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5 hours ago, Xenomata said:

That kind of leads to a very unfortunate conundrum: the better skills you should be giving your older units are more often than not on units who, in every sense of the word, are just better than the older unit in nearly every way. It's almost always impossible to justify sacking the newer unit unless they're an otherwise niche unit or are clearly a skill fodder unit, at least not without having summoned them more than once.

I guess that's why they introduced the Rearmed category of unit.

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AHR finalists:

  1. Duo Edelgard
  2. Fomortiis
  3. Duo Chrom
  4. Ninja Camilla
  5. Fallen Edelgard
  6. Rearmed Ophelia
  7. Rearmed Robin
  8. Legendary Veronica

One Edelgard who actually belongs here, and one who very much does not.

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As usual, I'd like to thank the Edelgard stans for literally nothing. Summer Edelgard & Altina are perfectly fine but screw off with the Adrestian Abomination. 

We could've had Embla (who was the first one out at 9th) instead, but no.

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6 minutes ago, Othin said:

AHR finalists:

  1. Duo Edelgard
  2. Fomortiis
  3. Duo Chrom
  4. Ninja Camilla
  5. Fallen Edelgard
  6. Rearmed Ophelia
  7. Rearmed Robin
  8. Legendary Veronica

One Edelgard who actually belongs here, and one who very much does not.

Considering the Voting Gauntlet structure used in prior AHR VG events, we have:

  • Harmonized Edelgard Vs. Legendary Veronica
  • Fomortiis Vs. Rearmed Robin/Grima
  • Duo Chrom Vs. Rearmed Ophelia
  • Ninja Camilla Vs. Fallen Edelgard 
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Full top 20 to see who missed out. It's going to be a pretty mild banner for me, and not just because of Fallen Edelgard (though she does her part). I guess the upside is that there are only two colours represented, five red units and three grey, but it looks like it's impossible for there to be a red sweep given the projected Formortiis vs Robin matchup.

Still, the prospect of three good red units on the banner makes it sting less that Duos Thorr and Laegjarn didn't make it, and besides, they weren't particularly close anyway. For the near misses, I don't really care about Embla on account of not playing ARs, and I have a +1 Shez that I'm content with.

Personal priority list:
Tier A - Chrom
Tier B - Veronica, Camilla
Tier C - Summer Edelgard (merge)
Tier Meh - Everyone else


Edited by Humanoid
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Embla at 9th, ouch. Getting her in over Legendary Veronica wouldn't have been a huge improvement, since I want both, but I'd been hoping for her.

Fomortiis, Camilla, and Veronica are the three I'm missing. Fomortiis and Embla are my two most-wanted units right now, so I'll go for Fomortiis and hope Camilla's fans do their part.

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Yeah, it's awkward because I want Chrom more than I want Camilla, but I want to get rid of Fallen Edelgard more than I want to get rid of Ophelia. But at least those two match-ups I have a clear preference. Losing one of Summer Edelgard or Veronica immediately makes me sad. For the all-grey matchup, I don't care at all since I neither have nor want either unit.

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43 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

As usual, I'd like to thank the Edelgard stans for literally nothing. Summer Edelgard & Altina are perfectly fine but screw off with the Adrestian Abomination. 

We could've had Embla (who was the first one out at 9th) instead, but no.

Nah, I feel this time isn't Edelgard stans, they managed to get Summer Edie to the top very easily, the biggest gap between position (4k from Top 2)

No, I believe this was the job of trolls.

Edited by Troykv
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56 minutes ago, Othin said:

AHR finalists:

  1. Duo Edelgard
  2. Fomortiis
  3. Duo Chrom
  4. Ninja Camilla
  5. Fallen Edelgard
  6. Rearmed Ophelia
  7. Rearmed Robin
  8. Legendary Veronica

One Edelgard who actually belongs here, and one who very much does not.

Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. I'm fine with literally everyone on that list EXCEPT for Fallen Edelgard. I swear, if she makes it into the Top 4 and therefore onto the banner...no. Just no. It's objectively dumb.

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Hmm of these, the ones I want and don't have are Fomortiis and Ascended Veronica. My condolences to those who wanted and don't have Embla yet. That said, I'm glad I already have her. Also, looks like Askr really is as well-liked as I thought; both his forms made it into the bigger list. Again, glad I have him (both forms. Because he's bull bro.)

Anyway, not sure which team I'll be joining. I feel like Veronica has a better shot at winning than Fomortiis just because of exposure (getting an Emblem in Engage, getting a figure made of her, being on the FEH title screen, etc.) but Fomortiis is a recent, powerful, and exclusive (he's only available on mythic banners, and only when he's admitted) so he has a good chance, too. Hmm... If the projected matchups are accurate, then the threats are Summer Edelgard and Rearmed Robin. If I look at it that way, then I guess I should join Veronica's team since I wouldn't mind getting Rearmed Robin. I like my dragon units and I don't have her yet. On the flipside, I have no interest in Summer Edelgard. So,  guess I'll be supporting Veronica.

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10 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Oh, how convenient. The unit I want most (Ninja Camilla) is up against the unit I want least (Fallen Edelgard). I know exactly whose team I'll be joining.

You and me both, though for me it is more the case that the Edelgards are the only 2 units I already have and Harmonic Edelgard is the one I use more and wouldn't mind a merge on if it comes down to it.

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9 hours ago, EricaofRenais said:

You and me both, though for me it is more the case that the Edelgards are the only 2 units I already have and Harmonic Edelgard is the one I use more and wouldn't mind a merge on if it comes down to it.

On my end, Fallen Edelgard is my least wanted because she's in the standard summoning pool, I already have her at +10 merge, she has no skills that are in high demand, and I already have spare manuals of her because she's in the standard summoning pool.

Summer Edelgard and Chrom are my next least wanted because they are both at +10 merge and don't have any skills that I need. But both of them are likely to win their first rounds, and there's not much I can do about that.

Grima and Veronica are both at +10 merge, but have good skills.

Fomortiis, Camilla, and Ophelia are not at +10 merge yet, so extra copies are welcomed. Of these, Camilla is the most useful for me, followed by Ophelia, then Fomortiis.

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For me, out of the five units here I already have, Harmonized Edelgard would be the most significant to get another copy of, since a merge would raise my Resonant score for her seasons. After that, probably Robin, since she can offer useful fodder and a merge, although I stumbled into two copies each of Rearmed Lif and Rearmed Ophelia and I haven't even used inheritance from any of them yet. I should probably pick recipients sometime.

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I am very annoyed by these new Arena changes.

Right now, I am rank 2,064 / 2,109 in Tier 20 on promoting to Tier 21. That's five 758 matches. This score will not hold, for sure, and I will probably need 760 matches or even 762 matches to promote to Tier 21. That never happened before... Usually, 756 is enough for the promoting.

I need to take in consideration that his is a Book Bonus season (all Book 3 units are considered Bonus), but I am not sure that's why the scores are that high. I am pretty sure is because the new rule of "if you use the legendary bonus unit, your team gets max score possible".

This pretty much kills the others 9 bonus units slots. Promoting to Tier 21 became a very hard task now, and keeping Tier 21 became impossible unless you use the bonus legendary with a good amount of merges (+5 or more, depending on the Legendary).

At least I don't think I will be demoting to Tier 19. Keeping Tier 20 should be very doable... but I will never be able to keep Tier 21 ever again, unless I +10 a Legendary and that Legendary is the bonus unit.

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3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I need to take in consideration that his is a Book Bonus season (all Book 3 units are considered Bonus), but I am not sure that's why the scores are that high. I am pretty sure is because the new rule of "if you use the legendary bonus unit, your team gets max score possible".

The super bonus unit is almost certainly why.

My team last week had a score range of 762-776, which means that I normally only find matches in the 762-768 range with matches scoring 770 being extremely rare and anything higher than that being unheard of.

The week before, I was running my +2 Gotoh, who was bringing down my score into the 754-768 range, but even after fishing for quite some time, I was absolutely unable to get any matches scoring 766 or 768 points. Giving Gotoh Harsh Command+ bumped the score range up to 756-770, but again, I was unable to get any matches scoring 768 or 770 points.

If I recall correctly, the matchmaking formula is more complicated than just "here is your score range, now we randomly pick an opponent from that range", which means that the theoretical maximum score is likely not actually attainable in practice, which means that running the super bonus unit will get you strictly higher scores than actually fishing (or at least it will in the top couple tiers).

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5 minutes ago, Lanko said:

I've been away lately but I noticed on some summoning banners there are... three dots on the top right that supposedly can be filled?

What are these?

New feature added, if you summon 3 five-star off-focus units in a row (that's units in the 5* pool, not units in the 4* special pool,)then the next 5* unit summoned on the banner will be a guaranteed on-focus unit. Small quality of life feature that better ensures that players can get the featured units.

Unfortunately it's a feature that some banners can have but is locked behind Feh Pass, including seasonal banners.

Edited by Xenomata
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17 minutes ago, Lanko said:

I've been away lately but I noticed on some summoning banners there are... three dots on the top right that supposedly can be filled?

What are these?

11 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

New feature added, if you summon 3 five-star off-focus units in a row (that's units in the 5* pool, not units in the 4* special pool,)then the next 5* unit summoned on the banner will be a guaranteed on-focus unit. Small quality of life feature that better ensures that players can get the featured units.

It actually doesn't even have to be in a row. If you haven't filled in all of the dots yet, they'll remain filled even if you pull a focus unit.

You get one dot every time you pull an off-focus 5-star unit. Once all three dots are filled, the off-focus 5-star rate goes away completely and is added to the 5-star focus rate. The dots will be depleted only after you pull a 5-star focus unit while in this state. (Since the units in a summoning session are determined when the session is generated, the boosted rate for focus units will last until the end of that summoning session.)

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