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IS, probably: "Hmm, which of these FE7 characters should we give a Resplendent next?"

  • Ninian: 70th in CYL5, "nope, too popular"
  • Florina: 150th in CYL5, has trash art and no standalone alt(s), "nah"
  • Lloyd: 190th in CYL5 and has legendarily bad art, "lol, grail unit"
  • Lucius: 193rd in CYL5, "pass"
  • Jaffar and Matthew: 229th and 233rd in CYL5 respectively, "we've already filled the dagger Resplendent quota for the year"
  • Discount Hilda Serra: 248th in CYL5, "PERFECT"

And for the record, Raven also ranked below the first four characters in CYL5 (but was slightly ahead of Jaffar and Matthew). IS really knows how to pick 'em.

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25 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

IS, probably: "Hmm, which of these FE7 characters should we give a Resplendent next?"

  • Ninian: 70th in CYL5, "nope, too popular"
  • Florina: 150th in CYL5, has trash art and no standalone alt(s), "nah"
  • Lloyd: 190th in CYL5 and has legendarily bad art, "lol, grail unit"
  • Lucius: 193rd in CYL5, "pass"
  • Jaffar and Matthew: 229th and 233rd in CYL5 respectively, "we've already filled the dagger Resplendent quota for the year"
  • Discount Hilda Serra: 248th in CYL5, "PERFECT"

And for the record, Raven also ranked below the first four characters in CYL5 (but was slightly ahead of Jaffar and Matthew). IS really knows how to pick 'em.

Hilda is discount Serra. 😛

I'm genuinely surprised that Ninian and Florina don't have Resplendents yet. Of all the FE7 characters, they're the two I expected to come right after the main trio + Nino. But nope, we got Raven and then, shockingly, Serra. I would have thought that even Rebecca and Priscilla would get one before Serra.

But, hey, again, I'm kinda okay with it just because it now opens the floodgates for every non-grail Book I unit.

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31 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

IS, probably: "Hmm, which of these FE7 characters should we give a Resplendent next?"

  • Ninian: 70th in CYL5, "nope, too popular"
  • Florina: 150th in CYL5, has trash art and no standalone alt(s), "nah"
  • Lloyd: 190th in CYL5 and has legendarily bad art, "lol, grail unit"
  • Lucius: 193rd in CYL5, "pass"
  • Jaffar and Matthew: 229th and 233rd in CYL5 respectively, "we've already filled the dagger Resplendent quota for the year"
  • Discount Hilda Serra: 248th in CYL5, "PERFECT"

And for the record, Raven also ranked below the first four characters in CYL5 (but was slightly ahead of Jaffar and Matthew). IS really knows how to pick 'em.

Given those choices, it still looks like Lucius or Serra would have been the most likely options.

Lloyd is off the table for now for being a Grail unit. Jaffar and Matthew are off the table because Kagero and Sothe were recent picks. Florina is less likely due to Shanna being a recent pick (and her stats being unsalvageably bad).

It is worth noting that we've twice had two consecutive units with identical movement types and identical weapon types, but both times were infantry swords and were for main characters (Eirika → Alm and Marth → Lucina). Two units with identical unit types separated by one unit in between is a bit more common (Lyn → Cordelia → Ike, Linde → Minerva → Robin, Leaf → Nino → Chrom, Sothe → Shanna → Kagero), but they've also all involved a main character as at least one of the two units.

So that just leaves Ninian, Lucius, and Serra.


If we go by @GrandeRampel's theory, looking at the Japanese popularity poll from the game's original release, we have

  • Matthew: 5th (not happening because of Kagero and Sothe)
  • Lloyd: 7th (Grail unit)
  • Lucius: 8th
  • Canas: 9th (Grail unit)
  • Rebecca: 10th
  • Jaffar: 11th (not happening because of Kagero and Sothe)
  • Karel: 12th
  • Legault: 14th (not old enough)
  • Florina: 15th (not happening because of Shanna)
  • Rath: 16th (not old enough)
  • Ninian: 17th
  • Serra: 19th
  • Priscilla: 20th

Of the bolded units above, CYL1 only had Ninian, Lucius, and Rebecca above Serra along with Dorcas, who only has meme popularity.

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"Units WITHOUT Resplendent Attires (Grayed units are CYL1, FEH OCs and Grail) + Top5 without Resplendent Attires per game (excluding Grayed units) - Updated to Serra" Credit to u/RafaSceptile.

I love how Serra looks in that outfit, remains me of Magical girls lol, I wish they chose a staff unit with prf though...

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Unless starts to give out exclusiv weapons to 3-4* infantry healers wirh interesting effects, then this wont do much. I gave up on investing in infantry healers with no exclusiv staves (last was Silque). The hassle isnt worth it and even if you fully invest into them, their performance is supbar compared to cav healers or healers wirh exclusiv weapons.

Its just not worth it

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46 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

they don't really matter in the end, in my opinion.

Maybe not for characters already in the game, but it seems pretty clear that (based on most of the characters added this year) IS does look at CYL results when deciding on which characters to add. Counting debuts as seasonal units (such characters are marked with an *), they've added 20 characters mostly Three Houses ones, of course this year who placed within CYL5's top 100. They are:


Gatekeeper: 1st
Marianne: 4th
Yuri: 10th
Dedue: 13th
Ashe*: 15th
Henriette*: 19th
Rhea*: 24th
Constance: 31st
Linhardt: 33rd
Hapi: 38th
Severa*: 42nd
Caspar*: 43rd
Leonie*: 55th
Charlotte: 72nd
Luthier: 82nd
Balthus: 86th
Nyx: 88th
Sonia: 90th
Erk: 92nd
Pelleas: 99th

And in general, they typically prioritize the highest ranked missing characters from a given game. Like with FE4, Erinys and Azelle were 1st and 3rd (Azelle barely lost 2nd to Tine) among the missing FE4 characters respectively in CYL5. And from our most recent New Heroes banner, Wolf was 1st in CYL5 among the missing Archanean characters and carried the rest of the Wolfguard / Coyote's Men into FEH because they all placed much lower than Wolf.

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21 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

And in general, they typically prioritize the highest ranked missing characters from a given game. Like with FE4, Erinys and Azelle were 1st and 3rd (Azelle barely lost 2nd to Tine) among the missing FE4 characters respectively in CYL5. And from our most recent New Heroes banner, Wolf was 1st in CYL5 among the missing Archanean characters and carried the rest of the Wolfguard / Coyote's Men into FEH because they all placed much lower than Wolf.

That's certainly part of it. The CYL voting definitely impacts who gets into the game and who doesn't. However its also not the full story. I don't really think Azelle for instance got in on account of CYL and more because....well who else was left at that point? Most Gen 1 units had already been added and of those that weren't Azelle was easily the most prominent unit left(barring Adean perhaps).

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2 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

That's certainly part of it. The CYL voting definitely impacts who gets into the game and who doesn't. However its also not the full story. I don't really think Azelle for instance got in on account of CYL and more because....well who else was left at that point? Most Gen 1 units had already been added and of those that weren't Azelle was easily the most prominent unit left(barring Adean perhaps).

That's a fair point regarding FE4 (and certain other games, like Shadows of Valentia). The only notable playable characters (in terms of story) left for FE4 Gen 1 to add are regular Brigid, Edain and Claud. The rest of the lot (Alec, Naoise, Midir, Dew, Chulainn, Beowolf) is pretty unremarkable and non-essential. Though if we do get one more FE4 Gen 1 banner, would you believe if I said Dew had the CYL5 rank out of all the characters I named except for Brigid?

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32 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

That's a fair point regarding FE4 (and certain other games, like Shadows of Valentia). The only notable playable characters (in terms of story) left for FE4 Gen 1 to add are regular Brigid, Edain and Claud. The rest of the lot (Alec, Naoise, Midir, Dew, Chulainn, Beowolf) is pretty unremarkable and non-essential. Though if we do get one more FE4 Gen 1 banner, would you believe if I said Dew had the CYL5 rank out of all the characters I named except for Brigid?

Spelling it out like that, I notice Brigid, Edain, Claud, and Chulainn are the only remaining ones with holy blood.

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The new Legendary Remixes are as follows:



I didnt expect that on these Heroes. Marth getting Shining Emblem is very good, especially with his Bonus Doubler weapon, and now Binding Shield Works on everyone by a Spd check... Unless his foe is a dragon, then works as previous. Having a Spectrum Break and a Sweep effect is very good. No new inheritable skills though, making Maryh probably the worst fodder between the Legendaries.

Tiki getting Slick Fighter and her With Everyone! having Far Save built on it changed her from a mix phases unit to an unit with focus on Enemy phase. Her C skills also grants visible Def/Res+6 at start of combat, and when Savior triggers she gets +4 to all stats. She is a pretty viable far save unit. Too bad the only ranged foe that dislikes her "effective against dragons" in her weapon is Julius.

Also, they are also getting refinements, so... I can't wait.

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Marth having two Prf skills perhaps screwed him in that minor regard, but Binding Shield II does at least give him a niche when compared to Brave Marth, who he now shares a Special with, as well as giving him at least one edge over Brave Alm, whose Sweep effect is limited to physical units. His refine will tell the rest of this redemption story.

Tiki meanwhile... wow. With Everyone! didn't get roided in the way I thought it would, and that's alright. Also appreciate them going with Slick Fighter over the more popular Special Fighter. As someone who accidentally +10ed Tiki, I'm excited to see where her refine and remix will take her.

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  1. Boyd
  2. Volke
  3. Lucia
  4. Stefan
  5. Tormod
  6. Edward
  7. Marcia
  8. Astrid
  9. Volug
  10. Vika
  11. Kurthnaga
  12. Geoffrey
  13. Muarim
  14. Kieran and Janaff (tie)
  15. Heather
  16. Aran
  17. Lehran
  18. Skrimir
  19. Sephiran
  20. Asheruna

Wonder if we're in for a Crimea Royal Knights banner next month.

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13 hours ago, Othin said:

Wonder if we're in for a Crimea Royal Knights banner next month.

Sounds a little redundant after getting the full Wolfguard at once. Although, Lucia & Marcia would dilute it to 3/5ths cavalry, or they could inexplicably punch off Kieran and swap in Heather to bring it to 2/5 horsies.

Tormod-Muarim-Stefan would make a more diverse but themed banner too. Not sure if a second Vika is in order. But then we'd have one or two random characters to fill in the other slots (Janaff is a bird though). Boyd & Volke sound more fitting for a GM banner that brings in normal Rolf and or Rhys, perhaps paired with Brom and or Heather due to them silently joining up in early Part 3. Volug-Aran-Edward makes 3/5ths of a DB one.

-So yeah, CRK is the most cohesive one available from your presented data, if IS chooses to care about complete cohesion next Tellius time.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sounds a little redundant after getting the full Wolfguard at once. Although, Lucia & Marcia would dilute it to 3/5ths cavalry, or they could inexplicably punch off Kieran and swap in Heather to bring it to 2/5 horsies.

Tormod-Muarim-Stefan would make a more diverse but themed banner too. Not sure if a second Vika is in order. But then we'd have one or two random characters to fill in the other slots (Janaff is a bird though). Boyd & Volke sound more fitting for a GM banner that brings in normal Rolf and or Rhys, perhaps paired with Brom and or Heather due to them silently joining up in early Part 3. Volug-Aran-Edward makes 3/5ths of a DB one.

-So yeah, CRK is the most cohesive one available from your presented data, if IS chooses to care about complete cohesion next Tellius time.

Hmm. I was thinking Geoff/Kieran/Lucia/Marcia plus some other GHB, but that'd likely mean a second time in a row of having a lance cav and axe cav as the demotes (and a sword infantry girl as a 5*).

Tormod/Muarim/Vika/Stefan could work.

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It also doesn’t have to be Tellius next month. Awakening is just as valid of an option, plus it has a lot less characters left to add (so it won’t be as egregious when we get either Ascended Reginn or Ascended Laegjarn taking a banner spot).

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

It also doesn’t have to be Tellius next month. Awakening is just as valid of an option, plus it has a lot less characters left to add (so it won’t be as egregious when we get either Ascended Reginn or Ascended Laegjarn taking a banner spot).

Awakening is a possibility, but its lower character number is what makes it a less appealing one. As for the OCs, they appear to be standard for all regular NH banners now, and we've had plenty of times of going over the topic of how they're not taking away anything.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

Awakening is a possibility, but its lower character number is what makes it a less appealing one. As for the OCs, they appear to be standard for all regular NH banners now, and we've had plenty of times of going over the topic of how they're not taking away anything.

How is Awakening less appealing than Tellius when it's clearly the more popular game between either Path of Radiance or Radiant Dawn? Besides, Awakening is the one that's gone longer without a New Heroes banner anyways (June of last year to Tellius's last banner being September of last year).

Also, you can't really cite "low number of characters left" as a point against Awakening when Shadows of Valentia already got a New Heroes banner this year. Awakening currently has ten missing playable characters (and that isn't counting the three seasonal locked kids either) when Shadows of Valentia had nine missing playable characters before its last banner.

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3 hours ago, Othin said:

Hmm. I was thinking Geoff/Kieran/Lucia/Marcia plus some other GHB, but that'd likely mean a second time in a row of having a lance cav and axe cav as the demotes (and a sword infantry girl as a 5*).

Tormod/Muarim/Vika/Stefan could work.

The second option would make me super happy since it'd get me two of my three most wanted in at once.

Alas, there's really no good thematic way to put Tormod, Marcia, and Stefan on the same banner.

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14 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

How is Awakening less appealing than Tellius when it's clearly the more popular game between either Path of Radiance or Radiant Dawn? Besides, Awakening is the one that's gone longer without a New Heroes banner anyways (June of last year to Tellius's last banner being September of last year).

Also, you can't really cite "low number of characters left" as a point against Awakening when Shadows of Valentia already got a New Heroes banner this year. Awakening currently has ten missing playable characters (and that isn't counting the three seasonal locked kids either) when Shadows of Valentia had nine missing playable characters before its last banner.

IS appears to be putting most games on a cycle of a bit over a year, while FE2 and Awakening both seem to be getting longer gaps than other games due to their low numbers of remaining characters. For FE2, the gap was 20 months, while Awakening's last banner is approaching the 17-month mark. Awakening will get more attention eventually, but I don't think it's time yet.

Edited by Othin
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21 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

The next Special Heroes banner is on November 5th, and the TT+ banner is on the 3rd. So, we should get the reveal trailer on the 2nd, correct? Think they'll repeat the ninja theme like they did with the pirates?

I think we'll likely see ninjas again, but I can't be 100% certain about that since they ditched the dancer theme this year.

If we do get ninjas again (or perhaps even if we don't), there's a decent chance we'll see Valentian Deen and/or Yashiro like it or not, TMS does need Harmonic representation for Resonant Battles on the banner. Both of their Japanese voice actors (Tsuguo Mogami and Yoshimasa Hosoya respectively) recently voiced different characters (Sedgar for Mogami, Halloween M!Grima for Hosoya) and in Mogami's case specifically, he only just joined the FEH voice cast as Sedgar. IS seems to have a tendency of having the Japanese voice actors record multiple roles at once (if you want a recent example, Fae and Serra have the same Japanese voice actress).

Also, if Yashiro brings Mirage Navarre with him, then Navarre's Japanese voice actor (Takehito Koyasu) also had a recent role (Scion Lewyn).

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