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23 minutes ago, Anacybele said:


@shadowofchaos Yelling? Do you see any exclamation points in my post? (that are directed at you anyway) No? Then there's no yelling. And I'm not offended at anything right now, what are you talking about? I'm just rather disappointed, that's all. That's not a crime. Leave me alone, please. I know the percentages of 5 star pull rates too, stop stating the obvious all the time, please, or I just MIGHT start yelling at you for real.

"Are you fucking serious"?

When you made an assumption that I was telling you to delete your stuff. I might be harsh towards you, but I'm not an asshat of that magnitude.

Italics and cursing imply very strong emotions.

As for your luck, math time:

As of today (disregarding free orbs from this event and the Ike banner) free orbs from a F2P player I know who has never rolled is of this total:

9YXnowY_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&f485 orbs

For the sake of simplicity, we shall assume full 5 orb value for each character roll due to weirdness when backing out for focusing on specific character or running out of orbs for a summon session.

That's 97 characters.

3% of which is 5 star.

Three five stars, Ana.

How many do you have?

Eirika, Eiphraim, Ike.

You just rolled Aqua.

You saying you have bad luck is a conclusion that doesn't make sense.

97 characters.

And of those, only 3 will have one 5 star.

$40 is 75 orbs.

75/5  = 15 characters.

15 x .03 = 0.45

Not even close to one 5 star.

You are *lucky* Ana.

And expecting a 5 star for $40 is only setting you up for disappointment.

This is gacha.


And I'm only telling you the harsh reality of math. This isn't to attack you. It's naive to complain about not getting the 5 star you want when you ONLY spend 45 bucks.

You keep treating yourself as being attacked by my objective posts.

Or did you forget what @MrSmokestacksaid in another thread?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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24 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

"Are you fucking serious"?

When you made an assumption that I was telling you to delete your stuff. I might be harsh towards you, but I'm not an asshat of that magnitude.

Italics and cursing imply very strong emotions.

As for your luck, math time:

As of today (disregarding free orbs from this event and the Ike banner) free orbs from a F2P player I know who has never rolled is of this total:

9YXnowY_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&f485 orbs

For the sake of simplicity, we shall assume full 5 orb value for each character roll due to weirdness when backing out for focusing on specific character or running out of orbs for a summon session.

That's 97 characters.

3% of which is 5 star.

Three five stars, Ana.

How many do you have?

Eirika, Eiphraim, Ike.

You just rolled Aqua.

You saying you have bad luck is a conclusion that doesn't make sense.

97 characters.

And of those, only 3 will have one 5 star.

$40 is 75 orbs.

75/5  = 15 characters.

15 x .03 = 0.45

Not even close to one 5 star.

You are *lucky* Ana.

And expecting a 5 star for $40 is only setting you up for disappointment.

This is gacha.


And I'm only telling you the harsh reality of math. This isn't to attack you. It's naive to complain about not getting the 5 star you want when you ONLY spend 45 bucks.

You keep treating yourself as being attacked by my objective posts.

Or did you forget what @MrSmokestacksaid in another thread?

You think I care what the math is? And what point are you even trying to make with it? Also, I asked you to leave me alone. Why don't you listen? And who said I was actually expecting a 5 star? Hoping for one and expecting one are totally different things. And I'm allowed to be disappointed if I don't get one, okay?

I consider myself unlucky. Maybe you don't, that's your choice. Let me have mine, and again, stop bothering me.

And cursing implies very strong emotions, yes, but not always yelling. Exclamation points imply yelling more than cursing does.

Edited by Anacybele
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1 minute ago, dragonlordsd said:

But the question is, who is worthy of distant counter? Who out of all the heroes should I give this to??!???!

Effie is one option for sure but you should ask this in the question thread!

Congrats btw! :)

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4 minutes ago, dragonlordsd said:

So, I got another Hector from the focus banner.

Good news is, he's +spd -def. So he's definitely the one I'll sacrifice.

But the question is, who is worthy of distant counter? Who out of all the heroes should I give this to??!???!

Zephiel makes great use of Distant Counter imo 

In general, armored units make the best use of it, but past that it's a bit hard to give proper advice without knowing your team.

(Alternatively, you could just raise your current Hector's merge level)

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21 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I consider myself unlucky. Maybe you don't, that's your choice. Let me have mine, and again, stop bothering me.


Ana, the numbers say you aren't unlucky with 5 stars. You can't really argue that unless you want to display yourself as naive. Which you have done many times in the FE heroes forum.

As for the "yelling" or strong "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE" implications behind your words: You don't get to tell people how to interpret your posts.

Moving on:

Distant counter is a resource best used for low movement units: aka armors.

It gives them an avenue to win from being kited. Their stats don't make up for it if they keep getting chipped from distance.

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21 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I consider myself unlucky. Maybe you don't, that's your choice. Let me have mine, and again, stop bothering me.


Ana, the numbers say you aren't unlucky with 5 stars. You can't really argue that unless you want to display yourself as naive. Which you have done many times in the FE heroes forum.

As for the "yelling" or strong "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE" implications behind your words: You don't get to tell people how to interpret your posts.

Moving on:

Distant counter is a resource best used for low movement units: aka armors.

It gives them an avenue to win from being kited. Their stats don't make up for it if they keep getting chipped from distance.

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4 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

Ana, the numbers say you aren't unlucky with 5 stars. You can't really argue that unless you want to display yourself as naive. Which you have done many times in the FE heroes forum.

As for the "yelling" or strong "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE" implications behind your words: You don't get to tell people how to interpret your posts.

Naive? Maybe I am a little. I did grow up somewhat sheltered. Not going to dispute that.

But now you're just exaggerating what I said, I didn't even post that in caps like you just did.

But yes, moving on. Armors or other slow tanks would make best use of Distant Counter, I'd say.

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So I've had saved alot of orbs and been waiting for the best time to use them - spent 20 earlier and posted here but decided that these 2 banners are prob the best to drop orbs on (esp as f2p)

so another try on Hero fest


4* - Saizo


      Ogma (new character)

3* Hinata


 so 40 orbs on Hero fest,decided to swap to radiance, 1st attempt had 4 reds - was hoping for ike.....as if

4* - laslow (already had)


3* - Gunter




so that was terrible so tried again


3* Oboro




    Eliwood (new unit)


40 orbs on world of radiance and got 9 3* with 1 4*, then my other 40 on hero fest got me 8 4* and 2 3 stars

Edited by Marcodian_Elite
Typo - 2 3* not 3 2 *
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3 minutes ago, Thany said:

Welp... I just pulled Both an Effie and a Ryoma. that was quite a first pull.

I don't like you

Congrats! This 5 percent increase is wokring wonders for a lot of people XD

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Just now, Arcanite said:

I don't like you

Congrats! This 5 percent increase is wokring wonders for a lot of people XD

I dont feel happy when people hate lucky pulls DX

I wonder if they will keep this 5% for future banners using older characters. and keep 3% for new units.

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Guys, this is too funny LOL

I needed a green mage, and even though I really like Nino, I didnt want to spend 20k feathers on her.

So I thought "well, if I didnt get Soren I will try the Julia banner when it comes"





She is +hp -def, its okay, I guess, she isnt -atk so I am glad.

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1 minute ago, Thany said:

I dont feel happy when people hate lucky pulls DX

I wonder if they will keep this 5% for future banners using older characters. and keep 3% for new units.

From what the Japanese sentences implied... this us strictly for "Pick up" packs. Aka "focus" packs for non-new characters. Aka what you just said.

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3 minutes ago, Thany said:

I dont feel happy when people hate lucky pulls DX

I never said I hated lucky pulls, I said I didn't like like YOU


I'm kidding of course :P


4 minutes ago, Thany said:

I dont feel happy when people hate lucky pulls DX

I wonder if they will keep this 5% for future banners using older characters. and keep 3% for new units.

SoC says they will so I'm pretty happy about that!

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I've got exactly 40 orbs, but I fear it won't be enough. Was considering if I'd break my F2P status for this Banner. But then I realized three of these guys are just Fates Royals. Ha! Now I've come to my senses. Thanks, me.

Second pull had nothing of value, but the first pull had two new characters for my collection. Odin and Maria, nice! I voted for Odin, and so I now have 3 of the 13 characters I voted for in the poll. Three left that are currently in the game, but are locked to 5 star rarity so what are you gonna do.

Now that I have 198/200 characters, I'd better clean them out with skill inheritance while the double SP event is still going. I might even get some use out of my ludicrous amount of shards too!

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I got Azura now, hooray. It only took 15 orbs so my wallet is safe (for now). The other ten orbs were spent on 3 star Stahl and Gunter (the first two sets of orbs didn't have any blue orbs, Azura came from the first blue that showed up).

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Upon seeing the new banner, with it's 5% chances, I decided to put in the rest of my orbs to see if I couldn't summon the lovely Azura. I was sitting on the about 50 or so orbs.

The first summon set had 2 greens and 3 clears, so I thought I would try a green, aiming for Hector. It was Bartre. I also really want Hector, so I went ahead and tried the other green. It was another Bartre. Great...

So I exit out and go back in, and there's 1 blue and 4 greens. I click on the blue and summon... Azura! Holy crap! On the first blue of the banner!! I was not expecting such luck.

Since I got Azura, I decided to go for the 4 greens in hopes of nabbing a Hector. The first green was Gunter, 3-stars. Oh well, at least it wasn't another Bartre. Then I go for the second green, and... it was Hector! Wtf! With a +Atk -Spd nature! Best summoning session I've ever had!

There are two remaining greens, and so I'm like, well, I'll go for them, in the off chance I might finally get Minerva. First one was another Beruka. But then I pull the second one, and it was...!



At this point, I'm pretty sure I'm never getting Minerva. Ah well! This was a super good summoning session, and I'm really excited to have both Azura and Hector! No complaints here!


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If it's of any consolation to anyone, I spent some money this past week on orbs (and went a little nuts with it, oops), and I didn't get a 5 star in any of my pulls.  I think I bought around 120 orbs or something & also spent all the free ones.  I'm cutting myself off for now!  No regrets, it's always kinda fun to see who I'm gonna get.  ;):

I feel slightly disappointed after seeing all these lucky peeps in this thread, but I keep telling myself that the people not pulling anything good are probably not posting as much as the people who are.

Fingers crossed I can pull something nice with my free orbs before the banners end!  I reeeeeaaaallly want an Azura! Hehehe.

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