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Welp, never got Remote Sparrow for Valentine Veronica in the HoF. The kit I got her was Magical Lantern, Rally Atk/Spd+, Ruptured Sky, Atk/Spd Catch 4, Guard 4, and Def/Res Smoke. Nice to have SOME damage reduction for her, but woulda been nice to have it in the A slot...

Ninja Laev kept her Prf axe plus Draw Back, Ruptured Sky, Atk/Def Unity, Mystic Boost 4, and Atk/Def Menace. I needed someone to act as defense this HoF, and the two armored lovebirds I decided I couldn't count on them to get the desired skills fast enough.

Not sure if I'm gonna forma Laev. Veronica obviously I will.

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I failed to get S/R Far Trace for her (missed a couple of days which didn't help) so that fact, in combination with not knowing yet what the blue Arcane tome will be like, is making me think I'll wait for the re-run. All my unit-building is on hold again anyway until I regather enthusiasm for actually playing.

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I wouldn't be too concerned with what the Arcane blue tome will be since there simply isn't much variety in terms of good skills for fast ranged cavalry in the first place. The absolute worst that could happen is it comes with the Pathfinder effect to render Def/Res Smoke 3 inferior to Atk/Spd Menace or Panic Smoke 4, and the next worst thing that could happen is it comes with the Guard effect, but Guard 4 being reduced to just damage reduction is still good enough to be competitive in the B slot.

I managed to get really good skills on the non-Veronica units during the climb to floor 13, so I was able to exclusively focus on Veronica afterwards and managed to complete her build with a few days left in the event, resulting in the event feeling agonizingly slow waiting for it to be over so that I could get my Veronica. Her final kit was unsurprisingly

Magical Lantern+ [Spd]
Rally Atk/Spd+
Ruptured Sky
Remote Sparrow
Guard 4
Def/Res Smoke 3
[Atk/Spd Solo 3]

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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I wouldn't be too concerned with what the Arcane blue tome will be since there simply isn't much variety in terms of good skills for fast ranged cavalry in the first place. The absolute worst that could happen is it comes with the Pathfinder effect to render Def/Res Smoke 3 inferior to Atk/Spd Menace or Panic Smoke 4, and the next worst thing that could happen is it comes with the Guard effect, but Guard 4 being reduced to just damage reduction is still good enough to be competitive in the B slot.

There's another factor outside of the weapon itself though, and that's the rest of the skills of whoever ends up coming with it. Sure they're likely to be less valuable than the weapon itself in the end, but it might relegate Veronica to the back of the queue to get it. Take how none of Ophelia's skills are inheritable by cavalry and fliers - it's probably fine now that I have three copies of her, but if I only had one, I would probably find it impossible to justify giving it to someone like Valentine Titania over someone like OG Lilina.

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24 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

There's another factor outside of the weapon itself though, and that's the rest of the skills of whoever ends up coming with it. Sure they're likely to be less valuable than the weapon itself in the end, but it might relegate Veronica to the back of the queue to get it. Take how none of Ophelia's skills are inheritable by cavalry and fliers - it's probably fine now that I have three copies of her, but if I only had one, I would probably find it impossible to justify giving it to someone like Valentine Titania over someone like OG Lilina.

Fair enough.

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Still a shame of course because I'm about to be feather-capped. That, and my live ranged blue cavalry options amount to a +10 Reinhardt with 2018-era skills (DB3 and Lancebreaker 3) and an unmerged Hapi.

I'll probably just toss the feathers on all my F Shez copies for now, because the alternatives are Lumina and Valentine's Effie (Hans is already +8), who both would require a grail commitment. That would be a silly commitment for someone about to take some time off from the game because there might be better options soon. Ideally I want to +10 Elice but I don't even have a single copy of her, let alone eleven. >.<

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What the fuck, Askr.

I already use stamina potions at a slower rate than I get them, and this isn't helping. I think he's telling me to go farm Hero Merit or something silly like that since there certainly aren't enough unleveled units in my barracks to use the stack he just gave me, let alone all of the potions I already had.

Seems great for newer players, though.

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It sort of helps me in that I was always just hovering below 2000 and felt bad about not reaching that benchmark. Now I have almost 2200 and can freely spend 200 of them.

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Askr really wanted to drive home the "horns" part of the workout. I saw that accessory item and all that went through my head was Askr being all "Horns! Horns. Horns? Horns! =D"

Askr, the gym teacher dad: Hey, Ash! I made a video on the YouTubes! It is "sick" as the kids say! Do you think it has become a virus yet?

Ash: *dying of embarrassment but too polite to say so*

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Mixed feelings about this entire recent run of Resplendents. Palla, Aversa and Cecilia are all units I have at +10 and wouldn't mind being upgraded. At the same time though, the new art doesn't go beyond "pretty good" with a theme I'm not all that fond of. And of course the usual announcement schedule means that I could not have planned to get all three with a sub had I wanted to anyway. So in the end maybe I should just hope that it all hints at a new Palla or Cecilia alt being around the corner due to the voice acting thing.

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Yay, another Dokkalfheimr outfit. Once this one is released, we'll have as many Dokkalfheimr outfits as we had Ljosalfheimr outfits at the start of the year.

Now can we please get another Nidavellir outfit. They're still 2 whole units behind the second lowest (Jotunheimr).


Even with the boosted stats, Cecilia is still a really underwhelming unit. At max Dragonflowers, she'll have 38/31 offenses, which is weaker than Harmonized Azura (39/39) and as slow as Seidr (44/31). Offensively, she is still strictly worse than Valentine Lilina (39/34).

Her defenses are boosted to 42/28/35, which is somehow the second highest Res among green tome cavalry (behind Seidr) and the third highest Def among green tome cavalry (behind Letizia and Picnic Leo). The takeaway, though, is not that her defenses are any good, but that her class is extremely frail.

Her weapon is just Gronnraven with Triangle Adept and effective damage against fliers. Even with Triangle Adept, she's unlikely to one-hit kill opponents that she has weapon-triangle advantage against, and her low Spd means she's unlikely to double to secure a kill unless it's enemy phase and she has Quick Riposte. However, on enemy phase, she has to tank the opponent, and I'm having a hard time imagining her actually doing so unless you build for Atk/Res and use her only against magic.

She's probably going to want to wait for an Arcane weapon and hope that it comes with a guaranteed follow-up, but even then, there's a very real possibility that she's already too far behind, as a +10 Resplendent Cecilia will still fall behind Summer Selena, Letizia, Duo Corrin, Desert Ursula, and Seidr in Atk even at +0.

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Cecilia's only real niche is that she's the only Green Tome Cav in the 4* pool and therefore is easy to merge up, but Seidhr is completely free and flatout better in everything except taking physical/adaptive damage, and that's at 0 merge.

And honestly? Her Resplendent outfit kind of makes her blend in with the other long-green-haired women in the game.

Edited by Xenomata
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Pleasantly surprised and impressed that the re-run banner voters were sensible enough to pick the Rearmed Lif (+Ascended Hilda, M Shez, Monica) banner over the CYL one, given CYL is about to be re-run anyway. I'd actually forgotten that this banner had no demote, so a bit of extra value there too.

I do wonder how CYL would do against the more lukewarm recent New Heroes though.


EDIT: Ascended Mareeta is the banner that's out, though it was a close-run thing with Letizia at 6.1% vs 7.2% respectively. Needless to say, the survivor won't stand a chance for the next round with the Rearmed Grima and Rearmed Ganglot banners (both featuring Rearmed + Ascended heroes) entering the fray. I imagine Grima (+Eir) wins here.

Edited by Humanoid
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Ugh... can we take a break from fairies, please? I don't hate them, but that's the 3rd in a row already. Meanwhile, it's been 5 months without a new Nidavellir or Jotunheimr, and 4 months without Hel or Askr.

About Cecilia... she looks fine. That's all I have to say.

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8 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Her weapon is just Gronnraven with Triangle Adept and effective damage against fliers. Even with Triangle Adept, she's unlikely to one-hit kill opponents that she has weapon-triangle advantage against, and her low Spd means she's unlikely to double to secure a kill unless it's enemy phase and she has Quick Riposte. However, on enemy phase, she has to tank the opponent, and I'm having a hard time imagining her actually doing so unless you build for Atk/Res and use her only against magic.

I imagine she is used as a blue/colorless counter in Arena Assault with whatever Breaker the player is in need of most. I assume Lancebreaker since melee units are generally weaker in Res, and those that have higher Res are fliers, which she has effective damage against.

As an Arena Assault unit, I think she is fine, but yeah, I cannot think of a more glamorous role for her.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

I imagine she is used as a blue/colorless counter in Arena Assault with whatever Breaker the player is in need of most. I assume Lancebreaker since melee units are generally weaker in Res, and those that have higher Res are fliers, which she has effective damage against.

As an Arena Assault unit, I think she is fine, but yeah, I cannot think of a more glamorous role for her.

The problem is that the most common lance unit in the Arena right now is Brave Dimitri, who is typically roided out with premium skills due to his recent appearance in Hall of Forms, and Cecilia can't actually beat him consistently if he has Vital Astra and a means of charging it up before combat.

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11 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The problem is that the most common lance unit in the Arena right now is Brave Dimitri, who is typically roided out with premium skills due to his recent appearance in Hall of Forms, and Cecilia can't actually beat him consistently if he has Vital Astra and a means of charging it up before combat.

Okay, maybe she cannot handle every lance unit, but at least she is there to handle the less meta ones so the players can save their better green units for more powerful blue foes. She still have some value, unless the player got a bunch of modern powerful green units already.

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Through datamine, we know the next Forma Heroes earlier. Starting on April 24th, the next forma heroes are:


From the Archanean games:

  • Tiki - Legendary Dragon (Legendary, Armored Blue Dragon)
  • Marth - Prince of Light (Infantry Sword)
  • Kris - Ardent Firebrand (Cavalry Axe)
  • Katarina - Torchlit Wanderer (Flying Blue Tome)

As we expected based on the Legendary/Mythic remixes schedule, Legendary Heroes in Hall of Forms is now a thing. This means that next month we could have Legendary Alm or Mythic Duma on the Echoes HoF.

We also have Golden Week stuff:


All previous Choose Your Legends banners are returning as Hero Fest, as they always do. And with tickets... as they always do. Tickets though quests, with a orb pack containing tickets for CYL 5 and 6.

New Year Dagr & Nótt is also in one of the Orbs Packs.


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Oh, good. We're still getting Grail units. I hope this continues.


Desert Kris is not horribly outdated, having 40/40 offenses with maximum Dragonflowers, though he is strictly worse than Summer Seth, who has +2/+0 offenses compared to Kris on top of having a superboon in both Atk and Spd, neither of which Kris has.

Petalfall Axe is probably the best inheritable weapon currently available in Hall of Forms, though Ninja Masakari and Shuriken Cleaver are both viable alternatives.

There haven't been any recent passive skill additions for melee cavalry other than Guard 4 and Flow N Trace, and Escape Route 4 hasn't been added to the skill pool yet, if I recall correctly (since the banner hadn't ended yet when the update happened). Guard 4 is probably unnecessary for Kris's role and stat spread. Flow N Trace is a good option if you're expecting to run something other than Petalfall Axe (like Arcane Downfall), but the older and easier to get S/D Near Trace is better with Petalfall Axe.

So basically, you're looking at something like this:

Desert Kris
Petalfall Axe+ [Spd] / Ninja Masakari+ / Shuriken Cleaver+
Rally Atk/Spd+ / Harsh Command+ / [any other Rally+]
Ruptured Sky
Surge Sparrow / Atk/Spd Clash 4 / Atk/Spd Catch 4
Flow N Trace 3 / S/D Near Trace 3 / Flow Guard 3
Atk/Spd Menace / Def/Res Smoke 3 / Spd Smoke 4 / [any of the other good Smoke skills]

Alternatively, if you're planning on giving him Arcane Downfall, a Distant Counter build isn't a completely terrible idea, even if infantry are slightly better for the role due to having access to Vital Astra:

Desert Kris
[Arcane Downfall [Spd]]
Rally Atk/Spd+ / Harsh Command+ / [any other Rally+]
Ruptured Sky
Distant Pressure / Distant Dart
Guard 4 / Mystic Boost 4 / Quick Riposte 4
Spd Smoke 4 / Def/Res Smoke 3


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