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7 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Pulled on summer again. I got Sophia, Shanna, and Jagen. Is this a sign that I should stop playing this game forever? I bet I won't ever get a 5* this month

Isn't there some point where you're guranteed a 5*? Not sure when that was, but you might be getting close to it.

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2 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

Isn't there some point where you're guranteed a 5*? Not sure when that was, but you might be getting close to it.

Playing the Tempest Trials.

I think the pity 5* is per banner rather than global.

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Just pulled a Julia from Hero Fest. (Kept running into Gray orbs, they were really trying to choke Genny down my throat, but I wouldn't have it.)

Now I'm just trying to decide whether to go with my +Atk/-Res or my +Spend/-Res.

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5 minutes ago, BrokenGrace said:

Now I'm just trying to decide whether to go with my +Atk/-Res or my +Spend/-Res.

You can go either way, really. +Spd helps her to avoid being doubled (especially with Fury), while +Atk gives her dragon blasts even more power.

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TT orbs + Cecilia & Lilina battle orbs = one last try at hero fest &...

I got Ninian!

That was excruciating. It took tons of saving orbs, it was mostly disappointing, but it's also the first time i've successfully pulled a specific, much-desired focus unit. (And she's -HP/+ATK, too.)

Glad that's over. Back to saving.


Edited by Personette
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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

You can go either way, really. +Spd helps her to avoid being doubled (especially with Fury), while +Atk gives her dragon blasts even more power.

Which would you go with if you were running Death Blow instead of Fury?

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I got Julia! Woop woop! Now I don't know what I should save up for; should I snipe Ninian, go for Corrin or wait for the CYL banner? Choices, choices. 

Oh, and she's +Speed and -Res. That's pretty good, right? She's slow, but now she won't get doubled quite so often, I reckon.

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35 minutes ago, Thane said:

I got Julia! Woop woop! Now I don't know what I should save up for; should I snipe Ninian, go for Corrin or wait for the CYL banner? Choices, choices. 

Oh, and she's +Speed and -Res. That's pretty good, right? She's slow, but now she won't get doubled quite so often, I reckon.

Very. The only thing that could be better is +Spd/-Def, imo. 

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Yesterday I already posted about me saving 200+ orbs and spamming hero fest and Tempest banners.

Resulted in: 5* versions of Mae, Seliph, Ike (-atk :( ) and Celica (+atk) and later that day a +spd Genny.

got to 99 orbs this morning, was planning to save again but I went for one more round of Tempest in hope for Delthea... nothing.

Spammed Hero Fest for Ninian or a better Ike and after about 80 orbs:


+atk/-Def Linde! Haven't heard about her being good in a while, hope she still is!

My orb pool is almost empty now, not sure if I should still try my chances at a Delthea and maybe a better Ike...

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2 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

Good units rarely stop being good in this game, let alone broken ones like Linde :P

I mean, the only way a "good" unit can become "bad" is by being compared to "better" units, such as Reinhardt.

Unfairer things have been said, I'm sure.

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Just now, Xenomata said:

I mean, the only way a "good" unit can become "bad" is by being compared to "better" units, such as Reinhardt.

Unfairer things have been said, I'm sure.

True, but there's also units like M!Robin who where considered "good" at the start of the game when evryone used swordies and Takumi, but isn't to great now that evyone uses mages.

It depends on how good a unit has to be before you call them "good", really :P

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7 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

Good units rarely stop being good in this game, let alone broken ones like Linde :P


3 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I mean, the only way a "good" unit can become "bad" is by being compared to "better" units, such as Reinhardt.

Unfairer things have been said, I'm sure.

That's true I guess, being outclassed will happen over time. I already have a Neutral Reinhardt and now Linde. My friend who just pulled Delthea today said Delthea is still worth it for the buffs she brings. Not sure if this is the right place to ask, I rather save for future banners, would you guys suggest to still try for Delthea? A better Ike, since mine is -atk or Ninian? I do have Azura... 

Anyway, to stay on-topic, I feel really bad for my girlfriend who used almost 100 orbs of NOTHING on Hero fest... same for the others here... :(

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Hero Fest madness continues!

3 Colourless, 1 each Red and Green

4* Clarine (More stuff to sacrifice? I think +Spd/-HP is good though), 3* Niles (Really no need for this guy.), 4* Setsuna (Could be a good call, and reciprocal aid is good for Chrom to be a healer. Shame she's +HP/-Res), 4* Barst (This guy could be worth the sacrifice, but +Att/-HP is not a bad nature either, better than the -Att one I have for sure), 4* Caeda (Could be good, but I've invested in one already. However, this one isn't losing speed, as she's +Att/-Def)

1 Colourless, 2 each Red and Blue

3* Matthew (So you're not much use to me), 3* Laslow (Yet again axebreaker fodder), 3* Raigh (Seriously, what is my luck with red lately?), 3* Wendy (That's more Hone armour fodder that I don't need), 3* M!Robin (And that is a terrible pull for 1.6. ALL 3* units. Not too useful SI either)

... And then I realised Matthew has Hone Speed. For Ephraim then?

3 Colourless, 2 Green (Really not getting a chance for Ninian)

4* Lissa (MORE REHABILITATE FODDER!), 4* Jakob (+Res/-Att, so Renewal Fodder!), 4* Kagero (+Res/-Att, So Shurikenbreaker fodder?), 4* Nino (Can she do her best? +Def/-HP, she'll do for now), 4* Raven (Lucius's bestie is finally here! +Res/-Spd sadly)

So, near 6* for a focus unit?

1 Colourless, 2 each Green and Blue

4* Klein (Clarine's brother is here! +Spd/-Att sadly.), 3* Arthur (Usually he's 4* for me, a shame that), 4* Bartre (He's still coming. +Att/-Def, better than last time), 4* Roderick (You're no Iron Patriot. You're Neutral though, could be worse), 3* Wendy (Like this one sadly. She wants to be the most pulled unit again, I swear)

...One last shot then.

3 Red, 1 each Colourless and Green (Why so little blue today?)

4* Virion (Once again, Leon's you but better), 3* Nino (Again, could do better), 4* Henry (... MORE FODDER HERE), 4* Hinata (It's the Fury fodder machine! I should use some of them.), 3* Draug (Fodder again)



F it all?

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3 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Guys (and some girls) should I do a YOLO summon on the hero fest. I have the orbs. Just want to hear your input.

Well I guess it depends on if you need/want any of the focus heroes? I've been pulling for Ninian and finally decided to stop pulling non-blue orbs. (Mostly because I got sniped by Genny 3x now and am just sick of it.) I mean there is no harm I suppose?

Though, you may wanna consider saving for the CYOL banner.

Also... if anybody has advice on what I should do with 3 Gennys... I'd greatly appreciate it.

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Three summons! First, I wanted to pull for summer Elise and Xander, who I didn't have. No Xander, but.....



Well, that's my first 3 pull. Celica is +SPD - DEF, Olwen is -ATK +RES, S!Elise is +RES - DEF. Disappointing about Olwen, but I really can't complain.

Next, I pulled for hero fest. I have both Ike and Julia, so I pulled for Ninian and Genny




No Genny, but a 2nd Rebecca and my first 5 star Priscilla. Not bad, but would have preferred an Elise!


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