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55 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

What is the Legendary/Mythic schedule now, if anyone knows?

Here, provided by Mina_776_:


Also, Mirabilis, Plumeria, Triandra and Freyja appear in the Legendary/Mythic banners schedule, but they will be in the Remixes schedule. Meanwhile, the current banners for Corrin and Hel are probably their last appearances in those banners before moved to Remixes.

The next batch to be added to Remixes should be in August (and probably announced in the Summer Celebration/6-Months Anniversary Feh Channel), and those heroes will be: Mirabilis, Seliph, Hel, Corrin, Plumeria, Dimitri, Triandra and Freyja. 

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Today I learned that even though you can't use Pair Up in Summoner Duels, Legendary Heroes matching the current season still receive stats from their paired unit. Which was fucking up my Legendary Eliwood shenanigans.

Pair Up stats don't normally appear in game modes that aren't enabled for Pair Up, and in game modes where it is enabled, it applies to all paired units, not just ones matching the current season. This doesn't seem intentional.

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14 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Today I learned that even though you can't use Pair Up in Summoner Duels, Legendary Heroes matching the current season still receive stats from their paired unit. Which was fucking up my Legendary Eliwood shenanigans.

Pair Up stats don't normally appear in game modes that aren't enabled for Pair Up, and in game modes where it is enabled, it applies to all paired units, not just ones matching the current season. This doesn't seem intentional.

I didn't know about that, of having the pair up stat boost even though Pair Up doesn't work in Duels.

Makes sense not having access to paired unit in Duels, or else you would have access to 10 units to controll and that could catch someone off-guard... especially in Duels S. Like... you locked out a team that has Duo Thorr... but surprise! The other team that has Legendary Alm also has Duo Thorr paired with him so you pretty much has the same unit in 2 different teams.  Or it's a team with very old legendaries, but they are all paired up with recent broken units and the opponent will not know it in the blocking team screen. Doesn't seem fair at all.

But still having the extra stats sounds wrong and not planned at all. I hope it didn't cause you many problems.

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1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

But still having the extra stats sounds wrong and not planned at all. I hope it didn't cause you many problems.

I traded my Legendary Eliwood for the opponent's Brave Seliph on turn 2, so it didn't end up being an issue in the long run, but it was annoying not having Canto (1) on my entire team to set up on the first turn.

I was also feeling lazy, so I stopped playing after 1 match after realizing that the 1 win put me safely in the top 400 and instead just went to test out the extent of this strange behavior.

The weird part is that this presumed bug only applies to Legendary Heroes matching the current season, which meant that my Robin and Ninian could get extra stats from Pair Up (Robin didn't have a partner at the time, but Ninian did and was getting extra stats and Eliwood's buffs), but Eliwood couldn't (and he's the one that would've benefited most from it).

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

I traded my Legendary Eliwood for the opponent's Brave Seliph on turn 2, so it didn't end up being an issue in the long run, but it was annoying not having Canto (1) on my entire team to set up on the first turn.

I was also feeling lazy, so I stopped playing after 1 match after realizing that the 1 win put me safely in the top 400 and instead just went to test out the extent of this strange behavior.

The weird part is that this presumed bug only applies to Legendary Heroes matching the current season, which meant that my Robin and Ninian could get extra stats from Pair Up (Robin didn't have a partner at the time, but Ninian did and was getting extra stats and Eliwood's buffs), but Eliwood couldn't (and he's the one that would've benefited most from it).

Yeah. After reading your previous comment, I made some testing in Practice Duels. My Julia got extra stats from her paired allied, while Eliwood didn't (current season: Earth/Water).

About Duels... I just surrendered as always. But this time a friend of mine and I decided to find each other in Duels R so I could give him a free win and he doesn't need to win a match to keep the tier. It worked very well.

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The next Resplendent Hero is Nifl Ninian:








This feels like a giant cop-out.

Her eyes are a bit off on her idle art, but otherwise the art is good. But it's literally just regular Ninian with corners and thus doesn't really have any of the flair I'd expect out of Resplendent outfits.

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Yeah, just looks like a mulligan on OG Ninian. Good but uninteresting. I was briefly considering getting FEH Pass to salvage my Mythic banner this month and spark the Bride banner (since Fallen isn't appealing to me) but quickly thought better of it as I've barely been in the mood to log in lately. Cecilia + Surtr + Ninian + ???? is a par set of units at best for my interests.

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To be entirely fair, the last time we got a Nifl outfit was June of last year with Matthew, so it's been a very long time. But I wish they would've picked a character that didn't literally have the exact same color palette as the outfit theme. Ninian was already white, cyan, and gold.


As far as stats go, the Resplendent boosts bring Ninian HP up to 49 with max Dragonflowers. Given that she doesn't have an exclusive weapon and isn't expected to get one anytime soon, this gives her an additional 2 points against melee units with refined exclusive weapons, 3 points against ranged units with refined inheritable weapons, and 5 points against ranged units with refined exclusive weapons and all units with unrefinable exclusive weapons.

Ninian already had the highest HP of all dancers if you didn't replace Nils's and Fallen Ninian's weapons with inheritable ones, but the stat boost allows her to tie with Nils for the highest HP before accounting for refines, meaning she's now strictly the best dancer to use for HP comparison debuffs.

Resplendent Ninian is still not recommended for combat use with her 31/40 offenses or her 30/34 defenses for that matter. Arcane Grima can patch up her Atk a little bit, but there's still no reason to actually use her for combat unless you absolutely have to.

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Hm, Azura had a somewhat similar conundrum go on with her, but her Resplendent looks completely different from her regular outfit by virtue of the replacement of the primary color of her clothes going from white to blue.

A Nifl outfit that's primarily white wouldn't have been that bad a thing, if you ask me...

...as for being a unit, Ninian a Dancer and she's the easiest to obtain 5* dancer dragon. Also she was free from that Heroes Path/"congratulations for knowing how to open the game, here's a free 5* Reinhardt" thing that all mobile games seem to require, so if all you wanted was an easy dancer then you don't even need to buy her here...

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She's very noticeable because she's just about the most powerful enemy unit eligible to appear in HoF (book 1 and 2 units) and most likely to cause a wipe at high levels. Other notably strong units might be flying Nino and Dream Camilla.

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1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

She's very noticeable because she's just about the most powerful enemy unit eligible to appear in HoF (book 1 and 2 units) and most likely to cause a wipe at high levels. Other notably strong units might be flying Nino and Dream Camilla.

Incidentally, those are all ranged fliers.

Is it really just Book 1-2 units? If so, there's only four possible ranged fliers: those three and Morgan F.

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Yeah. Since Hall of Forms only takes the New Heroes from Book 1 and 2, but still uses random maps, everytime the map has a Ranged Flying enemy it has to be one of those four units (Female Morgan, Kinshi Hinoka, Flying Nino or Adrift Camilla).

If they decided to add Book 3 units to HoF enemy pool, that wouldn't fix this problem that much though since the only Flying Ranged New Hero release for Book 3 was Petra.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

Is it really just Book 1-2 units? If so, there's only four possible ranged fliers: those three and Morgan F.

Yeah, the event was nerfed a few years ago, can't find any patch notes specifically but I see comments about the new enemy restrictions being implemented in 2020. I do remember HoF being a lot more hellish in the early days.

Edited by Humanoid
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Any thoughts or predictions about the (presumably) upcoming Bride/Groom banner?

I wouldn't be surprised if we got Sue, but no other Binding Blade character. They also sometimes like putting canonically married characters on there, like Pent and Louise, Marth and Caeda, Nailah and Rafiel, Juno and Zelot. I doubt they'd give us Bartre and Karla since we just got another Karla, but maybe something like Clive and Mathilda, or a popular couple like Alm and Celica or Sigurd and Deirdre, although those might be a bit redundant due to their previous Valentine and Dancer alts.

But the bulk of the banner will just be popular ladies, I'm sure. Marianne, Severa, Mia, Florina, etc.

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My copium prediction is that this next bride banner will be a mix of Valentia and Jugdral (by far the most neglected games in regards to seasonals....besides TMS which might as well not even exist at all in FEH at this point). Those games have so many possibilities for the bride theme and yet between Valentia and Jugdral, we only have bride Catria (who isn't even from Valentia).

Oh and don't take this the wrong way FE Fan, but I don't want to see any Elibe characters on this next bride banner beyond Sue. Besides the fact that Elibe essentially got the previous two bride banners all to itself, the seasonal banner we just had last month was also entirely dedicated to Elibe. I just want some of the more neglected games (except TMS) to get a cut of the seasonal pie.

1 hour ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

But the bulk of the banner will just be popular ladies, I'm sure. Marianne, Severa, Mia, Florina, etc.

Please no. I don't have the orbs shocking for me, I know for a possibility like that right now.

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3 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Oh and don't take this the wrong way FE Fan, but I don't want to see any Elibe characters on this next bride banner beyond Sue. Besides the fact that Elibe essentially got the previous two bride banners all to itself, the seasonal banner we just had last month was also entirely dedicated to Elibe. I just want some of the more neglected games (except TMS) to get a cut of the seasonal pie.

Nah I get it, Blazing and Binding have both gotten five or more characters on the Bride/Groom banners. I feel similarly with Three Houses and summer, I'd really prefer some other games to get summer alts instead of MORE Three Houses.

I'm wondering now if perhaps Palla and Est might get bridal alts, since Catria got one and they tend to keep those three together.

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Today we have limited battles. The maps are:

  • GHB Lumera - Three Houses
  • BHB Kaden & Selkie - Path of Radiance / Radiant Dawn
  • LHB Myrrh - Shadow Dragon / New Mystery
  • GHB Zephiel - Sacred Stones
  • LHB Xander - Awakening

We also have an updated schedule for Legendary and Remix banners:


Having Duma in the Remix Banners confirms that Legendary Alm will be in this month's Hall of Forms.

Chances of having Legendary Leif in July's Hall of Forms, Legendary Roy in August's and Legendary Hector in September's.

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What the hell is up with this month's Legendary Hero banner? Both Robin and Seidr are on a full color, and the most recent unit on a color with an opening for a new unit is Myrrh, who was released exactly a year ago.

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