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With a new day comes a new focus. Did I get a 5* this time?




I did! Maybe the game wanted to make up for not giving me one when my chances were at eight percent yesterday. I'm satisfied enough that I might wait until next focus before summoning again.

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Literally erased all my data to try and get Sanaki. Raised up to 50. No luck. 11 Summons, 2-3 of those rolls didn't even have Reds. 

How can I get a lot more Orbs without cheating or paying? ):

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54 minutes ago, Soul~! said:

Literally erased all my data to try and get Sanaki. Raised up to 50. No luck. 11 Summons, 2-3 of those rolls didn't even have Reds. 

How can I get a lot more Orbs without cheating or paying? ):

Chasing after that girl will only bring you pain.  She is the cause of all that is evil in this world, and you're better off without her.

If you've already erased your data once, you can always do it again.

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2 hours ago, Soul~! said:

Literally erased all my data to try and get Sanaki. Raised up to 50. No luck. 11 Summons, 2-3 of those rolls didn't even have Reds. 

How can I get a lot more Orbs without cheating or paying? ):

Play the game like armageddon comes tomorrow and you are stuck in Antarctica with no family, enough food for 2 months, 100mbps Internet, a tablet with your game data on it, and 50 stamina potions. So this way you can get ALL the orbs in the story and summon like a madman.

Edited by Arcanite
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2 hours ago, Soul~! said:

Literally erased all my data to try and get Sanaki. Raised up to 50. No luck. 11 Summons, 2-3 of those rolls didn't even have Reds. 

How can I get a lot more Orbs without cheating or paying? ):

Do everything. Story mode on all difficulties, Paralogues on all difficulties, challenges etc...

Man we're all going to suffer when the daily orbs stop coming.

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33 minutes ago, Finn1412 said:

Do everything. Story mode on all difficulties, Paralogues on all difficulties, challenges etc...

Man we're all going to suffer when the daily orbs stop coming.

There's no way they can justify removing the daily orbs. I think they'll leave it in just like the reduced training tower costs. It's already incredibly hard to get new orbs, take that out and it'll take over a month to build up enough to summon through quests. 

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4 minutes ago, immatx said:

There's no way they can justify removing the daily orbs. I think they'll leave it in just like the reduced training tower costs. It's already incredibly hard to get new orbs, take that out and it'll take over a month to build up enough to summon through quests. 

I certainly hope they leave the 2 a day in.  With the quests weekly, that just about gives you enough for a Pull a week, if you log in every day.  I honestly consider that to be the bare minimum of acceptability, and that's assuming you don't use your Orbs for anything other than Summoning.  If they drop the current level of free Orbs, I can see 90% of the F2P people leaving.

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3 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I certainly hope they leave the 2 a day in.  With the quests weekly, that just about gives you enough for a Pull a week, if you log in every day.  I honestly consider that to be the bare minimum of acceptability, and that's assuming you don't use your Orbs for anything other than Summoning.  If they drop the current level of free Orbs, I can see 90% of the F2P people leaving.

90% is a fair estimate. Nintendo may have heard our plights the first time but this time, I'm not so sure. Gacha is a Gacha and as much as we want to treat this as another Fire Emblem game, it's not. This is another Gacha game which relies on making mondo cash-ola no matter how grimy the marketing tactics are. I played way too many of these to know. It's all pixie dust and rainbows at the beginning until it becomes a whale mosh pit, not to mention the few people who got suckered in to spending money cause they figured "eh, why not." But there is still a piece of me that believes that Reggie or Shigeru are somewhere reading this post and saying "This kid makes a point y'know". But hey, all I can do is continue to make animal sacrifices.

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6 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

90% is a fair estimate. Nintendo may have heard our plights the first time but this time, I'm not so sure. Gacha is a Gacha and as much as we want to treat this as another Fire Emblem game, it's not. This is another Gacha game which relies on making mondo cash-ola no matter how grimy the marketing tactics are. I played way too many of these to know. It's all pixie dust and rainbows at the beginning until it becomes a whale mosh pit, not to mention the few people who got suckered in to spending money cause they figured "eh, why not." But there is still a piece of me that believes that Reggie or Shigeru are somewhere reading this post and saying "This kid makes a point y'know". But hey, all I can do is continue to make animal sacrifices.

They want to find a balance of not scaring away all the F2P people, because there's three main categories.

1: The whales and people who will spend money on this game no matter what.  Although even they may leave if Orbs stay expensive and stingy.

2: The true F2P.  People who will never spend money on the game, regardless.  Nintendo may just give up on these people.

3: The in betweeners.  These people may be mostly F2P, but may throw $10 at the game here or there if there's a Focus or character they particularly like.  The key is keeping these people interested.  If they can get enough for a Pull once a week, that's enough to keep most people coming back, but if the Orbs rate drops and it takes over a month, they may just loose interest entirely and leave the game.  Then even if there's a Focus they may have otherwise spent money on, Nintendo won't get the money, because these people already left.


They also might want to drop the price of Orbs a bit.  Lotteries make tons of money, but a lottery ticket of $1-5 will make people more likely to buy tickets than if every ticket costs $10-20.

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5 hours ago, Kiran said:

Congrats on the pull! Wish I had as much luck as you. You got Klein who is the one I really want from the focus. Sheena would also be useful for the upcoming armored March quest!

Thank you very much, I'm still kinda amazed I had that much luck to begin with; it seems like a fair amount of people in this thread have gotten Klein as well, so who knows, maybe it will be your time soon :)

I also have a 4* Sheena with a passable nature, so having two users for Fortify Armor should make that quest a relative cake-walk.

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15 hours ago, Locked Apple said:

Gave the new focus a shot and got 3* Raigh, 3* Shanna, 4* Olivia, 4* Jakob, all of whom I have in some form, and 5*...

  Reveal hidden contents


I'd be really happy if I pulled that, even without the 5*.

14 hours ago, Rezzy said:


Yeah, Klein is the only guy from this Focus I want.  I don't know enough about the Jugdral characters, and I HATE Sanaki.

I won't complain about a bonus character, since mine looks like it'll either be F!Robin or someone truly random.

13 hours ago, Crecentful said:

Got Sanaki up to level 40. Pretty sure she's +ATK/-DEF which is really good. Seems like a more resistant and stronger version of Tharja, shame Green mages aren't more of a threat in the meta or else she'd be close to top tier


It looks like she can one-shot Hector, which I won't complain about!  With a proper Hone Attack, she can one-shot a neutral Takumi.  I like her!

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Did a solo yolo and...another Klein.

My first is +Atk/-Spd, and the second is +Spd/-HP. Any suggestions as to which to keep and which to merge? ;; I'm wondering if -Spd is fine since he has a brave bow in the first place!

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just got the 20 orbs to do a summon, my first full one in a while

had 2 gray, 1 blue, 1 green, and one red

hoped for eliwood, linde, hector, or serra to show up




it's funny because despite this being almost all three stars and having none of the characters i was hoping for, i'm still really satisfied with this

not even because of the 5 star maria, i just like florina

she wasn't even among the ones I was really hoping for at the moment but i'm still pretty happy to get her

probably sending gunter and hinata home, though I never did that one quest with felicia so i might finish that now and then send her home too (i think it gets blue shards so that should help florina)

update: i did the quest and sent the three of them home

glad i could get those shards on the last possible day, used them to get florina to 4 star

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6 hours ago, Soul~! said:

Literally erased all my data to try and get Sanaki. Raised up to 50. No luck. 11 Summons, 2-3 of those rolls didn't even have Reds. 

How can I get a lot more Orbs without cheating or paying? ):

If you truly want Sanaki, your best option by now since you've already lost all your data is to simply keep starting a new save file until your first 4 summons have her. Then link that account to your Nintendo account to keep it safe.

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I'm not pulling for any heroes atm now. By the time I'm done with the Lunatic story mode, I should have around 83 Orbs saved. I'm kind of hoping they continue the sibling focus for later runs so I can pull Lucia and Geoffrey. xD

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2 hours ago, Syusuke Fuji said:

As a f2p player I bought first gems yesterday (23).

Fortunately, they weren't wasted.

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Congrats on your pull! I suppose the RNG Goddess Anna was smiling at your monetary sacrifice.

Can I have some of your luck for my next pull in a week or two? I want Hector...

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6 hours ago, eclipse said:

I'd be really happy if I pulled that, even without the 5*.

Not the most disappointing pull I've had by far. But I'm also bitter because I've spent time training an Olivia to 3*. Bet I'll get Wrys next. I've also been sick of Raigh since day one.

Going to give Chrom his day though. Still love the Family Bonds comment someone made. And I quite like his art.

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