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I tried to get Ninian one last time and got nothing but running out of orbs (why does this keep happening to me every single time Ninian is on a banner!!!?) and a beautiful 4.25% pity rate which is going to be gone tomorrow..... I'm glad that the CYL banner gave me 3 decent heroes at the very least because the TT gave me nothing but Bartres and Oboros.

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1 hour ago, Jingle Jangle said:

After three summons on the brave banner I got a Olwen with (+res, -spd). Any thoughts what I can do with her?

Hey, that's the same boon/bane combination my Reinhardt has. Speaking of Reinhardt, if your Olwen is -spd and you want to use her, it might be a not-terrible idea to just use her like him. So basically, dire thunder proc death blow lancebreaker shenanigans. She'll be hitting 41 attack on initiation, which isn't too bad since she will always double on initiation too.

Alternatively, -spd Olwen still has 31 speed without dire thunder. So you could also give her life+death and blarblade(+) and stick her on a cavalry team and she can still do some mean damage.

I had 9 orbs so I decided to spend them on the brave banner in a last minute attempt to pull Brave Lyn (the only one of the four I'm still missing). Got a 3-star Virion and a 4-star Lucius. Game, this is my third 4-star Lucius, stop. If you want to give me a 4-star healer, give me Sakura or Maria!

Edited by Sunwoo
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I wouldn't recommend using Blarrblade on -Spd Olwen since Ursula does it better (unless you don't have an Ursula of course).

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I'm convinced Lucina doesn't exist. I've been doing full pulls because all of the CYL focus characters are worth pulling for and have gotten 4 5 Roys, 5 6 Ikes, 9 Lyns, and no Lucinas. Game, what the fuck?

Edited by Ice Dragon
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So, uh, about this new banner? First summoning session gave me...

(Image removed: summoning circle with 4* Shiida, 4* Kagero, 5* BH!Ike, 4* Cain, 4* Reinhardt)

Brave Heroes Ike. That's great, game, but... now I'm worried about what price you're going to exact from me for the insane luck I've had recently.

Ah well. Praise Anna!

Edited by Seafarer
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I got Nephenee on my free summon, just like I did Tana and Seth. I would be worried about using up all my luck, but I spent close to 200 orbs on the CYL banner and ended it with a 5% pity rate, so I feel like I earned this.

+HP -Def, just like my old Reinhardt, Tikini, Robikini and I believe Eldigan. That particular nature just seems to love me.

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My Free summon!!!!

Then I opened the others... Food skills, still not a Lilina on that red, and not Elincia of course... Not even a Peri (I need a Peri for skill!!!)

Edited by SniperGYS
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So after pulling on my main account, I exhausted my orb supply with nothing of note to come from it. Unfortunate, but switching over to my second account, I decided to pull my orbs there as well, and...

One of those would have been appreciated on the account with built Flier Emblem, Heroes. -HP/+Res is... okay, but better than the other one at +Hp/-Spd. They were both from the same summoning session too.

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Screw you, Oscar!  She showed up anyway!



I was quite sad when Oscar popped up first on this pull, thinking he had killed my pity rate. Fortunately, Nephenee showed up right after. 

62 orbs got me three 5-star units, which is just nuts. I think Nephenee is (+Hp -Res) and Oscar is (+Def -Hp).

The third 5-star was my first ever Linde, with (+Spd -Atk). The Rezzy curse is limited due to the fact that Blarblade + cares not for an attack bane. 

Edited by Eridras
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Wrong red Tellius girl me thinks.

ha! I am not complaining though I've been wanting Sanaki. I was absolutely not expecting her to show up anytime soon though! She is unfortunately-atk/+spd, but I've made this work on Ike and Julia I will do it again!

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One Red and three blues, good start. No Focus unit but a +Res/-Spd 5* Mathilda. Weird nature, but appreciated. Won't be pulling further on the banner than this first try. I see how good these three new units are, but I'll wait and see who the bonus units are in the next TT. I have both Ikes, and I'd be surprised if neither of them were on the 1.4x level. I have 55 orbs in reserve, and I'm saving them for seasonal banners since those units are my priority.

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It's time to go! I've got 63 orbs saved up, with more coming from the new maps and daily bonuses.

  1. 4* Shanna: Desperation'll be useful for Elincia.
  2. 4* Shanna: Um...okay?

The other 3 orbs are grey, so I'm going to break my usual habit and snipe blues and reds.

  1. 4* Athena: The first time I pulled you, your IVs were crap. Now you're +Atk/-Res, which is damn good. Keeper.
  2. 4* Reinhardt: Meh, already have you at 5*.
  3. 4* Donnel: Useless.
  4. 5* Oscar: Hello there! You're the unit I don't really care about from this banner, but another 5* is fine any day. +HP/-Def, so meh IVs.

Well, there's one of them. Let's keep going.

  1. 4* Seth: Hey, new unit! +Hp/-Spd, which is pretty mediocre.
  2. 3* Eliwood: Bleh.
  3. 3* Raigh: Ugh, this is annoying.

29 orbs left. Let's continue on.

  1. 4* Roy: More TA3 fodder.
  2. 4* Chrom: Meh.
  3. 3* Sully: I have Abel for SI. Pass.

16 orbs left, 4 more scraped up. One more time.

  1. 3* Raigh: No, stop!
  2. 4* Eirika: Hey, nice.
  3. 3* Sophia: No thanks.
  4. 5* Elincia: Hallelujah! The rightful queen of Crimea has arrived! She's +Atk/-Hp, so her IVs are great as well.
  5. 3* Femui: Not Nephenee, but I can always use more Draconic Aura.

And that concludes my adventures here for now. Got some useful SI fodder, a nice Athena, Oscar with okay IVs, and Elincia with great ones for 67 orbs. I'm satisfied.

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I decided to go for a full pull after having bad experiences with sniping on the CYL banner.

3* Laslow (+hp -atk)

4* Odin (+hp -spd)

4* Azama (-def +res ... meh)

4* Mae (+spd -res is good, I guess? Her and Mathilda just seem to love me. I pulled both like 3 times recently...)

4* Boey (+def -hp ... Boy, I just pulled you as 5* +atk recently!!)


Gosh, I'm so tired of pulling SoV units by now.

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84 orbs spent tonight. :^_^:

4* Henry

3* Tiki

3* Henry

4* Stahl 

4* Hana

4* Henry

4* Chrom

4* Lachesis (No reds in that session and I need some Bowbreaker.)

4* Stahl

3* Eliwood

3* Hana

3* Gaius

5* Eldigan (-Atk/+Spd.  I didn't have him yet.  Neat.) 

3* Olivia

4* Olivia

5* Elincia (16 9 10 4 8 are her stats.  I think she may be +Atk/-Def!  Dunno if it's too soon to count the Fire Emblem Wiki as reliable.  I hope it's right!  :B):)

4* Jagen (Opened the rest of the 4 orbs because why not?  I'm done.)

4* Est 

3* Niles

4* Wrys

Happy with these results.  Wish I could have pulled a Laslow, though.  I need more to promote and merge!

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I ended up doing a couple of pulls anyway just to see if I could get lucky. (Plus story orbs. Yay!) Nope. 

4* Henry (+DEF -ATK) *free pull* (I've got him at 3 stars +DEF -HP, so this guy will probably be Ignis or tomebreaker fodder.)
4* Est (+RES -HP) (Have a +ATK -HP version of her soooo....feather time!)
3* Stahl (+ATK -SPD) (Why use him when I have Seth? Swap fodder! ...or maybe Olivia's going to get a Ruby Sword...hm...)
3* Raigh (+DEF -HP) (...normally I'd send him home, but I think I want to build a +10 5* Raigh. He's going to chill with me for a while.)
3* Laslow (+DEF -SPD) (He's another potential candidate for a +10 5*...so we'll see.)

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Hello there, overkilling lance for Catria!


Free pull was a 4★ Fir, along came a 4★ Odin. The next set had a 3★ Henry and a 3★ Odin. The third set had a 4★ Eirika, Nephenee, and another blue stone I didn’t have orbs for.

She seems to be Def/Spd.

Edited by Vaximillian
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Nothing good, nothing new. Got a 4-star normal Roy on my free summon and got kind of excited because I need a +spd Roy that's not -atk. Alas, this one was -atk and not +spd. :/

Can I get some new characters game, seriously

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Well, Lady Luck is still with me.  I saved up 22 orbs for this banner, and after three summoning sessions focusing on only the blue orbs, I snagged me a Nephenee!


Even better than my luck at pulling her is my luck with her IVs.  Got me a SPD boon and RES bane.  Very happy early morning for me.  I plan on trying to Elencia at the end of the banner's run; should be able to scrounge up about 80 orbs for that bid by banner's end.



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I hate Gacha.... I finally get a 5* on my free pull, and its M!Corrin.... for the third time. I can't even use him, he is way too unremarkable and I have two level 1 5* I can't use for anything, not to use, not for SI, not for flair (Corrin is an atrociously written character).... why you hate me, IS?.Back to accumulating spheres for the returning Ninian I won't get.

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WOW, I got, if the wiki is correct, a +atk -def Elincia after spending about 20 orbs. Nothing to note from the other pulls, just 3* Firs and junk, but I'm not complaining.

I'd like Nephenee too but I think I'll wait until the end of the banner and see what the inevitable Halloween announcement holds, as well as maybe a Warriors banner. I want her, but not at the cost of having no orbs for Halloween stuff if it looks good.

But wow, maybe the game felt bad for me after the travesty that was the CYL banner.


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