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I dont know how IS sees Legendary/Mythic banners, but the fact that Slots are all taken up even by old Legendarys and leaves no room to run other new 5 Star units kinda hinders me to summon on them. I just dont see any worth in them anymore unless the Star aligns (like in August when Bramimond and Mila share a color).

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I wonder if we will get the Desert Mercenary rerun banner in the first half of July rather than the second half of it. Since we have the next New Heroes running probably sometime July 20th, in order to avoid Forging Bonds overlap (if they care that much) it would need to take place before it. 

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8 hours ago, SockPuppet said:

I wonder if we will get the Desert Mercenary rerun banner in the first half of July rather than the second half of it. Since we have the next New Heroes running probably sometime July 20th, in order to avoid Forging Bonds overlap (if they care that much) it would need to take place before it. 

I expect it to be during the Summer 2 banner, like.... 7 days before the next New Heroes Forging Bonds events, so one FB ends and the other starts. So... maybe around July 10th-13th.

I think they care for Forging Bonds overlap, since there is only one FB button and they would need to create another one just to have a 2nd FB running... and they don't want to have extra work to do. lol

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15 hours ago, Hilda said:

I dont know how IS sees Legendary/Mythic banners, but the fact that Slots are all taken up even by old Legendarys and leaves no room to run other new 5 Star units kinda hinders me to summon on them. I just dont see any worth in them anymore unless the Star aligns (like in August when Bramimond and Mila share a color).

I'm of the opposite mind and think that these banners should be exclusively legendary/mythic heroes since it's the only place they can be summoned.


That said, I rarely summon on them because the odds of getting what you want (or anything at all in my experience) are miserable. The 8% summoning rate is so misleading, because it makes legendary/mythic banners look generous when they are anything but.

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57 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

That said, I rarely summon on them because the odds of getting what you want (or anything at all in my experience) are miserable. The 8% summoning rate is so misleading, because it makes legendary/mythic banners look generous when they are anything but.

Legendary and Mythic Foci are good when you just need decent 5* units and you do not mind who you get. They are not great for sniping, but they are great for getting decent 5* units in bulk for a cheaper price. For players who do not care about favorites nor have a preferred play style, Legendary and Mythic Foci are great. They are also good for new players if they do full summons so they can build up their Barracks quickly and cheaply, and they will have a more balanced Barracks with a variety of units.

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Personally, my policy is to only pull on legendary banners for colors that have multiple units I want. If there's just one, I'll be able to get a better deal later on. 

It means I don't do a ton of pulling on them, and when I do, there's no guarantee of who I'll get, but it does mean that there's always good odds of getting something I care about. 8x(1/3) is 2.67%, which is a terrible rate, but 8x(2/3) is 5.33%, which is solid. 

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Used to prefer these 8% banners with a minimum of 2/3 desirable units for a given colour, and that was my primary method of acquiring new units. But now that the spark system is in, I think I'll take the spark over the 8%, admittedly the decisions being coloured by a fairly horrific run on these banners the last two times I saved a significant number of orbs for them.

Mind you I've never actually employed the spark system before so this is purely theoretical at this stage. We'll see how the late July New Heroes goes, which might be iffy if there turns out to be a Hero Fest in early August (which I think the Sothis re-run is indicative of).

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27 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Used to prefer these 8% banners with a minimum of 2/3 desirable units for a given colour, and that was my primary method of acquiring new units. But now that the spark system is in, I think I'll take the spark over the 8%, admittedly the decisions being coloured by a fairly horrific run on these banners the last two times I saved a significant number of orbs for them.

Mind you I've never actually employed the spark system before so this is purely theoretical at this stage. We'll see how the late July New Heroes goes, which might be iffy if there turns out to be a Hero Fest in early August (which I think the Sothis re-run is indicative of).

Yeah, the spark system is really nice. Funny thing is, using the spark system more means having fewer recent New Heroes missing on the legendary banners anyway, so it counterbalances. 

Personally, while I've been increasing my summoning on New Heroes banners because of the sparks, my seasonal and rerun pulls have been going down, so most of the orbs I don't use on sparks should stay free for legendary banners. If over the course of a month, I spend 135 orbs on a spark and about 30 on a seasonal demote, that still leaves a decent chunk I can put towards something else. 

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6 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I expect it to be during the Summer 2 banner, like.... 7 days before the next New Heroes Forging Bonds events, so one FB ends and the other starts. So... maybe around July 10th-13th.

I think they care for Forging Bonds overlap, since there is only one FB button and they would need to create another one just to have a 2nd FB running... and they don't want to have extra work to do. lol

Mm yes, my orbs may be in danger sooner than I would expect them to be then 🙃 I hope the next summer banner is full of duds...

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33 minutes ago, SockPuppet said:

Mm yes, my orbs may be in danger sooner than I would expect them to be then 🙃 I hope the next summer banner is full of duds...

Yeah. I hope Summer 2 is not that interesting... I need to save orbs for the spark in CYL 4. I ended spending more orbs in Seliph's Banner than I expected, and now I need to save during all month.

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Yeah, I'm really hoping summer 2 this year is something I really don't want. Not because I'm pulling on CYL (gonna take my free Claude and scram) but because I need to save orbs for August's legendary banner.

I really wish there was a more efficient way of getting these guys other than risking a 1/3 shot on every banner. Never pulled Eirika, the last time Legendary Roy was on a banner I got stuck with the only unit on red I didn't want to get (so obviously I don't have him), and still don't have a dark mythic!


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12 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

I'm of the opposite mind and think that these banners should be exclusively legendary/mythic heroes since it's the only place they can be summoned.


well - i personally believe that the Legendary/Mythic banner should be the banner with the best fodder. the argument could be yes. that's the only place you can summon them - but there are some 5*s that rarely ever see the light of day (not to mention it is a good chance to get multiple copies of rare 5* fodder whilst getting mythics and legendary). i think we have to remember that not everyone cares about Arena/AR (or whatever modes) and just wants best value for their money/orbs  If you don't care about Arena - but LOVE Leif and want .. i dunno... really super aweosme colourless 5* unit right now) - that unit should be available on the banner, because they have great fodder. (not "well. I hope i get Leif and let me avoid Duma") - or whatever. 

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If the New Heroes re-runs (like Desert Mercenaries this month) complete with spark become a reliable monthly thing then that removes a lot of the need for generic 5-star heroes on the 8% banners, and that's the compromise I'd prefer.

On that topic, I'd probably only end up sparking one banner a month at most anyway. On average I reckon I only really want one hero out of every two New Heroes banners that are released. Therefore if there was also a re-run of a previous New Heroes banner every month, odds are I'd be interested in one hero per month, at least for most months. The balance would go into a general savings pool for any 8% or Double Seasonal banner if they have anything I particularly want. I think the days of summoning on straight sparkless 3/3% banners for me are over.


Just for my own curiosity I went back and looked at the last year's worth of New Heroes banners to pick out which units I would have sparked had the mechanic been available for the whole period:

July 2019 - Three Houses: No

August 2019 - Three Houses Electric Boogaloo: No

August 2019 - CYL3: Camilla (alongside free pick Micaiah)

September 2019 - New Mystery: No

October 2019 - Valentia: No

November 2019 - Sacred Stones: Duo Ephraim

November 2019 - Binding Blade: Igrene

December 2019 - Book 4: No

January 2020 - Genealogy kids: No

January 2020 - J-Pop: No

February 2020 - Blazing Sword: Leila

March 2020 - Three Houses Three: No

April 2020 - Fates: Lilith

May 2020 - Fallen Heroes: Julia (maybe, bit iffy on this one)

June 2020 - Book 4.5: No


Huh, that's only 6/15 banners I'd actually spark on if I could, lower than I expected. If I had to pick two more to make it 50:50 I guess I'd go Phina and, uh, one of Peony or Catria. Neither really spark joy.

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13 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

well - i personally believe that the Legendary/Mythic banner should be the banner with the best fodder. the argument could be yes. that's the only place you can summon them - but there are some 5*s that rarely ever see the light of day (not to mention it is a good chance to get multiple copies of rare 5* fodder whilst getting mythics and legendary). i think we have to remember that not everyone cares about Arena/AR (or whatever modes) and just wants best value for their money/orbs  If you don't care about Arena - but LOVE Leif and want .. i dunno... really super aweosme colourless 5* unit right now) - that unit should be available on the banner, because they have great fodder. (not "well. I hope i get Leif and let me avoid Duma") - or whatever. 

I think a good compromise is to do what they do with Special Heroes and create Double Heroes Foci for regular 5* Heroes. I hope they keep the percent at 8% since these are not Special Heroes. But even if they reduce Double Heroes Foci to 6%, there is still 0% to get non-Focus units, so I think that is still pretty decent. Every player get an extra free summon, and spenders can still get a pretty decent deal.

It would also be nice if they just made every New Heroes Focus annual like Special Heroes Foci so it is easier to plan and budget for merges and skills.

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Incidentally, the House of Lords have affirmed that loot boxes are indeed gambling. I think this follows on from a House of Commons thingie last year. (For Americans, think Senate and House respectively I guess.) Sauce

Now since this is Fire Emblem, obviously lords are the most important people to listen to. At any rate, it'll be interesting to see where they go from here: while obviously no longer part of the EU, the UK is a far larger market than Belgium was and so any potential impact would be far larger.

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I have been thinking, will the CYL banner have the spark system? They have so far been consistent and kept it, but due to the CYL free pull and the fact that the banner will most likely be liked with a TT I am getting a bit scared. 

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If they don't intend for CYL to have a spark system, they really should announce it beforehand if they don't wanna get pissy (but justified) backlash.

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1 hour ago, SuperNova125 said:

I have been thinking, will the CYL banner have the spark system? They have so far been consistent and kept it, but due to the CYL free pull and the fact that the banner will most likely be liked with a TT I am getting a bit scared. 

Well, it's a New Heroes banner, so it can have the Spark system. Having a TT alongside it doesn't mean nothing, outside since it's not FB we can or cannot get tickets. (They still could give tickets from log-in or quests)

The only thing that can make it not having the Spark is the free choice we always get, like you mentioned. But I still believe we Will have the 40 summons freebie. It's a Nice way to make people summon and maybe spend money.

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I still say it's possible that it'll have the spark instead of the usual CYL free summon. It'd piss a lot of people off, but at least if I set my expectations low, worst case scenario is what I get what I was expecting and best case is a pleasant surprise.

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I doubt it'll have the spark system. But I agree with Sunwoo that this should be announced beforehand to prevent backlash.

Remember how people got pissy about Dark Burdens not having a 4 star focus? Even though that honestly was to be expected? There will be similar backlash about CYL4 not having the spark system if we're not notified in advance of that. They didn't tell us that Dark Burdens wouldn't have a 4 star focus either. They didn't have to reveal the banner early to do so, they could've just said "the next new heroes banner will not have a 4 star focus."

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Even as a pessimist I don't really see any reason why it wouldn't have the spark system. CYL banners have always been pretty terrible value propositions since they're just standard 3/3% banners which will almost inevitably be re-run as a Hero Fest within a year, if not half-a-year, so incentivising people to summon on its debut is presumably an outcome they'd want. Personally I've never gone more than a couple rounds into any CYL banner due to the above factors, and am looking forward to doing so for the first time this year.

The Fallen Heroes banner is probably a good parallel - a set of four highly desirable premium units and they still deemed that worthy of being sparkable, so I see CYL as essentially the same thing. Unlike seasonal banners, there's no FOMO aspect encouraging summoning as the units will end up in the regular pool as well as being on comparatively more banners in future.


That said, if they were to vary the rules for CYL, it'd be a massive dick move to not pre-announce them, especially given the likelihood of an early-August Hero Fest. If it's a good one, and there's no sparking mechanic on CYL, then I'd certainly be tempted to burn all my orbs on the Hero Fest (though not on Sothis specifically). On the plus side - checking it just now - CYL3 event was announced in the FEH Channel at the very beginning of August, so assuming they do that again, that should tell us enough for each person to make an informed decision on whether to focus on CYL, the Hero Fest, or indeed the July Mythic banner which should still be running at that point. (And yes, the video explicitly talks about the free CYL summon)

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I guess the one bright(er) side of summoning on any new hero banner (spark or not) is that the pool is relatively smaller? since most of the year ones are out . I think on the CYL hero fests i've gotten more off focus units than i did the CYL units. I know that's just .. happenstance or whatever. (also for me i've noticed that the Hero Fests always run around times that are not "good" for me - though usually i find most banners i really wanna do a mass summoning on, runs when there  isn't a good time so that's kinda moot. 

personally  - and i've argued this kinda before - i was thinking we'd probably get a spark for CYL, but -thinking about it, the spark is to help you guarantee a copy of the new hero.  at the end of the day (yeah and spend money/orbs that you didn't think of doing if we're gonna go that route) - but  for the most part, it was like. special heroes come back every six months/a year, but regular new heroes, you'd have to wait for heroes w/banners, or legendary debuts, and you still might not be able to get that one specific hero. Hence Spark. 

CYL theoretically has a spark. you don't even need to spend orbs for it. you can get the free pick and dip. so basically what people are going to be angry about is that they can't get a second free pick - on a banner they were planning on summoning for anyway? (and funnily enough i've seen people say maybe they will eliminate the free choice pick because there is a spark, which will make people angry too). 

I think it should be made clear during the august feh channel, but i figure  i'm prepared for no spark/no tickets. 


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Hm... The update is on July 5th... Which mean that the Silhouettes need to be night (well, in my timezone at least), and the trailer need to be tomorrow, or else we may know the SUmmer units in the datamine.

11 minutes ago, Johann said:

Spark system? Did the players come up with a term that I missed? Is it in reference to the free 5* after 40 summons?

If I am not wrong, "Spark System" is a term used in these games when you can have a free thing after a certain condition in met. From where did it start? I have no idea.

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1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Hm... The update is on July 5th... Which mean that the Silhouettes need to be night (well, in my timezone at least), and the trailer need to be tomorrow, or else we may know the SUmmer units in the datamine.

I think the trailer will be Monday.  They have never released a trailer on Saturday (Sunday in Japan) plus they tend to release trailers on the day VG ends.  I figure they really don't care about the datamine, if they did then the game would be updated at different times then it has been.

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