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12 minutes ago, Silent shifter said:

What is the highest pity rate someone has been?

Also, may I know what are the neutral stats for Dark Azura and Inigo? I wanted to check. Thanks.

Highest I've seen is a Japanese player that had an image at like 7%. I've personally been at 5% at worst.

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3 minutes ago, Silent shifter said:

So apparently I have a +spd -def Dark Azura and +def -Hp Inigo. Are their stats ok or bad?



Azura couldn't be better. Her defense is about as good as a wet sponge (which is better than Delthea who has the defense of a wet paper bag, but not by much), and her speed at that level, combined with Fury 3, leaves her nearly impossible to double save for Cav emblem or TomeBlade users (who usually have high speed plus speed buffs).

Inigo...  well it's not great, but it may as well be neutral in Physical matchups.

Since they'll mostly be dancing, their stats shouldn't make TOO big a difference, but it's always good to have good stats when you suddenly need them, I suppose.

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Managed to get my 3rd off focus green 5* in Sheena. While I'm happy I've gotten more green units, I already have better nature versions of them. Oh well, still pretty confident I'll get either Inigo or Azura as we have a month left.

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Accumulated 31 orbs, and had a 3.75% on the PA banner. 

3* Donnel

4* Beruka

4* Felicia

3* Azama

4* Sheena

3* Donnel

5* Faye (+Spd/-Def)

I have finally experienced Colorless Hell as Faye broke my pity rate. Spent the rest of my orbs to build my pity rate back up to 3.25%. Mulched Azama, Beruka, and Sheena for feathers. I might just use Faye anyway because her Spd is somewhat salvageable with LnD or Fury, so she could turn out to be a decent archer. 

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Well I got Inigo(+Atk, -HP) with my most recent 20 orbs. So now I just need to pull on blue and colorless. I won't mind missing Shiguro, so I think I'll focus on colorless for now. At least Olivia has Distant Defense which could be useful for someone else. So down into Colorless Hell I go.

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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:



@Rezzy -Atk +Res

He still kills Rein though so :^]

Hey, it can go along with my Inigo.  I got -Atk Inigo, Shigure, and Sonya this Banner.

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Just now, Leif said:

Pulled a Performing Azura that's + Res - Def from the new banner on my first try. That's a pretty good stat spread for her, right? 

It's decent.  She's pretty squishy already, and really her main job is to Dance, so any nature would work.  I got one that's - Spd, and I'm still going to use her.

5 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Bless your soul Rezzy

Bless you

I'm okay with it, since I don't really use Dancers for offense much anyway.

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6 minutes ago, Leif said:

Pulled a Performing Azura that's + Res - Def from the new banner on my first try. That's a pretty good stat spread for her, right? 

She wants speed more than anything


Her Res is great and her defense sucks anyway so I'd say you did good!

1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

I'm okay with it, since I don't really use Dancers for offense much anyway.

Now that I have horse emblem I don't either LOL

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3 minutes ago, Natalie said:

I pulled an +atk -res Inigo this morning, are those good stats?


Yep, I hear he still barely survives Reinhardt even with -Res if he has Gronnraven, if you want to do that sort of thing.  Dancers work for any nature, really though.

Thanks again for the avatar

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WOW!!!! Both shigure and Olivia were +Atk! ANd my normal Olivia is +Atk!!

now it's onto Azura (and Inigo, but I care less for him). I never thought I'd be doing this, but its time to pull only for greens and no other colors! I suppose ill be saving a lot of orbs, so thats not bad.

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11 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Yep, I hear he still barely survives Reinhardt even with -Res if he has Gronnraven, if you want to do that sort of thing.  Dancers work for any nature, really though.

Thanks again for the avatar

Okay, thanks. 

Ah, no it's my pleasure. I actually feel very special that you and Arcanite want to use my art as avatars!

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So I had a few orbs to spare thanks to TT and the October quests, so I decided to do a quick pull for skill fodder (I could really use some repositions and furies). Instead I got a Delthea (+Atk -Hp), Azura (+Spd -Atk), and Olivia (+Atk -Res) all on one pull and I don't think I'll ever get this lucky again. I also apparently had never pulled Stahl before today?

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October quests have given me enough orbs to try again. Let's go.

  1. 3* Sully: Garbage.
  2. 5* Jakob: Huh. Wrong dagger user, but I'll take another 5* unit any time. +HP/-Def, so acceptable IVs.
  3. 4* Rebecca: Meh. Someone could use Darting Blow 3.
  4. 3* Wrys: More Rehabilitate fodder for my healers.
  5. 4* Chrom: Meh.

No dancer, but I really don't want to spend more orbs on this banner after losing the pity rate. I'll take Jakob and leave things as they are.

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So this was an amazing summoning session. I didn't get any five stars but regardless this session was amazing, and here's why.



First off, that's a *4 Hinata. So... yeah, Fury fodder in the game where fury is EVERYTHING. Second that Lissa is *4 meaning free Rehabilitate for the Genny I just pulled at no extra cost. Barst is -ATK so that's free Reposition fodder as well. Azama is +HP/-ATK which means I could actually build him if I want even if he's a stinker. Now heres the kicker.

See that Nino? That Nino there? She's +SPD/-DEF PEOPLE. BOOM BEST NINO NATURE FINALLY. I have to make an executive decision now since my +RES Nino was a beast at tanking Reinhardt but at the end of the day I may just complete Nino and wrap things up.


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38 minutes ago, Zeo said:

So this was an amazing summoning session. I didn't get any five stars but regardless this session was amazing, and here's why.

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First off, that's a *4 Hinata. So... yeah, Fury fodder in the game where fury is EVERYTHING. Second that Lissa is *4 meaning free Rehabilitate for the Genny I just pulled at no extra cost. Barst is -ATK so that's free Reposition fodder as well. Azama is +HP/-ATK which means I could actually build him if I want even if he's a stinker. Now heres the kicker.

See that Nino? That Nino there? She's +SPD/-DEF PEOPLE. BOOM BEST NINO NATURE FINALLY. I have to make an executive decision now since my +RES Nino was a beast at tanking Reinhardt but at the end of the day I may just complete Nino and wrap things up.


Is Fury/+Res 3 and/or an HP Seal enough to keep Nino alive vs Reinhardt?

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