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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

I'm pretty sure they didn't battle over Rhys or Mist at all. Mist is Ike's sister and has plot importance, while Rhys is and has not.

Aww... oh well. It's just that I believe in it just because Rhys is our first and only cleric for a fair amount of early-game sections of PoR, has been a very important member to the Greil Mercenaries, and that he taught Mist how to heal.

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1 minute ago, Dandee Leone said:

I literally only stated facts. 

Then Ike is less popular than Lyn and Lucina, because that's what the final poll numbers say.

See, I can state facts too.  The difference is that I'm not trying to do shit like redefine the poll to do so.

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As someone who does like Tellius, I do think it is a tad overrated. Then again, I think Awakening is overrated too. (Fates ... seems pretty divisive from my observation, so I cannot in good conscience call it overrated.)

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2 minutes ago, Lyrai said:

Aww... oh well. It's just that I believe in it just because Rhys is our first and only cleric for a fair amount of early-game sections of PoR, has been a very important member to the Greil Mercenaries, and that he taught Mist how to heal.

And he nursed Titania back to health after she collapsed of her wounds in the woods where he was gathering herbs.

Rhys is cool, no argument here, but he's no Ike's sister.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

And he nursed Titania back to health after she collapsed of her wounds in the woods where he was gathering herbs.

Rhys is cool, no argument here, but he's no Ike's sister.

Mmm~ I'm glad we both know Rhys is cool. :lol:

The first sentence is why Rhys is so important to the Greil Mercenaries, and is a great boon to the group at all times. But being Ike's sister Mist will always win. Welp~

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11 minutes ago, Dandee Leone said:

And by the way, most of the Choose Your Legends characters from Awakening and Fates were already in the base game to begin with, before the voting results were given. There are literally only a few chars from Awakening/Fates not in the game that were top 20, like Donnel.

...Are you implying Donnel isn't in Heroes?

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If the World of Radiance turns out to be chapter 10, then the Hard variant will have near Lv. 38 units and the Lunatic maps may have 5* Lv. 40 units. Reinhardt may be very useful against Ike, And Roy should take out Soren and Titania.

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13 minutes ago, Dandee Leone said:

And by the way, most of the Choose Your Legends characters from Awakening and Fates were already in the base game to begin with, before the voting results were given. There are literally only a few chars from Awakening/Fates not in the game that were top 20, like Donnel.

“My name’s Donnel. Just a farmer from a little bitty village, but I can fight-this pot’s not just for show!”

He's in the game. :3

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

I'm not sure what the logic of not giving Roy distant counter on his weapon was when Ryouma, Xander, and now Ike all get it. Did Zephiel's sword in FE6 also have 2-range, because if so then he should've gotten it too. Roy and Zephiel were cheated.

Right now, Ike may look really good, but he's still probably going to be another swordie. Sure, he might be a bit annoying to take care of, but I suppose a strong unit with swordbreaker may still take him out without that much issue? Also, didn't Alm have windsweep but not super high speed to take advantage of it? Ike could be the same, maybe. EDIT: With respect to his A-skill, I mean.

Yep, in fact that was the Exaacus/Eckesachs ONLY quality.

Let's not forget that, the ultra rare, Hector bizarrely gets Distant Counter, and is the only possible way to get it on characters that don't have it simply built in.

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18 minutes ago, Suichimo said:

Yep, in fact that was the Exaacus/Eckesachs ONLY quality.

Let's not forget that, the ultra rare, Hector bizarrely gets Distant Counter, and is the only possible way to get it on characters that don't have it simply built in.

Oh, really? Lame. What's with the nerfing of the FE6 prf weapons? Correct me if I'm wrong, but are Roy and Zephiel's weapons the most lackluster of the personal weapons right now?

Takumi is the only one who gets Close Counter! So I suppose they just wanted to give a random 5-star only character distant counter.

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I see that the notification from Nintendo states "improper" use in the game. And conveniently enough now the video shows character skills. Well guys, I think the datamining is dead. 

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Just now, Sunwoo said:

Oh, really? Lame. What's with the nerfing of the FE6 prf weapons? Correct me if I'm wrong, but are Roy and Zephiel's weapons the most lackluster of the personal weapons right now?

Takumi is the only one who gets Close Counter! So I suppose they just wanted to give a random 5-star only character distant counter.

Easily. Hell, Julia actually just gets a flat out better version of the Binding Blade, Naga has both +2 Def/Res when attacked AND effective vs. Dragons.

I haven't played much of Fates but, from what I understand, Takumi at least actually gets the ability. Hector, though...

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4 minutes ago, Suichimo said:

Easily. Hell, Julia actually just gets a flat out better version of the Binding Blade, Naga has both +2 Def/Res when attacked AND effective vs. Dragons.

I haven't played much of Fates but, from what I understand, Takumi at least actually gets the ability. Hector, though...

Shame about the FE6 weapons getting shafted.

True, but I can't think of a distant counter equivalent skill being in existence in FE before Heroes. Well, a distant counter-esque skill that is not on the weapon already. So I guess it was just the luck of the draw that Hector got it. Who would you have given distant counter to, if you had to pick one 5-star exclusive character who was in the game since release day?

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Don't conflate datamining and hacking.

I'm not conflating (I don't know what that means) I'm sad that if my observations are correct, they found a way to counter datamining. 

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2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Who would you have given distant counter to, if you had to pick one 5-star exclusive character who was in the game since release day?

Someone whose Prf weapon had 1-2 range. Which conveniently is Roy. welp he's not five-star exclusive

In other news, I love when it all works out. Oh yeah, it certainly does!

1 minute ago, GrimmLow said:

I'm not conflating (I don't know what that means) I'm sad that if my observations are correct, they found a way to counter datamining. 

I mean, datamining is not the same as hacking. Datamining is when you poke into the game's resources. Hacking is when you actually use these resources to get something you couldn't, like unobtainable characters and stuff.

It was iffy but sort of fine when they didn't use the hacked stuff in their gameplay but incredibly bad when they actually came in the arena, for example.

I hope it will still be possible to extract the resources, especially art.

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14 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Oh, really? Lame. What's with the nerfing of the FE6 prf weapons? Correct me if I'm wrong, but are Roy and Zephiel's weapons the most lackluster of the personal weapons right now?

Takumi is the only one who gets Close Counter! So I suppose they just wanted to give a random 5-star only character distant counter.

 Binding Blade  isnt the most lackluster - its the most disapointing since it had Regen,Defense, and Dragon Slaying and Distant counter originally. 

Id argue Fujin Yumi and Parthia is the worst but they were never good aside from their stats

Maybe Tyrfing as well? BINDING Blade is a 2/2 defense while Binding is a stackable defiant defense. I dare say Fensalir and Folkswagger is also pretty shitty


Ironically enough the other 2 Elibian Legends(Durandal and Armads) have effect that is top tier, with one being arguably the overall best and lore wise they are the strongest of the bunch so im really surprised at how much Binding Blade got shafted

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7 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Shame about the FE6 weapons getting shafted.

True, but I can't think of a distant counter equivalent skill being in existence in FE before Heroes. Well, a distant counter-esque skill that is not on the weapon already. So I guess it was just the luck of the draw that Hector got it. Who would you have given distant counter to, if you had to pick one 5-star exclusive character who was in the game since release day?

I'm not entirely sure. Probably a lance user as, while Javelins and Hand Axes have been around since the beginning, lances have been drawn more towards having the extra range.

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13 minutes ago, JSND said:

 Binding Blade  isnt the most lackluster - its the most disapointing since it had Regen,Defense, and Dragon Slaying and Distant counter originally. 

Id argue Fujin Yumi and Parthia is the worst but they were never good aside from their stats

Maybe Tyrfing as well? BINDING Blade is a 2/2 defense while Binding is a stackable defiant defense. I dare say Fensalir and Folkswagger is also pretty shitty


Ironically enough the other 2 Elibian Legends(Durandal and Armads) have effect that is top tier, with one being arguably the overall best and lore wise they are the strongest of the bunch so im really surprised at how much Binding Blade got shafted

Well, I meant in this game specifically, not in their actual games.

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5 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Well, I meant in this game specifically, not in their actual games.

In that case my pick goes to Parthia and Fujin Yumi followed by All those Exclusive that gave you Threaten Skills with Ekseshacks as the best of them since its usage feels more intuitive than Fensalir(Fensalir being considered good feels more caused by describe everything syndrome than it actually being good)


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And here i thought the next banner would have Celica and friends. Guess not. RIP. Press F to pay respects. 


I was gonna save up my Orbs for one last Summon on the World of Shadows Banner, but now that Ike is almost, i'm gonna wait. Sorry Alm and friends, Ike is more important.

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