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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I don't remember exactly where it was mentioned, but it is said that you can see the shores of Akaneia from the top of the Tower of Duma.


Again, I don't remember the source, but either in an interview or in supplementary material, I believe it is mentioned not only that they are on the same world, but also which direction they are to each other.

Would love to hear it if you remember either. Especially on the Duma tower one. We'd need to know exactly how high Duma's tower is to get any proper use out of it, but it would still give some indication. Seeing landmasses from one to another is actually pretty difficult on Earth. You can barely see Scotland from Ireland and their closest point.

2 hours ago, redlight said:

Didn't Loptous's first host go to Archanea and that's where Loptous is from?

Yes he did. And when the game was made I'm pretty sure it was intended to be in the same world. But I'm also pretty sure Valentia was meant to be a smaller island for a variety of reasons and with all the outrealm stuff Awakening introduced I don't think we can rule out the possibility that Jugdral no longer takes place in the same world given all we know is that Galle went to Archanea (not how he got there) and that Naga went to Jugdral. With Outrealms that removes the necessity that they're sharing the same planet.

On this subject, there was originally a another continent south of Archanea that's since been retconned that probably wasn't Jugdral.


Edited by Jotari
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Ugh... I fucking hate Rallies on representatives. They are like the Defiants of the Assist skills. I am running an armor team for Grand Conquest since they got Armor March buffs, but most armor units on my friends list got those stupid Rally shit instead of Swap and it makes playing an armor team super annoying and difficult. Most of them do not have Ward Armor either. Their high BST is fucking worthless as they still easily die to a lot of units on lower Infernal. I will stop using them since they just keep pissing me off and they make me want to crucify and hang them. Those Rally scum gave me at least 3 losses today by failing to crush the AI's castle.

I am going to switch back to using my friends' dragons as they all got Reposition.

I wish the game would just allow us to lock our representatives to a skill set just as how Aether Raids can lock our defense team.

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8 hours ago, Jotari said:

Would love to hear it if you remember either. Especially on the Duma tower one. We'd need to know exactly how high Duma's tower is to get any proper use out of it, but it would still give some indication. Seeing landmasses from one to another is actually pretty difficult on Earth. You can barely see Scotland from Ireland and their closest point.

Valentia Accordion. Valentian Revelations "Chapters" 24 and 25. The full Accordion can be found scanned and translated here.

Chapter 24

Despite being scarred by battle, Duma’s rage had not subsided and he desired revenge against the dragons’ ruler. [Naga]

Chapter 25

Duma ordered his people to erect an oppressive tower atop a mountain facing the land beyond, to which Mila approved.


Although given many other big and little inaccuracies IS makes, perhaps they don't get how the optics of optics work. Or is the planet of Archanea and Valentia less curved than Earth? Would that help? 


8 hours ago, Jotari said:

and with all the outrealm stuff Awakening introduced I don't think we can rule out the possibility that Jugdral no longer takes place in the same world given all we know is that Galle went to Archanea (not how he got there) and that Naga went to Jugdral. With Outrealms that removes the necessity that they're sharing the same planet.

Awakening wasn't so bad at first, but things like the Outrealms seem in retrospect to have been a bad move. Having entire continents not interact was feasible, since for most of human history the Americas and the rest remained apart from each other.

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Reddit had discussed the possibility of a new Fallen Heroes banner because Rena Strober mentioned in passing having worked on a "crazy Azura" at the same time as Smolzura. It'd be very early for yet another Azura this quickly, but if they were to repeat the timing of last year's Fallen Heroes banner, it'd be around now. What do you fellas think? I'm building a bunker just in case; the trailer might drop tomorrow already. 

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16 minutes ago, Thane said:

Reddit had discussed the possibility of a new Fallen Heroes banner because Rena Strober mentioned in passing having worked on a "crazy Azura" at the same time as Smolzura. It'd be very early for yet another Azura this quickly, but if they were to repeat the timing of last year's Fallen Heroes banner, it'd be around now. What do you fellas think? I'm building a bunker just in case; the trailer might drop tomorrow already. 

There's been a lot of talk about the possibility in this thread: 

Personally I hope it's not the case, but I do think it looks fairly likely. Trailer for the next banner should go up tonight or tomorrow night.

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1 minute ago, Othin said:

There's been a lot of talk about the possibility in this thread: 

Personally I hope it's not the case, but I do think it looks fairly likely. Trailer for the next banner should go up tonight or tomorrow night.

Oh, I must've missed that. I'll have a look at what everyone is saying. While yet another Azura would be absurd at this point, it would be fun to get an evil Lyon. 

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I saw that.  I really hope it isn't Azura, there is no 'fallen' aspect to her so it would be some fantasy scenario.  We have real representations within the games of fallen characters hopefully those are chosen.  If they are doing fantasy though, we should get Fallen ogre Wrys.  

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I really hope it's not yet another Azura at all >.< 

That being said, I'm hopeful for a full new heroes banner but I feel that's now a fantasy at this point. Greil's Devotion was a welcome surprise, since it picked characters I didn't expect in the slightest. I'm hoping they keep up the surprise and actually just give us all new characters on a non-seasonal banner -.-

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22 minutes ago, Othin said:

Personally I hope it's not the case, but I do think it looks fairly likely.

Me too but for, you know, completely different reasons......



That bottom row looks so perfect as it now, come on IS! Oh and once again, feel free to get mad at me for willingly being a part of the problem as evidenced by my Lucina Emblem too.

Though if Azura the 6th is truly nigh, I can actually focus entirely on getting her due to Greil's Devoted being absurdly kind to me. Too bad my luck, knowing how it works, is going to ram straight into a dead end sooner rather than later.

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11 hours ago, Jotari said:

Would love to hear it if you remember either. Especially on the Duma tower one. We'd need to know exactly how high Duma's tower is to get any proper use out of it, but it would still give some indication. Seeing landmasses from one to another is actually pretty difficult on Earth. You can barely see Scotland from Ireland and their closest point.

If the top of Duma's Tower is at the height of the highest point in Scotland, Ben Nevis, at 4,411 ft, and the world is the same size as Earth, the horizon would be 81 miles away, which is about the distance between Glasgow and the coast of Ireland and would make the continent of Valentia a bit smaller than Scotland.

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Here is my idea for the fallen banner. Fallen Rinkah, she gets upset that she always gets blocked by Camilla, Azura and others and has fallen into depravity, sneaked in Insys and forced them to put her in this banner. 

No really, I don't know if I can get hyped about a fallen hero banner after we had one like that (Adrift) not too long ago. And with the management of the last banners I also hope they don't make such banners predictable. And surprise us a bit. Just a normal new heroes banners is enough. If it must have a gimmick like fallen it should be a different one we cannot come up with ourselves. Like old heroes banner or whatever. 

Edited by Stroud
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I would not be pleased with a Fallen Heroes 2, particularly if it had some unjustified alts on it. And if there was a dead Vallified Azura on it, alongside some other characters already in the game who've gotten plenty of attention, I'd think IS is getting to a pattern of safe-"risky"-safe-"risky" for the banners. Laguz is risky, Hot Springs is safe, GD risky, FH2 safe, BB banner risky, Spring 3? safe. They should make every third banner safe if they must, not every second.

The New Heroes will be coming with a Forging Bonds event, how would that go down if everyone was possessed/corrupted?

1st Conversation- "Rrrrgggh.... me want to kill YoU!" 

2nd Conversation- "Arr... why are you that.... way? Why me.... like this?"

3rd Conversation- "Guu... I... I... I... failed life. Because I... was weak. ....But I MISs... the..m."

4th Conversation- "........Make e feeeeeel san...it...y....you. Sssstaaaaayyyyy and and... mAybE........ sa...sl...sal...salv....ation."



@Jotari, since there was talk about the Fire Emblem earlier, just in case you're interested and so you'll notice it, there is a recently translated 1996 interview linked on this page on SF. Kaga outright stated there that the Jugdrali Fire Emblem was a late addition of little significance. I made about 50 bullet points about what Kaga said in it.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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This is definitely not the time for another "Fallen Heroes"-esque banner. I'm counting Adrift as our second "Fallen Heroes" type banner -- "New Heroes" banners where no one demotes and there are more alts than non-alts on it. The only demote we've had since, uh, I don't remember ... either Silas or Silvia, whichever one came second, is Reyson. We don't need another banner with no demote so soon.

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4 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

This is definitely not the time for another "Fallen Heroes"-esque banner. I'm counting Adrift as our second "Fallen Heroes" type banner -- "New Heroes" banners where no one demotes and there are more alts than non-alts on it. The only demote we've had since, uh, I don't remember ... either Silas or Silvia, whichever one came second, is Reyson. We don't need another banner with no demote so soon.

Silas was the later one. FE4 was early September while Conquest was mid-September.

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6 minutes ago, Othin said:

Silas was the later one. FE4 was early September while Conquest was mid-September.

Noted. Still, it says quite a lot that the last demote before Reyson was all the way back in mid-September.

I will personally be really annoyed if there's another Fallen Heroes-esque banner coming up, even if it's for a game I like or has characters that I like. Because we just do not need another one of those right now. Binding Blade is right after this upcoming banner, so whatever it is it better be good.

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What the fuck is with arena assault right now? I've done a bunch of matches trying to get a win streak and it's nothing but stupid armors, Surtrs, legendary Tikis, and Dumas. I don't have enough counters to do seven matches worth of these stupid OP enemies. And even the counters I do have are losing to them despite that they should be winning.

Edited by Anacybele
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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

What the fuck is with arena assault right now? I've done a bunch of matches trying to get a win streak and it's nothing but stupid armors, Surtrs, legendary Tikis, and Dumas. I don't have enough counters to do seven matches worth of these stupid OP enemies. And even the counters I do have are losing to them despite that they should be winning.

If you've gotten a new unit or an upgrade, it might have pushed you into a higher score category.  If you put in a weaker unit on your first team, it might make it a bit easier for you in later matches.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

If you've gotten a new unit or an upgrade, it might have pushed you into a higher score category.  If you put in a weaker unit on your first team, it might make it a bit easier for you in later matches.

Sure, but that also lowers your score a lot.

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Sure, but that also lowers your score a lot.

A bit, but if you haven't gotten a win streak yet, it will give you a placeholder that at minimum will give you something while you try for higher.

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3 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

A bit, but if you haven't gotten a win streak yet, it will give you a placeholder that at minimum will give you something while you try for higher.

That's true enough. I don't really try for the highest possible anyway, because I know I can't get there without, like, a full team of +10 5 stars or something.

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22 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I don't have enough counters to do seven matches worth of these stupid OP enemies. And even the counters I do have are losing to them despite that they should be winning.

You still have plenty of time to build more counters. Counters are pretty quick and easy to mass produce for paying players since we get so much fodder. Armor effective and Gem Weapons (without the +), Glimmer, Triangle Adept 2, and Breakers 2 are all pretty cheap and plentiful. Quick Riposte 2 might be a bit more expensive though if your regular units use it a lot.

+Atk 4*+10
Armor effective Weapons
(Any Assist)
Triangle Adept 2
Swordbreaker 2 — Lancebreaker 2 — Axebreaker 2
(Any C) — Threaten Def 3
(Any Sacred Seal)

Against armor dragons, I just use regular dragon counters, generally units with decent Atk and Res like Eliwood, Peri, and Hawkeye. They generally should be able to take on Bold Fighter-Luna/Bonfire too.

+Atk 4*+10
Gem Weapons
(Any Assist)
Attack +3
Quick Riposte 2
(Any C) — Threaten Def 3
(Any Sacred Seal)

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2 minutes ago, XRay said:

You still have plenty of time to build more counters. Counters are pretty quick and easy to mass produce for paying players since we get so much fodder. Armor effective and Gem Weapons (without the +), Glimmer, Triangle Adept 2, and Breakers 2 are all pretty cheap and plentiful. Quick Riposte 2 might be a bit more expensive though if your regular units use it a lot.

+Atk 4*+10
Armor effective Weapons
(Any Assist)
Triangle Adept 2
Swordbreaker 2 — Lancebreaker 2 — Axebreaker 2
(Any C) — Threaten Def 3
(Any Sacred Seal)

Against armor dragons, I just use regular dragon counters, generally units with decent Atk and Res like Eliwood, Peri, and Hawkeye. They generally should be able to take on Bold Fighter-Luna/Bonfire too.

+Atk 4*+10
Gem Weapons
(Any Assist)
Attack +3
Quick Riposte 2
(Any C) — Threaten Def 3
(Any Sacred Seal)

Thanks, but I don't use 4 star units. Only 5 star. They give me better scores, generally.

Also, I can't stand Peri. And my Eliwood is not yet built. Though he is in the process. Why can't I just use Falchions? I've got several of them. And Deirdre and Yukata Elincia.

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8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Valentia Accordion. Valentian Revelations "Chapters" 24 and 25. The full Accordion can be found scanned and translated here.

Chapter 24

Despite being scarred by battle, Duma’s rage had not subsided and he desired revenge against the dragons’ ruler. [Naga]

Chapter 25

Duma ordered his people to erect an oppressive tower atop a mountain facing the land beyond, to which Mila approved.


Although given many other big and little inaccuracies IS makes, perhaps they don't get how the optics of optics work. Or is the planet of Archanea and Valentia less curved than Earth? Would that help? 


Awakening wasn't so bad at first, but things like the Outrealms seem in retrospect to have been a bad move. Having entire continents not interact was feasible, since for most of human history the Americas and the rest remained apart from each other.

Hmm. That just says it's facing Archanea, not that you can see it from there. Still it might be the reference Ice was thinking of.

4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

If the top of Duma's Tower is at the height of the highest point in Scotland, Ben Nevis, at 4,411 ft, and the world is the same size as Earth, the horizon would be 81 miles away, which is about the distance between Glasgow and the coast of Ireland and would make the continent of Valentia a bit smaller than Scotland.

Yeah, if you can see one continent from the other then it will definitely lean in the smaller scale of things. My current estimation by taking Archanea's mountain range and comparing it to the Alps is that Archanea is about the size of modern day Ukraine and Valencia is half that size which is comparable to France.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I would not be pleased with a Fallen Heroes 2, particularly if it had some unjustified alts on it. And if there was a dead Vallified Azura on it, alongside some other characters already in the game who've gotten plenty of attention, I'd think IS is getting to a pattern of safe-"risky"-safe-"risky" for the banners. Laguz is risky, Hot Springs is safe, GD risky, FH2 safe, BB banner risky, Spring 3? safe. They should make every third banner safe if they must, not every second.

The New Heroes will be coming with a Forging Bonds event, how would that go down if everyone was possessed/corrupted?

1st Conversation- "Rrrrgggh.... me want to kill YoU!" 

2nd Conversation- "Arr... why are you that.... way? Why me.... like this?"

3rd Conversation- "Guu... I... I... I... failed life. Because I... was weak. ....But I MISs... the..m."

4th Conversation- "........Make e feeeeeel san...it...y....you. Sssstaaaaayyyyy and and... mAybE........ sa...sl...sal...salv....ation."



@Jotari, since there was talk about the Fire Emblem earlier, just in case you're interested and so you'll notice it, there is a recently translated 1996 interview linked on this page on SF. Kaga outright stated there that the Jugdrali Fire Emblem was a late addition of little significance. I made about 50 bullet points about what Kaga said in it.

Oh thanks. I'll definitely check that out 

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