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2 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

Speaking of stat spreads, considering Sigurd's focus on tanking and Res, I'd say he'll be more like Xander but with high Res instead of Def. 

I was thinking the same thing. Give him Distant Counter instead of Close Defense and Quick Riposte instead of Crusader's Ward, and he'd be one of the best direct mage counters out there thanks to his weapon. He doesn't even need to have outstanding Res in order to work, but it certainly wouldn't hurt him.

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2 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

I was thinking the same thing. Give him Distant Counter instead of Close Defense and Quick Riposte instead of Crusader's Ward, and he'd be one of the best direct mage counters out there thanks to his weapon. He doesn't even need to have outstanding Res in order to work, but it certainly wouldn't hurt him.

He'll need decent Res to pull it off. Maybe slapping the Distant Defense seal or the Deflect Magic seal on him for better mage tanking. His low speed would hurt him, though. 

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11 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

He'll need decent Res to pull it off. Maybe slapping the Distant Defense seal or the Deflect Magic seal on him for better mage tanking. His low speed would hurt him, though. 

His weapon makes him take 50% damage from the first magic attack, right? Let's say he has 21 Res, including the +3 from Divine Tyrfing. That's one point higher than 5-star Xander when ignoring Tyrfing. A neutral unbuffed Sanaki with her personal weapon has 51 Atk. That's only 15 damage with the damage reduction, so even if his HP is barely above 30, that's still enough to take two full hits and then retaliate with Distant Counter, potentially twice depending on his Spd/if he has Quick Riposte. He'd still struggle against mages like Tharja (and blue mages would likely make quick work of him), but greens and slower reds would pose little threat to him. If his Res gets much higher than that, then he'll reach far greater heights for sure, but even pitiful Res wouldn't ruin him.

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6 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

His weapon makes him take 50% damage from the first magic attack, right? 

Yes. After that, Crusader's Ward takes effect if he has it equipped. 

His speed and res will be key factors here. 

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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Sigurd and Speed Smoke huh...

I wonder if Sigurd will have good Defense to use Bonfire/Ignis, too..heh

In perhaps a more ironic twist, he'll probably want Iceberg instead. If Arvis ends up being a good defensive red mage, though... Then the fates will truly smile on us and the BBQ memes.

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7 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

In perhaps a more ironic twist, he'll probably want Iceberg instead. If Arvis ends up being a good defensive red mage, though... Then the fates will truly smile on us and the BBQ memes.

The Song of Ice and Fire

Let’s go

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51 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

So ... a blue Sanaki?

Yup, I guess so. My guess is 30 or 32 base spd?

46 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Her Speed is one of her best Heroes-relevant growths actually, and since her other two best growths were Skill and Luck, I suspect they may compromise and just lump those together with her Speed for the sake of Heroes. Magic and Res are both meh for growths (20% and 10% respectively, the latter of which is tied with her Def in growth), but pretty high in her base stats, so that would depend on which they'd rather base it off of. Her HP is also a pretty high 60% growth, tied with Skill for her highest, but most characters have high HP in Genealogy, so that's not especially notable. Although Seliph and Julia also have pretty high HP in Heroes, so that may be a returning trend for these characters as well. I feel like she may be a mix between Linde and Tharja: strong Spd, mixed but overall low Def and Res (with slightly higher Res between the two stats), and probably trading some Atk for extra HP. Especially since she's a -blade mage at base, she could be fine with sparing some Atk.

B-but kaga games are known because of its units' low growths, so that'd be prettt tricky.

40 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

Speaking of stat spreads, considering Sigurd's focus on tanking and Res, I'd say he'll be more like Xander but with high Res instead of Def. 

Honestly I don't think so. He only is good against mages only in Ch 5 when he gets Tyrfing, else he relies on dodges. My guess is having a stat spread similar to Seth's.

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13 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

In perhaps a more ironic twist, he'll probably want Iceberg instead. If Arvis ends up being a good defensive red mage, though... Then the fates will truly smile on us and the BBQ memes.


6 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

The Song of Ice and Fire

Let’s go

In before Arvis is armoured with the highest Res for armour units. So he prefers Iceberg while using Valflame.

Then he can join my Iceberg Sanaki raining suns down on her enemies.

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I just hope that Arvis' kit is nearly as busted as Sigurd's. Oh yes, the BBQ memes that will pop up once Arvis drops...this will be fun. Now to mention the Takumis that will be burned to him. 

@QuintessenceI also considered that possibility. Sigurd having a great kit but having all-rounder stats for balancing purposes. 

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30 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

B-but kaga games are known because of its units' low growths, so that'd be prettt tricky.

Yeah, that's the hardest part about predicting their stats. Especially considering her Magic growth of 20% is still one of her best growths. If I remember right, the main gimmick of thunder mages in Genealogy was their tendency to nuke things with Wrath, which I assume the -blade tome is meant to simulate. Otherwise, she could go pretty much anywhere with her raw stats, although low Def seems like a pretty safe bet.

@Lord-Zero Just watch, they'll bring back the same stat reductions that they gave Jagen and Gunter, because why not.

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31 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

I just hope that Arvis' kit is nearly as busted as Sigurd's. Oh yes, the BBQ memes that will pop up once Arvis drops...this will be fun. Now to mention the Takumis that will be burned to him. 

@QuintessenceI also considered that possibility. Sigurd having a great kit but having all-rounder stats for balancing purposes. 

I don't think they'd put give a free unit a weapon like Sigurd's or a Blessing skill. Of course, if someone speculated that a TT unit would have a unique level 3 special, I wouldn't have believed there was a chance of that, either.

I really don't know what to expect out of Valflame. It'd be cool if Arvis got like a super-Bonfire/Ignis, but if Valflame is more exciting than Alondite, it could be a bit much.

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57 minutes ago, Othin said:

I don't think they'd put give a free unit a weapon like Sigurd's or a Blessing skill. Of course, if someone speculated that a TT unit would have a unique level 3 special, I wouldn't have believed there was a chance of that, either.

I really don't know what to expect out of Valflame. It'd be cool if Arvis got like a super-Bonfire/Ignis, but if Valflame is more exciting than Alondite, it could be a bit much.

These are the very same people who thought that having a unit as busted as BK for free was a good idea so it isn't that far-fetched. They'll probably want to make sure the BBQ can still happen in FEH. F2P people still need a proper red mage, after all. The update should be dropping during the weekend so if Arvis is truly the next GHB, he'll be in the update data which will be datamined. 


@SilvertheShadowThe developers did say that they were aware of the problem people had with healers so they're probably still working on how to make them better.

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Also I wonder how many people will S-support Sigurd and Arvis for the memes

As for healers...maybe they could make Flying healer or Armoured healers (Super Azama?) for more variety I guess?

Actually, speaking of healers and mages, I was thinking of Fates diviners again. I mentioned before how Hayato should be a green mage because Wind Tribe. Orochi could go either red or blue, but if she gets a brave Tome in Snake Spirit, red would be more interesting for diversity (she's super slow anyway so maybe her low speed balances that out?)

Then I forgot Fates has another Diviner (well Onmyoji) - Izana.

Izana can make complete the weapon Triangle and be blue?

He could have Izana's Scroll or something similar. In Fates it doubles might when attacking at the cost of not doubling- it could be something similar. Sort of a Dire Thunder that isn't affected by Deflect Magic/Urvan? He's not cavalry so he's not as broken as Reinhardt but he could have lower Attack anyway to balance it.

Or....he could be a staff user since he is meant to be neutral between the Hoshido/Nohr conflict anyway. He could have Dazzling Staff as a skill (hooray not locked to Bride Lyn anymore) AND it matches his dazzling hair! And the effect fits with his neutrality/personal skill by stopping counterattacks (in a way).

He just needs to have really high speed, high res and some decent Defense I guess. Maybe an actual Speedy Azama? Then have a staff similar to Candlelight for that anti-counter attack effect to go with his neutral theme. So a tankier, non-seasonal Bride Lyn?

edit: Or Gravity. Gravity + Dazzling Staff could be interesting.

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19 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

…and Thoron+ remains enemy-only.

Darn! Tailtiu- first, let me say this- a cat walking across a keyboard couldn't have come up with a more incomprehensible name- Duma and Anankos combined are less degenerate than that! She needs a name fix, the "ilti" part looks particularly irritating to the eyes. *Ahem* Tordo 1st Gen lady was one of our best hopes for Thoron+. The next best, and perhaps only other hope for a source is Arlen, who explicitly shouts he's using Thoron. 


17 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

I’m still too hyped for Deirdre. She is too beautiful. Too beautiful.


So you too are an admirer of the Lady of the Spirit Forest? I fell in love when I saw her Treasure art. She has the visage of the purest virgin, the most devoted wife, and the most caring of mothers. Tis a shame the cursed unearthly blood courses through her veins, a thin still pool resting beneath the divine river which otherwise fills her being and makes itself manifest in her radiance and demeanor.


15 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

The weird thing is, wouldn't a two female/one male banner be a bad idea for making them last longer? I remember someone else mentioning a while ago that a lot of FE games have more guys than girls (Shadows of Valentia being a recent example), so adding girls faster than guys seems... bad? It's a weird strategy when looking at the long-term.

In the long run, this game is dead. Get the beauties in now because they won't attract anyone when the game is old. Guys on the other hand are less likely to sell Orbs even when the game is young and vibrant.


17 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Then I forgot Fates has another Diviner (well Onmyoji) - Izana.

Izana can make complete the weapon Triangle and be blue?

He could have Izana's Scroll or something similar. In Fates it doubles might when attacking at the cost of not doubling- it could be something similar. Sort of a Dire Thunder that isn't affected by Deflect Magic/Urvan? He's not cavalry so he's not as broken as Reinhardt but he could have lower Attack anyway to balance it.

Or....he could be a staff user since he is meant to be neutral between the Hoshido/Nohr conflict anyway. He could have Dazzling Staff as a skill (hooray not locked to Bride Lyn anymore) AND it matches his dazzling hair! And the effect fits with his neutrality/personal skill by stopping counterattacks (in a way).

He just needs to have really high speed, high res and some decent Defense I guess.

In Fates, Izana has as his major flaw low Spd, but his Def and Res are quite good. Maybe they could add his personal Peacemaker as an actual Skill? -6 Atk to all allies and foes in a 2 space radius? Suitable for slower, tankier play?

Also, I'd rather S Sigurd with Seliph, or Deidre. Why can't kids S support their parents in Awakening/Fates? Why does a sexual spousal bond have to surpass that of a nonsexual parent and child relationship.


Oifaye, I doubt you'll be added within the next year, but if you do, I'm giving your S rank to Shannan (if he gets added too). All those years in Issach raising Seliph, Diarmuid, Lana, Lester, Ulster, and Larcei with only Edain to help you out must have resulted in shared feelings of parenthood. They grew as you fed, bathed, and clothed them, taught them to walk, to talk, to read, and then as they matured, you taught them to fight, fearing it what that would mean, but knowing it was necessary. I only seek to make it so you can openly display those thoughts you discussed with each other at night. Laying in the same bed, always making sure one of you were kinda awake just in case one of the kiddos came running in asking for something or crying needing your attention. I know the relationship isn't exactly sexual, it doesn't have to be, and let me just say that Sigurd would not be in the least angry if you called yourselves Seliph's fathers. He knows the truth that together, going back to when he had you two watch over Seliph after Deirdre disappeared, deserve the title as much as he does.


37 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

The developers did say that they were aware of the problem people had with healers so they're probably still working on how to make them better.

Perhaps they're fixing Daggers too. We haven't had many of those added either. Sure the pool for them is smaller (only any thief and each game gets 2-3 of them), but they do exist.


15 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:




Your forgot Sedgar- the Wolfguard is 5! Your skull's backside will be littered with arrows in 3... 2... 1... 0!

In other words, to fit them all into a banner, the Coyote, the Wolf, the green haired dude, the former male prostitute who saw the light and was saved by the Coyote, and the cannon fodder with a statuesque head, we'd need an extra large banner. Or Hardin GHB/TT.


15 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

tl;dr Isaac Royal family = Swordmaster

But Ulster goes Forrest regardless right? So IRC doesn't always equal SM. And no, not that Forrest! (If they change it to Hero in a remake- we just found another reason why AyraxLex > AyraxChulainn).



Speaking of Lex, the last axer that was added not Seasonal/Bike was Amelia right? Does anyone know the total of Axes vs. Lances vs. Swords so far? I'm feeling like Axes are greatly outnumbered. Part of this is a long bias on the part of FE against Axes, another is ugly (for many) manly men comprising a large number of them, but Lex, or Kieran in the Dauntless Banner, could have been added and could easily have a superficial popular appeal. Why did they pass up this chance?

Only 3 characters again is yet another bad move, even with a TT and a GHB planned. The next banner will be Radiant Heroes, featuring Micaiah and Sothe. That's it. And two banners from then, we'll have Heroes of Thracia, consisting of Leif. Though I hope you will enjoy Stormy Skirmishes and Cyclone Conflicts, since you'll have to complete the former for Nanna, and the latter for Edward.

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9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Tailtiu- first, let me say this- a cat walking across a keyboard couldn't have come up with a more incomprehensible name <..> She needs a name fix, the "ilti" part looks particularly irritating to the eyes.

Tordo 1st Gen lady was one of our best hopes for Thoron+. The next best, and perhaps only other hope for a source is Arlen, who explicitly shouts he's using Thoron.

As a cat with an experience of walking across a keyboard, I can say the following: blame the Irish. Given that Jugdral’s nomenclature is 50% Norse, 40% Celtic, and the rest original, uncommon spellings are bound to be found.

Tine can use Thoron too when she promotes, so there’s that. Unfortunately, they made Wrath locked from mages. It was THE skill of the playable Tordos! Alas, they locked it to not give a certain mage knight even more toys to play with.

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Darn! Tailtiu- first, let me say this- a cat walking across a keyboard couldn't have come up with a more incomprehensible name- Duma and Anankos combined are less degenerate than that! She needs a name fix, the "ilti" part looks particularly irritating to the eyes. *Ahem* Tordo 1st Gen lady was one of our best hopes for Thoron+. The next best, and perhaps only other hope for a source is Arlen, who explicitly shouts he's using Thoron. 

In the long run, this game is dead. Get the beauties in now because they won't attract anyone when the game is old. Guys on the other hand are less likely to sell Orbs even when the game is young and vibrant.

Also, I'd rather S Sigurd with Seliph, or Deidre. Why can't kids S support their parents in Awakening/Fates? Why does a sexual spousal bond have to surpass that of a nonsexual parent and child relationship.

I think Tailtiu is a cute name :( It's fun to say, once you get the pronunciation down.

Well, technically, in the long run we're all dead eventually. It's up to each and every one of us to make our lives count for ourselves and those around us, and Heroes is not exempt from that responsibility. If it can't be more respectful to others, then it needs to reevaluate its life choices.

Incest is only cool if it's between a brother and sister. Two 14-year olds that share genes is great for marketing, but a 14-year old getting with his or her 30-year old parent is just too weird.

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Starting to feel some guilt with regard to my F2P strategy. I save orbs primarily for seasonal banners, since those units may never return. I just want to collect as many characters as I can, and a random 5 star unit could appear on any banner, so I don't lose sleep over missing New Heroes. However, IS definitely keeps track of how many orbs are spent on which banners. The only data I send them is "more Awakening/Fates seasonal banners please"

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23 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

It was THE skill of the playable Tordos! Alas, they locked it to not give a certain mage knight even more toys to play with.

And they couldn't lock it to Tailtiu because.....? If they can lock it once, they can lock it again. Falchion is locked to multiple users, why not Wrath?


25 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Well, technically, in the long run we're all dead eventually. It's up to each and every one of us to make our lives count for ourselves and those around us, and Heroes is not exempt from that responsibility. If it can't be more respectful to others, then it needs to reevaluate its life choices.

Wow that's serious. But let's be kind to Heroes- it's not even 1 year old yet! The only newborns who can make good if any life choices are the Christ Child and Baby Krishna, maybe Ganesh and Buddha too, but that's where I'm drawing the line without further evidence. 

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And they couldn't lock it to Tailtiu because.....? If they can lock it once, they can lock it again. Falchion is locked to multiple users, why not Wrath?


Wow that's serious. But let's be kind to Heroes- it's not even 1 year old yet! The only newborns who can make good if any life choices are the Christ Child and Baby Krishna, maybe Ganesh and Buddha too, but that's where I'm drawing the line without further evidence. 

I believe he means that they locked out any mages from using it. It's not quite like the personal weapons or personal skills; it can still be inherited, just not by specific weapon types. They could always introduce a mage-specific version of the skill, though.

1-year olds should not be excused from the standards of others. If I have to get called out for trying to eat a dog or for crying over spilled milk, then so should those bratty kids. The fact that you can't find evidence should be proof enough for my claim: something need to change with these worthless sacks of flesh, and I say that there's no better place to start than right here on SF.

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1 minute ago, DefaultBeep said:

I believe he means that they locked out any mages from using it. It's not quite like the personal weapons or personal skills; it can still be inherited, just not by specific weapon types. They could always introduce a mage-specific version of the skill, though.


Proof of my lack of understanding this game.

We could call the mage version Ire- a synonym for Wrath. I don't think anyone wou- *killed by breath dark as night*

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Proof of my lack of understanding this game.

We could call the mage version Ire- a synonym for Wrath. I don't think anyone wou- *killed by breath dark as night*

The question then is, who would be best suited to introducing the new version? Perhaps one of Tailtiu's relatives whom she loves so dearly and gets along with very well? Or a Tellius character that I'm not knowledgeable enough to know about?

If Othin doesn't come with Wrath though, then I'll be upset.

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6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

We could call the mage version Ire- a synonym for Wrath. I don't think anyone wou- *killed by breath dark as night*

Except Ire is already the master skill of dragon laguz.

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