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2 minutes ago, Elieson said:

You know;

this dude



I'm contemplating burning some orbs on Ike...4 pulls and got a Titania which I like but Ike, but I want Azura I've been going for her since she was revealed and in this effort I got a second Nowi, but I've been wanting Celica super badly so savingbut I only have so much money in my wallet but my wallet's basically empty already but I want them but life .....

But that's Alfonse who everyone has. lol But I see, I kinda know how you feel. I wouldn't mind having Linde since she's in a focus right now, but I gotta save my orbs and money after how much I threw at the game to get Ike, Ryoma, and Azura.

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24 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't have a Ryoma......


so tempted to roll now because i have 13 orbs but maybe i should wait until the free daily orbs boost me up to 20....

i want a hector!

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

But that's Alfonse who everyone has. lol 

I rarely, if ever, refer to him under his Naga-given name...personal preference really.


FWIW I do have a +Def/-Spd Seliph +Res/-Def Marth and a +Def/-Res Eirika for my 5* Swordies. I envy your boys because mine aren't that much faster than yours (like 1/2pts each) and much less threatening!

Honestly, I bring Marth for Spur Spd support and Hector Smashing (as most swordies'd do) but Seliph and his mindblowing 21 speed for a swordie is probably my most threatening 5* red roll. If you get more 4* Marths, save them for Spur Spd 1/2/3 inheritance...it's super good and may help your team out a bit, especially if given to Fred so he can make others faster when they're near him (since he doesn't need the speed himself really)

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24 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't have a Ryoma......


so tempted to roll now because i have 13 orbs but maybe i should wait until the free daily orbs boost me up to 20....

i want a hector!

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Nino can hit up to a max of 45 speed without buffs just sayin

-Spd isn't an ideal nature on Ryoma, of course, but he's still frickin Ryoma. He's definitely perfectly serviceable, especially if you slap Life and Death or Fury on him (which are the only A skills worth putting on Ryoma anyways). 

Congratulations on your fantastic pull :D

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Nino can hit up to a max of 45 speed without buffs just sayin

-Spd isn't an ideal nature on Ryoma, of course, but he's still frickin Ryoma. He's definitely perfectly serviceable, especially if you slap Life and Death or Fury on him (which are the only A skills worth putting on Ryoma anyways). 

Congratulations on your fantastic pull :D

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2 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:


Nino can hit up to a max of 45 speed without buffs just sayin

-Spd isn't an ideal nature on Ryoma, of course, but he's still frickin Ryoma. He's definitely perfectly serviceable, especially if you slap Life and Death or Fury on him (which are the only A skills worth putting on Ryoma anyways). 

Congratulations on your fantastic pull :D

God damn, that's ridiculous.

I see. I'm glad he's not going to just suck then! :D And thanks! I'll see what I can get that has either of those skills.

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52 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Use for skills! Especially if you want to do FAT flier emblem with 2 people that have fortify fliers!

Otherwise, you can always get your merge on. Just make sure you choose the best nature ;)


I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't have a Ryoma......

I think I could have it handly for that quest of "4 fliers" that it looks coming back from time to time.

Also... Don't worry, you are not the only one, Leo sucked all my luck with 5stars haha

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:



And he appeared in the first out of those five reds ('bout time I had more than one or two reds to pick from too though) omg wow. I didn't pull from the others though, I need to save my orbs and money. In fact, I'm not spending money on the game again for quite some time, I think.

But sadly, after all my effort and money here, I may not use this guy.

Why? He's -Spd. -SPD. Of all the banes he could've had, he has to have the worst one for him (even -Atk would've been better in this case. Ryoma is all about speed). I could probably give him Speed +3 or Darting Blow or a breaker skill or something, but I don't know if it will salvage him enough when his defenses are low and there are units in the arena and stuff with like 38 or more speed that I can run into, I'm betting. His boon is +HP, just to note.

Yeah, yet another +HP 5 star. Starting with Ephraim, nearly all my 5 star pulls have been +HP. Weirdsville.

If this Ryoma can still be used though, which I hope, I really do, please tell me. :( Because people do keep saying that boons and banes aren't everything.

My Ryoma is -Spd and he's still killer. I haven't done anything to combat the speed, either. He's ended up at 33, which means he doesn't seem to get doubled by much (at least in my experience) and he's my best unit for several GHB's and in the arena. And I always play on Advanced. So your Ryoma will be fully usable, trust me :) I'm terrible at strategising (I just throw vantage on everyone and hope) so if I can make someone work, anyone can :) 


Not sure whether he beats Ike or not, though, or even Xander. I've not got Ike and I'm just training Xander up, so I don't know how more or less viable they are. 

Congrats on the Ryoma :D 

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2 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

Congrats btw.

I think that's the problem with your thinking, Ana.

You evaluate units solely on their natures and not how to creatively circumvent their flaws.

Yeah, maybe I still look a bit too much into banes and boons...

1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

My Ryoma is -Spd and he's still killer. I haven't done anything to combat the speed, either. He's ended up at 33, which means he doesn't seem to get doubled by much (at least in my experience) and he's my best unit for several GHB's and in the arena. And I always play on Advanced. So your Ryoma will be fully usable, trust me :) I'm terrible at strategising (I just throw vantage on everyone and hope) so if I can make someone work, anyone can :) 


Not sure whether he beats Ike or not, though, or even Xander. I've not got Ike and I'm just training Xander up, so I don't know how more or less viable they are. 

Congrats on the Ryoma :D 

I don't know about beating Xander, but I'd say Ryoma and Ike are equal since they're both great sword guys with blades that have built-in Distant Counter. The only real difference between the two is that Ike has more defense while Ryoma has a little more speed. I dunno about Xander though, as I don't plan to bother with him.

But I see, thanks for letting me know! That makes me feel better. :)

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, maybe I still look a bit too much into banes and boons...

I don't know about beating Xander, but I'd say Ryoma and Ike are equal since they're both great sword guys with blades that have built-in Distant Counter. The only real difference between the two is that Ike has more defense while Ryoma has a little more speed. I dunno about Xander though, as I don't plan to bother with him.

But I see, thanks for letting me know! That makes me feel better. :)

Ha, I just looked at my boon. He's +Hp! We have twin Ryomas :D 

Incidentally, mine is actually at 32 speed. I didn't realise I had a speed+1 seal on him for funsies xD So far, I've only vantaged him. He's still got Astra, which takes too long to cool down, and yet he still kicks :D So get using him and have fun ^.^

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17 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Ha, I just looked at my boon. He's +Hp! We have twin Ryomas :D 

Incidentally, mine is actually at 32 speed. I didn't realise I had a speed+1 seal on him for funsies xD So far, I've only vantaged him. He's still got Astra, which takes too long to cool down, and yet he still kicks :D So get using him and have fun ^.^

lol we sure do then! :P

I'm going to give him Vantage too! lol But awesome! And I will, soon as I feel like playing again. I'm on a good break from the game after finishing a couple of those tenth stratum orb quests. Still don't know how I'm going to be better in the arena, but...yeah. Glad I'm not the only one who stinks at strategizing though. I felt a bit lonely there, I guess.

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

lol we sure do then! :P

I'm going to give him Vantage too! lol But awesome! And I will, soon as I feel like playing again. I'm on a good break from the game after finishing a couple of those tenth stratum orb quests. Still don't know how I'm going to be better in the arena, but...yeah. Glad I'm not the only one who stinks at strategizing though. I felt a bit lonely there, I guess.

For me, it's all about the units and not caring if I die so much. I usually manage to get 4500 or so because I chuck Reinhardt, Azura, Ryoma and bonus unit (aiming for a green mage as much as possible here - currently had a run of Bunny!Camilla, Cecilia and now Soren) to bring it up. I don't lose heart if I come across the combos I can't seem to win. I just take the loss and try, try, try again :D But yeah, chuck things until they stick. I recently only ran Lucina, Azura and Kagero because my Ryoma felt a bit squishy. I learnt how to use him a bit better, along with Reinhardt, and finally took a deep breath and shook things up. Kagero and Lucina still make the occasional showing, though ^.^

So yeah, don't be afraid to mix and match. You're building up your units more :D I'd still recommend to use mages - even those you dislike - but that's up to you. And don't be afraid to experiment. Swap a staple out every so often (you can still use them elsewhere or wait to build another team around them if they don't work well with your current). You never know who will suddenly become your delete button :D 


And yup, take a break if it's tiring you out. I currently only play my main game, since 99 stamina has been more than enough and I don't find time to play the second,apart from loggin in to collect orbs. 

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@Anacybele I have a -spd +def Ryoma on my alt, and I run Quick Riposte on him (though Vantage is still a good choice since he still hits like a truck) and that lets him double the fast shit he misses out on doubling.

Which is cool. He still pulls hella weight on that file.

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I don't know anything about this game, but Ryoma doesn't seem to be the kind that would care too much about a speed drop, he's basically a clone of Ubogin, and Ubogin could open craters on the ground with a single punch as well as kill enemies by screaming at them.

Unless the meta favors speed, of course.


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5 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

For me, it's all about the units and not caring if I die so much. I usually manage to get 4500 or so because I chuck Reinhardt, Azura, Ryoma and bonus unit (aiming for a green mage as much as possible here - currently had a run of Bunny!Camilla, Cecilia and now Soren) to bring it up. I don't lose heart if I come across the combos I can't seem to win. I just take the loss and try, try, try again :D But yeah, chuck things until they stick. I recently only ran Lucina, Azura and Kagero because my Ryoma felt a bit squishy. I learnt how to use him a bit better, along with Reinhardt, and finally took a deep breath and shook things up. Kagero and Lucina still make the occasional showing, though ^.^

So yeah, don't be afraid to mix and match. You're building up your units more :D I'd still recommend to use mages - even those you dislike - but that's up to you. And don't be afraid to experiment. Swap a staple out every so often (you can still use them elsewhere or wait to build another team around them if they don't work well with your current). You never know who will suddenly become your delete button :D 


And yup, take a break if it's tiring you out. I currently only play my main game, since 99 stamina has been more than enough and I don't find time to play the second,apart from loggin in to collect orbs. 

I've still never gotten above 4,000 though...

Yeah, I do need to be better at not getting frustrated so much though. I find it hard to, but it's gotta happen somehow.

I wish I was willing to use more mages. It's not that I don't like mages themselves, I just haven't liked those characters. IS has yet to give me a mage I really like and it's definitely possible to make one. But oh, I've tried to mix and match quite a bit.

And righty. 99 Stamina has been enough indeed.

4 minutes ago, Thor Odinson said:

@Anacybele I have a -spd +def Ryoma on my alt, and I run Quick Riposte on him (though Vantage is still a good choice since he still hits like a truck) and that lets him double the fast shit he misses out on doubling.

Which is cool. He still pulls hella weight on that file.

Alrighty, awesome. :)

EDIT: The meta seems to always favor speed...

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

I've still never gotten above 4,000 though...

Yeah, I do need to be better at not getting frustrated so much though. I find it hard to, but it's gotta happen somehow.

I wish I was willing to use more mages. It's not that I don't like mages themselves, I just haven't liked those characters. IS has yet to give me a mage I really like and it's definitely possible to make one. But oh, I've tried to mix and match quite a bit.

And righty. 99 Stamina has been enough indeed.

Alrighty, awesome. :)

EDIT: The meta seems to always favor speed...

You tend to be very picky with units you really like, which isn't a bad thing to be fussy, but it can hold you back in this sort of game. I swear, if you ever pull Reinhardt or Julia, you might find said fussiness melting away after a few goes melting things lol 

Plus, you liked M!Robin, so that's a start :) He's an annoyance to me in the arena sometimes, though only if my unknown green unit dies... 

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7 minutes ago, Cerberus87 said:

I don't know anything about this game, but Ryoma doesn't seem to be the kind that would care too much about a speed drop, he's basically a clone of Ubogin, and Ubogin could open craters on the ground with a single punch as well as kill enemies by screaming at them.

Unless the meta favors speed, of course.

The meta favors eliminating opponents in a single round of combat. 

Speed is one of the most common ways of making this happen, of course, since having the speed to double goes a long way towards being able to ORKO (likewise, being fast enough to prevent being doubled often saves you from being ORKOd). 

However, if the meta were completely reliant on speed, units like Hector, Effie, and Ike would be complete trash, but instead they're top tier. 

Reinhardt is one of the slowest units in the entire game (he gets doubled by neutral Hector for godssake), but he is easily one of the most dominant units in the entire game right now simply because he's capable of melting over 90% of the entire cast on his own. 

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1 minute ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

The meta favors eliminating opponents in a single round of combat. 

Speed is one of the most common ways of making this happen, of course, since having the speed to double goes a long way towards being able to ORKO (likewise, being fast enough to prevent being doubled often saves you from being ORKOd). 

However, if the meta were completely reliant on speed, units like Hector, Effie, and Ike would be complete trash, but instead they're top tier. 

Reinhardt is one of the slowest units in the entire game (he gets doubled by neutral Hector for godssake), but he is easily one of the most dominant units in the entire game right now simply because he's capable of melting over 90% of the entire cast on his own. 

Oh I see, so stats work like standard Fire Emblem. Nice! Thanks for the explanation.

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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:


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Happy for you :)

I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't have a Ryoma......

You are not the only one.

I also don't have Hector...or Azura...or Ryoma..... or Alm so don't feel bad. Heck, I hardly ever pull a character I really desire. Takumi was a nice suprise though.


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1 minute ago, Tactician Robin said:

You are not the only one.

I also don't have Hector...or Azura...or Ryoma..... or Alm so don't feel bad. Heck, I hardly ever pull a character I really desire. Takumi was a nice suprise though.


I don't have any of the ones you listed LOLOLO



I don't want Alm though. He seems bad

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