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1 hour ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

I don't know that there "isn't enough demand" for a new FE game every year. The series is growing, not shrinking.


What I will say, however, is that I would prefer a quality over quantity approach. This isn't Call of Duty or Pokemon. Saturation of bullshit won't help the franchise more than a great game every 2-3 years. And there's always licensed spinoffs through third parties if they want to increase content. (Cough, FEW2, cough).

There is most likely not enough demand to justify the opportunity cost. If there were, Intelligent Systems would be spamming Fire Emblem games like how Nintendo spams Mario. Making games costs money, and they no one is wants to spend who knows how much money to make a game just to lose money because not enough people are buying it. And even if making a Fire Emblem game can guarantee them profit every year, they would probably make more money diversifying their products and make other games.

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11 minutes ago, XRay said:

There is most likely not enough demand to justify the opportunity cost. If there were, Intelligent Systems would be spamming Fire Emblem games like how Nintendo spams Mario. Making games costs money, and they no one is wants to spend who knows how much money to make a game just to lose money because not enough people are buying it. And even if making a Fire Emblem game can guarantee them profit every year, they would probably make more money diversifying their products and make other games.

Nintendo can't spam Fire Emblem games like they can spam Mario or Pokémon games.

Just like any Zelda games, it takes more time because they need do more things for this kind of game: gameplay, variety of level design, making a good story, characters development, voice acting, enemy designs, etc.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that they CAN'T do it, it's just that they know they SHOULDN'T do it. They seen what happened when you try to spam this kind of game, it results in the franchise being a complete joke in the recent years.

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1 hour ago, Nym said:

Nintendo can't spam Fire Emblem games like they can spam Mario or Pokémon games.

Just like any Zelda games, it takes more time because they need do more things for this kind of game: gameplay, variety of level design, making a good story, characters development, voice acting, enemy designs, etc.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that they CAN'T do it, it's just that they know they SHOULDN'T do it. They seen what happened when you try to spam this kind of game, it results in the franchise being a complete joke in the recent years.


You're going to have to elaborate that last point. While I personally think that Fates and Gaiden/SoV are the worst games in the franchise, they sold well and the franchise has only been growing. The franchise has not become "a complete joke." If anything, its reputation has grown. Three Houses won the Game Awards Players Voice Award, ffs.

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58 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:


You're going to have to elaborate that last point. While I personally think that Fates and Gaiden/SoV are the worst games in the franchise, they sold well and the franchise has only been growing. The franchise has not become "a complete joke." If anything, its reputation has grown. Three Houses won the Game Awards Players Voice Award, ffs.

My last point was referring to Pokemon, not Fire Emblem. Nintendo has been spamming Pokemon's game for years with barely any changes between games, and recently we all seen to results of this marketing decision with the drama around Sword and Shield. Fire Emblem is nowhere near to become the mess the Pokemon franchise has become.

If Nintendo would spam Fire Emblem games like Pokemon (like XRay suggested), it would results in a major drop in quality.

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So it seems like they're making anniversary "Young Heroes" a regular thing in April. That's interesting - I'd expected January, April, August, and November to all be flex slots where they could try out different seasonal banners rather than getting tied to a specific one. Some possibilities for what this could mean:

  1. The March/April/May banners continue to just be Easter/Anniversary/Wedding, with no room for any other spring themes. This seems odd to me - I'd thought the Picnic theme was decently interesting, and popular enough to come back sometimes.
  2. Other spring themes like Picnic happen sometimes but have to replace one of the Easter/Anniversary/Wedding themes on years where they happen. This seems like it would frustrate people expecting the replaced theme.
  3. We continue getting Easter/Anniversary/Wedding themes each year, but they find a way to add additional spring-related themes on top of them. These are a few sub-options here:
    1. Rearranging the schedule somehow. I'm not sure what would be a good way to do this.
    2. Replacing another New Heroes banner with a Special Heroes one. This would lead to backlash and disrupt the flow of story chapters.
    3. Adding another Special Heroes banner to the yearly schedule without taking away a New Heroes one, like how we get the New Year's banner in addition to December and January each having their own other New and Special banners. This would be quite convenient but also more work/cost for IS, potentially for not much payoff.
    4. Moving the Anniversary banner to the April New Heroes slot in future years, thereby reopening the April Special Heroes slot back up for other themes. This would be similar to option 3-2, taking away a normal New Heroes banner, but the fact that it would be classified as a New Heroes banner would be relevant for the story and unit availability. It'd still slow the influx of new character introductions, but as we dig deeper and deeper into each game's roster of high-profile units, it makes more sense from IS's perspective and gets harder to object to from a player perspective. This would require moving the April Special Heroes slot to early April so the Anniversary banner could stay late April, and it could require moving the Fallen banner so the two wouldn't be back-to-back. Still, I'm inclined to call this the most likely option in the long run.
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4 hours ago, XRay said:

\they would probably make more money diversifying their products and make other games.

this would also be a route probably worth exploring imo. Even before i saw the FEH - Unshackled Gateways joke on youtube i already believed making a fighting game solely for for FE would be something that people would be willing to buy, but i admit i can't guess how much demand there would actually be. But Smash Bros is very much its own thing, FE has its own identity and can work out something I'm sure.

The other thing, i dont remember what the reasons they gave for dropping Cipher was, but a ccg based on the series is also an option - but make it digital, not physical. There are plenty of examples of games doing this with success from which to draw good lessons from that i think can help them make it a product that will last for a long time.


3 hours ago, Nym said:


Just like any Zelda games, it takes more time because they need do more things for this kind of game: gameplay, variety of level design, making a good story, characters development, voice acting, enemy designs, etc.

You forgot one of the series' biggest sale points now: the shippings. For better or worse i think that has now become something people like about the series. Personally i'm not really a fan of this but i can see how people can enjoy it. I can't imagine how much more work this must add to the development of the games now because they know people are expecting this now, in terms of writing and animations and what not.



And honestly i hope Young Heroes is not a permanent theme from now on, i would like to see them branch out into different themes. I can see it now and then, but I can't get behind the idea of this being a thing every year.

Edited by Sil/phire
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I like the Young Heroes theme, it's adorable. Ephraim and Eirika nearly gave me a heart attack from cuteness overload when I first saw them. I'm glad Innes is free so I can work on building him after I finish off Felix. Or Saleh...or Plegian Kris...I do need an axe cav at +10...but the cuteness....

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6 hours ago, Sayyyaka said:
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Larcei, Shannan, Sety and Altena datamined as the next Hall of Forms.  I'm DEFINITELY going to go all out on Shannan.


Second one in a row with no seasonals. I hope that doesn't become a pattern... I'd like to save my Forma Souls for seasonals, but that might not be an option anymore.

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1 hour ago, Xenovia said:

This game is so dead, guys stop wasting your life on gacha games and get another hobby

Better than lurking in the forums of "dead" game though. I am enjoying FEH still. Not sure why you are wasting your life here if you do not enjoy FEH.

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10 hours ago, Sayyyaka said:
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Larcei, Shannan, Sety and Altena datamined as the next Hall of Forms.  I'm DEFINITELY going to go all out on Shannan.



I think I am going to do the same. His cousin always shows up instead of him.  Honestly getting someone you really want with the forma soul is the way to go.


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4 hours ago, Othin said:


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Second one in a row with no seasonals. I hope that doesn't become a pattern... I'd like to save my Forma Souls for seasonals, but that might not be an option anymore.



That might just be because Valentia and Jugdral barely have any seasonals compared to most other games to begin with.

Genealogy in particular only just started getting seasonals last August, so IS likely deems any of them as still being too recent to include. That, and three of them (Brigid, Quan, Lachesis) are currently on an active banner.


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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:
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That might just be because Valentia and Jugdral barely have any seasonals compared to most other games to begin with.

Genealogy in particular only just started getting seasonals last August, so IS likely deems any of them as still being too recent to include. That, and three of them (Brigid, Quan, Lachesis) are currently on an active banner.


That's true. And none of FE4's seasonals were Gen 2.

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Hall of Forms thoughts:


I'm annoyed at the fact that there's no Grail unit again.

Forma Souls are way, way easier to get than Trait Fruits. If they made Trait Fruits easier to get, I'd maybe consider getting non-Grail units, but as it is right now, there's absolutely no reason to spend Forma Souls on non-Grail units because I simply don't have the Trait Fruits to make it worth it.

Another annoyance is that because Grail units do appear in Hall of Forms, there's pretty much no reason to spend Trait Fruits on non-Forma Grail units anymore, as if they release the unit has a Forma later, the Trait Fruits will have been wasted. I wish they'd let you use Formas as merge fodder when merging into a 5-star and simply have the Forma status transfer over so that Trait Fruits aren't wasted.

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RIP. I was both hoping and not hoping that Altena would show up. I have her at +9, but I got excited about potentially getting Melady on the Legendary banner a few months back, but she didn't show, so now I have this extra 5* Altena sitting around effectively wasting 20K feathers if I decide to get the forma. And like Ice Dragon said it's annoying that you can't use them as merge fodder since my main Altena is +Def and the other one is +Spd.


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Gonna put in my guess for the next Resplendent early.


So, we've had 2 popular ladies back to back. That's as strong an incentive to sell a month of FEH pass as you're going to get. They probably know that those buying one month at a time will cheese it for 3 characters. So I'm thinking the 3rd character will be carried by the ladies. Meaning they're a less popular male character. I also think it'll be Nifl since we've gone a while without one.


So, my 5 star guess is Ryoma. I think a bold color swap of all of his platemail to the Nifl teal blue would be really striking, and he has the calm, noble personality associated with Nifl.


My 4 star guess is Klein. He'd look really regal in the Nifl color pallet.

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As much as I would want a Resplendent for my +10 Klein, I feel like he'll be among the characters that never get one (or at least, any time soon). Klein isn't Luke / Roderick tier unpopular (those two have just 485 CYL votes combined), but he's still fairly low on the totem pole (plus we're just getting a different FE6 Resplendent).

As for my spitball of a guess, I'll go with Celica I'll eventually be right if I keep guessing her for a third mage girl in a row. At the very least, I doubt this next one will be a 3*-4*.

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3 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and guess Chrom. It's another 3/4-star character, like Lilina, but it's a noticeably missing one.

You know who else is noticeably missing and also has pretty bad art like Chrom besides Celica, Ephraim, and Camilla? F!Corrin, who only made it to 11th place in CYL5. And following Chrom and F!Corrin, the other top Resplendent-less characters (released in Book I or Book II) from CYL5 are Seliph (16th), Soren (17th) and Tharja (22nd). Yup, those five sure don't have a certain commonality that's likely keeping IS from getting to them.

And for anyone's reference, all the other Resplendent-less characters (again, Books I and II only) from CYL5's Top 100 are:


Lute [Sacred Stones, 5*]: 28th
Sigurd [Genealogy, 5*]: 29th
Tiki [Awakening, 3*-4*]: 30th
Nino [Blazing Blade, 3*-4*]: 32nd
Mia [Radiance / Radiant, 5*]: 36th
M!Corrin [Fates, 3*-4*]: 52nd
Leo [Fates, 5*]: 53rd
Nephenee [Radiance / Radiant, 5*]: 56th
Zelgius [Radiance / Radiant, 5*]: 60th, also alt-less
Catria [Shadow Dragon / (New) Mystery + Echoes, 3*-4*]: 65th
Nowi [Awakening, 3*-4*]: 67th
Ninian [Blazing Blade, 5*]: 70th
Ayra [Genealogy, 5*]: 74th, also alt-less
Myrrh [Sacred Stones, 5*]: 84th
Ryoma [Fates, 5*]: 85th
Felicia [Fates, 3*-4*]: 89th
Soleil [Fates, 3*-4*]: 93rd, also alt-less
Ishtar [Genealogy, 5*]: 94th
F!Morgan [Awakening, 5*]: 96th, also alt-less
Sakura [Fates, 3*-4*]: 97th

The following characters are also in CYL5's top 100, but have questionable eligibility (they're either a grail unit or a Heroes character):

F!Robin [Awakening, GHB]: 18th
Alfonse [Heroes, Askr Trio]: 26th
Black Knight [Radiance / Radiant, TT]: 39th
Fjorm [Heroes, Legendary]: 61st reminder that Laevatein somehow has more alts than her
Loki [Heroes, 5*]: 62nd see Fjorm
Berkut [Echoes, GHB]: 68th
Xander [Fates, GHB]: 75th
Lyon [Sacred Stones, GHB]: 77th
Laegjarn [Heroes, 5*]: 79th see Fjorm and Loki
Sharena [Heroes, Askr Trio]: 91st see Fjorm, Loki and Laegjarn


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I'd view CYL1 as a better poll than CYL5, since, you know, it isn't skewed to hell by who is/isn't in Heroes and who has already been removed from polling entirely. Yes, it lacks 3H characters, but those aren't in this conversation anyway. But it's cool to have some frame of reference for who has a real shot, I guess. 

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Nifl Leif will be May’s first Resplendent:



And for the first time, they picked a character that I didn’t already have.

Him and green Olwen (I finally got her as a 4* Special) evaded me for the longest time, but now I’ll have them both for the collection.

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Hm... I won't say it looks bad, but... doesn't he look kinda similar to Resplendent Roy?

Only real shame with Leif otherwise is that his SI is kinda meh these days. Not that that'd be a problem for most people, but I personally already +10ed him, so I kinda got no use for the free copy everyone gets...

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I also +10'd Leif, so it is bothersome to me. But as a Spurn tank, he wants those stats. The art is good, but why does he look like he's from Saint Seia/Knights of the Zodiac?


Also, I might be partially psychic. Got the character wrong, but got Nifl male right. And the last two times I put in my guesses early, they revealed that night.

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