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31 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

This is probably correctly identifying why I always have so much trouble trying to explain myself to people.

I argue/think based on concepts behind the physical actualization of those concepts, and am often trying to explain these guiding concepts to others. I argue based on "why" and how one thing leads to another, rather than on the thing itself. Of course, this can be kind of hard to follow for the one I'm trying to speak to, and hard for me to express in concrete terms since I'm talking about an abstraction. So, I wind up trying to talk about the manifestations which result from the concept behind them in order to highlight the concepts behind them, and cause and effect, etc. (Because that's how I see the world.)

In the end it just gets frustrating for both parties, and it just circles back to this. =_=; In the end, I'm just not good at arguing my points. No matter how well-intended I am, I'm no good at this, and instead of making things better with greater clarity, I just make things worse.

I do sincerely appreciate you putting it so simply. (I don't do "simple" all that well.) It's grounding, and, obviously, I'm lacking in grounding naturally. So, thanks. To me, the important thing is that things are identified correctly, and being able to understand it simply is even better.

*sigh* I have no idea how to improve, though, if my base thoughts are always so complex and zoomed-in on each piece one at a time... Ugh, I'm probably not making any sense right now either...


And I just realized that you said I'm making bad arguments, not bad at making arguments. Hello dyslexia, how are you today? Ugh. B(

You're not the only one. I'm expecting this to be an explosive problem in the community in about three weeks from now when Engage comes out and the story (and to a lesser extent gameplay) proves itself to be stereotypically divisive among the community. I've even considered making a thread saying something like "When people say they don't like something, they aren't lying!" Because seriously, unless you suspect someone is being clandestinely paid for an opinion, someone's opinion is almost certainly genuine and based on a genuine emotional reaction to something. If someone says they don't like Iago or Edelgard's use in a plot for X reason, X reason might not apply to you and you might see logical inconsistencies in it, but the person is saying that because it's legitimately how the story made them feel (and the inverse applies for people who really liked something you didn't). The logical inconsistencies stem from the person simply not caring or, as in the case here, the person just not adequately explaining their argument. But more often than not genuine emotional reactions to a plot are ignored and it becomes a battle about who is right in their reaction in some kind of objective sense even though everyone acknowledges that's not really possible.

All that being said, there are actual historic examples of people outright fighting naked for the intimidation and distraction factor it provided.


That, no doubt, has absolutely 0 to do with why IS decides to put it's female characters in scantly clad outfits, but it is an actual thing. And, let's face it, male Fire Emblem characters aren't the height of realism either (helmets, what's a helmet?). All of these characters are designed to look good before looking practical.

As for the speed thing, I don't think they're anything deeper to it than them just wanting some kind of overarching general principle between the genders that makes them more intuitive to understand (why they didn't do the obvious thing and make growth rates something the player can see twenty years ago, I have no idea). There is no realistic option they could give that could balance female soldiers against male, in lieu of that they could go the unrealistic option and give female units more res (which exists somewhat with pegasus knights being near exclusively female, but it's an overarching principle in other classes afaik), which I kind of would have liked as I'd like res to be a bit more mixed up in the series (and that would definitely give incentive to have more female enemies), but they chose speed (which yes, in Fire Emblem is really agility, as running speed is represented with the movement stat). Ultimately such a choice is a choice for game design to begin and end with. It's also highly unrealistic that anything short of a spear wall could beat a cavalry enemy or that anything could really stand up to flying units. When it comes down to it choosing gameplay balance should come ahead of realism 29 times our of 30.

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20 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Earlier someone mentioned a trick to get FOUR Resplendents out of a single month of Feh subscription. How?

It was probably me, based on some comments I've seen on the subreddit. Essentially it comes down to the following steps:

1) Be using Android, as the trick does not work on iPhones.

2) Have a payment method that has an effective limit, for example a pre-paid "gift" credit card, a debit Visa/Mastercard (with no overdraft facility), a credit card you can suspend temporarily (using the online banking app or whatnot), or one of those temporary "one-use" virtual credit cards.

3) Buy FEH Pass shortly before the Resplendent rolls over. Some people like to wait to just a few minutes before reset, but others have reported success up to a few hours beforehand.

4) When it comes time for the subscription to automatically renew, payment will fail because your card has insufficient credit, or no longer exists. However there is some grace time before your FEH Pass perks are actually revoked, probably because the system will re-attempt to charge the card a few times before giving up and cancelling your access. If you're logged into the game at the time the Resplendent rolls over (sit on the Battle or Allies menu during the daily reset), going to the Home menu should award you the new unit.

Edited by Humanoid
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35 minutes ago, Jotari said:

All of these characters are designed to look good before looking practical.

That's kind of the thing that gets me though. Some of the nonsensical design choices just don't look good.

Female great knights and knights in Fates have the heavy armor you'd expect them to on top, and like ... nothing on the bottom. If there's supposed to be any sex appeal here, the top half kinda kills it by being so clunky. Some classes just look really bad if you try to fanservice them up, to this day I'm still not sure why Effie doesn't have any pants.

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4 hours ago, Jotari said:

Hector and Benny don't have access to it, but the Provoke skill does exist in Fire Emblem.

After looking it up, that'd explain why I wasn't aware of it since I still haven't played any Tellius games.

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5 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

That's kind of the thing that gets me though. Some of the nonsensical design choices just don't look good.

Female great knights and knights in Fates have the heavy armor you'd expect them to on top, and like ... nothing on the bottom. If there's supposed to be any sex appeal here, the top half kinda kills it by being so clunky. Some classes just look really bad if you try to fanservice them up, to this day I'm still not sure why Effie doesn't have any pants.

They're intended to. Doesn't mean they necessarily succeeded. Opinions also naturally differ. Tharja's sickly sallowed face does nothing for me but apparently does something for a lot of fans.

4 hours ago, Xenomata said:

After looking it up, that'd explain why I wasn't aware of it since I still haven't played any Tellius games.

And after looking it up I'm scratching my head in wonderment at the fact that it's only ever appeared in the Tellius games.

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8 hours ago, Jotari said:

And after looking it up I'm scratching my head in wonderment at the fact that it's only ever appeared in the Tellius games.

If I remember correctly, Provoke didn't really make a noticeable difference and ended up being a pretty useless skill, especially in Path of Radiance where all skills cost skill capacity points.

It's possible that with better implementation, they can make it actually useful, but it's a balancing act between drawing too much attention and getting the unit killed too easily and drawing too little attention and being functionally useless.

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35 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

If I remember correctly, Provoke didn't really make a noticeable difference and ended up being a pretty useless skill, especially in Path of Radiance where all skills cost skill capacity points.

It's possible that with better implementation, they can make it actually useful, but it's a balancing act between drawing too much attention and getting the unit killed too easily and drawing too little attention and being functionally useless.

Berwick Saga did it well. You use a command action to target a single enemy in range and inflict a status on them forcing them to attack the unit in question, to keep that specific enemy busy without affecting the others.

In Heroes, it could take the form of a penalty inflicted on enemies the unit fights, to make them attack the unit on their next turn if possible.

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I think the idea of Provoke would be a passive skill or status effect that has as effect "If two or more units are in attacking range of an enemy unit, that foe can only initiate combat against this unit. Provoke does not trigger if multiple units are able to use Provoke during the same combat.".

It would kinda be the same idea as Savior, with the difference of a unit does not move to an ally space and both units need to be in enemy's range.

Another effect that Provoke could have, in addition to the effect I described above, is "Enemy units not controlled by another player will follow the unit with Provoke.".

So like... if you have an Askr in the left side of the map taht has Provoke, and an Eir in the right side of the map, and none of them is in enemy range, the bow cav foe will move though the left side of the map and follow Askr, instead of following Eir who they can easily kill because of Effective Damage and Eir having low Def.

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The next Hall of Forms that will become on the 23rd will be themed on Fire Emblem Fates, and it will have as Forma options:

  • Camilla: Light of Nohr (Brave Camilla)
  • Hinoka: Relaxed Warrior (Hot Spring Hinoka)
  • Corrin: Wailing Soul (Fallen Female Corrin)
  • Corrin: Bloodbound Beast (Fallen Male Corrin)
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Oh nice, the AHR banner is 8%, sparkable, and lasts for a month. Surprisingly generous, and I think that instantly knocks out the Mythic banner and Desert banner for me. The Hero Fest will need to be very good to compete.


Tier 1 - Roy, Corrin
Tier 2 - Lyn, Leif
Tier 3 - Eirika
Tier "don't have but don't much care" - Marth, Lucina, Micaiah

Of course, given I can get both primary targets from the freebie and the spark, I have the freedom to just pull all full rounds.

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By the way if anyone cares, Genealogy (Larcei, Shannan, Altena, Ced) “won” the HoF re-run poll. I say “won” because there’s evidence that suggests someone botted it to win.

If that’s true, then that’s honestly really funny that someone actually bothered to bot one of the most mid polls in this game’s history.

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On 1/20/2023 at 6:40 AM, Tybrosion said:

By the way if anyone cares, Genealogy (Larcei, Shannan, Altena, Ced) “won” the HoF re-run poll. I say “won” because there’s evidence that suggests someone botted it to win.

If that’s true, then that’s honestly really funny that someone actually bothered to bot one of the most mid polls in this game’s history.

I was not aware people cared enough about HoF reruns to force an outcome with such... okay I guess units.
I mean I guess their refines are on the horizon...?

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And now the one CYL 1 unit that needed the Resplendent stat boosts the most is the only one that doesn't have them yet.


The thing about Brave Roy was that regular Eliwood used to be better than him after Eliwood got Blazing Durandal and his Resplendent outfit. Well, no longer.

Resplendent Eliwood has 45-/37/36-/29/38 with max Dragonflowers. Resplendent Brave Roy now has 44-/38/40/32+/30, which is more optimized for general use at the cost of being quite a bit weaker against counterattacks from dragons. The overall stat advantage Roy has over Eliwood now comes out to -1/+1/+4/+3/-8, with the 4 extra Spd being the most notable advantage. Even if your Brave Roy isn't fully merged, if he's merged at least a few times at all, he'll likely come out ahead.

Blazing Durandal has also held up to the passage of time decently well, being very much comparable to Arcane Eljudnir. Refined Blazing Durandal grants +3/3/7/10/0, +1 Special charge rate, Guard, and follow-up prevention. Arcane Eljudnir [Spd] grants +5/6/3/6/6, the Slaying effect, Guard, a guaranteed follow-up, and follow-up prevention.


The only real wrench in Roy's plans is the fact that Kent exists and has comparable stats, 44/39+/42+/32-/26, which comes out to +0/+1/+3/+0/-4 over Roy with max Dragonflowers and a Spd Asset. Kent ends up with comparable performance when running Arcane Eljudnir [Spd], coming out to a total of +2/+4/-1/-4/+2 over Roy with only their weapons equipped, and requires significantly fewer Dragonflowers at the cost of needing Arcane Eljudnir.

Roy also falls short of more recent sword cavalry, like Legendary Nanna, Legendary Eliwood, Legendary Eirika, and Brave Seliph, though he is obviously easier to obtain and, for the average player, can make up for his shortcomings in stats with more merges.


Overall, Resplendent Brave Roy is very much a solid unit. Blazing Durandal having a ton of effects is great for Roy and gives him options for his builds.

Brave Roy [+Spd]
Blazing Durandal [unique]
Ruptured Sky / Astra / Galeforce
Surge Sparrow / Atk/Spd Catch 4 / Atk/Spd Clash 4
S/D Near Trace 3 / Flow Refresh / Flow Force / Seal Spd 4 / Seal Def 4
Atk/Spd Menace / Spd Smoke 4 / Def/Res Smoke 3 / etc.
[Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Spd]

Galeforce builds have less need to run Trace and more optimally run a Flow skill to make up for Blazing Durandal not having a means of breaking follow-up prevention. Blazing Durandal already comes with Guard, which opens him up to run one of the less used Flow skills for extra benefits.

While Arcane Eljudnir has a guaranteed follow-up and therefore is less inclined to run Flow skills, it lacks a means of reliably activating Galeforce and also doesn't have the option of running Astra in game modes with inflated HP.

Obviously, don't run Galeforce with Surge Sparrow or run Atk/Spd Clash with Flow Force.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Roy was the first ever CYL unit I ever pulled (summoned him normally then picked Lyn as the freebie), but unlike all the other units, I never got even a second copy. If the FEH Pass trick works I suppose I'll finally get that second copy, but not too fussed if I don't. He does look a fair bit better than Resplendent OG Roy, the eyes are less weird this time around.

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I kind of hope they take another crack at an Arcane Sword at some point before they "retire" Rearmed heroes. Eljudnir is currently the only one that lacks universal synergy with all units by virtue of not having any Spd boosts attached to it, which unfortunately Sword units tend to prefer high Spd.

I am happy to see Brave Roy getting some love when it always felt hard to justify using him over Eliwood. Lowkey though, I hope they retain his "Roy's our boy!" line.
It also still strikes me as weird that Camilla still doesn't have a Resplendent. I pointed it out before, but she's the only one of the original 8 focus units (Marth, Tiki, Roy, Lyn, Lucina, Male Robin, and Takumi being the others, and all of whom have special summoning animations that are no longer used) to still not have a Resplendent. Yes she's not really relevant anymore, if she ever was (Arcane Downfall can breathe life into her of course), but neither were any of the other original 8 when their Resplendents were released.

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2 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

So... a Resplendent Attire leaked. From what I understood, it was a incorrect link on Matthew's Resplendent. I don't know if this one is after Roy, but here it is:

I'll react to it properly when it's officially announced, but here are my preliminary reactions (in spoilers, but with no direct spoilers other than weapon type):


The art is amazing. It's four distinct artworks, too, which is really cool.

As far as stats go, he's actually not too bad. This actually brings his offensive stats up to to comparable to Young Innes's, which is pretty cool since he's the current gold standard for F2P bows, though they'll still fall short of Etie's monstrous Atk stat.

His weapon isn't awful, but the condition on it to activate its stat boost is too restrictive, and so despite his comparable stats, he still falls short of Young Innes. The refine effect is... okay, but there is an obvious better option among inheritable weapons. He'll probably want to switch to Whitecap Bow or an Arcane bow once one is released.


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