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For the past two days, I've tried a "Summon one hero and then stop," strategy--a little wasteful but I really want to pull for summer Corrin and I really want to save orbs for the Hero Fest banner, and this is a split the baby sort of solution.

So... two pulls. No blue orbs to choose from either time. Okay, cool, I can pick green--I'm short on good greens.

And both times I got three star Ninos.

I love Nino. I raised one to five stars and maxed out her hero merit. But I think about one third of all the greens I pull are Ninos and I've got about eight of her in my barracks now.

Sigh. Pulling really is depressing nine times out of ten, isn't it?

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I was pretty down due to not getting Delthea in the last banner....hell not getting any 5*. The banner ended with a 6% rate.....BUT it seems my luck has turned around! I got my tomato prince! He's -def +res too! So it's one of his better natures! I'm a happy tomato. 

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I deserved to have this coming for insulting her, but the other day I pulled a -HP +Def 5* Olwen on my last possible pull for Ylissian Summer.

I'm still trying to figure out what to do with her... her nature couldn't be more usless if it were -Att, none of her skills are desireable for my needs, until Dire Thunder gets changed to an inheritable weapon anyways, and I don't have the tools needed to make her a Blarblade user, especially considering I already made my Bridal Caeda a perfectly good Blarblader already. I'd send her home, but that'd be wasteful. She could pass down Ward Cavalry, but I don't have a proper cavalry team yet.

Man, what do you do when life gives you lemons after you insulted the lemon tree they came from...

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Well due to the arena rewards I managed to get 5 orbs yesterday to do a last summon for Tiki, and it was a 3 star Barst. So I ended that banner with a 4.75% chance of a 5 star focus, and in total almost a 10% chance for a 5 star period. Despite it being trash to me in the end, the banner did give me Summer Robin, Cordelia, Camilla, and Nino(who I didn't have despite her commonness)

This morning due to the new quests I did most of them and did some summons on the Nohrian banner, and I've pulled Subaki, Est, and due to no Blue, and 4 star Eliwood. Not so great start but I more then likely will pull Summer Corrin since I'm blue sniping and choosing red when no blue *since the last time I pulled a red 5 star was Ike, and before that was 2 Karel's, and before that was 2 Eirikas,Seliph, and Lilina from the sacred stones banner

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After getting 20 orbs from the monthly quests I chose to give one try to the Nohrian Summer banner to try and get Corrin but it seems this game has other plans for me. I got a 3* Est, a 4* Beruka, a 4* Tiki, a 4* Marth and a freaking 5* S!Xander. I'm going to leave this banner alone until the TT and Hero fest banners are over. At least Xander is +Atk -Def (not the best but not the worst).

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8 minutes ago, Eridras said:

Nohrian Summer at 4.75%, shooting for Summer Corrin. Five red orbs.  Pull one.  +Def -Res Summer Leo kills my pity rate.  ARRRRRRRGH. 

I feel for you. That's my worst fear on this banner when if pity rate goes up.

I've used about 50 orbs on this banner so far, 30 of which were today after doing some of the August quests and stuff. Shooting primarily for Corrin, with also doing greens for Elise and maybe Xander.

Nothing good but a 5* Roderick that broke my pity rate. He's -HP +res, and I really don't care about him, nor do I feel like killing him off for his lance or skills right now. (I already had 2 4* ones if I ever really needed it). I guess I'll train him as an extra unit, and at least my pity rate was only up to 3.5%.

Oh well, hopefully some more log ins and the tempest orbs will give me something better. I need that Corrin in my life.

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10 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

I feel for you. That's my worst fear on this banner when if pity rate goes up.

I've used about 50 orbs on this banner so far, 30 of which were today after doing some of the August quests and stuff. Shooting primarily for Corrin, with also doing greens for Elise and maybe Xander.

Nothing good but a 5* Roderick that broke my pity rate. He's -HP +res, and I really don't care about him, nor do I feel like killing him off for his lance or skills right now. (I already had 2 4* ones if I ever really needed it). I guess I'll train him as an extra unit, and at least my pity rate was only up to 3.5%.

Oh well, hopefully some more log ins and the tempest orbs will give me something better. I need that Corrin in my life.

I have a fully SI'ed Spring Camilla, so I'm seriously considering cutting my losses on this banner. 200 orbs spent feels like I've done enough. 

Of course, I'm going to get nothing but blues next week when I try for Ike on the Hero Fest 2 banner. 

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32 minutes ago, Eridras said:

Nohrian Summer at 4.75%, shooting for Summer Corrin. Five red orbs.  Pull one.  +Def -Res Summer Leo kills my pity rate.  ARRRRRRRGH. 

I managed to get my pity rate up to 4.75% yesterday, too, going for Summer Corrin and having that broken by a 5-star Peri.

And then the next session has no blue and I get a Summer Xander.

And then the next session also has no blue and I get a 5-star Sheena.



At least we're getting a lot of free orbs this month.

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2 minutes ago, Eridras said:

I have a fully SI'ed Spring Camilla, so I'm seriously considering cutting my losses on this banner. 200 orbs spent feels like I've done enough. 

Of course, I'm going to get nothing but blues next week when I try for Ike on the Hero Fest 2 banner. 

The fact that I too have a decked out Spring Camilla is actually driving me to want Corrin even more than I probably would. I like her so much as a unit that I assume I'll be similarly happy to use a blue mage flier too. So I really hope I can manage getting her.

I'm almost tempted to spend some money but I'm going to try to at least wait until the 4*/3* rate swap happens before I bother.(if it even applies to this banner, but I'll wait anyway) Luckily I have Ike from his initial banner and I'm not dying to get the other units this Hero Fest, so I can be less salty if I need to skip pulling on it. It's still a bummer if I get orb screwed like I did with Summer Robin and Tiki, though. (I had to have used at least 300 before I got them both) Godspeed on your pulls. At least we have the rest of the month to keep trying.

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41 minutes ago, Eridras said:

Nohrian Summer at 4.75%, shooting for Summer Corrin. Five red orbs.  Pull one.  +Def -Res Summer Leo kills my pity rate.  ARRRRRRRGH. 

That's how I felt whenever Summer Gaius kept killing my rate for Summer Freddy.

Then right after I pulled Gaius the second time, Freddy showed up. In the same session. XD So I wasn't mad anymore. lol

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8 hours ago, Personette said:

For the past two days, I've tried a "Summon one hero and then stop," strategy--a little wasteful but I really want to pull for summer Corrin and I really want to save orbs for the Hero Fest banner, and this is a split the baby sort of solution.

So... two pulls. No blue orbs to choose from either time. Okay, cool, I can pick green--I'm short on good greens.

And both times I got three star Ninos.

I love Nino. I raised one to five stars and maxed out her hero merit. But I think about one third of all the greens I pull are Ninos and I've got about eight of her in my barracks now.

Sigh. Pulling really is depressing nine times out of ten, isn't it?

It really is. I'm saving for hero fest too (up to 160 orbs now.) but my friend has been insanely lucky this month. He had 10+ 5* units pulling that way this month alone... and pulling every time he saves up 5 orbs. got Fcorrin on the summer banner first pull, Nino, Olwen and a couple of 2 in one batch summons too...

I cracked and did 2 full summons of NOTHING... XD

Edited by Chelone
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7 minutes ago, Chelone said:

It really is. I'm saving for hero fest too (up to 160 orbs now.) but my friend has been insanely lucky this month. He had 10+ 5* units pulling that way this month alone... and pulling every time he saves up 5 orbs. got Fcorrin on the summer banner first pull, Nino, Olwen and a couple of 2 in one batch summons too...

I cracked and did 2 full summons of NOTHING... XD

I got 10 5* units last month from the orbs we got that month alone.  Of course, 7 of them were Fredericks I didn't want...

It's not really about how many 5*s you get, it's about whether you get the right ones.  My luck with Nohrian summer has been very good, I haven't reached 3.25% and I've gotten two 5*s.  Abel and Lilina.  Abel is good, but if another unit needs his brave lance he is going bye-bye.  Liliana has not been very good in my experience.  

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39 minutes ago, Alkaid said:


I'm almost tempted to spend some money but I'm going to try to at least wait until the 4*/3* rate swap happens before I bother.(if it even applies to this banner, but I'll wait anyway) Luckily I have Ike from his initial banner and I'm not dying to get the other units this Hero Fest, so I can be less salty if I need to skip pulling on it. It's still a bummer if I get orb screwed like I did with Summer Robin and Tiki, though. (I had to have used at least 300 before I got them both) Godspeed on your pulls. At least we have the rest of the month to keep trying.

Keep in mind my 4.75% pity rate came from 66$ of orbs. The 4 5-star units I pulled from this banner came entirely from free orbs. 

I also spent 66$ on Ike's banner for nada as well.  This is my way of righting an ancient wrong. 

45 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I managed to get my pity rate up to 4.75% yesterday, too, going for Summer Corrin and having that broken by a 5-star Peri.

And then the next session has no blue and I get a Summer Xander.

And then the next session also has no blue and I get a 5-star Sheena.



At least we're getting a lot of free orbs this month.

I kind of feel that spending money on orbs has really taken some of the joy out of summoning. I miss the days when any 5-star unit was cause for celebration. 


40 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

That's how I felt whenever Summer Gaius kept killing my rate for Summer Freddy.

Then right after I pulled Gaius the second time, Freddy showed up. In the same session. XD So I wasn't mad anymore. lol

I actually pulled one more blue after losing my pity rate and got...3-star Robin. So much for that!  

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So...didn't end up getting Summer Frederick.  Since pulling on the Nohrian summer banner, I have pulled a 4* Nino, 4* Barst, and 3* Fir.  Here's hoping that the many free orbs in August will help me obtain Summer Xander, Summer Corrin, and Summer Leo if possible.  I like Summer Corrin's art, though I have heard that Summer Leo isn't quite feasible to use? Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

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6 minutes ago, Eridras said:

I actually pulled one more blue after losing my pity rate and got...3-star Robin. So much for that!  

Yeah, too bad... >_< But I wasn't giving up either way. I had to have that Freddy. <3

My persistence and a bit of money (though thankfully not a whole lot) was what got me all my favorite characters so far. Maybe that can be a lesson for some folks! :)

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4 minutes ago, Eridras said:

Keep in mind my 4.75% pity rate came from 66$ of orbs. The 4 5-star units I pulled from this banner came entirely from free orbs.

Oh I can imagine. I've had decent luck with the few paid orbs I've gotten, but I know it could just as well come up empty handed. My willpower is just weak after it took me around 300 free orbs and all of July pulling for Summer Robin and Tiki. I eventually emerged victorious with them both (2 Tikis back to back in the end, funny enough) but it was a long and awkward month for summoning before I got them. (highs and lows ranging from off-banner Hector and Azura to pity-breaker Merric)

My friend pulling Elise and Xander (the exact two he wanted most) the other day also got me a bit eager to summon. He's been really lucky since he started playing like 2 weeks ago, getting almost everything he's wanted on current banners with free orbs (and even a random Azura which is +atk rather than my -spd one..). Though his luck was a bit cursed since that Elise and Xander are both -atk..

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5 hours ago, mewyeon said:

 I like Summer Corrin's art, though I have heard that Summer Leo isn't quite feasible to use? Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

He is not.  Though, he can be used as a decent blade user with L&D especially with speed nature.  W/ L&D he will be up to 35 speed before buffs which is very respectable with his high attack.  

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1 hour ago, Lushen said:

He is not.  Though, he can be used as a decent blade user with L&D especially with speed nature.  W/ L&D he will be up to 35 speed before buffs which is very respectable with his high attack.  

Hmm...I'm not an intense enough player to figure all that out.  Perhaps, I shall focus on summoning Leo as a regular unit, and focus on sniping blues and greens to get Xander and Corrin instead.  Will update this post later today with results from another pull.

EDIT: I've been trolled again by Breidablik.  I didn't get a single 5* unit until right at the very end of the Ylissean summer banner, which ended up being Summer Gaius.  However, a couple forays into the Nohrian summer banner, and Summer Elise comes home.  I won't say no to that! Still going to spend all my orbs sniping the Nohrian banner for Xander and Corrin though :P

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nohrian summer non-focus unit adventures continue. got a 5* -hp +atk camilla.

i feel like my luck with this banner has been really weird and suspicious(?). i've gotten 4 5*s from i think 7 pulls? (3 - luke, 5 - alm, 6 - azura, 7 - camilla). getting ready for the driest of streaks when i start pulling for hero fest/continue pulling this banner.

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New Day New Garbage Summon



I mean like c'mon. I've seen people get continuous loads of Hinatas, and even Shannas. Now I'm running out of Shanna's, still have no Hinata, and even when I go and get all 3 Stars I don't even get anything useful. I have like close to no use for Iceberg especially with my +Def -Res Sanaki, who already has it, and I don't even have any good mages with high enough res for it. 

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5 minutes ago, Logos said:

New Day New Garbage Summon


5 minutes ago, Logos said:

Now I'm running out of Shanna's, still have no Hinata, and even when I go and get all 3 Stars I don't even get anything useful.

Matthew is hone speed fodder

If cherche is +Atk you can give her death blow + Brave ax and wings of Mercy for keks ;)

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