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I'm pretty stoked about Fomortiis getting in the game in a more realized form, but did he really need to be a colourless unit? Literally every beast armour we've had so far has been colourless. Maybe all beasts shpuld have beeen colourless from the start to fill the niche of colourles physical melee attackers, but that's not the route they went. They gave us varied colours for beast units. Use them!

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15 minutes ago, Jotari said:

I'm pretty stoked about Fomortiis getting in the game in a more realized form, but did he really need to be a colourless unit? Literally every beast armour we've had so far has been colourless. Maybe all beasts shpuld have beeen colourless from the start to fill the niche of colourles physical melee attackers, but that's not the route they went. They gave us varied colours for beast units. Use them!

Yeah, that's been bugging me every time. For Formitiis's case, I get that they seem to like making mythics colorless to be more universal (7 of the 9 mythics released since the start of Book 6 have been colorless), but I hope they add a different kind of beast armor soon. It's the only unit type with color variations where we've still only gotten one of the four!

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36 minutes ago, Othin said:

Yeah, that's been bugging me every time. For Formitiis's case, I get that they seem to like making mythics colorless to be more universal (7 of the 9 mythics released since the start of Book 6 have been colorless), but I hope they add a different kind of beast armor soon. It's the only unit type with color variations where we've still only gotten one of the four!

Not just that, but also because colorless is still the most premium color for tomes, dragons, and beasts. Additionally, there aren't that many Legendary/Mythic Hero options with bows or daggers, and most of them end up being colored instead of colorless for the same reason.

Additionally, it looks like they're trying to keep the number of Legendary/Mythic Heroes in each color relatively balanced, and with the release of Fomortiis and Gotoh, we're currently at 19 red and blue and 18 green and colorless. A fairly large number of Legendary/Mythic Heroes have fixed-color weapons (26 excluding staves, which only has Elimine, totaling 35% of the 74 Legendary/Mythic Heroes currently released), so they have to get their colorless units from somewhere.

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AHR is open, and Halloween Nowi is at the top of red somehow.

I'm going Embla for now, who's at 192k taps. (Ninja Camilla is right behind her, at 189k. And if anyone's looking for Legendary Veronica or Halloween Duma, they're at 160k and 145k, respectively.)

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44 minutes ago, Othin said:

AHR is open, and Halloween Nowi is at the top of red somehow.

I'm going Embla for now, who's at 192k taps. (Ninja Camilla is right behind her, at 189k. And if anyone's looking for Legendary Veronica or Halloween Duma, they're at 160k and 145k, respectively.)

Isn't Halloween Nowi only at the top of red because someone botted her to have that many taps?

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2 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Isn't Halloween Nowi only at the top of red because someone botted her to have that many taps?

I believe so, and I'm pretty sure she isn't the only one with botted taps. Est, Spring Delthea, Maria and Witch Mia are all looking pretty suspect too.

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

I believe so, and I'm pretty sure she isn't the only one with botted taps. Est, Spring Delthea, Maria and Witch Mia are all looking pretty suspect too.

I seem to remember this being a problem in past years to... and also Witchy Nowi being the botted one as well...

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As of the new summoning pool change, the breakdown of the arena summon pool is now 62 red, 42 blue, 36 green, and 28 colorless.

Personally, my units missing from the pool are 5 red, 5 blue, 6 green, and 2 colorless, so I'm back to going for green on the Arena tickets. Not that it's gotten me anyone new so far.

Meanwhile, the special banner change means the first duo heroes are now in the 4* SHSR pool. I might take another shot at Alfonse next January, if I don't get him on another revival banner before that.

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Using the quintuple XP event to level up random 4* units so I can eventually get their Dragonflowers, and oh boy, Vyland having a two page speech every time he levels up is incredibly obnoxious.

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16 hours ago, Othin said:

Personally, my units missing from the pool are 5 red, 5 blue, 6 green, and 2 colorless, so I'm back to going for green on the Arena tickets. Not that it's gotten me anyone new so far.


I wonder if we have to wait a little bit for these new removed 5* heroes to be added in the Arena Freebie banner, because that banner has a timer on it.

I believe it should be 36-37 days left? So maybe next month we get a "Free Summon: Arena Reward 2" banner, and that one will have these new additions.

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I neither love nor hate any of this batch of demotes, so it doesn't really affect my planning for arena tickets. Good riddance to Rinkah and Julian I suppose.

I am, however, really keen to see Dieck kicked out of the main pool in six months time. Him, plus Annand, Azelle, Gatrie, Melady, Ronan and Asbel Actually that next set is one of relative extremes as it has more units I want, but also more units I absolutely do not want, funny how that goes.

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7 minutes ago, WaterKirby1964 said:

I would like to ask out of interest. Out of all the characters in Fire Emblem Heroes, who are you all liking?

Do you mean "character" or "unit"? Because those are very different in the context of Heroes.


My favorite units right now are Valentine Lucina, Rearmed Grima, Valentine Robin, and Duo Askr. All super-bulky units that actually have a chance at dealing with the bullshittingly strong offensive units currently in the game.

I'm sure anyone can guess my favorite character.

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11 minutes ago, WaterKirby1964 said:

Both. Character and Unit.

Just character: Nowi holds a special place in my barracks, seeing as she was who my avatar from Awakening would S support the first time I played it. It's a shame she's been completely forgotten...
Just unit: Walhart, though as a character he's actually one of the few villains in... anything that I'm able to tolerate.
As a unit though, having a huge Threaten Counterattack Denial effect is awesome.

Both: Brave Marth. A combination of Vantage, easily recharged special, and the right passives make a unit who does huge damage in A Single Strike before the enemy is even allowed to get a hit in. Plus, he's Marth. He may not be the most original character in the world, but he's still iconic to the Fire Emblem series as a whole.

Edited by Xenomata
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The question of who's my favourite character is actually not a straightforward one. Maybe that's a surprise to some people here, I dunno. It's not actually Palla, which is more a family in-joke: I'm the eldest of three and my youngest sister also plays Fire Emblem and neither of us like Est, so you know how that goes. Our middle sister who is not-a-gamer also fits pretty well with a Catria. Neither of us have played FE1 or its remakes anyway, though Echoes is presumably a good enough depiction of the characters. I even think that green hair looks incredibly silly, so there's that too. (See also Michalis, Barst, Juno, Fiora, Oscar, Emmeryn, etc)

I also bang on about Titania a fair bit, but again, probably somewhat misleadingly because once again, I have not played her origin games. Consequently I know even less about her than I do about Palla, and FEH's depiction isn't particularly deep: "oh I'm no spring chicken anymore" ...you're what, like 30 years old? Great design though so that goes a long way.

So, uh, in the end I don't really have an answer to the question, because I don't know the answer. I can name a few from each game I've played but that's not really in the spirit of the question. But generally speaking, if you look to the somewhat older, pragmatic-minded characters from each game, you'll probably find that they're characters I like.

As for favourite unit in FEH to use, currently it's Winter Cordelia. I just enjoy using the teleportation and Dual Strike mechanics, though her lack of Canto holds her back from perfection. For a long time before that, it was probably Legendary Leif who just anchors so many game modes for me.


P.S. I'm an idiot, part 2: after planning out my goals regarding Cervantes I went to my barracks to discover ...I don't have him. Yeah, as is my habit, I often skip the initial run of GHBs since there's no long-term downside of doing so - doing them on the first re-run instead yields all the rewards without losing out of anything. Of course, that assumes it's not a unit I want to build prior to the re-run. /facepalm

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On 2/3/2023 at 8:59 AM, WaterKirby1964 said:

Both. Character and Unit.


I have to make a further distinction between the games i have played and FEH because they are different sets of characters.

The characters I like, from the main series, are Caeldori, Mitama, Silas, and Kaze. Silas and Kaze seem guenuingly good guys and dudes who would make great friends. I always liked Caeldori's/cordelia's design, and I really miss Mitama's uniquely-shaped eyes. In awakening, Walhart and his generals always seem like a pretty good army to go up against and i wish FE had a better, deeper story for that game. It always felt too simple. Good, but not long, or deep enough.

As for FEH, my favorite has always been Deirdre. Something about her art caught my attention, and even now with a resplendent, a legendary, and a cameo appearance in Sigurd's duo alt, her base form is still really good to me. Her resplendent is probably my second favorite. My dream is to one day have Suzuki Rika do an alt for her, may be ascended, may be a bridal alt. All that said, I have never played her game, but what i know from it and about her is honestly pretty depressing stuff. Someday, if we should ever get a remake, i hope it's not just a remake, but a full re-imagining of what that story and its world is, so that we could give her and the other heroes who shared her fate a chance at a better, happier future.

I have other pet favorites in FEH, like F!Corrin and Walhart, but Deirdre has been the one i have invested the most in. Unitwise, the ninja duo Nina/Kagerou is one of the most helpful units i have ever had, ironically so because I wasn't pulling for her in her banner but she showed up fairly early on. Her ability to literally go in across near the whole map to hit and bounce all the way back makes me feel like im using a dragoon from FF or something (which i absolutely love) and has allowed me to play a lot more offensively in the modes i play. Definitely recommend her as one of the more unique units I have ever played with.

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In no particular order, my top favorite characters waifus so far would be: Edelgard, Plumeria, Anna, Lucina, F!Robin, Camilla, Loki, F!Byleth, Laevatein, and... Gullvieg! I can definitely see why Gullvieg took top female spot in Choose Your Legends, as she is mysterious and a bit seductive in the opening movie, and she seems like the most powerful divinity in existence so far. Edelgard is an asshole, but also a badass; I find her air of authority very charismatic, and I can relate to her backstory and pain. Lucina is like Edelgard, but without the asshole vibe. I love Anna's entrepreneurial spirit. F!Robin and F!Byleth are both really good at connecting with their peers, and they are pretty busted as units. Laevatein is precious and cute and hot. I do not think I need to explain Plumeria, Camilla, and Loki, ha!

Including non-waifus: Elise, Heiðr, Reinhardt, M!Robin. Elise is the most adorable little sister. Similarly Heiðr is a bit cute and naive, and I find her appearing in Kiran's dream/vision/subconscious and getting lost a bit cheesy and funny, but in a good way. Despite being a goddess, she gives me a cute kouhai vibe, and I want to protect her. Reinhardt and M!Robin are just plain badass husbandos, and I wish I was as smooth as M!Robin in his S supports.

As for units, my favorites would be Dancers/Singers, all of them. Out of all Dancers/Singers that I have used, my favorite would be Azura: Vallite Songstress. Ninian: Ice Dragon Oracle is super busted, so she might be my favorite if I did not quit right before her release. My second favorite would be pseudo-Dancers/Singers, for obvious reasons. My third favorites would be Flayn and Elimine, and to a lesser extent to the Nifls, since they are the support units that really took Save tanks to the next level.

Reinhardt and Cordelia: Perfect Bride were my favorite nukes for quite a while early on: Reinhardt was just busted, and Cordelia: Perfect Bride with Firesweep Bow can handle anything Reinhardt could not handle. Ike: Brave Mercenary and Lucina: Brave Princess were a great combo in Aether Raids. I also really like Edelgard: Adrestian Emperor since she was the first non-bow armor (bow armors were the only armors I did not mind using in the beginning since they can use Firesweep Bow and Armored Boots combo to maintain mobility) that I like using. I like all double Galeforce Edelgards, as they are just plain fun. Speaking of Galeforcers, I also really like Leif: Destined Scions-Dorothea: Twilit Harmony and Corrin: Nightfall Ninja Act-Azura: Hatari Duet combos. I also really like using Lucina: Future Fondness and Hector: Brave Warrior as Save tanks.

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My favorite character in the series Elphin (and yes every Binding Blade banner without him on it has been really bitter since I really detest Larum as a character).  Other favorites though not top spot are Yashiro(TMS), Volug, Dimitri, Hector, Kaze, Priam, Lukas, Ferdinand, Navarre, Felix, Shez and Naesala.  Clanne, Jean, Diamant and alcryst are going on the list as well, but since Engage just came out I figured they should be in their own list for now.

As to FEH I really enjoy using brave Seliph, Arval, Legendary Shez and Walhart.

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8 hours ago, EricaofRenais said:

My favorite character in the series Elphin (and yes every Binding Blade banner without him on it has been really bitter since I really detest Larum as a character).  Other favorites though not top spot are Yashiro(TMS), Volug, Dimitri, Hector, Kaze, Priam, Lukas, Ferdinand, Navarre, Felix, Shez and Naesala.  Clanne, Jean, Diamant and alcryst are going on the list as well, but since Engage just came out I figured they should be in their own list for now.

As to FEH I really enjoy using brave Seliph, Arval, Legendary Shez and Walhart.

At least his late arrival probably means Elphin will be a decent unit when he eventually does come!

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The good thing out of the weird decision to show the top 16 for the first day results and then the top 20 for the interim ones are that we can make a reasonable guess on who's in the lower reaches of the list. For reference the "new" entries are OG Askr, Duma, CYL Edelgard, and Ninian. I can therefore be content that none of those are genuinely in the running.


...I hope.

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