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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Then I think something is wrong with that tier list, because I don't know who in the world would rank a support unit who also looks squishy above steamroller characters.


Thanks to the recent giveaways and quests, I'll soon have enough orbs for another salt inducing pull again!  I believe in a sign of Ninian...

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Trying to get Ninian from 3.5% rate gave me a 3.75% rate:



4* Tharja:  +Def -Res 3* Olivia: -Atk +Def 4* Stahl: -HP +Spd 4* Sakura: -Atk + Spd  4* Jagen: +HP -DEF 

  • I guess I got a Darting Blow fodder now. I already have a 4* Tharja with +Atk anyway. Or, I can 5* this one and let Leo inherit her Blade+ weapon keh he he he he......
  • Nothing to say for Olivia
  • Stop giving me Stahl. Give me more Eliwood or Chrom or Marth or whoever else that I want!
  • Just need Takumi to complete my Hoshido Royals team
  • Blade+ Leo combo is soon within my reach heh he he he he he


Because I was impatient, I threw in my last 13 orbs to the gacha and got only one blue orb,,,,



Forgot to ss the pull out of shock.

5* Azura: -Atk +Spd 3* Setsuna: +HP - Atk 3* Serra:+Atk -Res

  • Well, the gacha gave me the wrong dancer unit, but I'll take it! Gonna give her Wings of Mercy for delicious mumbo jumbo.
  • Sad that I got a -Atk Setsuna. Her Atk is already really low.
  • Dupe Serra whom I'm not paying attention to.


Well, I didn't manage to get Ninian and my rate has been reset. Hope I can somehow pull her out of chance in the future like Reinhardt did. Or please please make her available as a 4*.

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I did 2 more colorless orb summons just now, hoping for a 5 star archer/blade person.  TAKUMI/JAKOB/KLEIN/JEORGE I NEED YOU ASAP.  I think we should call my current phase 'accidental 5*'s that I didn't ask for or want'.  Reinhardt and Sanaki were completely accidental, but I'll take them.  Then with this pull, got a 4* Saizo, which I used my 3* to enhance.  Then a 5* Lucius appears.


I do not particularly like him.  And I certainly did not need him or want him, since I don't really use healers and my 4* Serra has been holding down the fort pretty well.  I sound ungrateful, but it just had to be him T_T It shall now be another 100 orbs at least until I have a hope of getting another 5*.  But look on the bright side, it could be worse! I could've tried to get a sword-using 5* unit and accidentally pulled Tharja.  Breidablik has been kind to me so far in avoiding her, we'll see how long that lasts :O

Edited by mewyeon
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I open 3 orbs just to see what I got:

Another 3* Cherche, another 4* Setsuna and a 4*Gordin...

Game, I don't need more Cherches or Setsunas!! First it was Saizo, now are those two... What can I do with all the Cherches and Setsunas? Could they skill be useful or I exchange them for feathers?

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4 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

I'm very tempted to roll for more skill fodder, but I'm going to hold on to all these free orbs they're giving us in case the next banner has a unit I want.

There's the Fight Michalis banner that has Eliwood, Minerva, and a couple other units I don't remember.

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2 minutes ago, Levin's Scarf said:

There's the Fight Michalis banner that has Eliwood, Minerva, and a couple other units I don't remember.

That one doesn't really have anyone I want (except Eliwood, whom I already have), so I'm probably going to hold on to my orbs until the next update. 

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2 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

That one doesn't really have anyone I want (except Eliwood, whom I already have), so I'm probably going to hold on to my orbs until the next update. 

Will we finally get Ike?

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So free orbs by Heroes means more pulls~!



. . .and that's the fourth 5* I have!  Cavalry quests, here I come~!  Also, two more Niles, just what I wanted!  Really!

- 3* Niles (+Res/-Def): Well, it could be worse.  But definitely better than the existing Niles!
- 3* Niles (+Res/-Atk): Do I want to give the Killer Bow to Virion, or give someone a proc?  Decisions!
- 3* Beruka (+HP/-Res): Workable.
- 3* Sully (+Spd/-Atk): Catria will appreciate Draw Back and Swordbreaker (since she's going to be a lance nuke)
- 5* Priscilla (+Atk/-Def): I could REALLY use another Wrys, because she's going to be attacking to trigger her special cooldown (will be passing Live to Serve and Heavenly Light).  She really needs to switch her boon/bane combo with her brother (who is +Def/-Spd).

89 characters pulled.  Zero regrets.


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Been sporadically rolling blues desperately hoping for one of either Abel, Catria, or M!Robin (I don't even have a 3* of him). Then I rolled a Ninian. Such is the cruel irony of RNG. Can't complain though; she's even +Atk/-Spd which I don't mind, and now I even have F!Corrin to add to a potential dragon team. I went from zero blue dragons to two in less than 8 hours. Pretty awesome day. 

20 minutes ago, eclipse said:

So free orbs by Heroes means more pulls~!

  Reveal hidden contents


. . .and that's the fourth 5* I have!  Cavalry quests, here I come~!  Also, two more Niles, just what I wanted!  Really!

- 3* Niles (+Res/-Def): Well, it could be worse.  But definitely better than the existing Niles!
- 3* Niles (+Res/-Atk): Do I want to give the Killer Bow to Virion, or give someone a proc?  Decisions!
- 3* Beruka (+HP/-Res): Workable.
- 3* Sully (+Spd/-Atk): Catria will appreciate Draw Back and Swordbreaker (since she's going to be a lance nuke)
- 5* Priscilla (+Atk/-Def): I could REALLY use another Wrys, because she's going to be attacking to trigger her special cooldown (will be passing Live to Serve and Heavenly Light).  She really needs to switch her boon/bane combo with her brother (who is +Def/-Spd).

89 characters pulled.  Zero regrets.


I like the attitude of this one. 

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The free orbs ended up letting me do one pull today. First pull where I got two 5* units. I ended up getting a 5* Minerva and Linde, and 3* Saizo, Serra, and Cherche. Except for the Saizo and Serra the other 3 characters were new. I think I'll end up only drawing blues until this banner is over though, as Ninian is the main character I want. Linde feels like her role would be very similar to Nino's role on my team and I'm not sure if I want to use two magic nukes (plus giving Linde blarblade would be difficult with a 3* Odin). Linde is +Spd, -HP while Minerva is -Atk, +HP.

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After a month without getting anything useful and two previous pulls in this banner, I somehow managed to get 5* Effie, 5* Klein, 5* Ninian, 3* Draug and 3* Florina. With this I can finally do the armored quest (with 2 Effies and 2 Draugs), and give Fae Ardent Sacrifice and Darting Blow 2.


With this I also have all the manaketes in the game, so I'm happier than ever.

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So thanks to the training tower quests, the new starter maps, the new old daily bonus thing, I had enough orbs to do another full pull again. So I did.



Ouch. No greys means no Priscilla. Still the rest is pretty promising: three reds, a blue, and a green.
A chance to maybe get one or more of the following: Karel, Lucina, Eldigan, Sanaki, Tharja, [not −Atk] Lyn; Ninian, Azura, Reinhardt, Linde, Robin; Hector, Sheena, Minerva, Camilla…



…well, fuck you too, game.

At the very least, it's a free Bonfire, I guess? Also, a not so free Bonfire, a brave lance, a… whatever Raigh can bring to the table except Rauðrwolf, and a Nino whom I am most likely going to harvest for her personal spell that goes to Cecilia for that hot mounted Grónnblade action.

Five adult Tikis though. Why, Anna? Have to do with what you get, indeed.

Boons and banes of the gang:

⋆⋆⋆⋆ Tiki (a) +HP −Res
⋆⋆⋆ Donnel +Spd −Atk
⋆⋆⋆ Tiki (a) +Atk −Res
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Nino +Res −Spd
⋆⋆⋆ Raigh +Def −Res

Yeah, this Nino is definitely going to the grinder: my existing 4⋆ Nino is +Def, −Res.

Edited by Vaximillian
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Sitting on 70 orbs and really tempted to pull... mainly for Ninian or Karel. but my last 2 pulls (previous banner) were garbage so... really don't want this to be like that too haha.

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6 hours ago, eclipse said:

@Anacybele, here's what Eir can do, in combat:

- Assuming neutral Speed, she doubles everything with 30 Speed or less.  Notable units include Camilla (unless someone swaps out her Brave Axe), Young TIki, Julia, Sanaki, Takumi with a Speed bane, and over half the staffbots.  With 42 MT, this is nothing to sneeze at, especially since she ORKOs Sanaki and Camilla.  In turn, the ONLY unit that can naturally double her is Lon'qu.

- In a pinch, she can tank a hit from Linde, and she will take less damage than Frederick (since he's doubled).  Let that sink in, because I consider Linde to be one of the most dangerous arena units.

- Assuming your Eir has neutral attack, she can OHKO a -HP or -Def Nino (and those are relatively common banes for her)

Instead of complaining about what you don't have, figure out how to make what you DO have useful.  The faster you adjust your attitude, the bigger your world will become, and this is a GOOD thing.

I never checked her bane and boon. I don't really care to because I don't plan to use her.

- Linde is dangerous? I never had trouble countering her. Though that could be because I ran both Frederick and Hawkeye, who are green units while she's blue. Frederick one-shots her. I also have almost never seen her in the arena. I see more Marths, Chroms, and Lucinas than anything right now. I need good counters to them and their god damn self-healing. I'm planning to add male Robin in there for this though, since he can also counter Takumi. Also, Frederick can't possibly take more damage in general than Eirika when his def is so good that things hardly scratch him. Magic though, yeah, he will probably take more.

- I also already have units who one-shot NIno.

What's wrong with my attitude? I think it's a bit rude to tell me I have an attitude problem.



Except in this case, I don't think we're talking about something good. If we were, you'd have a point.

EDIT: You know what, I reconsidered on checking the boon and bane, because I thought, well, if it's actually good, I probably shouldn't pass her up. But no, it's horrible. +Res, -spd. Eirika looks like someone who can't take hits, so she needs speed to not get doubled. Lower speed won't help with that. This one would be awful.

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35 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Except in this case, I don't think we're talking about something good. If we were, you'd have a point.

Well Ana if you think that way then you can go ahead and get rid of her, if 1,000 feathers is gonna make a difference to you. Just realize that there are millions, or at least some hundred thousands, of people around the world who are have tried or are still trying to get an eirika. If you think that your Palla (who is more weak to takumi than eirika) and your Stahl are reliable sword users then go ahead. You're basically getting something for free, and tossing it down the drain with 0 justification. You can't "simply not care for" a 5 star after you've been complaining and fussing about not getting one. When/If you get rid of her just remember: I could have used her and my brother could have used her. In fact, go to the beginning of this post and just read from the top, every person you see. EVERY SINGLE ONE of these people would have found some sort of productive use for that eirika, even if some of them were whales! If you are going to trash her, then don't tell me about it. I refuse to believe that we live in a world where people are so arrogant as to refuse something that they were basically looking for anyway. 

I'm genuinely surprised at this :( you don't have to reply to this, and if you do I'm not going to reply to you, since it's the official pull topic and I don't want to annoy Eclipse with clutter.

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Just now, Arcanite said:

Well Ana if you think that way then you can go ahead and get rid of her, if 1,000 feathers is gonna make a difference to you. Just realize that there are millions, or at least some hundred thousands, of people around the world who are have tried or are still trying to get an eirika. If you think that your Palla (who is more weak to takumi than eirika) and your Stahl are reliable sword users then go ahead. You're basically getting something for free, and tossing it down the drain with 0 justification. You can't "simply not care for" a 5 star after you've been complaining and fussing about not getting one. When/If you get rid of her just remember: I could have used her and my brother could have used her. In fact, go to the begging of this post and just read from the top, every person you see. EVERY SINGLE ONE of these people would have found some sort of productive use for that eirika, even if some mm of them were whales! If you are going to trash her, then don't tell me about it. I refuse to believe that we live in a world where people are so arrogant as to refuse something that they were basically looking for anyway. 

I'm genuinely surprised at this :( you don't have to reply to this, and if you do I'm not going to reply to you, since it's the official pull topic and I don't want to annoy Eclipse with clutter.

I think this Eirika would've been more weak to Takumi than Palla, actually. -Spd means she gets doubled more, and Takumi seems to always double. Couple that with her low def and you can figure out the rest.

I don't think you could have used this particular Eirika at all with a -spd bane.

And I didn't just send her home, I gave her Hone Spd to Palla.

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7 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Palla will be basically one shot iirc, because bows vs flyers = bows win.  She probably can't even get close to him.

So would Eirika with lower speed is what I'm saying.

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Just now, pianime94 said:

The highest Takumi can go with his spd is 36 without buff.

While that Eirika has 32 spd


So, that means Takumi doubles her because higher speed.

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