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12 hours ago, Hilda said:

There isnt plenty counters to FEdelgard. There are a selecr very few counters not F2P that dont require any inheritable skills.

The rest of the cast needs alot of inheritable skills, high merges and Dragonflowers. Thats not balance thats bullshit.

And compareing it to Reinhradt/Lyn is stupid. All you needed to cover both was a green Raventome nuke with Triangle adept. That was easy to come by. all very prominent in the f2p pool

FEdelgard requires you built very high investment unit or pull for premium counters/skills

Firesweep S, Firesweep L, and Poison Stirke are no more expensive than Raven tomes and Triangle Adept.

And Raven mages were not the be all and cure all solution either. Some teams run alternative builds or even multiple copies of Lyn: Brave Lady, with some using Firesweep-Poison Strike or Mulagir-Cancel Affinity, to counter Raven mages. And against the best cavalry teams, Gronnraven mages have huge issues covering both as they simply lack the defensive stats to tank both physical and magical hits.

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On 7/22/2021 at 10:04 AM, Diovani Bressan said:

Now on a different topic: Feh Channel.

The Six-Months Anniversary is coming, and we should have a Feh Channel on August 1st, as we always do. It will have those annual events like log-in bonuses, 2-days GHB reruns and daily banners. Maybe even a Hero Fest. They will probably announce the Special Heroes there, and give us some info about the 2nd part of the Ice & Flame TT. CYL 5 info is also possible (CYL 3 heroes were announced on Aug 1st 2019 Channel instead of a Channel later that month), but that could take the spotlight of the Special banner, so they may save that for another Channel in the middle of the month. Another thing I would like is the removal of the remaining Book 2 units from the normal pool: Heroes released between the "Doorway to Destiny" and 'Fire and Ice" banners. They could remove some of the early Book 3 banners there, but I don't expect that.

Thanks to Fjorm's A skill notification, we know the update is on August 3rd, so... That will be an interesting month .

August 1st is a Sunday, so the 30th or 31st is a bit more likely. Could also drop in on the 26th after maintenance, but more likely that will just be the trailer for the Mythic if anything.

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So, we can expect the following in the not-too-distant future [DATAMINE SPOILERS]:


We're getting a Summer Celebration much like last year's one starting on August 2nd. Datamining has already confirmed the following:

  • A Quest set with 10 Orbs, 50 Grails, 10 Sacred Coins, and 120 Divine Codes [Part 2] as its main rewards
  • An Aether Raid Quest set with 500 Aether Stones and 500 SP Aether Stones (which are for a Feh Sand Statue) as its rewards
  • Daily maps which reward 2 Orbs each
  • A Grand Hero Battle Party with quests that reward a 4* of each featured unit. Veld is leading off on the 2nd, followed by Dithorba on the 4th.
  • A banner that is presumably a Hero Fest with the following lineup: Valentine's Henriette, Guinivere, Dedue and Flayn. If there are any tickets associated with this banner, they will be login bonuses as there aren't any quests that reward tickets.

And in regards to the upcoming Fortress skills banner, the following unit will be on that banner [DATAMINE SPOILERS]:




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4 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

So, we can expect the following in the not-too-distant future [DATAMINE SPOILERS]:

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We're getting a Summer Celebration much like last year's one starting on August 2nd. Datamining has already confirmed the following:

  • A Quest set with 10 Orbs, 50 Grails, 10 Sacred Coins, and 120 Divine Codes [Part 2] as its main rewards
  • An Aether Raid Quest set with 500 Aether Stones and 500 SP Aether Stones (which are for a Feh Sand Statue) as its rewards
  • Daily maps which reward 2 Orbs each
  • A Grand Hero Battle Party with quests that reward a 4* of each featured unit. Veld is leading off on the 2nd, followed by Dithorba on the 4th.
  • A banner that is presumably a Hero Fest with the following lineup: Valentine's Henriette, Guinivere, Dedue and Flayn. If there are any tickets associated with this banner, they will be login bonuses as there aren't any quests that reward tickets.

And in regards to the upcoming Fortress skills banner, the following unit will be on that banner [DATAMINE SPOILERS]:

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There goes my Hero Fest Muspell speculation, then.

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12 minutes ago, Rinco said:

That new AR structure seems interesting

Yeah, this is really neat. No more worry about rally traps, in particular. 

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31 minutes ago, Othin said:

Yeah, this is really neat. No more worry about rally traps, in particular. 

You still have to go for the offense on your second turn, tho. But having that extra turn can help a lot, not only against Rally Traps, but 7th Unit Dance Traps, Restore Traps...

I don't think Cav Lines lose that much, since they cover almost the whole starting row, and with one extra structure you can't hide all the units, so the only way for the structure to work is if you keep your units on the bottom row or the back row, meaning you won't get much positioning benefits for aggroing out on turn 2. The best you can do is break the structures in front of your units.

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I can't wait to see how many of the try-hard players complain about how their defense is "oppressed" with that new structure. I do use a Return trap when Lif is a bonus so I guess I'll have to rethink that team. It's cool that it uses Heavenly Dew since that resource is poorly optimized for usage, and doesn't dip into the relatively scare Aether Stones.

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1 hour ago, Rinco said:

The best you can do is break the structures in front of your units.

Having the extra turn to break the wall of structures is a big deal, though. Half of the reason why cavalry lines work is the fact that the challenger has very limited space to reposition their team on the first turn. With an extra turn to break the structures, you can now move your tank(s) farther forward to create a larger safe zone to hide your vulnerable units in.

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14 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Having the extra turn to break the wall of structures is a big deal, though. Half of the reason why cavalry lines work is the fact that the challenger has very limited space to reposition their team on the first turn. With an extra turn to break the structures, you can now move your tank(s) farther forward to create a larger safe zone to hide your vulnerable units in.

Yeah, that's a point. But also, carrying one more structure on your setup means one less space on the back row for protecting your units. It will help against cav lines, but you'll still have to be careful.

One thing that I was just realizing is that the def team's skills go off before the structure ends their turn, so Duma+Catapult can snipe the 2 most efficient columns to place this structure (since it's range is 7 columns centered on it, it should be placed on one of the two central columns to cover everything). Duma going meta again? 

Edited by Rinco
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One thing I don't understand is why IS doesn't release so much more music to the Song shop. At this rate we will never have more than 10-15% at most of all the incredible songs from throughout the series. Surely adding music isn't that significant space/data-wise?

It's also kinda dumb that songs cost 180 hearts each. Sometimes I skip out of farming flowers ahead of an update in case there are new Tellius/awesome songs dropping, but it's always annoying to have to do this. 

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6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Having the extra turn to break the wall of structures is a big deal, though. Half of the reason why cavalry lines work is the fact that the challenger has very limited space to reposition their team on the first turn. With an extra turn to break the structures, you can now move your tank(s) farther forward to create a larger safe zone to hide your vulnerable units in.

A lot of cav lines nowadays do not use walls though, at least the ones that I remember encountering. Most of them are similar to my own setup and they try to make the map as open as possible for ease of movement.

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14 minutes ago, XRay said:

A lot of cav lines nowadays do not use walls though, at least the ones that I remember encountering. Most of them are similar to my own setup and they try to make the map as open as possible for ease of movement.

to your point, I feel like there's almost two types of cav lines, these days.

1) OG cavline - tends to be literally a straight line of ranged cavs, most often on that desert map. brave lyn, the Rein, Selena, L!Lilina, etc.  I see the walls on this one most often. ironically easier to tackle and predict for me, tbh, because most of the cavs only cover one space in the back row, and my usuals can withstand one carefully selected hit.

2) Nott-centric cavline (or what I sometimes call the half-cavline) - sometimes there's two rows of cavs where Nott is in the front and all the ranged horses in the back, so they're forced to be funneled through her.  for whatever reason, I see these having the open space the most, most likely for flexibility so the cavs can pick your weakest unit.


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20 minutes ago, XRay said:

A lot of cav lines nowadays do not use walls though, at least the ones that I remember encountering. Most of them are similar to my own setup and they try to make the map as open as possible for ease of movement.

Every cavalry line I've run into recently had a wall, so it might just be luck of the draw.

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1 hour ago, kradeelav said:

to your point, I feel like there's almost two types of cav lines, these days.

1) OG cavline - tends to be literally a straight line of ranged cavs, most often on that desert map. brave lyn, the Rein, Selena, L!Lilina, etc.  I see the walls on this one most often. ironically easier to tackle and predict for me, tbh, because most of the cavs only cover one space in the back row, and my usuals can withstand one carefully selected hit.

2) Nott-centric cavline (or what I sometimes call the half-cavline) - sometimes there's two rows of cavs where Nott is in the front and all the ranged horses in the back, so they're forced to be funneled through her.  for whatever reason, I see these having the open space the most, most likely for flexibility so the cavs can pick your weakest unit.

1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Every cavalry line I've run into recently had a wall, so it might just be luck of the draw.

I just saw a Desert cav line today, so I guess they do still exist. Most cav lines I see today generally uses one or two Nötts to have better overlapping coverage.

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1 hour ago, Naoshi said:

This video great break down and how new structure might effect

I saw this video, and I still expect the structure to trigger before Assists Skills, since that's when the 7th unit chains animation triggers as well.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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There is absolutely no way the Safety Fence's effect comes after Assist skills.

Assist skills do not activate "at the start of the turn". "The start of the turn" ends before the first unit takes an action.

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i wish that, besides weapon refines, IS would do stat revisions. Not this "resplendent stat bonus" thing they got going, although those are nice (except they should be accessible to everyone, not just paying players), but instead of +2 across all stats, have more liberty with the values for stats the matter most to a unit or would balance a unit better. Like, may be give Karla +2 speed to complement her refine, and when a unit like F!Corrin got/gets hers, fix that horrible attack stat (like give her +5 atk or something, it'll hardly break the game).


Just a thought.

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1 hour ago, Sil/phire said:

i wish that, besides weapon refines, IS would do stat revisions. Not this "resplendent stat bonus" thing they got going, although those are nice (except they should be accessible to everyone, not just paying players), but instead of +2 across all stats, have more liberty with the values for stats the matter most to a unit or would balance a unit better. Like, may be give Karla +2 speed to complement her refine, and when a unit like F!Corrin got/gets hers, fix that horrible attack stat (like give her +5 atk or something, it'll hardly break the game).


Just a thought.

Old units already have those, it is called Dragonflowers. For gen I infantry units, they have access to 10 extra Flowers, and in conjuction with Respledent stats for another 10, that fully bridges the BST gap to gen IV infantry units. Marth has 158 BST; Eirika: Twin Refulgence has 177 or 178 BST; with an extra 20 stats from Flowers and Resplendent, Marth can reach 178 BST.

I would not mind Resplendent stats being given away for free either though. While I have FEH Pass and I do not mind spending money on it, I do not think it is a good idea to lock quality of life features, extra Summoner Supports, and Resplendent stats behind a paywall.

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Found myself in need of feathers and have been auto battling through years of Chain Challenge. Eventually I found that this new Edelgard can go in alone and do it no problem. It's great! I knew if I held out for enough years they'd make a unit that can handle the toughest PvE content with no setup considerations.

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