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3 minutes ago, Eridras said:

I basically had the same 5-star ratio you did, and also got the dancer I wanted. I'd say we were both pretty lucky, once the horror stories of 200+ orb sessions with nothing to show for it come out. 

Indeed. Since CYL and Nohrian summer were both pretty horrifying for me, and while this isn't amazing luck, I went in expecting to get screwed by Inigo at best, so I'm pretty happy with this. Olivia might be too much for my luck, but I'll try for her at least a little more this month.

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I only have 15 orbs, so might as well go all in. Still need a good dancer since Ninian apparently hates me.

  1. 4* Matthew: Damn.
  2. 3* Florina: Bleh.
  3. 4* Catria: Eh, nice, but not what I'm looking for.
  4. 3* Hinata: More Fury fodder.
  5. 3* Sophia: Garbage.

That was a massive waste. Guess it's time to slowly save up again.

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On 9/21/2017 at 2:36 AM, Infinite Dreams said:

... I did warn my boyfriend that the little bit of self-control I have recently developed will go out the window if another version of Inigo gets released, though.  :sweatdrop:  That is my only exception now.  (Hopefully...)

Kinda funny that this banner happened... At midnight last night when the trailer hit, my boyfriend came out of the bedroom and said "Dancer Inigo."  :lol: 

Luckily, I did pretty well tonight!  :^_^: 

Total orbs spent: 266.  I started with 191 saved orbs and didn't get Inigo with those.  No biggie, I was expecting as much, knowing my luck.  I got 2 of him after buying a $54.99 orb pack.  

I was sniping greens at first to get Inigo, and my priority was green -> colourless -> blue.  After getting him, I pulled other colours (except red).  I have to admit, I was a little frustrated that I didn't get a single green orb in like 10-15 (?) sessions.  That was pretty ridiculous.  Anyway, here are my results:

3-4* Pulls:

3* Cherche x2
4* Cherche x2
3* Frederick x3
4* Frederick
4* Bartre
4* Jeorge
4* Saizo x3
3* Gordin
4* Gordin
3* Cecilia x2
4* Cecilia
4* Lissa x2
4* Shanna
3* Niles
4* Niles x2
3* Gunter x2
4* Hawkeye x3
4* Lucius
4* Leon (New!)
4* Sully x2
3* Barst
3* Felicia
3* Beruka x2
4* Beruka x2
3* Arthur
4* Nino
4* Gaius
3* Matthew
4* Matthew
3* Virion x2
4* Mathilda
3* Setsuna (Yay, Bowbreaker for Inigo)
4* Titania
4* Florina
4* Priscilla

See, check out all those colourless dudes I pulled.  Most of those (except a few I pulled at the end) were from sessions without any green orbs!

5* Pulls:

5* Azura (+Atk/-Res)
5* Titania (+Spd/-Res)
5* Amelia (+HP/-Spd)
5* Innes (+Spd/-HP)
5* Inigo (+Def/-Spd)
5* Shigure (+Def/-Spd)
5* Inigo (+Spd/-Res)

7 5* characters in 266 orbs.  Good!  :):  Now I'm just missing Olivia.  I have all month, so I'm not worried!  Hopefully I can get her with free orbs before the banner ends.

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Bleh, nothing good, although I'm not too surprised since I only spent 24 orbs. Free summon was a +Spd/-Atk Clarine, which is probably not as good as the +Res/-Def I already have. Only pulling on colorless and greens (mostly colorless, but both of my summoning sessions only had one green, so I figured why not):

  • 4-star +HP/-Res Nino. Strictly worse than my +Spd/-Res Nino, and will be used for fodder.
  • 4-star +Spd/-HP Matthew. Not bad actually, but I don't really care for him, so I may send him off for feathers and keep the 3-star neutral one I have now.
  • 3-star +Res/-HP Gordin. Bad bad bad bad bad. Unfortunately, he's one of the few sources of Brave Bow+, so I might keep him around just in case I decide to promote him for SI. This did motivate me to get my other 3-star Gordin to level 20 to check his boon/bane, and he's... +Res/-Def. Whyyyyyyy. I actually wouldn't mind using him, but... I'd like a good one first.
  • 3-star +Res/-Atk Serra. Not that bad for a healer, but is she worth spending 2,000 feathers to promote and merge into my current +HP/-Spd one? I'm leaning towards no.
  • 4-star +Atk/-Spd Frederick. That's... actually outstanding. Only outdone by +Atk/-Res. Unfortunately, I don't have any big attachment to him and I have little interest in spending the time and feathers to build him. Looks like he'll be Luna fodder.
  • 3-star +Res/-Def Stahl. Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad. And not very good for SI even at 4-stars (which he isn't), so he'll be sent home.

I'll have to restrain myself from buying any orbs for this banner, since I'll have plenty of time to work all month for more orbs. Once the monthly quests start up, I will almost certainly be back here to try again. Although, with Jugdral coming up, I might have to get Olivia and get out, just in case...

Edit: Also, I'm now at the closest I've ever been to 200 units in my barracks. 197/200. Perhaps I'll finally be forced to expand it soon.

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Holy heck did I just have the best luck ever.

It started as I expected - 100 orbs and only fodder... mostly 3* fodder, too, to my annoyance. That being said, plenty of Subakis and plenty of Barsts so I wasn't overly unhappy.

Then Nohr Azura broke my rate. I was happy but told her Inigo better come soon...

He came on the very next orb that pull. I was gobsmacked.

I hadn't been pulling colourless at this point but figured I might as well. Very next round, Nohr Olivia came along.

At this point, I figured it would take the rest of my orbs to fail getting Shigure. I pulled for a while - more Barsts, more 3*'s...

Took a break for TT so as not to waste stamina. Went back to it and did one last pull before work.

First orb was Shigure.

I am over the moon!

310 orbs to start - 120 orbs left, and that was with upgrading the barracks from 450 to 500. Not sure of natures yet, but honestly couldn't care less. Can't believe they've all joined me! Yay :D

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Sniping green stones on the new banner...first two summons (Of course) I got none. Tried a colourless to no avail.

Then 1 (Nothing) stop.

Then 1 again (Nothing) stop.

Then 2 appeared...but the usual deal.

Want Azura and Olivia the most. Torn but, as I hate colourless hell. Plenty of time I guess.

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Well that was a ride.

First I did a last minute summon for my main account, since I had no focus unit. 2 red orbs. 1st was a Laslow at 3 star. Meh. Let's try again....and it's Elincia!!!! +Res Bane like my second account, but unfortunately, she is -Spd instead, but I guess I can work with it. Time to do some last minute TT grinding with the Black Knight!

Second account just had a 3 star Bonfire fodder in Robin.

And now the new banner drops/

Main account: 3 Colorless, 1 Red and 1 Blue. Ignored the red, and Colourless was a Felicia, Saizo and a Azama that were all inherited away (except for Azama, I inherited my previous -Def/+Atk one away for the Pain staff). Blue was a -Def/+Atk Shanna.

Let's try again. Finally some green Orbs, 3 of them in fact. First was a +Spd/-HP 4 star Merric. I might upgrade him someday since my 5 star one is +Res/-HP. Second was a meh Barst. Last green Orb....was a Performing Azura!!!!! Finally, another dancer that's not Olivia! And she's -HP/+Atk! Easily fixed with a HP+3 seal, but wow, two 5 stars in one day! Makes up for colourless hell from the first summon (although I do want Olivia/Inigo, too)

Second account: 1 red that I ignored. I colorless which is summoned a spare 4 star Klein (FINALLY) which quickly went to Rein to finish off his Death Blow skill. A -HP/+Def Soren which quickly replaced my -Atk/+Res one..maybe he could be a Gronnraven user although I already gave the previous Soren Gronnblade. A meh 3 star Bartre .

Second summon was 3 greens and 2 reds. Only focusing on green. It was a +Atk/-Def Barst, a +Res/-Def Hawkeye and a +Spd/-Def Boey. He could replace my +Spd/-Atk Boey from the Echoes TT, although I'm not sure if the Def drop is worth it?

So glad for my main account though, after having a 5 star Drought for a long time. :D

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3 minutes ago, Prince Endriu said:

Thats what I hate about this game. I will have 500 orbs today that I can spend - nervous as hell.

Did you at least get some decent fodder?

Unfortunuatly, greens don't generally have great fodder, unlike red units. There's a couple reposition barsts I got, but that's pretty much it. Good luck though! :3


Aw, I'm so sorry.  :(:  I hope you get her soon.  Best wishes to you.  


Aww, thanks! Very sweet, likewise! ^^

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Just now, Birdy said:

Unfortunuatly, greens don't generally have great fodder, unlike red units. There's a couple reposition barsts I got, but that's pretty much it. Good luck though! :3


I will try all colors except red, hope to get some reinhards and ninos, fae would be good.


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Just now, Prince Endriu said:


I will try all colors except red, hope to get some reinhards and ninos, fae would be good.


Renewal is always nice, true :3. Good luck, and kudo's to your taste in anime/visual novels! Just finished Stein's Gate 0, it was a great and emotional ride ;_;

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4 minutes ago, Birdy said:

Renewal is always nice, true :3. Good luck, and kudo's to your taste in anime/visual novels! Just finished Stein's Gate 0, it was a great and emotional ride ;_;

Havent seen that one! I must admit that only watch dubbed shows, thats how its always been.

Currently watching Golgo 13! Surprisingly entertaining!

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21 minutes ago, Birdy said:

320 orbs later and all I have to show for it are a Boey and Inigo after sniping greens for Azura ;_;

320 and only two 5*, f..k me, that's the BS demoralizing nonsense that I hate about gacha games.


As for me, I'm just hoping for the best now. Last time I paid, I got majorly screwed, so I don't bother anymore and just take whatever the game graciously offers. With 1 and a half full pulls I got three 5* and yet, all unsatisfying. Obviously, from a statistical point of view, way better luck than nothing, and I should be happy, yet all of them have a problem. Tharja, besides having -Spd +Hp as an atrocious combo, is useless in my collection as I already have my favorite Tharja, and can give her Tome from the 4* variants if I wanted to. Not that helpful. Inigo is a good one, for being special, has flair, and I like Inigo, so I'm fine.... until I realized that he is -Att, which will hurt his prowess, since I wanted to give him a Bladetome, and also because it's one of those 4-points banes, decreasing his BST needlessly. And lastly, since I kinda wanted my favorite Waifu Olivia, I got Jaffar.... who is just worthless, no matter what you do with him. Probably gonna SI him away after getting his dialogue.

So yeah, 3 x 5* in less than 40 orbs is beyond great, but the result leaves a bitter aftertaste in my mouth. How should one feel about things like this, where you are objectively lucky and unlucky at the same time? Additionally, I'll probably be back to crushing bad luck for a while now.... I wish everyone else a lot of success, though.

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OMG. Now this was an ordeal of a banner but my luck was OUTRAGEOUS. My boyfriend knew how excited I was, and he purchased me some orbs. ...I guess that breaks the f2p thing I was trying to do but does it count if it's a gift? My first 120 or so orbs I had earned myself got me not one but two Performing Azuras and a LINDE! Omg. I can't believe it. 

From the batch of orbs lovingly purchased by my beau, I ended up with TWO Brave Lucinas (in two separate sessions, one right after the other), two Performing Shigures, a Performing Inigo, a Brave Lyn, and a third 5 star Leon. My session with Lyn had just ended, and Leon was the first orb of my next session. I decided to finish out the set and end my rampage there. I also snagged a 4 star Oscar! I got super nervous when I saw him, but thankfully he wasn't a 5. (I also recently made a list of 3/4 star characters I wanted with better natures just so I can have one kind of okay copy of each character.) Oh! And a 4* Klein. I'm so happy I managed to get another one of him. 

The only downside of this session is, most of my characters had pretty rotten natures. XD Oh well. I am EXTREMELY happy. I was really worried after my first 100 orbs didn't get me my boys. But at the very least I got them. My orbs are gone. Now I'll just have to start saving up again.

5 Stars
Performing Azura (+DEF -ATK)
Performing Azura (+DEF -SPD)
Linde (+HP -SPD)
Brave Lucina (+RES -SPD)
Brave Lucina (+RES -ATK) (Welp at least it's the same nature as my normal Lucina. XD)
Performing Inigo (+DEF -ATK)
Performing Shigure (+HP -DEF)
Brave Lyn (+SPD -DEF) ( 0_0 Daaaang. I guess my +ATK one is getting merged into this one.)
Leon (+DEF -ATK) (I'm already got a +ATK -HP one...so someone is getting a Slaying Bow. :3)

3/4 Stars
4* Boey (+DEF -RES) (I actually want a +ATK one that isn't -DEF, but this is the best copy I've gotten so far.)
4* Oscar (+DEF -HP) (I can live with this. He's definitely getting trained. :3) 
I honestly thought with the fodder I got that I'd have more to show her. But Klein was -ATK so more Deathblow fodder. Actually a lot of the characters I pulled were -ATK. The Rezzy curse finally hit me. XD I'll probably do a little purging and send a ton of people home for feathers.) 

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3 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

OMG. Now this was an ordeal of a banner but my luck was OUTRAGEOUS. My boyfriend knew how excited I was, and he purchased me some orbs. ...I guess that breaks the f2p thing I was trying to do but does it count if it's a gift? My first 120 or so orbs I had earned myself got me not one but two Performing Azuras and a LINDE! Omg. I can't believe it. 

From the batch of orbs lovingly purchased by my beau, I ended up with TWO Brave Lucinas (in two separate sessions, one right after the other), two Performing Shigures, a Performing Inigo, a Brave Lyn, and a third 5 star Leon. My session with Lyn had just ended, and Leon was the first orb of my next session. I decided to finish out the set and end my rampage there. I also snagged a 4 star Oscar! I got super nervous when I saw him, but thankfully he wasn't a 5. (I also recently made a list of 3/4 star characters I wanted with better natures just so I can have one kind of okay copy of each character.) Oh! And a 4* Klein. I'm so happy I managed to get another one of him. 

The only downside of this session is, most of my characters had pretty rotten natures. XD Oh well. I am EXTREMELY happy. I was really worried after my first 100 orbs didn't get me my boys. But at the very least I got them. My orbs are gone. Now I'll just have to start saving up again.

5 Stars
Performing Azura (+DEF -ATK)
Performing Azura (+DEF -SPD)
Linde (+HP -SPD)
Brave Lucina (+RES -SPD)
Brave Lucina (+RES -ATK) (Welp at least it's the same nature as my normal Lucina. XD)
Performing Inigo (+DEF -ATK)
Performing Shigure (+HP -DEF)
Brave Lyn (+SPD -DEF) ( 0_0 Daaaang. I guess my +ATK one is getting merged into this one.)
Leon (+DEF -ATK) (I'm already got a +ATK -HP one...so someone is getting a Slaying Bow. :3)

3/4 Stars
4* Boey (+DEF -RES) (I actually want a +ATK one that isn't -DEF, but this is the best copy I've gotten so far.)
4* Oscar (+DEF -HP) (I can live with this. He's definitely getting trained. :3) 
I honestly thought with the fodder I got that I'd have more to show her. But Klein was -ATK so more Deathblow fodder. Actually a lot of the characters I pulled were -ATK. The Rezzy curse finally hit me. XD I'll probably do a little purging and send a ton of people home for feathers.) 

Congrats! Amazing result. How many orbs was that in total?

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Just now, Prince Endriu said:

Congrats! Amazing result. How many orbs was that in total?

I think it was around 300 or so give or take. I started with 120 ftp orbs. My beau got me the big pack of them and one of the smaller packs. And then I had done a few more quests and whatnot. I'd say for 300 orbs that's pretty darn good even if all of them have awful natures. XD

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Uhhh ... so, I just pulled an Olivia. Didn't take me as many orbs as I thought it would either, sheesh.

Now all I need to do is pull greens on the dancer banner. Repeatedly.

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