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4 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

"June Bride" events in Gacha games are pretty common.

Who is it gonna be? Is it gonna be the usual popuparity pandering with Lucina? Eirika for traditional?

Or are they gonna drain  @Ice Dragon 's wallet with 氷竜花嫁 Ninian?

This is the sort of thing I'm dreading. Unless they do something on the male side, it starts to skew where females start getting more special costumes and the guys get left out :/  They've been good on keeping it equal so far, so I hope they do even with something like this (I wouldn't mind some guys in suits. Especially fancy suits :D )

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2 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

This is the sort of thing I'm dreading. Unless they do something on the male side, it starts to skew where females start getting more special costumes and the guys get left out :/  They've been good on keeping it equal so far, so I hope they do even with something like this (I wouldn't mind some guys in suits. Especially fancy suits :D )

I'd love a groom costume for some good looking guys.

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10 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

I'd love a groom costume for some good looking guys.

Exactly. So many Gacha games miss this trick, I find. FE has plenty of guys I'd love to see in groom outfits :D

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So you guys think it could be a bride/groom costume banner INSTEAD of summer swimsuits or both? Unless they do Beruka in the former, I think I'll get to save some orbs.

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10 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

So you guys think it could be a bride/groom costume banner INSTEAD of summer swimsuits or both? Unless they do Beruka in the former, I think I'll get to save some orbs.

I feel like they'll do both. Bride/Groom for June, and summer swimsuits for July.

Can't wait to see the YouTube comments complaining about the possibly eventual summer swimsuits banner.


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17 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

So you guys think it could be a bride/groom costume banner INSTEAD of summer swimsuits or both? Unless they do Beruka in the former, I think I'll get to save some orbs.

I feel like they'll do both. Bride/Groom for June, and summer swimsuits for July.

Can't wait to see the YouTube comments complaining about the possibly eventual summer swimsuits banner.

Edit: this posted twice.


Edited by Armagon
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51 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

"June Bride" events in Gacha games are pretty common.

Who is it gonna be? Is it gonna be the usual popularity pandering with Lucina? Eirika for traditional?

Or are they gonna drain  @Ice Dragon 's wallet with 氷竜花嫁 Ninian?

I noticed Cymbeline there (that's Sanaki's tome, right?), so if it does end up being a "June Bride" event, Sanaki may be part of it.

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12 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

From the looks of the effects, it could be Julia. 

This is the ordinary effects sheet; other effects mean nothing.

@Armagon, same for you. The placement of the effects on the sheet doesn't mean anything.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I noticed Cymbeline there (that's Sanaki's tome, right?), so if it does end up being a "June Bride" event, Sanaki may be part of it.

I don't like the idea of Sanaki being in it. She looks far too young to be a bride >.< But yup, that is her tome. I don't know if anyone else uses it, though... no one else does in game so far...

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

This is the ordinary effects sheet; other effects mean nothing.

@Armagon, same for you. The placement of the effects on the sheet doesn't mean anything.

Thats what i was thinking

If Julia is gonna be one of these "June Brides" She wouldn't have the Naga tome cause they'd give her a different weapon.....

If she is though, I wonder if they'd give her a lance or something XD

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

This is the ordinary effects sheet; other effects mean nothing.

@Armagon, same for you. The placement of the effects on the sheet doesn't mean anything.

I didn't know. My bad.

So, I guess the bouquet will be the "weapon" just like the "Blue Egg" and "Green Egg" weapons before it. 

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Just now, Lord-Zero said:

I didn't know. My bad.

So, I guess the bouquet will be the "weapon" just like the "Blue Egg" and "Green Egg" weapons before it. 

There will be a separate image for the weapon, as the others are. These bouquets are spell effects; the egg weapons produce flowers flying around the target, for example.

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11 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

This is the ordinary effects sheet; other effects mean nothing.

@Armagon, same for you. The placement of the effects on the sheet doesn't mean anything.

Ah. Well, it was still fun to speculate. Although...

7 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Thats what i was thinking

If Julia is gonna be one of these "June Brides" She wouldn't have the Naga tome cause they'd give her a different weapon.....

If she is though, I wonder if they'd give her a lance or something XD

...if i remember correctly, the Blue Egg weapon was basically just Thoron but with flowers, as well as an added effect (i think it was HP Recovery). If so, wouldn't Julia's bride weapon possibly use Naga as it's animation?

Again, i know those sheets mean nothing, i'm just speculating.

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

There will be a separate image for the weapon, as the others are. These bouquets are spell effects; the egg weapons produce flowers flying around the target, for example.

Way too many brain farts today for me, I guess. That's what I get for staying up after a long night shift. Hmm, now that makes me curious on who will be the bride variants for this...? 

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35 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

So you guys think it could be a bride/groom costume banner INSTEAD of summer swimsuits or both? Unless they do Beruka in the former, I think I'll get to save some orbs.

Possibly.  I'm not sure I see them trying to do an "early summer" exclusive banner, a "late summer" exclusive banner, the CYL exclusive banner shortly after summer ends, and then a "Halloween" exclusive banner (which will likely be the autumn banner).  That's a LOT of exclusives in the span of 4-5 months and would possibly make people take a step back and reconsider how they approach the game.

And that's not even counting the obvious Christmas banner (was previously datamined) and the likely New Year's banner (though this could end up being like the Golden Week banner of just being high profile units) 2 months after that.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ah. Well, it was still fun to speculate. Although...

...if i remember correctly, the Blue Egg weapon was basically just Thoron but with flowers, as well as an added effect (i think it was HP Recovery). If so, wouldn't Julia's bride weapon possibly use Naga as it's animation?

Again, i know those sheets mean nothing, i'm just speculating.

Chrom, Lucina, and Xander all have ultimate weapons, and not only do none of them have anything to do with their Spring Festival weapons, they aren't even using the same weapon types. So I wouldn't expect a seasonal Julia to have a weapon with any relation to Naga, more likely she'd pick up a red or blue tome type and use Bolganone or Thoron with an added visual effect.

Edited by Othin
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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

...if i remember correctly, the Blue Egg weapon was basically just Thoron but with flowers, as well as an added effect (i think it was HP Recovery). If so, wouldn't Julia's bride weapon possibly use Naga as it's animation?

Again, i know those sheets mean nothing, i'm just speculating.

Assuming Julia is even a bride in the first place, she'd have a unique weapon that is also passable (like blue egg).

I don't think they'd make a passable Naga.

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9 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Think I'm gonna use my orbs on Celica's banner.........

But Ike is in front of you...

But same, yeah. I got nothing good from the Hero Pest and p much dead on Orbs atm.

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