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9 hours ago, Symphonica said:

I feel ya. 180 orbs later and the only 5* I got was Bride Cordelia. Good news is that see is a new unit for me and has great IV's (+spd/-hp) but I was hoping to get more than 1 5* with that amount of orbs.
Only have 7 orbs now and also at a 10.5% rate like you. Gonna scrounge up the rest of the orbs from book 2 and hopefully get my rate broken so that I can start saving orbs again as I really want Shiro

Edit: welp got Genny (+def/-atk) why?  so I am officially done with this banner. I just wanted Spring Camilla and Spring Xander but looks like it wasn't meant to be

That's a really nice Cordelia! I was mainly hoping to get a better IV Cordelis since she's my favorite unit, Celica (don't have her), or Hector for DC fodder.

I bought 75 orbs since a friend bought some as well, and if there's any banner to do so it's probably this one. I ended up with a +def -res Brave Lyn and +hp -res Ayra when I was almost out of orbs. The Ayra is alright to replace my -hp +res one, while the Lyn is worse than the neutral free one I have. So I pretty much spent all those orbs and some money for 2 Swift Sparrow fodder or merges, which is pretty lame. I'll probably just get saving for Christmas now, even though I'd still like Celica and some stuff here. This banner's not doing me much good.

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So, my luck has been... good, if not quite what I was hoping for.

Freebie pull was Bride Caeda. Disappointing. Not sure what I'll do with her. Maybe send her home?

Other 5-Stars were Brave Lyn (+DEF/-ATK, not sure if I'll use her for Inherit Skill or merge her with my free Brave Lyn) and Bride Cordelia (+HP/-DEF, keeper).

Also got a 4-Star Seliph (+ATK/-HP) that I'm gonna train up so he can run Divine Tyrfing, 'cause I wanna play with that (and odds are I'm never gonna see Sigurd unless he ends up in one of these events).

5-Star rate is 9% at the moment, so I'll definitely try again later. Hopefully I'll get a Red 5-Star, since I have none of those three at the moment.

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Summoning :D
Bartrex2 (blugh now he's only good for Smite ><)


Genny <3 New unit and one that I wanted, huzzah! :D

Ike! I have one other Ike BUT my original has -Atk/+Res, his worst IV set... in comparison, the new Ike has the exact opposite in +Atk/-Res :D Still kind of deciding whether I'll merge them or fodder off my original Ike to someone for Heavy Blade 3 or Aether, though if I really need Aether I could just 5-star a Chrom.

So far that's all of my 5-stars, but I only pulled a handful of times. Sitting at 13 orbs at the moment and grinding the rest of Tempest Trials for more. This banner though XD

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Built up my Orb count to over 60+ with the new story chapters, Chain Challenges, Squad Assault, Quests, Log-In bonus and Arena rewards.

Got myself after sniping Green and Colorless:
- Hector (+Hp, -Res)
- S!Camilla (+Spd, -Def)
- S!Camilla (+Def, -Hp)

This could be considered lucky; I only consider the Hector as "luck". Really, if I could gift these Camilla to anyone I would. I really really didn't want to pull any Seasonal units from this banner but the game throws not only 1 but 2 copies of the same Hero. All the while Deirdre and Colorless Orbs evade me (only pulled 2 Colorless in total).
Well, there are 5 days left. Plenty time to farm more of Tempest Trials and getting spoiled by Log-In bonuses. More Hector would be nice and of course Deirdre.

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Well I used 35 orbs and managed to get S!Camilla on my free pull as well as a +atk,-def Fjorm.  Also managed to pull my first Ogma at 4*.  the rest of my pulls were either trash or SI fodder.  Now to grind more orbs for a Hector (I hope I hope).

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I did a couple sessions. Got Genny and Celica. I decided to fodder off Genny and send Celica home. She was -Atk and I don't do well with those (unless something like +Spd was there to balance it out, but the boon was +Res).

Send Celica home? Why did you do that? 

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40 minutes ago, Prince Endriu said:

Send Celica home? Why did you do that? 

I said in my post, she had bad IVs. But if the next one I pull, if I pull another, doesn't have great IVs either, I'll keep her. I won't press my luck that much. xP

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Been saving orbs since the start of November for a total of 186. It's the most orbs I've had at one time, and I haven't yet touched any of the new content. I own 4 of the 12 units, counting the free Fjorm the game hands you. My priority are Spring Xander and Camilla, and Bride Ceada. I can't let those seasonal units go now that they've come back. I would love to have any of the remaining units, of course, but I'm also wary of any banners coming in December. So I may stop once I've collected the seasonals. Will do full pulls if there are two or less grays, since the only grey unit I'm missing is Genny.

First pull. Three reds, one blue, one grey.



3* Wrys +Res/-Def

3* Henry +Def/-Atk

4* Eirika Neutral

3* A! Tiki +Spd/-Def

4* Oboro +Def/-Hp

No problem since Eirika is new to my collection. 


Second pull with 8.5% rate. One red, one blue, one green, two grey.



5* Brave Lyn +Hp/-Res

3* Subaki +Res/-Atk

5* Genny +Def/-HP

4* Hawkeye Neutral

4* Fir +Res/-Def

Gotta be honest, my first glimpse of Fir and I thought I saw Ayra. No seasonals, but this was a great pull. Not sure what I'll do with the spare Lyn, but it's worse than my neutral for sure. Genny is new to the collection. I should probably avoid greys from here on. Since I own all three of them, including an optimal Cordelia. Here's hoping I can keep this lucky pace with more blues and greens.

Third Pull. 3 blues, 1 green, 1 grey. Ignoring greys from here on.


4* F! Corrin +Hp/-Atk

3* Donnel +Atk/-HP

4* Mae +Spd/-Res

4* Raven +HP/-Spd

Mae is new to the collection. She's the last non-red unit I need to collect available at 4 star rarity. Donnel look optimal. And that's my 22nd Corrin.

Fourth pull. 2 blues, 1 green, 2 greys.


4* Sully +Res/-HP

4* Catria +HP/-Spd

3* Bartre +Res/-Atk

Only noteworthy thing is drag back from Sully. I have optimal versions of all these three already

Fifth pull with 8.5% rate. 3 reds, 2 greys


4* Palla +Def/-Spd

4* Olivia +Atk/-Spd

3* Tiki +Def/-Atk

Ah, moment of weakness. I still want a shot at Ayra and Celica. Plus, by pulling three more units, my appearance rate can increase before the next pull. I just wish there was better fodder here than Palla. And that Olivia is getting merged into my 4 star Olivia.

Sixth pull with 9% rate. 1 blue, 2 green, 2 grey


3* Beruka +res/-Def

4* Clair +HP/-Def

4* Camilla +HP/-Atk

Hey, Beruka is good fodder after the update. And 

Seventh pull. 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 2 greys


4* Merric +HP/-Atk

4* Effie +Def/-Spd

4* Chrom +Def/-Res

That is a good Effie. Good Chrom too, I don't really know what you would want to do with him.

Eighth pull with 9.5% rate. 2 green, 3 grey


5* Hector +Atk/-Res

4* Arthur +HP/-Def

Agh, I was going to pick one and then leave to maintain my rate. Glad to have one of the three green focus units, but I've blown through half my orbs with no seasonal units to show for it. Hector is a good nature though, so I should be grateful for the repreive.

Ninth pull. Back to 8% rate. 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 2 grey


4* Cherche +Def/-Res

4* Abel +Res/-Hp

5* Celica +HP/-Def

Very lucky to get another one right after my rate reset. Plus the Abel is appreciated. I don't care enough to get a better nature for Ike or Celica, so I'll pass on the chance for Ayra and start hunting blue and green exclusively.

Tenth pull. 3 red, 1 blue, 1 grey. Now pulling only blue and green.


4* Abel +Spd/-Atk

At least he's good fodder. 

Eleventh pull. 5 greys



4* Lachesis +spd/-Atk

This is sooo dumb. Weird enough I get at least one grey in all of these pulls, but 5? Where was this streak during Halloween or Ylissean summer? Dang. Lachesis is a good nature though.


Twelfth pull. 2 red, 2 blue, 1 green



3* Cherche +HP/-spd

4* Mathilda +Def/-Atk

3* Sully +Res/-HP

Draw Back is appreciated.


Thirteenth pull. 3 red, 1 blue, 1 grey



3* Donnel +Atk/-Spd

Still unlucky with colors. But that's a good Donnel too.


Fourteenth pull. 1 red, 2 blue, 1 green, 1 grey



4* Clair +res/-HP

4* Reinhardt +Def/-Spd

4* Bartre +HP/-Atk

Some rare fodder.


Fifteenth pull with 8.5% rate. This will be my last at least for now. 2 blue, 3 green



4* Gunter Neutral

3* Beruka +Spd/-Def

4* Raven +def/-spd

3* Odin +Spd/-HP

3* Est +HP/-Def

So lucky with colors, but no seasonals to be had. Started out great with good fodder though. I need every Gunter I can get.


TL;DR: Went in hoping for three seasonal units, came out with three other units I've been missing instead. Genny, Hector, and Celica. I don't feel particularly pleased or sad. Just really frantic about missing this chance for those seasonals compared to the prospect of another seasonal banner at the end of the month. I don't know what to do with my orbs from here if 186 orbs left me 0 for 3.

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42 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I said in my post, she had bad IVs. But if the next one I pull, if I pull another, doesn't have great IVs either, I'll keep her. I won't press my luck that much. xP

Well, I wouldnt send any 5* home. Lets say you get a great IV celica then you can merge them and have an even better one.

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7 minutes ago, Prince Endriu said:

Well, I wouldnt send any 5* home. Lets say you get a great IV celica then you can merge them and have an even better one.

No guarantee of that though. And I'm always in need of feathers.

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Spent 140 orbs on the Legendary Heroes banner and got Deirdre (+Res, -Atk), B!Lyn (+Spd, -Def), Genny (I didn't check her nature) and Ayra (+Hp, -Def).

Didn't exactly get the 5 star units I was looking for but at least I got an Ayra that does not have a -spd nature. The B!Lyn I got also seems to have a good nature although I don't know if I'll use her or keep the freebie Lyn I got a few months back.

Honestly I'm probably more happy I pulled more Cherches because now I got her up to 5 merges and she is one of my better units despite only being at 4 stars.

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So far I've only gotten one 5* from the mega banner but it was exactly who I wanted!



FINALLY and Ike who isn't -atk! This guy is +def/-hp so a step up for sure! I've been using +spd/-atk since the first PoR banner, and while I do miss the speed boost I am noticing the attack upgrade! 

Other notable pulls:

THREE Fae's, I plan on upgrading two of them for merging and using one for renewal fodder.
Two aTiki's bonfire fodder I don't have to upgrade finally , although I must confess I did sort of waste one of them for the sake of giving Soren bonfire for a meme build.
A Seliph to be promoted and merged as soon as I have feathers again.
Barst, I am in bad need of repo fodder; Selena, repo fodder and I might upgrade her for t-adept 3, and Hanna who will be upgraded right after that Seliph so Olwen can have LaD3.
My second ever Kline, so now Lute has DB3 a very nice thing indeed.
And another Lucius who I might promote because he is going to be very fun once I get his staff upgraded. That man deserves the world.

I will now be gunning hard for green because I want a Hector real bad. I have Lyn waiting and lonely.

54 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

No guarantee of that though. And I'm always in need of feathers.

Your Fredrick would have probably loved Distant Defense if he doesn't have it already.

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22 minutes ago, Prince Endriu said:

A merge of a bad Iv is always better than just a bad IV. Btw it gives more points un arena matches

I'm aware. But as I said, I like feathers.

2 minutes ago, DarkLordIvy said:

Your Fredrick would have probably loved Distant Defense if he doesn't have it already.

Nah, then he wouldn't have Death Blow. I can just give him the DD3 seal later.

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4 minutes ago, DarkLordIvy said:

And another Lucius who I might promote because he is going to be very fun once I get his staff upgraded. That man deserves the world.

This makes my heart sing. :3


I was a goober and spent more orbs and ended up getting a +ATK Deirdre. TOTALLY fine with that. My poor beau though. He really wants Hector, and after 75 orbs, he's only managed to get Spring Camilla and Celica. He likes Celica because I like Celica, but Camilla is easily his least favorite character. I think I convinced him to keep her though. 

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I spent about 40 Orbs on the 8% Banner and got this



@Arcanite @Vaximillian @SatsumaFSoysoy @DarkLordIvy @Sophie etc

SCamilla is -Def+Res

Celica is +Atk-Res

I got my SCamilla who's not -Atk, so I'm satisfied.  Now I have to decide to either stop while I'm ahead and save for the kids next week or try for more units.

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Just now, Rezzy said:

SCamilla is -Def+Res

Celica is +Atk-Res

I got my SCamilla who's not -Atk, so I'm satisfied.  Now I have to decide to either stop while I'm ahead and save for the kids next week or try for more units.

Your curse is temporarily broken!

46 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

This makes my heart sing. :3

Lucius appreciation squad lets go!

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Wow, Rezzy, finally no -Atk for you! ^^

Also, look who showed up again here. ;D


I didn't see Ike or Ayra either, just two Celicas now. lol And this one's IVs are WAY better! +Spd, -HP, HELL YEAH.

Also, Fury 3 fodder, woooo.

This is like five or six times I've pulled Rebecca in my last several attempts at colorless though. She won't go away... >_<

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6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

This is like five or six times I've pulled Rebecca in my last several attempts at colorless though. She won't go away... >_<

You have no idea how badly I want a second Rebecca.  Or just about anything that will give Darting Blow.

Thanks to new story quests and whatnot, up to 538 total pulled units.





So, who else feels like bitching about their luck?

As for boons/banes:


Donnel (+Def/-Res): HP +5 is a randomly relevant skill
Corrin (+Def/-HP): Alas, you're not one of the few units that can get away with that. . .
Arthur (+HP/-Atk): I like inheriting Swap + Lancebreaker.
Hawkeye (+Spd/-HP): One of the few units that can't make this combo shine.  Even with weapon buffs, the best he can hope to do is not be doubled.  Man. . .
Donnel (+Res/-Spd): That. . .ow.  Well, he'll share the same fate as the first one.

Henry (+Atk/-Spd): OMG A PERFECT HENRY!  Suddenly, Roy has a use!
Hana (neutral): I think I have a better one somewhere.
Effie (+Def/-Atk): I'm actually torn about this.  She turns into +Atk Lukas with more bulk.  But I already have a +Atk Lukas.  I'll need to think about what to do.
Mathilda (+HP/-Def): There's only one boon for you, and it's not this.

Sakura (+Spd/-HP): This is a surprise.  I need to check my current Sakura's boon/bane.  May end up merging the old one into this one.
Selena (+Def/-HP): Reposition is still a good skill.
Camilla (+HP/-Spd): On the upside, all her skills are desired by someone-or-other.  Might give Lucius Savage Blow for giggles.
Caeda (+Res/-Spd): I'm running out of things that want Fortify Fliers.
Laslow (+Res/-Spd): Unlike Caeda, he actually doesn't mind the bane.  However, that's about the worst boon possible, so someone's getting Axebreaker!

Some interesting pulls, but mostly fodder, and none give Darting Blow 3 without a massive feather investment.  Florina/Tharja/Rebecca, where are you guys?!


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3 minutes ago, eclipse said:

You have no idea how badly I want a second Rebecca.  Or just about anything that will give Darting Blow.

I wish I could give some to you! I pulled a lot of Darting Blow fodder lately between these Rebeccas and some Florinas.

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