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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Oh yeah, or Klein. I knew I'd forget someone. I also have never pulled any thieves not named Matthew except for a Saizo a loooong time ago. I've pulled FIVE Matthews though!

Well, Matty's a free unit, and most of the quest units have been based on free units (aside from Niles).

Granted, I don't think Raigh, Virion and Matthew have been getting those quests, but you never know. They could be due.

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4 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

Well, Matty's a free unit, and most of the quest units have been based on free units (aside from Niles).

Granted, I don't think Raigh, Virion and Matthew have been getting those quests, but you never know. They could be due.

Virion is one of the hero battles that rotate every day. Which I don't understand because as you said everybody starts with him, Why would anyone want to do the hero battle when it's just another neutral Virion?

And yeah, it sucks that I keep pulling Matthew because you start out with him too (I no longer have him or Raigh though, because I didn't want them. I don't really want any of the thieves in the game so far except maybe Gaius. I hope Kaze is added soon. It stinks for me that only like half of my favorite 3DS characters are in this game. Freddy, Cordelia, and Ryoma are there, but we're still missing Silas, Kaze, and Basilio. I kinda like Panne too, even though her race's backstory is such a terrible ripoff of the Tellius herons.

EDIT: @JSND I actually gave Matthew's Poison Strike to Hawkeye.

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Yeah if you had like 5 copy for something its nice to do some skill passing just to increase your unit power a bt

FWIW Virion Seal Speed is actually decent on Ranged character, acting as a B Slot Darting Blow when backed by Olivia. Majority of a the really good skills are on the A slot so thats a pretty nice deal


Also is it wrong, but i just look through the BST list of characters, but is Marth and Donnel's BST that much of an outlier?

Edited by JSND
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As long as her skills are good, I'm just gonna go hunt summoning for Faye. This way I have the highest chance at getting her from the focus.

3 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

*Or Klein.

...Honestly, this might be my peg-bias talking, but I never found archers useful. I have Setsuna, Rebecca and Klein (the latter at 5* rarity, too), and haven't used much of them apart from a little level grinding. Then again, I use Lissa in every battle, so...

Archers are good for doing physical damage from far (as you already know), but not all of them have enough attack to do decent damage all the time. Except Takumi, Klein, and (maybe) Jeorge. Mehbecca is a serious waste of time. I've said this in the past, but it is almost as if they took a random assortment of skills, and put it on her for keks.

If Faye actually has some attack that's worth a rat's behind, I'll send some orbs her way.

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

As long as her skills are good, I'm just gonna go hunt summoning for Faye. This way I have the highest chance at getting her from the focus.

Archers are good for doing physical damage from far (as you already know), but not all of them have enough attack to do decent damage all the time. Except Takumi, Klein, and (maybe) Jeorge. Mehbecca is a serious waste of time. I've said this in the past, but it is almost as if they took a random assortment of skills, and put it on her for keks.

If Faye actually has some attack that's worth a rat's behind, I'll send some orbs her way.

Don't write off Jeroge! He has the same ATK as Takumi! He just has one less speed. 

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, same here. Virion is meh and I can't seem to fricken summon any archer that's not him or Niles! I swear, I've pulled like three Virions and three Nileses, and no other archers. Never pulled Takumi, Gordin, Jeorge, Setsuna, or Rebecca.

Actually Virion's an overlooked unit, seal spd is pretty handy as a support skill to charge up astra or help other slow units not get doubled or maybe allow them to double them. Seal spd is also a good skill to be inherited to tanks like sheena that chip enemies.

Also, I'm not hyped for the new banner. Maybe because I haven't played the game or something but I won't spend orbs on it any time soon.

Edited by Quintessence
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15 minutes ago, Kiran said:

Don't write off Jeroge! He has the same ATK as Takumi! He just has one less speed. 

1 less speed matters, and I could do calcs and look up stats but I'm eating and can't be bothered lol. 

Not to mention his Special trigger is borderline useless in most battles, which means you'd need to tweak him a little more than Takumi, where as Takumi only needs Vantage and he's already in the cut.

But the thing that makes Jeorge a pain in the nose is that incredibly annoying seal Atk, and his Res increase in combat is handy for mages. Even though seal skills are for squares...

6 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Actually Virion's an underlooked unit, seal spd is pretty handy as a support skill to charge up astra or help other slow units not get doubled or maybe allow them to double them. Seal spd is also a good skill to be inherited to tanks like sheena that chip enemies.

Also, I'm not hyped for the new banner. Maybe because I haven't played the game or something but I won't spend orbs on it any time soon.

Again, seal skills are for squares. And I'll swallow my own foot if Virion is an "underlooked unit".


I'm not hating on anyone who uses seal skills, but there are better skills to put in that B slot.


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1 hour ago, The Lord Of Gems said:

I wish that the Meta wasn't just Fury + Vantage/Desperation/Quick Riposte. It's effective but boring to see everywhere.

About half of those are just leftovers of the old use-Fury-to-boost-your-arena-score meta.


16 minutes ago, JSND said:

Yeah if you had like 5 copy for something its nice to do some skill passing just to increase your unit power a bt

FWIW Virion Seal Speed is actually decent on Ranged character, acting as a B Slot Darting Blow when backed by Olivia. Majority of a the really good skills are on the A slot so thats a pretty nice deal


Also is it wrong, but i just look through the BST list of characters, but is Marth and Donnel's BST that much of an outlier?

Marth is 158, which is normal for a melee infantry unit.

Donnel is 162, which is very much abnormal. No one really knows why.

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1 minute ago, pianime94 said:

Village boy trumps famous heroes.


Wasn't he a trainee or something? Like Ross and Ewan?

Maybe in the future they'll release more trainees with 162 stats..........

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32 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Also, I'm not hyped for the new banner. Maybe because I haven't played the game or something but I won't spend orbs on it any time soon.

I played a bit of the original, and I'm excited for the remake, but I'm with you on it not seeming exciting. With probably a month to go until the next non-Echoes main banner, I decided to spend about 100 of my saved orbs doing a bunch more last-minute spring banner pulls and managed to get a few 5*s, so that was fun.

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30 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

About half of those are just leftovers of the old use-Fury-to-boost-your-arena-score meta.

Agreed, but I also like using Fury to fix bad natures.  Fury 2 on my -SPD Ephraim keeps him from getting countered by a LOT of common enemies who sit in the 27-28 speed range.  Hone Speed from his blade partner keeps him from getting doubled by those sitting at up-to 31 speed.

If he had been neutral speed, I'd probably have put Triangle Adept on him though.

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

Wasn't he a trainee or something? Like Ross and Ewan?

Maybe in the future they'll release more trainees with 162 stats..........

Nah, he's just a normal villager. Plowing fields and all until his village got attacked and saved by Chrom.

Guts feeling say it'll be Dorcas.

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39 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Also, I'm not hyped for the new banner. Maybe because I haven't played the game or something but I won't spend orbs on it any time soon.

I'm not hyped but I will pull for reds anyway. Not because I want Alm but because I want Karel and/or Lyn.

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36 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

About half of those are just leftovers of the old use-Fury-to-boost-your-arena-score meta.


Marth is 158, which is normal for a melee infantry unit.

Donnel is 162, which is very much abnormal. No one really knows why.

All of the 'trainees' Donnel, Nowi, Y!Tiki---I can't recall more off the top of my head---seem to get 4 extra BST in exchange for very balanced stats.

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3 minutes ago, GinRei said:

Agreed, but I also like using Fury to fix bad natures.  Fury 2 on my -SPD Ephraim keeps him from getting countered by a LOT of common enemies who sit in the 27-28 speed range.  Hone Speed from his blade partner keeps him from getting doubled by those sitting at up-to 31 speed.

If he had been neutral speed, I'd probably have put Triangle Adept on him though.

Hence the "about half of those".

Some characters, for example bulkier units with good same-color coverage, prefer Fury over other passive A skills even without the rating boost. That half would be running Fury anyways.

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38 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

1 less speed matters, and I could do calcs and look up stats but I'm eating and can't be bothered lol. 

Not to mention his Special trigger is borderline useless in most battles, which means you'd need to tweak him a little more than Takumi, where as Takumi only needs Vantage and he's already in the cut.

But the thing that makes Jeorge a pain in the nose is that incredibly annoying seal Atk, and his Res increase in combat is handy for mages. Even though seal skills are for squares...

Again, seal skills are for squares. And I'll swallow my own foot if Virion is an "underlooked unit".

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I'm not hating on anyone who uses seal skills, but there are better skills to put in that B slot.


You can swallow it because I meant overlooked!

Actually defiant res is much more replaceable than seal spd.

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Man, I am just not getting lucky with these tower maps. I'm resetting them a lot because they keep being mostly greens and bows. Subaki with a Sapphire Lance needs mainly reds. >_<

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I've been playing around with Cecelia for a bit and I have to ask, am I missing something about her? A raven tome to get weapon triangle advantage against grays is nice in theory, but every gray unit still doubles her and most deal a lot of damage thanks to her awful defense. Her being a 4 star might have something to do with it, but other 4 stars I tried could at least hold their own for a bit.

Another unit i've been trying out is Sheena since I managed to get a 5 star version of her. She's pretty tanky, but she doesn't seem to do much damage and she has the 1 movement problem of all knights. Pivot helped a little bit with that though. Any advice on how to use her for people who used the unit before?

Edited by Sasori
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4 hours ago, eclipse said:

It's not just about following things blindly!

If you're F2P, you MUST learn how things work, and why.  You won't have infinite resources, so you'll have to improvise.  Whether or not your ideas work depends on both your knowledge of the game, and whether or not your idea is reasonable to being with.

In other words, you'll need to replace large amounts of money with large amounts of knowledge.

Very true, and it's what I try to do. I still like to patch my lack of knowledge by using existing builds as reference/guidelines. Which is why I would think about stuff like how easy it is to adapt those things in the first place.


4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

It really depends on the character and who you get lucky enough to pull. Some characters lend themselves well to "budget builds" which are effective enough to get the job done even if they aren't optimal and only require sacrifices of 4-star versions of characters available at 3-star rarity.

Ideal natures aren't typically necessary, but there are a few that are typically considered crippling. For example, -Atk is a problem for any character that has a low base, and -Spd is hard to work around for any character that has a base in the high 20's or low 30's due to the density of those speed brackets. That said, it's typically hard to go wrong with the neutral-natured free units.

Good point about it depending on character. Makes me realize it's kind of silly to ask a question like that in general.

On ideal natures, my understanding is that some builds/characters would need a specific boon and/or bane more than than others (Quadsuna being the first example that comes to mind for needing it, I suppose. But that's not a budget thing anyways lol).

4 hours ago, JSND said:

Its surprisingly affordable imo. The catch is basically how willing you are at making the investment really(some players love to have dupes) and some builds you might be able to afford since they are supported by a character base kit

Majority of build usually only uses 2 character. On paper that boils down into 1 Skeleton probably leveled from 3 to 5 for SP, and 2 fodder. Some you need to settle on v2 skills because of rarity reqs though

The flipside of these V2 is that some comes packed with filler that can be a neat extra. For example if you transfer Selena 4 to Robin M, Robin got Triangle Adept and Reposition instead of just Triangle Adept from Selena 5

Most skill investments don't seem horrible to me, just the ones that would require a 5* character (without going to the dilemma or not having a character or wanting to keep one for collection). Which is, I admit, a relatively small amount (though it's easy to get overwhelmed by all the +weapons people tend to recommend for inheritance lol). Good thing v2 skills are good enough most of the time.

Also, shoutout to Selena as my favorite red dupe! Triangle Adept and Reposition is a really solid set to have for inherit.

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23 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

You can swallow it because I meant overlooked!

Actually defiant res is much more replaceable than seal spd.

Whoa whoa whoa, there buster!

Let's get one thing straight here, I'm not swallowing my foot for quoting your post because you screwed up and said under instead of over.

And yeah, you're right. Defiant res is more replaceable. 


Seal skills are still for squares though.


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1 minute ago, Sasori said:

I've been playing around with Cecelia for a bit and I have to ask, am I missing something about her? A raven tome to get weapon triangle advantage against grays is nice in theory, but every gray unit still double her and most deal a lot of damage thanks to her awful defense. Her being a 4 star might have something to do with it, but other 4 stars I tried could at least hold their own for a bit.

Another unit i've been trying out is Sheena since I managed to get a 5 star version of her. She's pretty tanky, but she doesn't seem to do much damage and she has the 1 movement problem of all knights. Pivot helped a little bit with that though. Any advice on how to use her for people who used the unit before?

Cecilia becomes wonderful...but only if you have a team of cavs with buffs and Gronnblade. It'll turn her into a nuke that basically ORKO everything.

Can't help you with Sheena since I've next to no experience with armors.  

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1 minute ago, Kiran said:

Cecilia becomes wonderful...but only if you have a team of cavs with buffs and Gronnblade. It'll turn her into a nuke that basically ORKO everything.

Can't help you with Sheena since I've next to no experience with armors.  

Ah alright. That sounds like too much effort for me so I don't think I will use Cecilia for much longer.

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