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I doubt they will, but I wish the new mode would include older units too. It would have been fun to see supports for units like Winter Tharja or the Grimas. But I guess if a unit you like has come out already you're out of luck seeing supports with them.

Grinding issues aside, an actual support conversation system like this is something I wish we'd had from the beginning.

Edited by Alkaid
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12 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I know, right?


It fits everyone so well.




Can we have this in black though?

Dat Catria, so cute!

I'd grind so hard for a black one, it would be perfection.





I'm having too much fun with this. A black one would suit Karla better, I think.


Edited by Alexmender
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15 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Random thought: We've had a "new power" banner for each batch of new refinements. Who will get their refinement next again?


Michalis, Masked Marth, and Zephiel weren't on banners when their weapons got refines.

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I don’t mind Forging Bonds so much. The caps are too high for my liking, but I like that I can actually put my 200+ stamina potions to use. They were getting increasingly useless as of late. I also like the conversations enough

Plus it helps increase my hero merit which is quite welcome.

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I really want to inherit Green Gift+ to my Boey, but Lilina is too adorable, but I don't have much use for her. I feel guilty for even thinking of giving her weapon to Boey... Someone change my mind? ;____; She's +Atk / -Res, though I would prefer +Spd / -Def. 

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I mean ... Lilina's going to appear on one of the legendary banners soon enough (either this month or next month), so if you really want to give green gift+ to Boey I'd say wait until Lilina's legendary banner and see if you can pull a spare one. Maybe even the +spd -def you want.

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Forging bonds is great.  Also yeah bonus multipliers, and maybe they keep going up.  I don't think this will be a super grindy mode at all.  I'd take your time, and see if the multiplier increases more and more, no need to rush.  Everyone is going to do it once a day at least for that free orb, so why grind out everything right away?

Anyways the maps are boring but very easy.  They also contain units close to your heroes levels, which means this is the perfect place to build ally supports.  I have little care for accessories, but am wearing them on my team for the bonus.  Feathers and orbs are nice, but the real prize here is the support conversations.

There is an extreme lack of "writing" in the game.  We get a character, we get his/her confession at level 40, they have a few voice lines, and a few different dialogue lines during level ups.  Then we have our story chapter once or at best twice a month.  Here we get lengthy support conversations, 4 of them per character.  We also get the group supports, 4 of them.  Along with an introduction, some overarching story for the mode.  

What this does benefits the player but also benefits them as well.  We get to learn more about these characters, their personalities, who they are, what they care about, motivations, etc.  In doing so this will likely get more people to care about and summon for characters they are unfamiliar with.  

I really hope they do older characters too, but I think this is going to just be for new heroes banners.  

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I'm actually liking Forging Bonds. It's pretty stress-free and leisurely, and I've found myself far ahead of the pace needed to collect all the rewards on time. I don't really mind burning some stamina restores on this mode because it's not like there are any other modes that actually make me use them faster than I can get them.


Also, the ribbon is adorable.

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I've currently got the bow on Narcian. It suits him, too :D 

I love the little accessories on sprites. They're fun to play around with. I'm glad we're getting more than just random objects on head ones again - I prefer bows and hats, etc, to things like ducks and towels being on the sprite's head... 

Edited by Cute Chao
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Wow, that does look great on Deirdre! Though I want to put the hat on Rhys if he's ever added to the game and I'm able to get him. Because Rhys is awesome. :P

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Yeah the ribbon and the flower pin are two accessories that actually look good on a large number of characters. I dumped a few stamina potions in and ended up getting the flower pin EX but the extra flowers make it look kinda off since they don't line up well with most hairstyles.

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So...I was thinking about things IS could include in a possible Tellius remake collection when I pulled a Soren. That's when it hit me. Playing through PoR from Soren's eyes instead. And, due to current trends (and certain plot spoilers) , I could see them making it so Soren could be playable as a male or female. And for Radiant Dawn, there would probably be a new OC acting as a sort of Kris to Micaiah and Sothe during their parts while switching back to MC!Soren during the Greil Mercenaries chapters. And in the last arc, you get to choose which MC to play the remainder as, with each one having a different ending. Also, supports. There would have to be legit supports and not the one-liners between everyone. Not necessarily to the scale of EveryoneXEveryone, but still a decent amount of proper conversation.

Of course, this is probably just an overactive imagination speaking as IS wouldn't put Ike in a shared spotlight like that. His time got cut into enough in RD by Micaiah and Sothe.

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I will be so angry if they actually have the gall to make Soren an avatar-esque character whose gender you can change, or if they add in some Kris-like figure to any possible remakes of older FE games.

The older FE games were not written with an avatar in mind, barring FE7. The stories are pretty clear -- this is not about the avatar. It's about Sigurd and Seliph. About Leif or Roy, or Eirika and Ephraim, or Ike. And remakes should not change this to accommodate a player insert in places where they do not belong. There is no room for a player insert in the old games unless it's FE7, and I'm even not keen on making Mark playable.

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8 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

The older FE games were not written with an avatar in mind, barring FE7. 

FE7 wasn’t either. Mark was the worst thing about it. It was too much of a non-entity for it to be offensive when people start staring at the fourth wall instead of interacting with each other.

In case of an FE7 remake, either delete Mark, or make it an actual character. The current inbetween didn’t work out.

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13 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

FE7 wasn’t either. Mark was the worst thing about it. It was too much of a non-entity for it to be offensive when people start staring at the fourth wall instead of interacting with each other.

In case of an FE7 remake, either delete Mark, or make it an actual character. The current inbetween didn’t work out.

Personally, I'd prefer for Mark to not exist. But I assume that's not a popular opinion.

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More than a few times while playing FE7 (which was only last year) I was left wondering who the person in the green robe was during cutscenes. So yeah, that wasn't executed particularly well.

A large part of the appeal of introducing a player character is to introduce player agency into a game, but it never really did that, making it all rather pointless. The only branching these games did was via completely opaque hidden objectives. At least Corrin had to make a decision about a pair of boots. Not a decision that has any meaningful consequence in terms of the overarching story, but I appreciated being able to decide. In any game with a player character, I expect at least that much.

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