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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Speaking of −Atk, I got a 4⋆ −Atk Sheena the other day. The pain.

My 4* Effie and Sheena are -Atk + speed, stuff like that is definitely unfortunate to get. 

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-Atk heroes? My latest one is a 4* Kagero. I'm holding on to her just in case another, better dagger user pops up and could benefit from her weapon. 

Edited by Lord-Zero
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2 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

-Atk heroes? My latest one is a 4* Kegero. I'm holding on to her just in case another, better dagger user pops up and could benefit from her weapon. 

Both my 4⋆ Raighs are −Atk, as are my 4⋆ Shanna, Virion, and Wrys Maria Gunter.

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12 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

-Atk heroes? My latest one is a 4* Kagero. I'm holding on to her just in case another, better dagger user pops up and could benefit from her weapon. 

My only Kagero is also -Atk.  It's Kagero though, so her Atk is still serviceable, and even as a 4* she has proven her worth to me in Robin and Navarre's GHBs.

I've been wanting to get F!Corrin for a long time, and a couple weeks ago I finally pulled her as a 3*, but she's -Atk/+Hp.  Her Atk isn't that great to begin with, so I've been debating what I can do to salvage her, or if I should even bother and wait until I get a better one, if that even happens at all.  I'm jelly of the Android users who got a free 4* version. x)

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The -Spd Club! I don't feel like a true member even though 5/11 of my 5*s have it (Ike, Takumi, Erika, Reinhardt, Elise). However, on the other side I do have +Spd Nino (promoted 3 days ago), Rebecca and Lyn so i can't complain too much... It looks like all my 5*s either love or hate their speed.

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I have two -Atk 5 stars myself. Ephraim and Alm. xP And one -Spd in Freddy, but he doesn't need the speed, so it's fine on him. lol

And speaking of Freddy...

I just got this in the tenth stratum. It's the cutest battle I've ever seen! Why? It's got a bunch of big cuddly Freddy Bears! Hee hee.


I was able to win it thanks to Stahl and his Ruby Sword and Bonfire though, so he's lv. 40 now. ^^ He was the only one to survive, in fact, since I didn't let my Freddy Bear attack (wanted Stahl to get the kills, of course, and Serra was strong enough to KO Freddy).

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I just got this in the tenth stratum. It's the cutest battle I've ever seen! Why? It's got a bunch of big cuddly Freddy Bears! Hee hee.

Here's a stratum team you might like even better that I came across a week or two ago.IMG_0299.thumb.PNG.e058d6a35e4c32bf7843210a826a563a.PNG

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Just now, Tybrosion said:

Here's a stratum team you might like even better that I came across a week or two ago.IMG_0299.thumb.PNG.e058d6a35e4c32bf7843210a826a563a.PNG

Freddy Bears and Ryomas and Ephraim oh my! XD

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15 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I just got this in the tenth stratum. It's the cutest battle I've ever seen! Why? It's got a bunch of big cuddly Freddy Bears! Hee hee.

Fitting escorts for Serra! She deserves only the best, you know.

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14 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I was able to win it thanks to Stahl and his Ruby Sword and Bonfire though, so he's lv. 40 now. ^^ He was the only one to survive, in fact, since I didn't let my Freddy Bear attack (wanted Stahl to get the kills, of course, and Serra was strong enough to KO Freddy).

Stahl was the only one to survive? How did Azura and Sakura die? lol

Regardless, that's pretty funny! I once saw a flier emblem team with 2 Hinokas and 2 Caedas once

Nino still destroyed them XD

Just now, Vaximillian said:

Fitting escorts for Serra! She deserves only the best, you know.

I like Erk better to be honest

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Fitting escorts for Serra! She deserves only the best, you know.

She likes cute things too and calls herself cute a lot, I think. I thought she seemed oddly fitting in this. lol

Well, I'm going to level up Abel some more next. I'm tired of all the red units I've been spamming. :P First Lon'qu and Ryoma (I kinda alternated between them), then Hana, now Stahl. I also gave my Alm 15 levels some time ago. It was before I pulled Ryoma.

It's time to give the swordies and all a break. lol

EDIT: @Arcanite That's easy. lol Azura is weak to all those axes and her def is rather low. Sakura doesn't have a lot of def either. And Gunter there buffed those Freddy Bears to where Stahl actually couldn't even do a lot of damage without proccing Bonfire. In fact, Bonfire was the only reason he even survived at all. Teams with a bunch of horses are scary no matter what color they are!

Edited by Anacybele
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2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

I like Erk better to be honest

Erk in Heroes when

2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Stahl was the only one to survive? How did Azura and Sakura die? lol

I'd reckon the cause was a hammer to the face.

Edited by Vaximillian
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I also think Erk is funny. lol The only mage that ever entertained me to any degree, in fact. :P (I like Sanaki, but she wasn't exactly entertaining, just interesting and kinda cute)

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I also think Erk is funny. lol The only mage that ever entertained me to any degree, in fact. :P

Lute is also amusing, being bookish, nerdy, and proud. and having higher Mag growth than Lilina

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

Lute is also amusing, being bookish, nerdy, and proud. and having higher Mag growth than Lilina

Eh, I'm not sure I'd like her much since I never got into a certain other bookworm female mage in Awakening.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Eh, I'm not sure I'd like her much since I never got into a certain other bookworm female mage in Awakening.

I'm actually fond of Miriel's design. Glasses, short red hair, baggy trousers, a huge wizard hat.

Anyway, you can try Sacred Stones. Ephraim is there, after all.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

I'm actually fond of Miriel's design. Glasses, short red hair, baggy trousers, a huge wizard hat.

I thought the witch hat looked silly, personally.

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I thought the witch hat looked silly, personally.

Well, I thought it looked...



I'll be here all week.

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5 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Anyway, you can try Sacred Stones. Ephraim is there, after all.

Oh, I've played through most of it already. I wouldn't be that familiar with Ephraim otherwise. XD I just never bothered much with Lute. I was too busy training up all the horses instead. lol I liked Seth, Franz, and Kyle and I trained up Forde too. I was also using Tana and Vanessa since I like Peg knights as well and I also used Cormag because he turned out awesome stat-wise.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Oh, I've played through most of it already. I wouldn't be that familiar with Ephraim otherwise. XD I just never bothered much with Lute. I was too busy training up all the horses instead. lol I liked Seth, Franz, and Kyle and I trained up Forde too. I was also using Tana and Vanessa since I like Peg knights as well and I also used Cormag because he turned out awesome stat-wise.

I'm just a tiny bit biased towards mages, especially those who can point at a thing and make it blow up.

Tana was great for me, too.

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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Teams with a bunch of horses are scary no matter what color they are!


I was helping my brother get an arena score over 4k and we encountered a team of Reinfart, Close counter redblade Leo, Olivia, and Priscila

He had a rather...... "bootleg" team of Xander, Rehabilitate Clarine, Merric and Ephraim

Our winning procedure was quite...... unorthodox

It was literally "Lure Olivia with merric, one shot her on enemy phase with Ephraim, let Clarine and Xander huddle up in a corner, while merric takes hits from Priscila and Leo, Ephraim dies to reinhardt, Clarine chips off Reinhardt for Merric's growing wind to kill Reinhardt (and chip Leo), Priscila gets one shot by Xander, Leo is still alive and kills Clarine, Merric gets off chip on Leo and dies and then Xander comes in and cleans up Leo"

Probably the most hoops I've had to jump through in my life. 

"Horse Emblem needs nerf" my brother said XD

1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

I also think Erk is funny. lol The only mage that ever entertained me to any degree, in fact. :P (I like Sanaki, but she wasn't exactly entertaining, just interesting and kinda cute)

Erk's dialogue was hilarious! But we don't need more Elibe anyway.

I predict Magvel is coming after we get the good ol' faithful Celica banner. It just has to happen XD

1 minute ago, NoirCore said:

Well, I thought it looked...



I'll be here all week.

We don't want your company..........


Steelers fan


jk I actually don't watch football XD



4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Oh, I've played through most of it already. I wouldn't be that familiar with Ephraim otherwise. XD I just never bothered much with Lute. I was too busy training up all the horses instead. lol I liked Seth, Franz, and Kyle and I trained up Forde too. I was also using Tana and Vanessa since I like Peg knights as well and I also used Cormag because he turned out awesome stat-wise.

I didn't bother with her either actually

I just trained up Cormag and Vanessa and once I had Gilliam and Franz high enough and promoted them it was pretty much gg to the rest of the game

Not to mention Best boy Joshua :D:

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:


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Steelers fan

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jk I actually don't watch football XD



Hey, I'm a Steelers fan, you know... :P

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

But we don't need more Elibe anyway.

I didn't bother with her either actually

I'm running out of reasons why I should respect you by now.

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