue on the new Binding Blade banner (Shin too, but he scored pretty badly so I don't expect him anytime soon). It's ridiculous that our only bow cavaliers are a brave hero and a seasonal while they're ignoring Midir, Sue, Rath, and Astrid. Brave Lyn's busted, yes, but that can also be attributed to Sacae's blessing. Bow cavaliers are not going to break the game.

And Dayan, and Wolf and Sedgar, and the flavorful personalities of Lester, Deimne, Selphina, Robert, and Roberto. And maybe even Python and Beck.

Heck, they could give us Severa as a Bow Knight.

I blame Lyn, no offense to her character. IS is just putting her on a special pedestal by not including more Bow Cavs. 

I don't really care who is it,  what their artwork looked like, or if their distorted dialogue amounted to "I'm looking for a partner, who knows who to ride *wink*" I'd use any canonical Bow Cav. 


9 hours ago, XRay said:

Yeah. It will be great if they can tweak certain skills like Fortress skills to be -Spd instead of -Atk and give us additional ways to manipulate stats.

E.g. Spd-Res Statrifice- trades 25% of a unit's base Spd value for 25% of their base Res. 

I severely doubt IS would seriously consider direct stat-flip skills, at best I would think they'd do a percentage flip as opposed to total.


2 hours ago, Lewyn said:

I like those three characters too.  However even for people who don't know or care for those characters, their looks could draw them in.  This is the big difference between male and female characters and why even an obscure character from an old game Karla can be in and make bank.  Like you put a male character, fans of the character who played the games they were in and enjoyed them will want to pull.  However what of those who are unfamiliar with them?  They will likely pass without a second thought. 

And if you look at the poll I posted earlier, the top 30 had their approval ratings listed according to gender for both of FE6 and FE7.

For the mid-teens crowd who comprised the poll back in 2003-2004, I noticed that Ursula had an average approval rating of 5/5 among males, whereas females gave her a 1/5. Fiora was the same way, and so were Gwendolyn and Sophia, also FE6 Zephiel, FE7 Karel, and strangely, Trec (no. 30 on the FE6 side). 

I noticed that oftentimes women had lower approval ratings for female characters than men, might be something about their portrayals perhaps?

On the other hand, Erk and Lucius were 4/5 for the ladies, and 2/5 for the men. The handsome Zeiss and Perceval were too. So were the children Chad and Raigh. And the DILF that is Pent.


4 hours ago, SuperTroll Maxim Lapierre said:

Looks like they burned up their young, hot, and shows skin girl quota for FE6. Well, Igrene would be a fine MILF. Now I get why it doesn't have a new banner yet. 

We still have Larum! She shows belly as a dancer and with some artistic license trimmings and gratuitous injured artwork, she might collect enough tips.

And Igrene was inexplicably no. 52 on the FE6 poll, why????

And if you're looking for nearly naked characters, FE6 is not the game one should turn to. The official artwork for the game is very conservative, befitting its kid-friendly aesthetic with bright bold colors and cartoony details on characters. They weren't blatantly aiming for hormonal audience, they aiming more for innocent kids like Roy.

In the old official artwork, the only major cases of leg exposure are on two characters: Fir and Lugh, both of whom are already in. The only woman with any emphasis on their breasts is Brunnya with the chest window of her otherwise fully-covering dress. Dieck is the lone other character with a way-too exposed top half.

The era FE used to be in, we lived in shame of our true selves.


4 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

The only valid MILF is Niime.

Actually, Juno is one too.

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10 hours ago, bottlegnomes said:

I sent feedback about it, and I'm hoping that if enough people do, they'll do at least something about it. I'd be hugely surprised if they actually had book-keeping for all the units people merged or booked, so an actual ability to essentially rollback the merges and let you pick seems off the table short of taking a case-by-case basis (which seems too good to be true), but some sort of thing to make it up would be nice.


I don't think they'll do anything about it. It seems they don't even visualize boons and banes, we'll still have to check external sources to be sure about natures.

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46 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I don't think they'll do anything about it. It seems they don't even visualize boons and banes, we'll still have to check external sources to be sure about natures.

Bugged green numbers for certain boon stats for certain characters including HP for vanilla Tharja and Valentine’s Hector hints that they might have considered doing that at least in the very beginning.

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7 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

@Interdimensional Observer I don't blame you for thinking Lugh's in, but it's actually his twin brother, Raigh.

Its really quite strange that Heroes put in one but not the other. Twins usually go together. With his twin and and his adopted daddy already in the game Lugh must be feeling pretty lonely. 

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