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Ha, the announcement released along with the fallen heroes banner was exactly the type of acknowledgement I wanted to see from them. They've also hinted that the CYL banner will be in August. All in all, I'm satisfied.

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Well, that announcement is a perfect time for sending feedback! 😄


In other news, I’ve finally broken the 900 orbs barrier! 921 atm. Last time I summoned was in the easter banner, and not even using all my orbs. Can’t wait for this month mythic banner

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Wow. Sanaki looks freaking awesome. I might just consider resubbing for her, even if I can't exactly +10 merge her (I mostly use her for double Drive Atk anyway)

...Wait, did Sanaki break the perceived pattern of 5* > 4* > 5* > 4*?

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Well, I don't like Sanaki, but I'm happy to see it nonetheless. It's a pattern breaker, and the pattern needed to be broken, because it meant that 5 stars would only ever be Nifl/Muspell, and 4 stars would only ever be Askr/Embla.

Edited by Etheus
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Well, at least Resplendent Sanaki's forehead looks far less weird than her default art. Her art isn't really "bad", but again her forehead is slightly off-putting and she did need the stat boost. I'm a bit surprised that she's the next character for Embla though. Would've expected them to at least finish up two complete rounds of the pattern before breaking it and starting anew with Nifl.

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Indeed, she break the pattern but she need the stat boost. Compared to other gen 1 red mages like Lilina o tharja, she was far behind them. Doesn’t help the inevitable powercreep, now we have outrageous nukers like Lysithea, kiria and now F! Julia. And even with this i don't think is enough to make her stand-out.

Edited by NicolaTesla&you
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So the pattern they're sticking to is the outfits, not the ratings. Fair enough, honestly.

3 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Ha, the announcement released along with the fallen heroes banner was exactly the type of acknowledgement I wanted to see from them. They've also hinted that the CYL banner will be in August. All in all, I'm satisfied.

The other implication is that the CYL banner will be the only New Heroes banner in August, which is a bit odd. Hopefully it just means the dancer banner will be back to August like in 2018, with September being back to all New Heroes.

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7 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I didn't insult anything. Don't you DARE start acting like I'm insulting your intelligence, I will not tolerate that kind of bullcrap from anyone. YOU are the one who first came to me saying "you're entitled to your opinion but blah blah this is off topic," YOU are the one who insisted I was wrong about the Lyn/Hector convo and then switched gears when you were proven wrong, YOU are the one who came out with "more than one kid, ya know!"

So, no. Don't you dare. "No longer worth my time" my butt.

Sigh... Anacybele always do that...

She acts like she always knows everything and that she is always right and when people has proof of the opposite, she changes the topic and/or run away. Basically "I can't win this discussion... So I better run away."

This happened in the Aether Raids Topic as well! She complained that no one told her that Refined Yato needed Ally Support to work (honestly, she should read the skill description more), but then when we found the comment that I told her about it, she just went with "doesn't matter and blah blah" and disappeared from the Topic for some days.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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19 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

She acts like she always knows everything and that she is always right and when people has proof of the opposite, she changes the topic and/or run away. Basically "I can't win this discussion... So I better run away."

And people wonder why I used to just keep continuing arguments until they just kind of ended on their own or a mod intervened. Because if I didn't, I'd get crap like this or I felt like I would.

I didn't "run away" at all, that is not the same thing as deciding to stop before things got out of hand at ALL. Don't you DARE call me a coward. I'm merely following advice I used to get a lot before I finally got more and more used to actually using it, more or less meaning "ignore it when it starts getting bad or seems like it will."

So if I keep an argument going I'm just being rude, but if I decide to stop it, I'm just a coward running away. There's just no satisfying people.

Edited by Anacybele
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6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

So if I keep an argument going I'm just being rude, but if I decide to stop it, I'm just a coward running away. There's just no satisfying people.

There is also the 3rd option called "admit that your were wrong and apologize".

It doesn't work in every discussion, but when a person proof that the other is wrong... It does.

You said that "keeping an argument going" can be considered rude, but ignoring the person can also be considered rude.

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2 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

There is also the 3rd option called "admit that your were wrong and apologize".

It doesn't work in every discussion, but when a person proof that the other is wrong... It does.

You said that "keeping an argument going" can be considered rude, but ignoring the person can also be considered rude.

No one gave me proof that I was wrong and so I don't believe I was wrong. That doesn't mean I will never admit to being wrong period. I have done so before, you've just either not seen it or ignored it. Just the other day I admitted to being wrong on what was Brave Ike's weapon's base effect and refine effect. I got them mixed up and admitted my mistake. Not so hard to do.

There is nothing wrong with ignoring an argument for the sake of ending things before they get too heated. I cannot afford trouble here when I've already been in hot water with the mods too much.

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9 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

No one gave me proof that I was wrong and so I don't believe I was wrong. That doesn't mean I will never admit to being wrong period. I have done so before, you've just either not seen it or ignored it. Just the other day I admitted to being wrong on what was Brave Ike's weapon's base effect and refine effect. I got them mixed up and admitted my mistake. Not so hard to do.

There is nothing wrong with ignoring an argument for the sake of ending things before they get too heated. I cannot afford trouble here when I've already been in hot water with the mods too much.

If you say so.

Of course there are topics you may have apologized that I didn't see because I don't follow them (I rarely enter in any others Forums since I am only here for the Heroes Forum, and since I am not interested in the Fallen Heroes there is no point of reading that topic for me), but I will take your word.

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48 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Sigh... Anacybele always do that...

She acts like she always knows everything and that she is always right and when people has proof of the opposite, she changes the topic and/or run away. Basically "I can't win this discussion... So I better run away."

This happened in the Aether Raids Topic as well! She complained that no one told her that Refined Yato needed Ally Support to work (honestly, she should read the skill description more), but then when we found the comment that I told her about it, she just went with "doesn't matter and blah blah" and disappeared from the Topic for some days.

Butting in. I have to.

Running away is the sensible thing to do in this case. Would you rather have her do that or keep arguing? I personally think this was rude. She disappeared from the Aether Raids topic because she needed to cool down. She's kind of in hot water with the mods and she's trying her darndest to improve her reactions and temper.

I don't play FEH anymore but I can see that it's turning into one big drama fest half the time and I hate it.

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That's one fancy artwork for Sanaki. I guess being an Emblian makes sense since she's also a loli ruler who's far more soft then she presents herself to be. I can imagine her and Veronica liking each other well enough. 

But I would have preferred her older RD design to get the Embla outfit. 

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2 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

If you say so.

Of course there are topics you may have apologized that I didn't see because I don't follow them (I rarely enter in any others Forums since I am only here for the Heroes Forum, and since I am not interested in the Fallen Heroes there is no point of reading that topic for me), but I will take your word.

Fair enough then.

Oh yeah, since I now have a job again, I definitely don't mind resubscribing to Feh Pass when Resplendent Sanaki is available.

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20 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

Running away is the sensible thing to do in this case. Would you rather have her do that or keep arguing? I personally think this was rude. She disappeared from the Aether Raids topic because she needed to cool down. She's kind of in hot water with the mods and she's trying her darndest to improve her reactions and temper.

Aham. Well, which of this you think would be the best thing to do:

  • disappearing to "cool down" after insulting us saying that was our fault that she wasted resources and lost AR matches because we didn't tell her that Yato needs ally suport to work, when the fact is that we told her about it. (and for your info, she disappeared after we found the comment that proved her wrong.)


  • admit that she was wrong or at least say "I didn't read that part of the comment" (even though she can read the refinement BEFORE refining the weapon), apologize for her behavior, and then step back to "cool down".
Edited by Diovani Bressan
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1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Sigh... Anacybele always do that...

She acts like she always knows everything and that she is always right and when people has proof of the opposite, she changes the topic and/or run away. Basically "I can't win this discussion... So I better run away."

This happened in the Aether Raids Topic as well! She complained that no one told her that Refined Yato needed Ally Support to work (honestly, she should read the skill description more), but then when we found the comment that I told her about it, she just went with "doesn't matter and blah blah" and disappeared from the Topic for some days.

hit that ignore button, it does wonders for me. Although it irks me that i sometimes dont see then the new comics that have been released.

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1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Sigh... Anacybele always do that...

She acts like she always knows everything and that she is always right and when people has proof of the opposite, she changes the topic and/or run away. Basically "I can't win this discussion... So I better run away."

This happened in the Aether Raids Topic as well! She complained that no one told her that Refined Yato needed Ally Support to work (honestly, she should read the skill description more), but then when we found the comment that I told her about it, she just went with "doesn't matter and blah blah" and disappeared from the Topic for some days.

Just let sleeping dogs lie, please. This was several hours ago last night; I felt kinda actually hurt and like part of my character was attacked at the end and I'd really rather it be left alone. Move on to Resplendent Sanaki.

Happy enough about her. I don't have her yet, so, it helps my collection. Plus, it breaks a pattern that needed to be broken.

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Just now, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Happy enough about her. I don't have her yet, so, it helps my collection. Plus, it breaks a pattern that needed to be broken.

I am happy about her as well, since I don't have her yet... She is another Book 1 5* that I missed.

I hope we get Katarina one day.

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32 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Aham. Well, which of this you think would be the best thing to do:

  • disappearing to "cool down" after insulting us saying that was our fault that she wasted resources and lost AR matches because we didn't tell her that Yato needs ally suport to work, when the fact is that we told her about it. (and for your info, she disappeared after we found the comment that proved her wrong.)


  • admit that she was wrong or at least say "I didn't read that part of the comment" (even though she can read the refinement BEFORE refining the weapon), apologize for her behavior, and then step back to "cool down".

Yeah, this is info I didn't get. Without this, it looked like you were encouraging her to keep arguing. My mistake. 

She's working on it. 

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1 minute ago, Dragoncat said:

Yeah, this is info I didn't get. Without this, it looked like you were encouraging her to keep arguing. My mistake. 

She's working on it. 

That's ok. And yeah, she's working on it, and I appreciate it.

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8 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I felt kinda actually hurt and like part of my character was attacked at the end and I'd really rather it be left alone.

Just to note, I felt hurt and attacked too, you know. It wasn't my intention to attack anyone myself, however, so I'm truly sorry you felt that way.

Anyway, I'm kinda glad the pattern was broken too.

Edited by Anacybele
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